2015-08-08 22:32:44 -07:00

644 lines
13 KiB
Executable file

ShowPokedexMenu: ; 40000 (10:4000)
call GBPalWhiteOut
call ClearScreen
call UpdateSprites
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
push af
xor a
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
ld [wLastMenuItem],a
inc a
ld [wd11e],a
ld [hJoy7],a
ld b,$08
call GoPAL_SET
callab LoadPokedexTilePatterns
ld hl,wTopMenuItemY
ld a,3
ld [hli],a ; top menu item Y
xor a
ld [hli],a ; top menu item X
inc a
ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds],a
inc hl
inc hl
ld a,6
ld [hli],a ; max menu item ID
ld [hl],%00110011 ; menu watched keys (Left, Right, B button, A button)
call HandlePokedexListMenu
jr c,.goToSideMenu ; if the player chose a pokemon from the list
xor a
ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds],a
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a
ld [wLastMenuItem],a
ld [hJoy7],a
ld [wWastedByteCD3A],a
ld [wOverrideSimulatedJoypadStatesMask],a
pop af
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
jp ReloadMapData
call HandlePokedexSideMenu
dec b
jr z,.exitPokedex ; if the player chose Quit
dec b
jr z,.doPokemonListMenu ; if pokemon not seen or player pressed B button
jp .setUpGraphics ; if pokemon data or area was shown
; handles the menu on the lower right in the pokedex screen
; b = reason for exiting menu
; 00: showed pokemon data or area
; 01: the player chose Quit
; 02: the pokemon has not been seen yet or the player pressed the B button
HandlePokedexSideMenu: ; 4006d (10:406d)
call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
push af
ld b,a
ld a,[wLastMenuItem]
push af
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
push af
add b
inc a
ld [wd11e],a
ld a,[wd11e]
push af
ld a,[wDexMaxSeenMon]
push af ; this doesn't need to be preserved
ld hl,wPokedexSeen
call IsPokemonBitSet
ld b,2
jr z,.exitSideMenu
call PokedexToIndex
ld hl,wTopMenuItemY
ld a,10
ld [hli],a ; top menu item Y
ld a,15
ld [hli],a ; top menu item X
xor a
ld [hli],a ; current menu item ID
inc hl
ld a,3
ld [hli],a ; max menu item ID
ld [hli],a ; menu watched keys (A button and B button)
xor a
ld [hli],a ; old menu item ID
ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds],a
call HandleMenuInput
bit 1,a ; was the B button pressed?
ld b,2
jr nz,.buttonBPressed
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
and a
jr z,.choseData
dec a
jr z,.choseCry
dec a
jr z,.choseArea
ld b,1
pop af
ld [wDexMaxSeenMon],a
pop af
ld [wd11e],a
pop af
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
pop af
ld [wLastMenuItem],a
pop af
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a
push bc
coord hl, 0, 3
ld de,20
lb bc, " ", 13
call DrawTileLine ; cover up the menu cursor in the pokemon list
pop bc
push bc
coord hl, 15, 10
ld de,20
lb bc, " ", 7
call DrawTileLine ; cover up the menu cursor in the side menu
pop bc
jr .exitSideMenu
call ShowPokedexDataInternal
ld b,0
jr .exitSideMenu
; play pokemon cry
ld a,[wd11e]
call GetCryData
call PlaySound
jr .handleMenuInput
predef LoadTownMap_Nest ; display pokemon areas
ld b,0
jr .exitSideMenu
; handles the list of pokemon on the left of the pokedex screen
; sets carry flag if player presses A, unsets carry flag if player presses B
HandlePokedexListMenu: ; 40111 (10:4111)
xor a
; draw the horizontal line separating the seen and owned amounts from the menu
