
618 lines
10 KiB
Executable file

call LoadTownMap
ld hl, wUpdateSpritesEnabled
ld a, [hl]
push af
ld [hl], $ff
push hl
ld a, $1
ldh [hJoy7], a
ld a, [wCurMap]
push af
ld b, $0
call DrawPlayerOrBirdSprite ; player sprite
coord hl, 1, 0
ld de, wcd6d
call PlaceString
ld hl, wOAMBuffer
ld de, wTileMapBackup
ld bc, $10
call CopyData
ld hl, vSprites + $40
ld de, TownMapCursor
lb bc, BANK(TownMapCursor), (TownMapCursorEnd - TownMapCursor) / $8
call CopyVideoDataDouble
xor a
ld [wWhichTownMapLocation], a
pop af
jr .enterLoop
coord hl, 0, 0
lb bc, 1, 20
call ClearScreenArea
ld hl, TownMapOrder
ld a, [wWhichTownMapLocation]
ld c, a
ld b, 0
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
ld de, wTownMapCoords
call LoadTownMapEntry
ld a, [de]
push hl
call TownMapCoordsToOAMCoords
ld a, $4
ld [wOAMBaseTile], a
ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $10
call WriteTownMapSpriteOAM ; town map cursor sprite
pop hl
ld de, wcd6d
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
cp $50
jr nz, .copyMapName
coord hl, 1, 0
ld de, wcd6d
call PlaceString
ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $10
ld de, wTileMapBackup + 16
ld bc, $10
call CopyData
call TownMapSpriteBlinkingAnimation
call JoypadLowSensitivity
ldh a, [hJoy5]
ld b, a
jr z, .inputLoop
ld a, SFX_TINK
call PlaySound
bit 6, b
jr nz, .pressedUp
bit 7, b
jr nz, .pressedDown
xor a
ld [wTownMapSpriteBlinkingEnabled], a
ldh [hJoy7], a
ld [wAnimCounter], a
call ExitTownMap
pop hl
pop af
ld [hl], a
ld a, [wWhichTownMapLocation]
inc a
cp TownMapOrderEnd - TownMapOrder ; number of list items + 1
jr nz, .noOverflow
xor a
ld [wWhichTownMapLocation], a
jp .townMapLoop
ld a, [wWhichTownMapLocation]
dec a
cp -1
jr nz, .noUnderflow
ld a, TownMapOrderEnd - TownMapOrder - 1 ; number of list items
ld [wWhichTownMapLocation], a
jp .townMapLoop
INCLUDE "data/maps/town_map_order.asm"
INCBIN "gfx/town_map/town_map_cursor.1bpp"
call LoadTownMap
ld hl, wUpdateSpritesEnabled
ld a, [hl]
push af
ld [hl], $ff
push hl
call DisplayWildLocations
call GetMonName
coord hl, 1, 0
call PlaceString
ld h, b
ld l, c
ld de, MonsNestText
call PlaceString
call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress
call ExitTownMap
pop hl
pop af
ld [hl], a
db "'s NEST@"
call ClearSprites
call LoadTownMap
call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
call LoadFontTilePatterns
ld de, BirdSprite
ld hl, vSprites + $40
lb bc, BANK(BirdSprite), $c
call CopyVideoData
ld de, TownMapUpArrow
ld hl, vChars1 + $6d0
lb bc, BANK(TownMapUpArrow), (TownMapUpArrowEnd - TownMapUpArrow) / $8
call CopyVideoDataDouble
call BuildFlyLocationsList
ld hl, wUpdateSpritesEnabled
ld a, [hl]
push af
ld [hl], $ff
push hl
coord hl, 0, 0
ld de, ToText
call PlaceString
ld a, [wCurMap]
ld b, $0
call DrawPlayerOrBirdSprite
ld hl, wFlyLocationsList
coord de, 18, 0
ld a, " "
ld [de], a
push hl
push hl
coord hl, 3, 0
lb bc, 1, 15
call ClearScreenArea
pop hl
ld a, [hl]
ld b, $4
call DrawPlayerOrBirdSprite ; draw bird sprite
coord hl, 3, 0
ld de, wcd6d
call PlaceString
ld c, 15
call DelayFrames
