2012-01-16 01:40:25 -06:00

246 lines
9.5 KiB

#author: Bryan Bishop <>
#date: 2012-01-15
#replace dimensions with constants
import sys #for non-newline-terminated output :/
from add_map_labels_to_map_headers import find_with_start_of_line
from pretty_map_headers import map_name_cleaner, spacing, offset_to_pointer, map_constants
from connection_helper import print_connections
from ctypes import c_int8
# X/Y_Movement_Of_Connection
# A X movement is how many map blocks there are to the left of one of your north/south connections.
# A Y movement is how many map blocks there are above your west/east connection.
# #4-#5 : Current Map Position
# This points to the part of the current map (further up in RAM)
# that the connection strips upperleft block is placed on the current map.
# ____________________
# Connection |
# Direction | Formula
# ___________|_______
# North: C6EB + X_Movement_of_Connection Strip
# South: C6EB + (Height of Map + 3) * (Width of Map + 6) +
# X_Movement_of_Connection Strip
# West: C6E8 + (Width of Map + 6) * (Y_Movement_of_"Connection Strip" + 3)
# East: C6E5 + (Width of Map + 6) * (Y_Movement_of_"Connection Strip" + 4)
asm = None
asm_lines = None
def load_asm():
global asm, asm_lines
asm = open("../common.asm", "r").read()
asm_lines = asm.split("\n")
def get_xy_movement_of_connection_strip(map_id, connection_id):
map1 = extract_maps.map_headers[map_id]
connections = map1["connections"]
connection = connections[connection_id]
direction = connection["direction"]
current_map_location = int(connection["current_map_tile_pointer"], 16)
map2 = extract_maps.map_headers[connection["map_id"]]
map2_height = int(map2["y"], 16)
map2_width = int(map2["x"], 16)
y_mov = None
#if direction == "WEST":
# y_mov = ((current_map_location - 0xC6E8) / (map2_width + 6)) - 3
#elif direction == "EAST":
# y_mov = ((current_map_location - 0xC6E5) / (map2_width + 6)) - 4
if direction in ["WEST", "EAST"]:
y_mov = c_int8(connection["y"]).value / -2
x_mov = None
#if direction == "NORTH":
# x_mov = current_map_location - 0xC6EB
#elif direction == "SOUTH":
# x_mov = current_map_location - 0xC6EB - ((map2_height + 3) * (map2_width + 6))
if direction in ["NORTH", "SOUTH"]:
x_mov = c_int8(connection["x"]).value / -2
return {"y_mov": y_mov, "x_mov": x_mov}
def find_line_starting_with(value):
global asm_lines
id = 0
for line in asm_lines:
if len(line) < len(value): continue
if line[:len(value)] == value:
return asm_lines.index(line)
id += 1
return False #not found
def current_map_position_formula(map_id, connection_id):
map1_id = map_id
map1 = extract_maps.map_headers[map_id]
connections = map1["connections"]
connection = connections[connection_id]
map1_height = int(map1["y"], 16)
map1_width = int(map1["x"], 16)
map1_name = map1["name"]
map1_name = map_name_cleaner(map1_name, None)[:-2]
direction = connection["direction"]
current_map_location = int(connection["current_map_tile_pointer"], 16)
map2_id = connection["map_id"]
map2 = extract_maps.map_headers[map2_id]
map2_name = map2["name"]
map2_name = map_name_cleaner(map2_name, None)[:-2]
map2_height = int(map2["y"], 16)
map2_width = int(map2["x"], 16)
y_mov = None
if direction == "WEST":
y_mov = ((current_map_location - 0xC6E8) / (map1_width + 6)) - 3
elif direction == "EAST":
y_mov = ((current_map_location - 0xC6E5) / (map1_width + 6)) - 4
x_mov = None
if direction == "NORTH":
x_mov = current_map_location - 0xC6EB
elif direction == "SOUTH":
x_mov = current_map_location - 0xC6EB - ((map1_height + 3) * (map1_width + 6))
formula = ""
if direction == "NORTH":
formula = "$C6EB + " + str(x_mov)
elif direction == "SOUTH":
formula = "$C6EB + (" + map1_name + "Height + 3) * (" + map1_name + "Width + 6) + " + str(x_mov)
elif direction == "WEST":
formula = "$C6E8 + (" + map1_name + "Width + 6) * (" + str(y_mov) + " + 3)"
