yenatch 40c17c906b Remove most static wram addresses. Use labels instead.
For unknown addresses, use "w<address>".

Label overleads are still an issue.
2014-05-26 22:04:39 -07:00

676 lines
13 KiB
Executable file

DisplayPokedexMenu_: ; 40000 (10:4000)
call GBPalWhiteOut
call ClearScreen
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
push af
xor a
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
ld [wLastMenuItem],a
inc a
ld [wd11e],a
ld [$ffb7],a
ld b,$08
call GoPAL_SET
callab LoadPokedexTilePatterns
ld hl,wTopMenuItemY
ld a,3
ld [hli],a ; top menu item Y
xor a
ld [hli],a ; top menu item X
inc a
ld [wcc37],a
inc hl
inc hl
ld a,6
ld [hli],a ; max menu item ID
ld [hl],%00110011 ; menu watched keys (Left, Right, B button, A button)
call HandlePokedexListMenu
jr c,.goToSideMenu ; if the player chose a pokemon from the list
xor a
ld [wcc37],a
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a
ld [wLastMenuItem],a
ld [$ffb7],a
ld [wcd3a],a
ld [wcd3b],a
pop af
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
jp ReloadMapData
call HandlePokedexSideMenu
dec b
jr z,.exitPokedex ; if the player chose Quit
dec b
jr z,.doPokemonListMenu ; if pokemon not seen or player pressed B button
jp .setUpGraphics ; if pokemon data or area was shown
; handles the menu on the lower right in the pokedex screen
; b = reason for exiting menu
; 00: showed pokemon data or area
; 01: the player chose Quit
; 02: the pokemon has not been seen yet or the player pressed the B button
HandlePokedexSideMenu: ; 4006d (10:406d)
call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
push af
ld b,a
ld a,[wLastMenuItem]
push af
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
push af
add b
inc a
ld [wd11e],a
ld a,[wd11e]
push af
ld a,[wWhichTrade]
push af
ld hl,wPokedexSeen
call IsPokemonBitSet
ld b,2
jr z,.exitSideMenu
call PokedexToIndex
ld hl,wTopMenuItemY
ld a,10
ld [hli],a ; top menu item Y
ld a,15
ld [hli],a ; top menu item X
xor a
ld [hli],a ; current menu item ID
inc hl
ld a,3
ld [hli],a ; max menu item ID
ld [hli],a ; menu watched keys (A button and B button)
xor a
ld [hli],a ; old menu item ID
ld [wcc37],a
call HandleMenuInput
bit 1,a ; was the B button pressed?
ld b,2
jr nz,.buttonBPressed
ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem]
and a
jr z,.choseData
dec a
jr z,.choseCry
dec a
jr z,.choseArea
ld b,1
pop af
ld [wWhichTrade],a
pop af
ld [wd11e],a
pop af
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
pop af
ld [wLastMenuItem],a
pop af
ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a
push bc
FuncCoord 0,3
ld hl,Coord
ld de,20
ld bc,$7f0d ; 13 blank tiles
call DrawTileLine ; cover up the menu cursor in the pokemon list
pop bc
push bc
FuncCoord 15,10
ld hl,Coord
ld de,20
ld bc,$7f07 ; 7 blank tiles
call DrawTileLine ; cover up the menu cursor in the side menu
pop bc
jr .exitSideMenu
call ShowPokedexDataInternal
ld b,0
jr .exitSideMenu
; play pokemon cry
ld a,[wd11e]
call GetCryData ; get cry data
call PlaySound ; play sound
jr .handleMenuInput
ld a,$4a
call Predef ; display pokemon areas
ld b,0
jr .exitSideMenu
; handles the list of pokemon on the left of the pokedex screen
; sets carry flag if player presses A, unsets carry flag if player presses B
HandlePokedexListMenu: ; 40111 (10:4111)
xor a
; draw the horizontal line separating the seen and owned amounts from the menu
