yenatch 35f2bb90d4 Rename predef functions so they aren't excessive in length.
This is mostly because of an rgbasm bug that prevents macro arguments
from exceeding 16 characters, but the names were bad anyway.
2014-06-16 13:03:05 -07:00

536 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

CeladonGameCornerScript: ; 48bbd (12:4bbd)
call CeladonGameCornerScript_48bcf
call CeladonGameCornerScript_48bec
call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerScriptPointers
jp CallFunctionInTable
CeladonGameCornerScript_48bcf: ; 48bcf (12:4bcf)
ld hl, wd126
bit 6, [hl]
res 6, [hl]
ret z
call Random
ld a, [$ffd3]
cp $7
jr nc, .asm_48be2
ld a, $8
srl a
srl a
srl a
ld [wcd05], a
CeladonGameCornerScript_48bec: ; 48bec (12:4bec)
ld hl, wd126
bit 5, [hl]
res 5, [hl]
ret z
ld a, [wd77e]
bit 1, a
ret nz
ld a, $2a
ld [wd09f], a
ld bc, $0208
ld a, $17
jp Predef
CeladonGameCornerScript_48c07: ; 48c07 (12:4c07)
xor a
ld [wJoyIgnore], a
CeladonGameCornerScriptPointers: ; 48c12 (12:4c12)
dw CeladonGameCornerScript0
dw CeladonGameCornerScript1
dw CeladonGameCornerScript2
CeladonGameCornerScript0: ; 48c18 (12:4c18)
CeladonGameCornerScript1: ; 48c19 (12:4c19)
cp $ff
jp z, CeladonGameCornerScript_48c07
ld a, $f0
ld [wJoyIgnore], a
ld a, $d
call DisplayTextID
ld a, $b
call SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF
ld de, MovementData_48c5a
ld a, [W_YCOORD]
cp $6
jr nz, .asm_48c43
ld de, MovementData_48c63
jr .asm_48c4d
ld a, [W_XCOORD]
cp $8
jr nz, .asm_48c4d
ld de, MovementData_48c63
ld a, $b
call MoveSprite
ld a, $2
MovementData_48c5a: ; 48c5a (12:4c5a)
db $00,$C0,$C0,$40,$C0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$FF
MovementData_48c63: ; 48c63 (12:4c63)
db $C0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$FF
CeladonGameCornerScript2: ; 48c69 (12:4c69)
ld a, [wd730]
bit 0, a
ret nz
xor a
ld [wJoyIgnore], a
ld a, $46
ld [wcc4d], a
ld a, $11
call Predef
ld hl, wd126
set 5, [hl]
set 6, [hl]
ld a, $0
CeladonGameCornerTextPointers: ; 48c8a (12:4c8a)
dw CeladonGameCornerText1
dw CeladonGameCornerText2
dw CeladonGameCornerText3
dw CeladonGameCornerText4
dw CeladonGameCornerText5
dw CeladonGameCornerText6
dw CeladonGameCornerText7
dw CeladonGameCornerText8
dw CeladonGameCornerText9
dw CeladonGameCornerText10
dw CeladonGameCornerText11
dw CeladonGameCornerText12
dw CeladonGameCornerText13
CeladonGameCornerText1: ; 48ca4 (12:4ca4)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText1
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText2: ; 48ca9 (12:4ca9)
db $08 ; asm
call CeladonGameCornerScript_48f1e
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d22
call PrintText
call YesNoChoice
ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
and a
jr nz, .asm_c650b ; 0x48cba
call IsItemInBag
jr z, .asm_ed086 ; 0x48cc1
call Has9990Coins
jr nc, .asm_31338 ; 0x48cc6
xor a
ldh [$9f], a
ldh [$a1], a
ld a, $10
ldh [$a0], a
call HasEnoughMoney
jr nc, .asm_b6ef0 ; 0x48cd4
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d31 ; $4d31
jr .asm_e2afd ; 0x48cd9
.asm_b6ef0 ; 0x48cdb
xor a
ldh [$9f], a
ldh [$a1], a
ld a, $10
ldh [$a0], a
ld hl, $ffa1
ld de, wPlayerMoney + 2
ld c, $3
ld a, $c ; SubBCDPredef
call Predef
xor a
ldh [$9f], a
ldh [$a0], a
ld a, $50
ldh [$a1], a
ld de, wPlayerCoins + 1
ld hl, $ffa1
ld c, $2
ld a, $b ; AddBCDPredef
call Predef
call CeladonGameCornerScript_48f1e
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d27
jr .asm_e2afd ; 0x48d0d
.asm_c650b ; 0x48d0f
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d2c
jr .asm_e2afd ; 0x48d12
.asm_31338 ; 0x48d14
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d36
jr .asm_e2afd ; 0x48d17
.asm_ed086 ; 0x48d19
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d3b
.asm_e2afd ; 0x48d1c
call PrintText
jp TextScriptEnd
CeladonGameCornerText_48d22: ; 48d22 (12:4d22)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48d22
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48d27: ; 48d27 (12:4d27)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48d27
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48d2c: ; 48d2c (12:4d2c)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48d2c
