2016-06-11 17:24:04 -07:00

440 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

; Loads tile patterns for map's sprites.
; For outside maps, it loads one of several fixed sets of sprites.
; For inside maps, it loads each sprite picture ID used in the map header.
; This is also called after displaying text because loading
; text tile patterns overwrites half of the sprite tile pattern data.
; Note on notation:
; $C1X* and $C2X* are used to denote wSpriteStateData1-wSpriteStateData1 + $ff and wSpriteStateData2 + $00-wSpriteStateData2 + $ff sprite slot
; fields, respectively, within loops. The X is the loop index.
; If there is an inner loop, Y is the inner loop index, i.e. $C1Y* and $C2Y*
; denote fields of the sprite slots interated over in the inner loop.
call InitOutsideMapSprites
ret c ; return if the map is an outside map (already handled by above call)
; if the map is an inside map (i.e. mapID >= $25)
ld hl,wSpriteStateData1
ld de,wSpriteStateData2 + $0d
; Loop to copy picture ID's from $C1X0 to $C2XD for LoadMapSpriteTilePatterns.
ld a,[hl] ; $C1X0 (picture ID)
ld [de],a ; $C2XD
ld a,$10
add e
ld e,a
ld a,$10
add l
ld l,a
jr nz,.copyPictureIDLoop
; This is used for both inside and outside maps, since it is called by
; InitOutsideMapSprites.
; Loads tile pattern data for sprites into VRAM.
ld a,[wNumSprites]
and a ; are there any sprites?
jr nz,.spritesExist
ld c,a ; c = [wNumSprites]
ld b,$10 ; number of sprite slots
ld hl,wSpriteStateData2 + $0d
xor a
ld [hFourTileSpriteCount],a
.copyPictureIDLoop ; loop to copy picture ID from $C2XD to $C2XE
ld a,[hli] ; $C2XD (sprite picture ID)
ld [hld],a ; $C2XE
ld a,l
add a,$10
ld l,a
dec b
jr nz,.copyPictureIDLoop
ld hl,wSpriteStateData2 + $1e
ld de,wSpriteStateData2 + $1d
; Check if the current picture ID has already had its tile patterns loaded.
; This done by looping through the previous sprite slots and seeing if any of
; their picture ID's match that of the current sprite slot.
ld a,e
and a,$f0
ld b,a ; b = offset of the wSpriteStateData2 sprite slot being checked against
ld a,l
and a,$f0 ; a = offset of current wSpriteStateData2 sprite slot
cp b ; done checking all previous sprite slots?
jr z,.notAlreadyLoaded
ld a,[de] ; picture ID of the wSpriteStateData2 sprite slot being checked against
cp [hl] ; do the picture ID's match?
jp z,.alreadyLoaded
ld a,e
add a,$10
ld e,a
jr .checkIfAlreadyLoadedLoop
ld de,wSpriteStateData2 + $0e
ld b,$01
; loop to find the highest tile pattern VRAM slot (among the first 10 slots) used by a previous sprite slot
; this is done in order to find the first free VRAM slot available
ld a,e
add a,$10
ld e,a
ld a,l
cp e ; reached current slot?
jr z,.foundNextVRAMSlot
ld a,[de] ; $C2YE (VRAM slot)
cp a,11 ; is it one of the first 10 slots?
jr nc,.findNextVRAMSlotLoop
cp b ; compare the slot being checked to the current max
jr c,.findNextVRAMSlotLoop ; if the slot being checked is less than the current max
; if the slot being checked is greater than or equal to the current max
ld b,a ; store new max VRAM slot
jr .findNextVRAMSlotLoop
inc b ; increment previous max value to get next VRAM tile pattern slot
ld a,b ; a = next VRAM tile pattern slot
push af
ld a,[hl] ; $C2XE (sprite picture ID)
ld b,a ; b = current sprite picture ID
cp a,SPRITE_BALL ; is it a 4-tile sprite?
jr c,.notFourTileSprite
pop af
ld a,[hFourTileSpriteCount]
add a,11
jr .storeVRAMSlot
pop af
ld [hl],a ; store VRAM slot at $C2XE
ld [hVRAMSlot],a ; used to determine if it's 4-tile sprite later
ld a,b ; a = current sprite picture ID
dec a
add a
add a
push bc
push hl
ld hl,SpriteSheetPointerTable
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry2
inc h
push hl
call ReadSpriteSheetData
push af
push de
push bc
ld hl,vNPCSprites ; VRAM base address
ld bc,$c0 ; number of bytes per VRAM slot
ld a,[hVRAMSlot]
cp a,11 ; is it a 4-tile sprite?