FuncCoord 15,8
ld hl,Coord
ld a,$7a ; horizontal line tile
ld [hli],a
ld [hli],a
ld [hli],a
ld [hli],a
ld [hli],a
FuncCoord 14,0
ld hl,Coord
ld [hl],$71 ; vertical line tile
FuncCoord 14,1
ld hl,Coord
call DrawPokedexVerticalLine
FuncCoord 14,9
ld hl,Coord
call DrawPokedexVerticalLine
ld hl,wPokedexSeen
ld b,wPokedexSeenEnd - wPokedexSeen
call CountSetBits
ld de,wd11e
FuncCoord 16,3
ld hl,Coord
ld bc,$0103
call PrintNumber ; print number of seen pokemon
ld hl,wPokedexOwned
ld b,wPokedexOwnedEnd - wPokedexOwned
call CountSetBits
ld de,wd11e
FuncCoord 16,6
ld hl,Coord
ld bc,$0103
call PrintNumber ; print number of owned pokemon
FuncCoord 16,2
ld hl,Coord
ld de,PokedexSeenText
call PlaceString
FuncCoord 16,5
ld hl,Coord
ld de,PokedexOwnText
call PlaceString
FuncCoord 1,1
ld hl,Coord
ld de,PokedexContentsText
call PlaceString
FuncCoord 16,10
ld hl,Coord
ld de,PokedexMenuItemsText
call PlaceString
; find the highest pokedex number among the pokemon the player has seen
ld hl,wPokedexSeenEnd - 1
ld b,153
ld a,[hld]
ld c,8
dec b
sla a
jr c,.storeMaxSeenPokemon
dec c
jr nz,.maxSeenPokemonInnerLoop
jr .maxSeenPokemonLoop
ld a,b
ld [wWhichTrade],a ; max seen pokemon
xor a
FuncCoord 4,2
ld hl,Coord
ld bc,$0e0a
call ClearScreenArea
FuncCoord 1,3
ld hl,Coord
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
ld [wd11e],a
ld d,7
ld a,[wWhichTrade]
cp a,7
jr nc,.printPokemonLoop
ld d,a
dec a
ld [wMaxMenuItem],a
; loop to print pokemon pokedex numbers and names
; if the player has owned the pokemon, it puts a pokeball beside the name
ld a,[wd11e]
inc a
ld [wd11e],a
push af
push de
push hl
ld de,-20
add hl,de
ld de,wd11e
ld bc,$8103
call PrintNumber ; print the pokedex number
ld de,20
add hl,de
dec hl
push hl
ld hl,wPokedexOwned
call IsPokemonBitSet
pop hl
ld a," "
jr z,.writeTile
ld a,$72 ; pokeball tile
ld [hl],a ; put a pokeball next to pokemon that the player has owned
push hl
ld hl,wPokedexSeen
call IsPokemonBitSet
jr nz,.getPokemonName ; if the player has seen the pokemon
ld de,.dashedLine ; print a dashed line in place of the name if the player hasn't seen the pokemon
jr .skipGettingName
.dashedLine ; for unseen pokemon in the list
db "----------@"
call PokedexToIndex
call GetMonName
pop hl
inc hl
call PlaceString
pop hl
ld bc,2 * 20
add hl,bc
pop de
pop af
ld [wd11e],a
dec d
jr nz,.printPokemonLoop
ld a,01
call Delay3
call GBPalNormal
call HandleMenuInput
bit 1,a ; was the B button pressed?
jp nz,.buttonBPressed
bit 6,a ; was Up pressed?
jr z,.checkIfDownPressed
.upPressed ; scroll up one row
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
and a
jp z,.loop
dec a
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
jp .loop
bit 7,a ; was Down pressed?
jr z,.checkIfRightPressed
.downPressed ; scroll down one row
ld a,[wWhichTrade]
cp a,7
jp c,.loop
sub a,7
ld b,a
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
cp b
jp z,.loop
inc a
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
jp .loop
bit 4,a ; was Right pressed?
jr z,.checkIfLeftPressed
.rightPressed ; scroll down 7 rows
ld a,[wWhichTrade]
cp a,7
jp c,.loop
sub a,6
ld b,a
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
add a,7
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
cp b
jp c,.loop
dec b
ld a,b
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
jp .loop
.checkIfLeftPressed ; scroll up 7 rows
bit 5,a ; was Left pressed?
