2014-07-11 11:50:02 -07:00

107 lines
3 KiB

# Build Red/Blue. Yellow is WIP.
roms := pokered.gbc pokeblue.gbc
.PHONY: all clean red blue yellow compare
all: $(roms)
red: pokered.gbc
blue: pokeblue.gbc
yellow: pokeyellow.gbc
versions := red blue yellow
# Header options for rgbfix.
dmg_opt = -jsv -k 01 -l 0x33 -m 0x13 -p 0 -r 03
cgb_opt = -cjsv -k 01 -l 0x33 -m 0x1b -p 0 -r 03
red_opt = $(dmg_opt) -t "POKEMON RED"
blue_opt = $(dmg_opt) -t "POKEMON BLUE"
yellow_opt = $(cgb_opt) -t "POKEMON YELLOW"
# If your default python is 3, you may want to change this to python27.
PYTHON := python
# md5sum -c is used to compare rom hashes. The options may vary across platforms.
MD5 := md5sum -c --quiet
@$(MD5) roms.md5
# Clear the default suffixes.
.SUFFIXES: .asm .tx .o .gbc
# Secondary expansion is required for dependency variables in object rules.
# Suppress annoying intermediate file deletion messages.
.PRECIOUS: %.2bpp
# Filepath shortcuts to avoid overly long recipes.
poketools := extras/pokemontools
gfx := $(PYTHON) $(poketools)/
pic := $(PYTHON) $(poketools)/
includes := $(PYTHON) $(poketools)/
pre := $(PYTHON)
# Collect file dependencies for objects in red/, blue/ and yellow/.
# These aren't provided by rgbds by default, so we have to look for file includes ourselves.
$(foreach ver, $(versions), \
$(eval $(ver)_asm := $(shell find $(ver) -iname '*.asm')) \
$(eval $(ver)_obj := $($(ver)_asm:.asm=.o)) \
$(eval all_obj += $($(ver)_obj)) \
$(foreach obj, $(all_obj), \
$(eval $(obj:.o=)_dep := $(shell $(includes) $(obj:.o=.asm))) \
# Image files are added to a queue to reduce build time. They're converted when building parent objects.
%.2bpp: %.png ; $(eval 2bppq += $<) @rm -f $@
%.1bpp: %.png ; $(eval 1bppq += $<) @rm -f $@
%.pic: %.2bpp ; $(eval picq += $<) @rm -f $@
# Source files are not fed directly into rgbasm.
# A python preprocessor runs over them first, replacing ascii strings with correct character codes.
# It spits out the new file with extension .tx.
# The text preprocessor also uses a queue.
%.asm: ;
%.tx: %.asm ; $(eval txq += $<) @rm -f $@
$(all_obj): $$*.tx $$(patsubst %.asm, %.tx, $$($$*_dep))
@# The queue payloads are here.
@# These are made silent since there may be hundreds of targets.
@$(pre) $(txq); $(eval txq :=)
@$(gfx) 2bpp $(2bppq); $(eval 2bppq :=)
@$(gfx) 1bpp $(1bppq); $(eval 1bppq :=)
@$(pic) compress $(picq); $(eval picq :=)
@# rgbasm -h for manual halt-nops.
rgbasm -h -o $@ $*.tx
# Link objects together to build a rom.
# Make a symfile for debugging. rgblink will segfault if a mapfile isn't made too.
link = rgblink -n $*.sym -m $*.map
pokered.gbc: $(red_obj)
$(link) -o $@ $^
rgbfix $(red_opt) $@
pokeblue.gbc: $(blue_obj)
$(link) -o $@ $^
rgbfix $(blue_opt) $@
pokeyellow.gbc: $(yellow_obj)
$(link) -o $@ $^
rgbfix $(yellow_opt) $@
rm -f $(roms) $(all_obj)
find . \( -iname '*.tx' -o -iname '*.1bpp' -o -iname '*.2bpp' -o -iname '*.pic' \) -exec rm {} +