IIMarckus 7a566260e6 Remove python shebangs.
- Not all systems have /usr/bin/python
- On those that do, it is not always python 2
- These files aren't marked executable anyway

Just use "python" via shell instead.

hg-commit-id: 09184f4c838d
2012-03-14 20:44:07 -06:00

104 lines
4.6 KiB

#author: Bryan Bishop <>
#date: 2012-01-15
#help with connection math
import extract_maps
from pretty_map_headers import map_constants, map_name_cleaner, offset_to_pointer
def print_connections(map_id, in_connection_id=None, do_output=False):
map1 = extract_maps.map_headers[map_id]
map1_name = map1["name"]
connections = map1["connections"]
output = ""
if in_connection_id != None:
connections2 = {}
connections2[in_connection_id] = connections[in_connection_id]
connections = connections2
for connection_id in connections:
connection = connections[connection_id]
direction = connection["direction"]
connected_pointer = int(connection["connected_map_tile_pointer"], 16)
current_pointer = int(connection["current_map_tile_pointer"], 16)
map2_id = connection["map_id"]
map2 = extract_maps.map_headers[map2_id]
map2_name = map2["name"]
map2_cname = map_name_cleaner(map2["name"], None)[:-2]
map2_bank = int(map2["bank"], 16)
map2_blocks_pointer = offset_to_pointer(int(map2["map_pointer"], 16))
map2_height = int(map2["y"], 16)
map2_width = int(map2["x"], 16)
output += map1_name + " (id=" + str(map_id) + ") " + direction + " to " + map2_name + "\n"
output += "map2 blocks pointer: " + hex(map2_blocks_pointer) + "\n"
output += "map2 height: " + str(map2_height) + "\n"
output += "map2 width: " + str(map2_width) + "\n"
output += "map1 connection pointer: " + hex(connected_pointer) + "\n"
shift = 0
#not sure about the calculated shift for NORTH or SOUTH
if direction == "NORTH":
calculated = map2_blocks_pointer + (map2_height - 3) * map2_width
result = connected_pointer - calculated
if result != 0:
shift = result #seems to always be 2?
calculated = map2_blocks_pointer + (map2_height - 3) * map2_width + shift
output += "shift: " + str(shift) + "\n"
formula = map2_cname + "Blocks + (" + map2_cname + "Height - 3) * " + map2_cname + "Width + " + str(shift)
formula = map2_cname + "Blocks + (" + map2_cname + "Height - 3) * " + map2_cname + "Width"
elif direction == "SOUTH":
calculated = map2_blocks_pointer
result = connected_pointer - calculated
formula = map2_cname + "Blocks"
if result != 0:
shift = result
calculated = map2_blocks_pointer + shift
output += "shift: " + str(shift) + "\n"
formula += " + " + str(shift)
elif direction == "WEST":
calculated = map2_blocks_pointer - 3 + (map2_width)
result = connected_pointer - calculated
formula = map2_cname + "Blocks - 3 + (" + map2_cname + "Width)"
if result != 0:
shift = result / map2_width
shift += 1
calculated = map2_blocks_pointer - 3 + (map2_width * shift)
output += "shift: " + str(shift) + "\n"
formula = map2_cname + "Blocks - 3 + (" + map2_cname + "Width * " + str(shift) + ")"
elif direction == "EAST":
calculated = map2_blocks_pointer + (map2_width)
result = connected_pointer - calculated
output += ".. result is: " + str(result) + "\n"
formula = map2_cname + "Blocks + (" + map2_cname + "Width)"
if result != 0:
shift = result / map2_width
shift += 1
calculated = map2_blocks_pointer + (map2_width * shift)
output += "shift: " + str(shift) + "\n"
formula = map2_cname + "Blocks" + " + (" + map2_cname + "Width * " + str(shift) + ")"
output += "formula: " + formula + "\n"
result = connected_pointer - calculated
output += "result: " + str(result) + "\n"
output += "\n\n"
if in_connection_id != None:
return formula
if do_output == True:
return output
if __name__ == "__main__":
for map_id in extract_maps.map_headers.keys():
if map_id not in extract_maps.bad_maps:
print print_connections(map_id, do_output=True)