jr z,.buttonAPressed
ld a,[wListScrollOffset]
sub a,7
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
jp nc,.loop
xor a
ld [wListScrollOffset],a
jp .loop
and a
DrawPokedexVerticalLine: ; 4028e (10:428e)
ld c,9 ; height of line
ld de,20 ; width of screen
ld a,$71 ; vertical line tile
ld [hl],a
add hl,de
xor a,1 ; toggle between vertical line tile and box tile
dec c
jr nz,.loop
PokedexSeenText: ; 4029d (10:429d)
db "SEEN@"
PokedexOwnText: ; 402a2 (10:42a2)
db "OWN@"
PokedexContentsText: ; 402a6 (10:42a6)
PokedexMenuItemsText: ; 402af (10:42af)
db "DATA"
next "CRY"
next "AREA"
next "QUIT@"
; tests if a pokemon's bit is set in the seen or owned pokemon bit fields
; [wd11e] = pokedex number
; hl = address of bit field
IsPokemonBitSet: ; 402c2 (10:42c2)
ld a,[wd11e]
dec a
ld c,a
ld b,2
ld a,$10
call Predef
ld a,c
and a
; function to display pokedex data from outside the pokedex
ShowPokedexData: ; 402d1 (10:42d1)
call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
call ClearScreen
call UpdateSprites
callab LoadPokedexTilePatterns ; load pokedex tiles
; function to display pokedex data from inside the pokedex
ShowPokedexDataInternal: ; 402e2 (10:42e2)
ld hl,wd72c
set 1,[hl]
ld a,$33 ; 3/7 volume
ld [$ff24],a
call GBPalWhiteOut ; zero all palettes
call ClearScreen
ld a,[wd11e] ; pokemon ID
ld [wcf91],a
push af
ld b,04
call GoPAL_SET
pop af
ld [wd11e],a
ld a,[$ffd7]
push af
xor a
ld [$ffd7],a
FuncCoord 0,0
ld hl,Coord
ld de,1
ld bc,$6414
call DrawTileLine ; draw top border
FuncCoord 0,17
ld hl,Coord
ld b,$6f
call DrawTileLine ; draw bottom border
FuncCoord 0,1
ld hl,Coord
ld de,20
ld bc,$6610
call DrawTileLine ; draw left border
FuncCoord 19,1
ld hl,Coord
ld b,$67
call DrawTileLine ; draw right border
FuncCoord 0,0
ld a,$63 ; upper left corner tile
ld [Coord],a
FuncCoord 19,0
ld a,$65 ; upper right corner tile
ld [Coord],a
FuncCoord 0,17
ld a,$6c ; lower left corner tile
ld [Coord],a
FuncCoord 19,17
ld a,$6e ; lower right corner tile
ld [Coord],a
FuncCoord 0,9
ld hl,Coord
ld de,PokedexDataDividerLine
call PlaceString ; draw horizontal divider line
FuncCoord 9,6
ld hl,Coord
ld de,HeightWeightText
call PlaceString
call GetMonName
FuncCoord 9,2
ld hl,Coord
call PlaceString
ld hl,PokedexEntryPointers
ld a,[wd11e]
dec a
ld e,a
ld d,0
add hl,de
add hl,de
ld a,[hli]
ld e,a
ld d,[hl] ; de = address of pokedex entry
FuncCoord 9,4
ld hl,Coord
call PlaceString ; print species name
ld h,b
ld l,c
push de
ld a,[wd11e]
push af
call IndexToPokedex
FuncCoord 2,8
ld hl,Coord
ld a, "№"
ld [hli],a
ld a,$f2
ld [hli],a
ld de,wd11e
ld bc,$8103
call PrintNumber ; print pokedex number
ld hl,wPokedexOwned
call IsPokemonBitSet
pop af
ld [wd11e],a
ld a,[wcf91]
ld [wd0b5],a
pop de
push af
push bc
push de
push hl
call Delay3
call GBPalNormal
call GetMonHeader ; load pokemon picture location
FuncCoord 1,1
ld hl,Coord
call LoadFlippedFrontSpriteByMonIndex ; draw pokemon picture
ld a,[wcf91]
call PlayCry ; play pokemon cry
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
pop af
ld a,c
and a
jp z,.waitForButtonPress ; if the pokemon has not been owned, don't print the height, weight, or description
inc de ; de = address of feet (height)
