U-Daniel-PC\Daniel 8744b3bf8b Fix some sfx ids
2015-01-27 03:26:33 -05:00

524 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

EnterMapAnim: ; 70510 (1c:4510)
call InitFacingDirectionBuffer
ld a, $ec
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 4], a ; player's sprite Y screen position
call Delay3
push hl
call GBFadeInFromWhite
ld hl, W_FLAGS_D733
bit 7, [hl] ; used fly out of battle?
res 7, [hl]
jr nz, .flyAnimation
ld a, (SFX_02_4c - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
ld hl, wd732
bit 4, [hl] ; used dungeon warp?
res 4, [hl]
pop hl
jr nz, .dungeonWarpAnimation
call PlayerSpinWhileMovingDown
ld a, (SFX_02_4f - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
call IsPlayerStandingOnWarpPadOrHole
ld a, b
and a
jr nz, .done
; if the player is not standing on a warp pad or hole
ld hl, wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelay
xor a
ld [hli], a ; wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelay
inc a
ld [hli], a ; wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelayDelta
ld a, $8
ld [hli], a ; wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelayEndValue
ld [hl], $ff ; wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimSoundID
ld hl, wcd48
call PlayerSpinInPlace
call PlayDefaultMusic
jp RestoreFacingDirectionAndYScreenPos
ld c, 50
call DelayFrames
call PlayerSpinWhileMovingDown
jr .done
pop hl
ld de, BirdSprite
ld hl, vNPCSprites
ld bc, (BANK(BirdSprite) << 8) + $0c
call CopyVideoData
call LoadBirdSpriteGraphics
ld a, (SFX_02_50 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
ld hl, wFlyAnimUsingCoordList
xor a ; is using coord list
ld [hli], a ; wFlyAnimUsingCoordList
ld a, 12
ld [hli], a ; wFlyAnimCounter
ld [hl], $8 ; wFlyAnimBirdSpriteImageIndex (facing right)
ld de, FlyAnimationEnterScreenCoords ; $4592
call DoFlyAnimation
call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
jr .restoreDefaultMusic
FlyAnimationEnterScreenCoords: ; 70592 (1c:4592)
; y, x pairs
; This is the sequence of screen coordinates used by the overworld
; Fly animation when the player is entering a map.
db $05, $98
db $0F, $90
db $18, $88
db $20, $80
db $27, $78
db $2D, $70
db $32, $68
db $36, $60
db $39, $58
db $3B, $50
db $3C, $48
db $3C, $40
PlayerSpinWhileMovingDown: ; 705aa (1c:45aa)
ld hl, wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimDeltaY
ld a, $10
ld [hli], a ; wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimDeltaY
ld a, $3c
ld [hli], a ; wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimMaxY
call GetPlayerTeleportAnimFrameDelay
ld [hl], a ; wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimFrameDelay
jp PlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDown
_LeaveMapAnim: ; 705ba (1c:45ba)
call InitFacingDirectionBuffer
call IsPlayerStandingOnWarpPadOrHole
ld a, b
and a
jr z, .playerNotStandingOnWarpPadOrHole
dec a
jp nz, LeaveMapThroughHoleAnim
ld a, (SFX_02_4b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
ld hl, wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimDeltaY
ld a, -$10
ld [hli], a ; wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimDeltaY
ld a, $ec
ld [hli], a ; wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimMaxY
call GetPlayerTeleportAnimFrameDelay
ld [hl], a ; wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimFrameDelay
call PlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDown
call IsPlayerStandingOnWarpPadOrHole
ld a, b
dec a
jr z, .playerStandingOnWarpPad
; if not standing on a warp pad, there is an extra delay
ld c, 10
call DelayFrames
call GBFadeOutToWhite
jp RestoreFacingDirectionAndYScreenPos
ld a, $4
call StopMusic
ld a, [wd732]
bit 6, a ; is the last used pokemon center the destination?
jr z, .flyAnimation
; if going to the last used pokemon center
ld hl, wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelay
ld a, 16
ld [hli], a ; wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelay
ld a, -1
ld [hli], a ; wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelayDelta
xor a
ld [hli], a ; wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelayEndValue
ld [hl], (SFX_02_4d - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 ; wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimSoundID
ld hl, wcd48
call PlayerSpinInPlace
jr .spinWhileMovingUp
call LoadBirdSpriteGraphics
ld hl, wFlyAnimUsingCoordList
ld a, $ff ; is not using coord list (flap in place)
ld [hli], a ; wFlyAnimUsingCoordList
ld a, 8
ld [hli], a ; wFlyAnimCounter
ld [hl], $c ; wFlyAnimBirdSpriteImageIndex
call DoFlyAnimation
ld a, (SFX_02_50 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
ld hl, wFlyAnimUsingCoordList
xor a ; is using coord list
ld [hli], a ; wFlyAnimUsingCoordList
ld a, $c
ld [hli], a ; wFlyAnimCounter
ld [hl], $c ; wFlyAnimBirdSpriteImageIndex (facing right)
ld de, FlyAnimationScreenCoords1 ; $464f
call DoFlyAnimation
ld c, 40
call DelayFrames
ld hl, wFlyAnimCounter
ld a, 11
ld [hli], a ; wFlyAnimCounter
ld [hl], $8 ; wFlyAnimBirdSpriteImageIndex (facing left)
ld de, FlyAnimationScreenCoords2 ; $4667
call DoFlyAnimation
call GBFadeOutToWhite
jp RestoreFacingDirectionAndYScreenPos
FlyAnimationScreenCoords1: ; 7064f (1c:464f)
; y, x pairs
; This is the sequence of screen coordinates used by the first part
; of the Fly overworld animation.