coord hl, 18, 0
ld [hl], "▲"
coord hl, 19, 0
ld [hl], "▼"
pop hl
push hl
call DelayFrame
call JoypadLowSensitivity
ldh a, [hJoy5]
ld b, a
pop hl
jr z, .inputLoop
bit 0, b
jr nz, .pressedA
ld a, SFX_TINK
call PlaySound
bit 6, b
jr nz, .pressedUp
bit 7, b
jr nz, .pressedDown
jr .pressedB
call PlaySound
ld a, [hl]
ld [wDestinationMap], a
ld hl, wd732
set 3, [hl]
inc hl
set 7, [hl]
xor a
ld [wTownMapSpriteBlinkingEnabled], a
call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
pop hl
pop af
ld [hl], a
coord de, 18, 0
inc hl
ld a, [hl]
cp $ff
jr z, .wrapToStartOfList
cp $fe
jr z, .pressedUp ; skip past unvisited towns
jp .townMapFlyLoop
ld hl, wFlyLocationsList
jp .townMapFlyLoop
coord de, 19, 0
dec hl
ld a, [hl]
cp $ff
jr z, .wrapToEndOfList
cp $fe
jr z, .pressedDown ; skip past unvisited towns
jp .townMapFlyLoop
ld hl, wFlyLocationsList + 11
jr .pressedDown
db "To@"
ld hl, wFlyLocationsList - 1
ld [hl], $ff
inc hl
ld a, [wTownVisitedFlag]
ld e, a
ld a, [wTownVisitedFlag + 1]
ld d, a
ld bc, SAFFRON_CITY + 1
srl d
rr e
ld a, $fe ; store $fe if the town hasn't been visited
jr nc, .notVisited
ld a, b ; store the map number of the town if it has been visited
ld [hl], a
inc hl
inc b
dec c
jr nz, .loop
ld [hl], $ff
INCBIN "gfx/town_map/up_arrow.1bpp"
call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
call ClearScreen
call UpdateSprites
coord hl, 0, 0
ld b, $12
ld c, $12
call TextBoxBorder
call DisableLCD
ld hl, WorldMapTileGraphics
ld de, vChars2 + $600
ld bc, WorldMapTileGraphicsEnd - WorldMapTileGraphics
ld a, BANK(WorldMapTileGraphics)
call FarCopyData2
ld hl, MonNestIcon
ld de, vSprites + $40
ld bc, MonNestIconEnd - MonNestIcon
ld a, BANK(MonNestIcon)
call FarCopyDataDouble
coord hl, 0, 0
ld de, CompressedMap
ld a, [de]
and a
jr z, .done
ld b, a
and $f
ld c, a
ld a, b
swap a
and $f
add $60
ld [hli], a
dec c
jr nz, .writeRunLoop
inc de
jr .nextTile
call EnableLCD
call RunPaletteCommand
call Delay3
call GBPalNormal
xor a
ld [wAnimCounter], a
inc a
ld [wTownMapSpriteBlinkingEnabled], a
INCBIN "gfx/town_map/town_map.rle"
; clear town map graphics data and load usual graphics data
xor a
ld [wTownMapSpriteBlinkingEnabled], a
call GBPalWhiteOut
call ClearScreen
call ClearSprites
call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
call LoadFontTilePatterns
call UpdateSprites
jp RunDefaultPaletteCommand
; a = map number
; b = OAM base tile
push af
ld a, b
ld [wOAMBaseTile], a
pop af
ld de, wTownMapCoords
call LoadTownMapEntry
ld a, [de]
push hl
call TownMapCoordsToOAMCoords
call WritePlayerOrBirdSpriteOAM
pop hl
ld de, wcd6d
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
cp "@"
jr nz, .loop
ld hl, wOAMBuffer
ld de, wTileMapBackup
ld bc, $a0
jp CopyData
callba FindWildLocationsOfMon
call ZeroOutDuplicatesInList
ld hl, wOAMBuffer
ld de, wTownMapCoords
ld a, [de]
cp $ff
jr z, .exitLoop
and a
jr z, .nextEntry
push hl
call LoadTownMapEntry
pop hl
ld a, [de]
cp $19 ; Cerulean Cave's coordinates
jr z, .nextEntry ; skip Cerulean Cave
call TownMapCoordsToOAMCoords
ld a, $4 ; nest icon tile no.