ld a,[de] ; reads feet, but a is overwritten without being used
FuncCoord 12,6
ld hl,Coord
ld bc,$0102
call PrintNumber ; print feet (height)
ld a,$60 ; feet symbol tile (one tick)
ld [hl],a
inc de
inc de ; de = address of inches (height)
FuncCoord 15,6
ld hl,Coord
ld bc,$8102
call PrintNumber ; print inches (height)
ld a,$61 ; inches symbol tile (two ticks)
ld [hl],a
; now print the weight (note that weight is stored in tenths of pounds internally)
inc de
inc de
inc de ; de = address of upper byte of weight
push de
; put weight in big-endian order at $ff8b
ld hl,$ff8b
ld a,[hl] ; save existing value of [$ff8b]
push af
ld a,[de] ; a = upper byte of weight
ld [hli],a ; store upper byte of weight in [$ff8b]
ld a,[hl] ; save existing value of [$ff8c]
push af
dec de
ld a,[de] ; a = lower byte of weight
ld [hl],a ; store lower byte of weight in [$ff8c]
FuncCoord 11,8
ld de,$ff8b
ld hl,Coord
ld bc,$0205 ; no leading zeroes, right-aligned, 2 bytes, 5 digits
call PrintNumber ; print weight
FuncCoord 14,8
ld hl,Coord
ld a,[$ff8c]
sub a,10
ld a,[$ff8b]
sbc a,0
jr nc,.next
ld [hl],"0" ; if the weight is less than 10, put a 0 before the decimal point
inc hl
ld a,[hli]
ld [hld],a ; make space for the decimal point by moving the last digit forward one tile
ld [hl],$f2 ; decimal point tile
pop af
ld [$ff8c],a ; restore original value of [$ff8c]
pop af
ld [$ff8b],a ; restore original value of [$ff8b]
pop hl
inc hl ; hl = address of pokedex description text
FuncCoord 1,11
ld bc,Coord
ld a,2
ld [$fff4],a
call TextCommandProcessor ; print pokedex description text
xor a
ld [$fff4],a
call JoypadLowSensitivity
ld a,[$ffb5]
and a,%00000011 ; A button and B button
jr z,.waitForButtonPress
pop af
ld [$ffd7],a
call GBPalWhiteOut
call ClearScreen
call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
call GBPalNormal
ld hl,wd72c
res 1,[hl]
ld a,$77 ; max volume
ld [$ff24],a
HeightWeightText: ; 40448 (10:4448)
db "HT ?",$60,"??",$61,$4E,"WT ???lb@"
; XXX does anything point to this?
Unknown_4045D: ; 4045d (10:445d)
db $54,$50
; horizontal line that divides the pokedex text description from the rest of the data
PokedexDataDividerLine: ; 4045f (10:445f)
db $68,$69,$6B,$69,$6B
db $69,$6B,$69,$6B,$6B
db $6B,$6B,$69,$6B,$69
db $6B,$69,$6B,$69,$6A
db $50
; draws a line of tiles
; b = tile ID
; c = number of tile ID's to write
; de = amount to destination address after each tile (1 for horizontal, 20 for vertical)
; hl = destination address
DrawTileLine: ; 40474 (10:4474)
push bc
push de
ld [hl],b
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.loop
pop de
pop bc
INCLUDE "data/pokedex_entries.asm"
PokedexToIndex: ; 40ff9 (10:4ff9)
; converts the Pokédex number at wd11e to an index
push bc
push hl
ld a,[wd11e]
ld b,a
ld c,0
ld hl,PokedexOrder
.loop ; go through the list until we find an entry with a matching dex number
inc c
ld a,[hli]
cp b
jr nz,.loop
ld a,c
ld [wd11e],a
pop hl
pop bc
IndexToPokedex: ; 41010 (10:5010)
; converts the indexédex number at wd11e to a Pokédex number
push bc
push hl
ld a,[wd11e]
dec a
ld hl,PokedexOrder
ld b,0
ld c,a
add hl,bc
ld a,[hl]
ld [wd11e],a
pop hl
pop bc
INCLUDE "data/pokedex_order.asm"