elif direction == "EAST":
formula = "$C6E5 + (" + map1_name + "Width + 6) * (" + str(y_mov) + " + 4)"
return formula
def replace_values():
global asm_lines #0-15 ok
for map_id in [3]: #extract_maps.map_headers.keys():
if map_id in extract_maps.bad_maps: continue #skip
if map_id == 12: continue #skip Route 1
map1 = extract_maps.map_headers[map_id]
label_name = map_name_cleaner(map1["name"], None)
clean_name = label_name[:-2]
line_number = find_line_starting_with(label_name)
if line_number == False: continue #skip, not found
#replace dimensions if necessary
if "dimensions" in asm_lines[line_number + 2] and "$" in asm_lines[line_number + 2] and not "\t" in asm_lines[line_number+2]:
asm_lines[line_number + 2] = spacing + "db " + clean_name + "Height, " + clean_name + "Width ; dimensions (y, x)"
#skip the rest of this if there are no connections
if len(map1["connections"]) == 0: continue
if not "; connections data" in asm_lines[line_number + 6]: continue
connection_offset = line_number + 8
for connection_id in map1["connections"]:
connection = map1["connections"][connection_id]
direction = connection["direction"]
map2_id = connection["map_id"]
map2 = extract_maps.map_headers[map2_id]
map2_name = map_name_cleaner(map2["name"], None)[:-2]
map2_height = int(map2["y"], 16)
map2_width = int(map2["x"], 16)
movements = get_xy_movement_of_connection_strip(map_id, connection_id)
y_mov = movements["y_mov"]
x_mov = movements["x_mov"]
#replace the first two pointers
if " dw " in asm_lines[connection_offset + 1]:
formula = print_connections(map_id, in_connection_id=connection_id)
formula2 = current_map_position_formula(map_id, connection_id)
temp_line = asm_lines[connection_offset + 1]
temp_line = spacing + "dw " + formula + " ; connection strip location\n" #connection strip location
temp_line += spacing + "dw " + formula2 + " ; current map position" #current map position
asm_lines[connection_offset + 1] = temp_line
#bigness, width
if "bigness, width" in asm_lines[connection_offset + 2]:
temp_line = spacing + "db "
if int(connection["bigness"],16) == map2_width:
temp_line += map2_name + "Width"
elif int(connection["bigness"],16) == map2_height:
temp_line += map2_name + "Height"
else: #dunno wtf to do
temp_line += "$" + hex(int(connection["bigness"],16))[2:]
#if direction in ["NORTH", "SOUTH"]:
# temp_line += map2_name + "Width"
#elif direction in ["WEST", "EAST"]:
# temp_line += map2_name + "Height"
temp_line += ", " + map2_name + "Width"
temp_line += " ; bigness, width"
asm_lines[connection_offset + 2] = temp_line
#alignments (y, x)
if "alignments (y, x)" in asm_lines[connection_offset + 3]:
temp_line = spacing + "db "
if direction == "NORTH":
temp_line += "(" + map2_name + "Height * 2) - 1"
elif direction == "SOUTH":
temp_line += "0"
elif direction in ["WEST", "EAST"]:
#TODO: this might be y_mov/4 ??
temp_line += "(" + str(y_mov) + " * -2)"
temp_line += ", "
#Relative X-Position of player after entering connected map.
if direction in ["NORTH", "SOUTH"]:
temp_line += "(" + str(x_mov) + " * -2)"
elif direction == "WEST":
temp_line += "(" + map2_name + "Width * 2) - 1"
elif direction == "EAST":
temp_line += "0"
temp_line += " ; alignments (y, x)"
asm_lines[connection_offset + 3] = temp_line
if "; window" in asm_lines[connection_offset + 4]:
temp_line = spacing + "dw "
if direction == "NORTH":
temp_line += "$C6E9 + " + map2_name + "Height * (" + map2_name + "Width + 6)"
elif direction in ["SOUTH", "EAST"]:
temp_line += "$C6EF + " + map2_name + "Width"
elif direction == "WEST":
temp_line += "$C6EE + 2 * " + map2_name + "Width"
temp_line += " ; window"
asm_lines[connection_offset + 4] = temp_line
#jump to the next connection
connection_offset += 6
if __name__ == "__main__":
import extract_maps