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48d31: ; 48d31 (12:4d31)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48d31
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48d36: ; 48d36 (12:4d36)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48d36
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48d3b: ; 48d3b (12:4d3b)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48d3b
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText3: ; 48d40 (12:4d40)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText3
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText4: ; 48d45 (12:4d45)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText4
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText5: ; 48d4a (12:4d4a)
db $08 ; asm
ld a, [wd77e]
bit 2, a
jr nz, .asm_d0957 ; 0x48d50
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48d9c
call PrintText
call IsItemInBag
jr z, .asm_5aef9 ; 0x48d5d
call Has9990Coins
jr nc, .asm_98546 ; 0x48d62
xor a
ldh [$9f], a
ldh [$a0], a
ld a, $10
ldh [$a1], a
ld de, wPlayerCoins + 1
ld hl, $ffa1
ld c, $2
ld a, $b ; AddBCDPredef
call Predef
ld hl, wd77e
set 2, [hl]
ld a, $1
ld [wcc3c], a
ld hl, Received10CoinsText
jr .asm_c7d1a ; 0x48d87
.asm_d0957 ; 0x48d89
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48dac
jr .asm_c7d1a ; 0x48d8c
.asm_98546 ; 0x48d8e
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48da7
jr .asm_c7d1a ; 0x48d91
.asm_5aef9 ; 0x48d93
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48f19
.asm_c7d1a ; 0x48d96
call PrintText
jp TextScriptEnd
CeladonGameCornerText_48d9c: ; 48d9c (12:4d9c)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48d9c
db "@"
Received10CoinsText: ; 48da1 (12:4da1)
TX_FAR _Received10CoinsText
db $0B, "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48da7: ; 48da7 (12:4da7)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48da7
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48dac: ; 48dac (12:4dac)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48dac
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText6: ; 48db1 (12:4db1)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText6
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText7: ; 48db6 (12:4db6)
db $08 ; asm
ld a, [wd77c]
bit 1, a
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48dca ; $4dca
jr z, .asm_be3fd ; 0x48dbf
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48dcf ; $4dcf
.asm_be3fd ; 0x48dc4
call PrintText
jp TextScriptEnd
CeladonGameCornerText_48dca: ; 48dca (12:4dca)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48dca
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48dcf: ; 48dcf (12:4dcf)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48dcf
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText8: ; 48dd4 (12:4dd4)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText8
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText9: ; 48dd9 (12:4dd9)
db $08 ; asm
ld a, [wd77e]
bit 4, a
jr nz, .asm_ed8bc ; 0x48ddf
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e26
call PrintText
call IsItemInBag
jr z, .asm_df794 ; 0x48dec
call Has9990Coins
jr nc, .asm_f17c3 ; 0x48df1
xor a
ldh [$9f], a
ldh [$a0], a
ld a, $20
ldh [$a1], a
ld de, wPlayerCoins + 1
ld hl, $ffa1
ld c, $2
ld a, $b ; AddBCDPredef
call Predef
ld hl, wd77e
set 4, [hl]
ld hl, Received20CoinsText
jr .asm_0ddc2 ; 0x48e11
.asm_ed8bc ; 0x48e13
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e36
jr .asm_0ddc2 ; 0x48e16
.asm_f17c3 ; 0x48e18
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e31
jr .asm_0ddc2 ; 0x48e1b
.asm_df794 ; 0x48e1d
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48f19
.asm_0ddc2 ; 0x48e20
call PrintText
jp TextScriptEnd
CeladonGameCornerText_48e26: ; 48e26 (12:4e26)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48e26
db "@"
Received20CoinsText: ; 48e2b (12:4e2b)
TX_FAR _Received20CoinsText
db $0B, "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48e31: ; 48e31 (12:4e31)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48e31