db $3C, $48
db $3C, $50
db $3B, $58
db $3A, $60
db $39, $68
db $37, $70
db $37, $78
db $33, $80
db $30, $88
db $2D, $90
db $2A, $98
db $27, $A0
FlyAnimationScreenCoords2: ; 70667 (1c:4667)
; y, x pairs
; This is the sequence of screen coordinates used by the second part
; of the Fly overworld animation.
db $1A, $90
db $19, $80
db $17, $70
db $15, $60
db $12, $50
db $0F, $40
db $0C, $30
db $09, $20
db $05, $10
db $00, $00
db $F0, $00
LeaveMapThroughHoleAnim: ; 7067d (1c:467d)
ld a, $ff
ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a ; disable UpdateSprites
; shift upper half of player's sprite down 8 pixels and hide lower half
ld a, [wOAMBuffer + 0 * 4 + 2]
ld [wOAMBuffer + 2 * 4 + 2], a
ld a, [wOAMBuffer + 1 * 4 + 2]
ld [wOAMBuffer + 3 * 4 + 2], a
ld a, $a0
ld [wOAMBuffer + 0 * 4], a
ld [wOAMBuffer + 1 * 4], a
ld c, 2
call DelayFrames
; hide lower half of player's sprite
ld a, $a0
ld [wOAMBuffer + 2 * 4], a
ld [wOAMBuffer + 3 * 4], a
call GBFadeOutToWhite
ld a, $1
ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a ; enable UpdateSprites
jp RestoreFacingDirectionAndYScreenPos
DoFlyAnimation: ; 706ae (1c:46ae)
ld a, [wFlyAnimBirdSpriteImageIndex]
xor $1 ; make the bird flap its wings
ld [wFlyAnimBirdSpriteImageIndex], a
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 2], a
call Delay3
ld a, [wFlyAnimUsingCoordList]
cp $ff
jr z, .asm_706cd
ld hl, wSpriteStateData1 + 4
ld a, [de]
inc de
ld [hli], a
inc hl
ld a, [de]
inc de
ld [hl], a
ld a, [wFlyAnimCounter]
dec a
ld [wFlyAnimCounter], a
jr nz, DoFlyAnimation
LoadBirdSpriteGraphics: ; 706d7 (1c:46d7)
ld de, BirdSprite ; $4d80
ld hl, vNPCSprites
ld bc, (BANK(BirdSprite) << 8) + $0c
call CopyVideoData
ld de, BirdSprite + $c0 ; $4e40 ; moving amination sprite
ld hl, vNPCSprites2
ld bc, (BANK(BirdSprite) << 8) + $0c
jp CopyVideoData
InitFacingDirectionBuffer: ; 706ef (1c:46ef)
ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 2] ; player's sprite facing direction (image index is locked to standing images)
ld [wcd50], a
ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 4] ; player's sprite Y screen position
ld [wcd4f], a
ld hl, PlayerSpinningFacingOrder
ld de, wcd48
ld bc, $4
call CopyData
ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 2] ; player's sprite facing direction (image index is locked to standing images)
ld hl, wcd48
cp [hl]
inc hl
jr nz, .loop
dec hl
PlayerSpinningFacingOrder: ; 70713 (1c:4713)
; The order of the direction the player's sprite is facing when teleporting
; away. Creates a spinning effect.