jr nc,.fourTileSpriteVRAMAddr
ld d,a
dec d
; Equivalent to multiplying $C0 (number of bytes in 12 tiles) times the VRAM
; slot and adding the result to $8000 (the VRAM base address).
add hl,bc
dec d
jr nz,.calculateVRAMAddrLoop
jr .loadStillTilePattern
ld hl,vSprites + $7c0 ; address for second 4-tile sprite
ld a,[hFourTileSpriteCount]
and a
jr nz,.loadStillTilePattern
; if it's the first 4-tile sprite
ld hl,vSprites + $780 ; address for first 4-tile sprite
inc a
ld [hFourTileSpriteCount],a
pop bc
pop de
pop af
push hl
push hl
ld h,d
ld l,e
pop de
ld b,a
ld a,[wFontLoaded]
bit 0,a ; reloading upper half of tile patterns after displaying text?
jr nz,.skipFirstLoad ; if so, skip loading data into the lower half
ld a,b
ld b,0
call FarCopyData2 ; load tile pattern data for sprite when standing still
pop de
pop hl
ld a,[hVRAMSlot]
cp a,11 ; is it a 4-tile sprite?
jr nc,.skipSecondLoad ; if so, there is no second block
push de
call ReadSpriteSheetData
push af
ld a,$c0
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry3
inc d
ld a,[wFontLoaded]
bit 0,a ; reloading upper half of tile patterns after displaying text?
jr nz,.loadWhileLCDOn
pop af
pop hl
set 3,h ; add $800 to hl
push hl
ld h,d
ld l,e
pop de
call FarCopyData2 ; load tile pattern data for sprite when walking
jr .skipSecondLoad
; When reloading the upper half of tile patterns after diplaying text, the LCD
; will be on, so CopyVideoData (which writes to VRAM only during V-blank) must
; be used instead of FarCopyData2.
pop af
pop hl
set 3,h ; add $800 to hl
ld b,a
swap c
call CopyVideoData ; load tile pattern data for sprite when walking
pop hl
pop bc
jr .nextSpriteSlot
.alreadyLoaded ; if the current picture ID has already had its tile patterns loaded
inc de
ld a,[de] ; a = VRAM slot for the current picture ID (from $C2YE)
ld [hl],a ; store VRAM slot in current wSpriteStateData2 sprite slot (at $C2XE)
ld a,l
add a,$10
ld l,a
dec c
jp nz,.loadTilePatternLoop
ld hl,wSpriteStateData2 + $0d
ld b,$10
; the pictures ID's stored at $C2XD are no longer needed, so zero them
xor a
ld [hl],a ; $C2XD
ld a,$10
add l
ld l,a
dec b
jr nz,.zeroStoredPictureIDLoop
; reads data from SpriteSheetPointerTable
; hl = address of sprite sheet entry
; de = pointer to sprite sheet
; bc = length in bytes
; a = ROM bank
ld a,[hli]
ld e,a
ld a,[hli]
ld d,a
ld a,[hli]
ld c,a
xor a
ld b,a
ld a,[hli]
; Loads sprite set for outside maps (cities and routes) and sets VRAM slots.
; sets carry if the map is a city or route, unsets carry if not
ld a,[wCurMap]
cp a,REDS_HOUSE_1F ; is the map a city or a route (map ID less than $25)?
ret nc ; if not, return
ld hl,MapSpriteSets
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
ld a,[hl] ; a = spriteSetID
cp a,$f0 ; does the map have 2 sprite sets?
call nc,GetSplitMapSpriteSetID ; if so, choose the appropriate one
ld b,a ; b = spriteSetID
ld a,[wFontLoaded]
bit 0,a ; reloading upper half of tile patterns after displaying text?
jr nz,.loadSpriteSet ; if so, forcibly reload the sprite set
ld a,[wSpriteSetID]
cp b ; has the sprite set ID changed?
jr z,.skipLoadingSpriteSet ; if not, don't load it again
ld a,b
ld [wSpriteSetID],a
dec a
ld b,a
sla a
ld c,a
sla a
sla a
add c
add b ; a = (spriteSetID - 1) * 11
ld de,SpriteSets
; add a to de to get offset of sprite set
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry2
inc d
ld hl,wSpriteStateData2 + $0d
ld [hl],a
ld bc,wSpriteSet
; Load the sprite set into RAM.