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48e36: ; 48e36 (12:4e36)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48e36
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText10: ; 48e3b (12:4e3b)
db $08 ; asm
ld a, [wd77e]
bit 3, a
jr nz, .asm_ff080 ; 0x48e41
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e88 ; $4e88
call PrintText
call IsItemInBag
jr z, .asm_4fb0c ; 0x48e4e
call Has9990Coins
jr z, .asm_9505a ; 0x48e53
xor a
ldh [$9f], a
ldh [$a0], a
ld a, $20
ldh [$a1], a
ld de, wPlayerCoins + 1
ld hl, $ffa1
ld c, $2
ld a, $b ; AddBCDPredef
call Predef
ld hl, wd77e
set 3, [hl]
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e8d
jr .asm_78d65 ; 0x48e73
.asm_ff080 ; 0x48e75
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e98
jr .asm_78d65 ; 0x48e78
.asm_9505a ; 0x48e7a
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48e93
jr .asm_78d65 ; 0x48e7d
.asm_4fb0c ; 0x48e7f
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48f19
.asm_78d65 ; 0x48e82
call PrintText
jp TextScriptEnd
CeladonGameCornerText_48e88: ; 48e88 (12:4e88)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48e88
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48e8d: ; 48e8d (12:4e8d)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48e8d ; 0x9dceb
db $0B, "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48e93: ; 48e93 (12:4e93)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48e93
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48e98: ; 48e98 (12:4e98)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48e98
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText11: ; 48e9d (12:4e9d)
db $08 ; asm
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48ece
call PrintText
ld hl, wd72d
set 6, [hl]
set 7, [hl]
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48ed3
ld de, CeladonGameCornerText_48ed3
call PreBattleSaveRegisters
ldh a, [$8c]
ld [wcf13], a
call EngageMapTrainer
call InitBattleEnemyParameters
xor a
ldh [$b4], a
ldh [$b3], a
ldh [$b2], a
ld a, $1
jp TextScriptEnd
CeladonGameCornerText_48ece: ; 48ece (12:4ece)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48ece
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText_48ed3: ; 48ed3 (12:4ed3)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48ed3
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText13: ; 48ed8 (12:4ed8)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48ed8
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerText12: ; 48edd (12:4edd)
db $08 ; asm
ld a, $1
ld [wcc3c], a
ld hl, CeladonGameCornerText_48f09
call PrintText
call WaitForSoundToFinish
ld a, (SFX_02_57 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
call WaitForSoundToFinish
ld hl, wd77e
set 1, [hl]
ld a, $43
ld [wd09f], a
ld bc, $0208
ld a, $17
call Predef
jp TextScriptEnd
CeladonGameCornerText_48f09: ; 48f09 (12:4f09)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48f09 ; 0x9ddb0
db $8
ld a, (SFX_02_49 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
call WaitForSoundToFinish
jp TextScriptEnd
CeladonGameCornerText_48f19: ; 48f19 (12:4f19)
TX_FAR _CeladonGameCornerText_48f19
db "@"
CeladonGameCornerScript_48f1e: ; 48f1e (12:4f1e)
ld hl, wd730
set 6, [hl]
FuncCoord 11, 0
ld hl, Coord
ld b, $5
ld c, $7
call TextBoxBorder
call UpdateSprites
FuncCoord 12, 1
ld hl, Coord
ld b, $4
ld c, $7
call ClearScreenArea
FuncCoord 12, 2
ld hl, Coord
ld de, GameCornerMoneyText
call PlaceString
FuncCoord 12, 3
ld hl, Coord
ld de, GameCornerBlankText1
call PlaceString
FuncCoord 12, 3
ld hl, Coord
ld de, wPlayerMoney
ld c, $a3
call PrintBCDNumber
FuncCoord 12, 4
ld hl, Coord
ld de, GameCornerCoinText
call PlaceString
FuncCoord 12, 5
ld hl, Coord
ld de, GameCornerBlankText2
call PlaceString
FuncCoord 15, 5
ld hl, Coord
ld de, wPlayerCoins
ld c, $82
call PrintBCDNumber
ld hl, wd730
res 6, [hl]
GameCornerMoneyText: ; 48f7a (12:4f7a)
db "MONEY@"
GameCornerCoinText: ; 48f80 (12:4f80)
db "COIN@"
GameCornerBlankText1: ; 48f85 (12:4f85)
db " @"
GameCornerBlankText2: ; 48f8d (12:4f8d)
db " @"
Has9990Coins: ; 48f95 (12:4f95)
ld a, $99
ld [$ffa0], a
ld a, $90
ld [$ffa1], a
jp HasEnoughCoins