SpinPlayerSprite: ; 70717 (1c:4717)
ld a, [hl]
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 2], a ; player's sprite facing direction (image index is locked to standing images)
push hl
ld hl, wcd48
ld de, wcd47
ld bc, $4
call CopyData
ld a, [wcd47]
ld [wcd4b], a
pop hl
PlayerSpinInPlace: ; 70730 (1c:4730)
call SpinPlayerSprite
ld a, [wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelay]
ld c, a
and $3
jr nz, .asm_70743
ld a, [wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimSoundID]
cp $ff
call nz, PlaySound
ld a, [wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelayDelta]
add c
ld [wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelay], a
ld c, a
ld a, [wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelayEndValue]
cp c
ret z
call DelayFrames
jr PlayerSpinInPlace
PlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDown: ; 70755 (1c:4755)
call SpinPlayerSprite
ld a, [wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimDeltaY]
ld c, a
ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 4] ; player's sprite Y screen position
add c
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 4], a
ld c, a
ld a, [wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimMaxY]
cp c
ret z
ld a, [wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimFrameDelay]
ld c, a
call DelayFrames
jr PlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDown
RestoreFacingDirectionAndYScreenPos: ; 70772 (1c:4772)
ld a, [wcd4f]
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 4], a
ld a, [wcd50]
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 2], a
; if SGB, 2 frames, else 3 frames
GetPlayerTeleportAnimFrameDelay: ; 7077f (1c:477f)
ld a, [wOnSGB]
xor $1
inc a
inc a
IsPlayerStandingOnWarpPadOrHole: ; 70787 (1c:4787)
ld b, 0
ld hl, .warpPadAndHoleData
ld c, a
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
jr z, .done
cp c
jr nz, .nextEntry
aCoord 8, 9
cp [hl]
jr z, .foundMatch
inc hl
inc hl
jr .loop
inc hl
ld b, [hl]
ld a, b
ld [wcd5b], a
; format: db tileset id, tile id, value to be put in wcd5b
.warpPadAndHoleData: ; 707a9 (1c:47a9)
db FACILITY, $20, 1 ; warp pad
db FACILITY, $11, 2 ; hole
db CAVERN, $22, 2 ; hole
db INTERIOR, $55, 1 ; warp pad
db $FF
Func_707b6: ; 707b6 (1c:47b6)
ld c, $a
call DelayFrames
ld hl, wd736
set 6, [hl]
ld de, RedSprite ; $4180
ld hl, vNPCSprites
ld bc, (BANK(RedSprite) << 8) + $0c
call CopyVideoData
ld a, $4
ld hl, RedFishingTiles ; $4866
call Func_71771
ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 2]
ld c, a
ld b, $0
ld hl, FishingRodGfxProperties ; $4856
add hl, bc
ld de, wOAMBuffer + $9c
ld bc, $4
call CopyData
ld c, $64
call DelayFrames
ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade
and a
ld hl, NoNibbleText
jr z, .asm_70836
cp $2
ld hl, NothingHereText
jr z, .asm_70836
ld b, $a
ld hl, wSpriteStateData1 + 4
call Func_70842
ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $9c
call Func_70842
call Delay3
dec b
jr nz, .asm_707fe
ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 2]
cp $4
jr nz, .asm_7081c
ld a, $a0
ld [wOAMBuffer + $9c], a
ld hl, wcd4f
xor a
ld [hli], a
ld [hl], a
predef EmotionBubble
ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 2]
cp $4
jr nz, .asm_70833
ld a, $44
ld [wOAMBuffer + $9c], a
ld hl, ItsABiteText
call PrintText
ld hl, wd736
res 6, [hl]
call LoadFontTilePatterns
Func_70842: ; 70842 (1c:4842)
ld a, [hl]
xor $1
ld [hl], a
NoNibbleText: ; 70847 (1c:4847)
TX_FAR _NoNibbleText
db "@"
NothingHereText: ; 7084c (1c:484c)
TX_FAR _NothingHereText
db "@"
ItsABiteText: ; 70851 (1c:4851)
TX_FAR _ItsABiteText
db "@"
FishingRodGfxProperties: ; 70856 (1c:4856)
; specifies how the fishing rod should be drawn on the screen
; first byte = screen y coordinate
; second byte = screen x coordinate
; third byte = tile number
; fourth byte = sprite properties
db $5B, $4C, $FD, $00 ; player facing down
db $44, $4C, $FD, $00 ; player facing up
db $50, $40, $FE, $00 ; player facing left
db $50, $58, $FE, $20 ; player facing right ($20 means "horizontally flip the tile")
RedFishingTiles: ; 70866 (1c:4866)
dw RedFishingTilesFront
db 2, BANK(RedFishingTilesFront)
dw vNPCSprites + $20
dw RedFishingTilesBack
db 2, BANK(RedFishingTilesBack)
dw vNPCSprites + $60
dw RedFishingTilesSide
db 2, BANK(RedFishingTilesSide)
dw vNPCSprites + $a0
dw RedFishingRodTiles
db 3, BANK(RedFishingRodTiles)
dw vNPCSprites2 + $7d0
_HandleMidJump: ; 7087e (1c:487e)
ld a, [wPlayerJumpingYScreenCoordsIndex]
ld c, a
inc a
cp $10
jr nc, .finishedJump
ld [wPlayerJumpingYScreenCoordsIndex], a
ld b, 0
ld hl, PlayerJumpingYScreenCoords
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 4], a ; player's sprite y coordinate
ld a, [wWalkCounter]
cp 0
ret nz
call UpdateSprites
call Delay3
xor a
ld [hJoyHeld], a
ld [hJoyPressed], a
ld [hJoyReleased], a
ld [wPlayerJumpingYScreenCoordsIndex], a
ld hl, wd736
res 6, [hl] ; not jumping down a ledge any more
ld hl, wd730
res 7, [hl] ; not simulating joypad states any more
xor a
ld [wJoyIgnore], a
PlayerJumpingYScreenCoords: ; 708ba (1c:48ba)
; Sequence of y screen coordinates for player's sprite when jumping over a ledge.
db $38, $36, $34, $32, $31, $30, $30, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $36, $38, $3C, $3C