; This loop also fills $C2XD (sprite picture ID) where X is from $0 to $A
; with picture ID's. This is done so that LoadMapSpriteTilePatterns will
; load tile patterns for all sprite pictures in the sprite set.
ld a,$10
add l
ld l,a
ld a,[de] ; sprite picture ID from sprite set
ld [hl],a ; $C2XD (sprite picture ID)
ld [bc],a
inc de
inc bc
ld a,l
cp a,$bd ; reached 11th sprite slot?
jr nz,.loadSpriteSetLoop
ld b,4 ; 4 remaining sprite slots
.zeroRemainingSlotsLoop ; loop to zero the picture ID's of the remaining sprite slots
ld a,$10
add l
ld l,a
xor a
ld [hl],a ; $C2XD (sprite picture ID)
dec b
jr nz,.zeroRemainingSlotsLoop
ld a,[wNumSprites]
push af ; save number of sprites
ld a,11 ; 11 sprites in sprite set
ld [wNumSprites],a
call LoadMapSpriteTilePatterns
pop af
ld [wNumSprites],a ; restore number of sprites
ld hl,wSpriteStateData2 + $1e
ld b,$0f
; The VRAM tile pattern slots that LoadMapSpriteTilePatterns set are in the
; order of the map's sprite set, not the order of the actual sprites loaded
; for the current map. So, they are not needed and are zeroed by this loop.
xor a
ld [hl],a ; $C2XE (VRAM slot)
ld a,$10
add l
ld l,a
dec b
jr nz,.zeroVRAMSlotsLoop
ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $10
; This loop stores the correct VRAM tile pattern slots according the sprite
; data from the map's header. Since the VRAM tile pattern slots are filled in
; the order of the sprite set, in order to find the VRAM tile pattern slot
; for a sprite slot, the picture ID for the sprite is looked up within the
; sprite set. The index of the picture ID within the sprite set plus one
; (since the Red sprite always has the first VRAM tile pattern slot) is the
; VRAM tile pattern slot.
ld c,0
ld a,[hl] ; $C1X0 (picture ID) (zero if sprite slot is not used)
and a ; is the sprite slot used?
jr z,.skipGettingPictureIndex ; if the sprite slot is not used
ld b,a ; b = picture ID
ld de,wSpriteSet
; Loop to find the index of the sprite's picture ID within the sprite set.
inc c
ld a,[de]
inc de
cp b ; does the picture ID match?
jr nz,.getPictureIndexLoop
inc c
push hl
inc h
ld a,$0e
add l
ld l,a
ld a,c ; a = VRAM slot (zero if sprite slot is not used)
ld [hl],a ; $C2XE (VRAM slot)
pop hl
ld a,$10
add l
ld l,a
and a
jr nz,.storeVRAMSlotsLoop
; Chooses the correct sprite set ID depending on the player's position within
; the map for maps with two sprite sets.
cp a,$f8
jr z,.route20
ld hl,SplitMapSpriteSets
and a,$0f
dec a
sla a
sla a
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
ld a,[hli] ; determines whether the map is split East/West or North/South
cp a,$01
ld a,[hli] ; position of dividing line
ld b,a
jr z,.eastWestDivide
ld a,[wYCoord]
jr .compareCoord
ld a,[wXCoord]
cp b
jr c,.loadSpriteSetID
; if in the East side or South side
inc hl
ld a,[hl]
; Uses sprite set $01 for West side and $0A for East side.
; Route 20 is a special case because the two map sections have a more complex
; shape instead of the map simply being split horizontally or vertically.
ld hl,wXCoord
ld a,[hl]
cp a,$2b
ld a,$01
ret c
ld a,[hl]
cp a,$3e
ld a,$0a
ret nc
ld a,[hl]
cp a,$37
ld b,$08
jr nc,.next
ld b,$0d
ld a,[wYCoord]
cp b
ld a,$0a
ret c
ld a,$01
INCLUDE "data/sprite_sets.asm"