coord hl, 15, 8
ld a,$7a ; horizontal line tile
ld [hli],a
ld [hli],a
ld [hli],a
ld [hli],a
ld [hli],a
coord hl, 14, 0
ld [hl],$71 ; vertical line tile
coord hl, 14, 1
call DrawPokedexVerticalLine
coord hl, 14, 9
call DrawPokedexVerticalLine
ld hl,wPokedexSeen
ld b,wPokedexSeenEnd - wPokedexSeen
call CountSetBits
ld de, wNumSetBits
coord hl, 16, 3
lb bc, 1, 3
call PrintNumber ; print number of seen pokemon
ld hl,wPokedexOwned
ld b,wPokedexOwnedEnd - wPokedexOwned
call CountSetBits
ld de, wNumSetBits
coord hl, 16, 6
lb bc, 1, 3
call PrintNumber ; print number of owned pokemon
coord hl, 16, 2
ld de,PokedexSeenText
call PlaceString
coord hl, 16, 5
ld de,PokedexOwnText
call PlaceString
coord hl, 1, 1
ld de,PokedexContentsText
call PlaceString
coord hl, 16, 10
ld de,PokedexMenuItemsText
call PlaceString
; find the highest pokedex number among the pokemon the player has seen
ld hl,wPokedexSeenEnd - 1
ld b,(wPokedexSeenEnd - wPokedexSeen) * 8 + 1
ld a,[hld]
ld c,8
dec b
sla a
jr c,.storeMaxSeenPokemon
dec c
jr nz,.maxSeenPokemonInnerLoop
jr .maxSeenPokemonLoop
ld a,b
ld [wDexMaxSeenMon],a
xor a
coord hl, 4, 2
lb bc, 14, 10
call ClearScreenArea
coord hl, 1, 3
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
ld [wd11e],a
ld d,7
ld a,[wDexMaxSeenMon]
cp a,7
jr nc,.printPokemonLoop
ld d,a
dec a
ld [wMaxMenuItem],a
; loop to print pokemon pokedex numbers and names
; if the player has owned the pokemon, it puts a pokeball beside the name
ld a,[wd11e]
inc a
ld [wd11e],a
push af
push de
push hl
add hl,de
ld de,wd11e
lb bc, LEADING_ZEROES | 1, 3
call PrintNumber ; print the pokedex number
add hl,de
dec hl
push hl
ld hl,wPokedexOwned
call IsPokemonBitSet
pop hl
ld a," "
jr z,.writeTile
ld a,$72 ; pokeball tile
ld [hl],a ; put a pokeball next to pokemon that the player has owned
push hl
ld hl,wPokedexSeen
call IsPokemonBitSet
jr nz,.getPokemonName ; if the player has seen the pokemon
ld de,.dashedLine ; print a dashed line in place of the name if the player hasn't seen the pokemon
jr .skipGettingName
.dashedLine ; for unseen pokemon in the list
db "----------@"
call PokedexToIndex
call GetMonName
pop hl
inc hl
call PlaceString
pop hl
ld bc,2 * 20
add hl,bc
pop de
pop af
ld [wd11e],a
dec d
jr nz,.printPokemonLoop
ld a,01
call Delay3
call GBPalNormal
call HandleMenuInput
bit 1,a ; was the B button pressed?
jp nz,.buttonBPressed
bit 6,a ; was Up pressed?
jr z,.checkIfDownPressed
.upPressed ; scroll up one row
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
and a
jp z,.loop
dec a
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
jp .loop
bit 7,a ; was Down pressed?
jr z,.checkIfRightPressed
.downPressed ; scroll down one row
ld a,[wDexMaxSeenMon]
cp a,7
jp c,.loop ; can't if the list is shorter than 7
sub a,7
ld b,a
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
cp b
jp z,.loop
inc a
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
jp .loop
bit 4,a ; was Right pressed?
jr z,.checkIfLeftPressed
.rightPressed ; scroll down 7 rows
ld a,[wDexMaxSeenMon]
cp a,7
jp c,.loop ; can't if the list is shorter than 7
sub a,6
ld b,a
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
add a,7
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
cp b
jp c,.loop
dec b
ld a,b
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
jp .loop
.checkIfLeftPressed ; scroll up 7 rows
bit 5,a ; was Left pressed?
