2015-08-12 02:16:56 -07:00

113 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable file

DisplayDiploma: ; 566e2 (15:66e2)
call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2
call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
call ClearScreen
xor a
ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a
ld hl, wd730
set 6, [hl]
call DisableLCD
ld hl, CircleTile
ld de, vChars2 + $700
ld bc, $0010
ld a, BANK(CircleTile)
call FarCopyData2
coord hl, 0, 0
lb bc, 16, 18
predef Diploma_TextBoxBorder
ld hl, DiplomaTextPointersAndCoords
ld c, $5
push bc
ld a, [hli]
ld e, a
ld a, [hli]
ld d, a
ld a, [hli]
push hl
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
call PlaceString
pop hl
inc hl
pop bc
dec c
jr nz, .asm_56715
coord hl, 10, 4
ld de, wPlayerName
call PlaceString
callba DrawPlayerCharacter
; Move the player 33 pixels right and set the priority bit so he appears
; behind the background layer.
ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $01
lb bc, $80, $28
ld a, [hl] ; X
add 33
ld [hli], a
inc hl
ld a, b
ld [hli], a ; attributes
inc hl
dec c
jr nz, .adjustPlayerGfxLoop
call EnableLCD
callba LoadTrainerInfoTextBoxTiles
call RunPaletteCommand
call Delay3
call GBPalNormal
ld a, $90
ld [rOBP0], a
call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress
ld hl, wd730
res 6, [hl]
call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
call RestoreScreenTilesAndReloadTilePatterns
call Delay3
jp GBPalNormal
UnusedPlayerNameLengthFunc: ; 56777 (15:6777)
; Unused function that does a calculation involving the length of the player's
; name.
ld hl, wPlayerName
ld bc, $ff00
ld a, [hli]
cp "@"
ret z
dec c
jr .loop
DiplomaTextPointersAndCoords: ; 56784 (15:6784)
dw DiplomaText
dwCoord 5, 2
dw DiplomaPlayer
dwCoord 3, 4
dw DiplomaEmptyText
dwCoord 15, 4
dw DiplomaCongrats
dwCoord 2, 6
dw DiplomaGameFreak
dwCoord 9, 16
db $70,"Diploma",$70,"@"
db "Player@"
db "@"
db "Congrats! This"
next "diploma certifies"
next "that you have"
next "completed your"
next "#DEX.@"