yenatch dbef0efa6c Add image suffixes to the makefile.
Explicitly define png dependencies (none).
This keeps make from looking for nonexistent dependencies with extensions like ".png.o".
This doesn't make it go any faster, but it at least makes debug easier.
2014-07-11 12:14:39 -07:00

108 lines
3.1 KiB

# Build Red/Blue. Yellow is WIP.
roms := pokered.gbc pokeblue.gbc
.PHONY: all clean red blue yellow compare
all: $(roms)
red: pokered.gbc
blue: pokeblue.gbc
yellow: pokeyellow.gbc
versions := red blue yellow
# Header options for rgbfix.
dmg_opt = -jsv -k 01 -l 0x33 -m 0x13 -p 0 -r 03
cgb_opt = -cjsv -k 01 -l 0x33 -m 0x1b -p 0 -r 03
red_opt = $(dmg_opt) -t "POKEMON RED"
blue_opt = $(dmg_opt) -t "POKEMON BLUE"
yellow_opt = $(cgb_opt) -t "POKEMON YELLOW"
# If your default python is 3, you may want to change this to python27.
PYTHON := python
# md5sum -c is used to compare rom hashes. The options may vary across platforms.
MD5 := md5sum -c --quiet
@$(MD5) roms.md5
# Clear the default suffixes.
.SUFFIXES: .asm .tx .o .gbc .png .2bpp .1bpp .pic
# Secondary expansion is required for dependency variables in object rules.
# Suppress annoying intermediate file deletion messages.
.PRECIOUS: %.2bpp
# Filepath shortcuts to avoid overly long recipes.
poketools := extras/pokemontools
gfx := $(PYTHON) $(poketools)/
pic := $(PYTHON) $(poketools)/
includes := $(PYTHON) $(poketools)/
pre := $(PYTHON)
# Collect file dependencies for objects in red/, blue/ and yellow/.
# These aren't provided by rgbds by default, so we have to look for file includes ourselves.
$(foreach ver, $(versions), \
$(eval $(ver)_asm := $(shell find $(ver) -iname '*.asm')) \
$(eval $(ver)_obj := $($(ver)_asm:.asm=.o)) \
$(eval all_obj += $($(ver)_obj)) \
$(foreach obj, $(all_obj), \
$(eval $(obj:.o=)_dep := $(shell $(includes) $(obj:.o=.asm))) \
# Image files are added to a queue to reduce build time. They're converted when building parent objects.
%.png: ;
%.2bpp: %.png ; $(eval 2bppq += $<) @rm -f $@
%.1bpp: %.png ; $(eval 1bppq += $<) @rm -f $@
%.pic: %.2bpp ; $(eval picq += $<) @rm -f $@
# Source files are not fed directly into rgbasm.
# A python preprocessor runs over them first, replacing ascii strings with correct character codes.
# It spits out the new file with extension .tx.
# The text preprocessor also uses a queue.
%.asm: ;
%.tx: %.asm ; $(eval txq += $<) @rm -f $@
# Assemble source files into objects.
# Queue payloads are here. These are made silent since there may be hundreds of targets.
# Use rgbasm -h to use halts without nops.
$(all_obj): $$*.tx $$(patsubst %.asm, %.tx, $$($$*_dep))
@$(pre) $(txq); $(eval txq :=)
@$(gfx) 2bpp $(2bppq); $(eval 2bppq :=)
@$(gfx) 1bpp $(1bppq); $(eval 1bppq :=)
@$(pic) compress $(picq); $(eval picq :=)
rgbasm -h -o $@ $*.tx
# Link objects together to build a rom.
# Make a symfile for debugging. rgblink will segfault if a mapfile isn't made too.
link = rgblink -n $*.sym -m $*.map
pokered.gbc: $(red_obj)
$(link) -o $@ $^
rgbfix $(red_opt) $@
pokeblue.gbc: $(blue_obj)
$(link) -o $@ $^
rgbfix $(blue_opt) $@
pokeyellow.gbc: $(yellow_obj)
$(link) -o $@ $^
rgbfix $(yellow_opt) $@
rm -f $(roms) $(all_obj)
find . \( -iname '*.tx' -o -iname '*.1bpp' -o -iname '*.2bpp' -o -iname '*.pic' \) -exec rm {} +