jr z,.buttonAPressed
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
sub a,7
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
jp nc,.loop
xor a
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
jp .loop
and a
DrawPokedexVerticalLine: ; 4028e (10:428e)
ld c,9 ; height of line
ld de,20 ; width of screen
ld a,$71 ; vertical line tile
ld [hl],a
add hl,de
xor a,1 ; toggle between vertical line tile and box tile
dec c
jr nz,.loop
PokedexSeenText: ; 4029d (10:429d)
db "SEEN@"
PokedexOwnText: ; 402a2 (10:42a2)
db "OWN@"
PokedexContentsText: ; 402a6 (10:42a6)
PokedexMenuItemsText: ; 402af (10:42af)
db "DATA"
next "CRY"
next "AREA"
next "PRNT"
next "QUIT@"
; tests if a pokemon's bit is set in the seen or owned pokemon bit fields
; [wd11e] = pokedex number
; hl = address of bit field
IsPokemonBitSet: ; 402c2 (10:42c2)
ld a,[wd11e]
dec a
ld c,a
predef FlagActionPredef
ld a,c
and a
; function to display pokedex data from outside the pokedex
ShowPokedexData: ; 402d1 (10:42d1)
call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
call ClearScreen
call UpdateSprites
callab LoadPokedexTilePatterns ; load pokedex tiles
; function to display pokedex data from inside the pokedex
ShowPokedexDataInternal: ; 402e2 (10:42e2)
ld hl,wd72c
set 1,[hl]
ld a,$33 ; 3/7 volume
ld [rNR50],a
call GBPalWhiteOut ; zero all palettes
call ClearScreen
ld a,[wd11e] ; pokemon ID
ld [wcf91],a
push af
ld b,04
call GoPAL_SET
pop af
ld [wd11e],a
ld a,[hTilesetType]
push af
xor a
ld [hTilesetType],a
coord hl, 0, 0
ld de,1
lb bc, $64, SCREEN_WIDTH
call DrawTileLine ; draw top border
coord hl, 0, 17
ld b, $6f
call DrawTileLine ; draw bottom border
coord hl, 0, 1
ld de,20
lb bc, $66, $10
call DrawTileLine ; draw left border
coord hl, 19, 1
ld b,$67
call DrawTileLine ; draw right border
ld a,$63 ; upper left corner tile
Coorda 0, 0
ld a,$65 ; upper right corner tile
Coorda 19, 0
ld a,$6c ; lower left corner tile
Coorda 0, 17
ld a,$6e ; lower right corner tile
Coorda 19, 17
coord hl, 0, 9
ld de,PokedexDataDividerLine
call PlaceString ; draw horizontal divider line
coord hl, 9, 6
ld de,HeightWeightText
call PlaceString
call GetMonName
coord hl, 9, 2
call PlaceString
ld hl,PokedexEntryPointers
ld a,[wd11e]
dec a
ld e,a
ld d,0
add hl,de
add hl,de
ld a,[hli]
ld e,a
ld d,[hl] ; de = address of pokedex entry
coord hl, 9, 4
call PlaceString ; print species name
ld h,b
ld l,c
push de
ld a,[wd11e]
push af
call IndexToPokedex
coord hl, 2, 8
ld a, "№"
ld [hli],a
ld a,$f2
ld [hli],a
ld de,wd11e
lb bc, LEADING_ZEROES | 1, 3
call PrintNumber ; print pokedex number
ld hl,wPokedexOwned
call IsPokemonBitSet
pop af
ld [wd11e],a
ld a,[wcf91]
ld [wd0b5],a
pop de
push af
push bc
push de
push hl
call Delay3
call GBPalNormal
call GetMonHeader ; load pokemon picture location
coord hl, 1, 1
call LoadFlippedFrontSpriteByMonIndex ; draw pokemon picture
ld a,[wcf91]
call PlayCry ; play pokemon cry
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
pop af
ld a,c
and a
jp z,.waitForButtonPress ; if the pokemon has not been owned, don't print the height, weight, or description
inc de ; de = address of feet (height)