ld [hli], a
xor a
ld [hli], a
inc de
jr .loop
ld a, l
and a ; were any OAM entries written?
jr nz, .drawPlayerSprite
; if no OAM entries were written, print area unknown text
coord hl, 1, 7
ld b, 2
ld c, 15
call TextBoxBorder
coord hl, 2, 9
ld de, AreaUnknownText
call PlaceString
jr .done
ld a, [wCurMap]
ld b, $0
call DrawPlayerOrBirdSprite
ld hl, wOAMBuffer
ld de, wTileMapBackup
ld bc, $a0
jp CopyData
; in: lower nybble of a = x, upper nybble of a = y
; out: b and [hl] = (y * 8) + 24, c and [hl+1] = (x * 8) + 24
push af
and $f0
srl a
add 24
ld b, a
ld [hli], a
pop af
and $f
swap a
srl a
add 24
ld c, a
ld [hli], a
ld a, [wOAMBaseTile]
and a
ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $90 ; for player sprite
jr z, WriteTownMapSpriteOAM
ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $80 ; for bird sprite
push hl
; Subtract 4 from c (X coord) and 4 from b (Y coord). However, the carry from c
; is added to b, so the net result is that only 3 is subtracted from b.
lb hl, -4, -4
add hl, bc
ld b, h
ld c, l
pop hl
; Writes 4 OAM blocks for a helix mon party sprite, since it does not have
; a vertical line of symmetry.
lb de, 2, 2
push de
push bc
ld a, b
ld [hli], a
ld a, c
ld [hli], a
ld a, [wOAMBaseTile]
ld [hli], a
inc a
ld [wOAMBaseTile], a
xor a
ld [hli], a
inc d
ld a, 8
add c
ld c, a
dec e
jr nz, .innerLoop
pop bc
pop de
ld a, 8
add b
ld b, a
dec d
jr nz, .loop
; Writes 4 OAM blocks for a mon party sprite other than a helix. All the
; sprites other than the helix one have a vertical line of symmetry which allows
; the X-flip OAM bit to be used so that only 2 rather than 4 tile patterns are
; needed.
xor a
ld [wSymmetricSpriteOAMAttributes], a
lb de, 2, 2
push de
push bc
ld a, b
ld [hli], a ; Y
ld a, c
ld [hli], a ; X
ld a, [wOAMBaseTile]
ld [hli], a ; tile
ld a, [wSymmetricSpriteOAMAttributes]
ld [hli], a ; attributes
xor (1 << OAM_X_FLIP)
ld [wSymmetricSpriteOAMAttributes], a
inc d
ld a, 8
add c
ld c, a
dec e
jr nz, .innerLoop
pop bc
pop de
push hl
ld hl, wOAMBaseTile
inc [hl]
inc [hl]
pop hl
ld a, 8
add b
ld b, a
dec d
jr nz, .loop
; replace duplicate bytes in the list of wild pokemon locations with 0
ld de, wBuffer
ld a, [de]
inc de
cp $ff
ret z
ld c, a
ld l, e
ld h, d
ld a, [hl]
cp $ff
jr z, .loop
cp c
jr nz, .skipZeroing
xor a
ld [hl], a
inc hl
jr .zeroDuplicatesLoop
; in: a = map number
; out: lower nybble of [de] = x, upper nybble of [de] = y, hl = address of name
jr c, .external
ld bc, 4
ld hl, InternalMapEntries
cp [hl]
jr c, .foundEntry
add hl, bc
jr .loop
inc hl
jr .readEntry
ld hl, ExternalMapEntries
ld c, a
ld b, 0
add hl, bc
add hl, bc
add hl, bc
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
INCLUDE "data/maps/town_map_entries.asm"
INCLUDE "data/maps/names.asm"
INCBIN "gfx/town_map/mon_nest_icon.1bpp"
ld a, [wAnimCounter]
inc a
cp 25
jr z, .hideSprites
cp 50
jr nz, .done
; show sprites when the counter reaches 50
ld hl, wTileMapBackup
ld de, wOAMBuffer
ld bc, $90
call CopyData
xor a
jr .done
ld hl, wOAMBuffer
ld b, $24
ld de, $4
ld [hl], $a0
add hl, de
dec b
jr nz, .hideSpritesLoop
ld a, 25
ld [wAnimCounter], a
jp DelayFrame