ld a,[de] ; reads feet, but a is overwritten without being used
coord hl, 12, 6
lb bc, 1, 2
call PrintNumber ; print feet (height)
ld a,$60 ; feet symbol tile (one tick)
ld [hl],a
inc de
inc de ; de = address of inches (height)
coord hl, 15, 6
lb bc, LEADING_ZEROES | 1, 2
call PrintNumber ; print inches (height)
ld a,$61 ; inches symbol tile (two ticks)
ld [hl],a
; now print the weight (note that weight is stored in tenths of pounds internally)
inc de
inc de
inc de ; de = address of upper byte of weight
push de
; put weight in big-endian order at hDexWeight
ld hl,hDexWeight
ld a,[hl] ; save existing value of [hDexWeight]
push af
ld a,[de] ; a = upper byte of weight
ld [hli],a ; store upper byte of weight in [hDexWeight]
ld a,[hl] ; save existing value of [hDexWeight + 1]
push af
dec de
ld a,[de] ; a = lower byte of weight
ld [hl],a ; store lower byte of weight in [hDexWeight + 1]
ld de,hDexWeight
coord hl, 11, 8
lb bc, 2, 5 ; 2 bytes, 5 digits
call PrintNumber ; print weight
coord hl, 14, 8
ld a,[hDexWeight + 1]
sub a,10
ld a,[hDexWeight]
sbc a,0
jr nc,.next
ld [hl],"0" ; if the weight is less than 10, put a 0 before the decimal point
inc hl
ld a,[hli]
ld [hld],a ; make space for the decimal point by moving the last digit forward one tile
ld [hl],$f2 ; decimal point tile
pop af
ld [hDexWeight + 1],a ; restore original value of [hDexWeight + 1]
pop af
ld [hDexWeight],a ; restore original value of [hDexWeight]
pop hl
inc hl ; hl = address of pokedex description text
coord bc, 1, 11
ld a,2
ld [$fff4],a
call TextCommandProcessor ; print pokedex description text
xor a
ld [$fff4],a
call JoypadLowSensitivity
ld a,[hJoy5]
jr z,.waitForButtonPress
pop af
ld [hTilesetType],a
call GBPalWhiteOut
call ClearScreen
call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
call GBPalNormal
ld hl,wd72c
res 1,[hl]
ld a,$77 ; max volume
ld [rNR50],a
HeightWeightText: ; 40448 (10:4448)
db "HT ?",$60,"??",$61,$4E,"WT ???lb@"
; XXX does anything point to this?
PokeText: ; 4045d (10:445d)
db "#@"
; horizontal line that divides the pokedex text description from the rest of the data
PokedexDataDividerLine: ; 4045f (10:445f)
db $68,$69,$6B,$69,$6B
db $69,$6B,$69,$6B,$6B
db $6B,$6B,$69,$6B,$69
db $6B,$69,$6B,$69,$6A
db $50
; draws a line of tiles
; b = tile ID
; c = number of tile ID's to write
; de = amount to destination address after each tile (1 for horizontal, 20 for vertical)
; hl = destination address
DrawTileLine: ; 40474 (10:4474)
push bc
push de
ld [hl],b
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.loop
pop de
pop bc
INCLUDE "data/pokedex_entries.asm"
PokedexToIndex: ; 40ff9 (10:4ff9)
; converts the Pokédex number at wd11e to an index
push bc
push hl
ld a,[wd11e]
ld b,a
ld c,0
ld hl,PokedexOrder
.loop ; go through the list until we find an entry with a matching dex number
inc c
ld a,[hli]
cp b
jr nz,.loop
ld a,c
ld [wd11e],a
pop hl
pop bc
IndexToPokedex: ; 41010 (10:5010)
; converts the indexédex number at wd11e to a Pokédex number
push bc
push hl
ld a,[wd11e]
dec a
ld hl,PokedexOrder
ld b,0
ld c,a
add hl,bc
ld a,[hl]
ld [wd11e],a
pop hl
pop bc
INCLUDE "data/pokedex_order.asm"