2015-08-08 22:32:44 -07:00

288 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable file

AnimateHallOfFame: ; 701a0 (1c:41a0)
call HoFFadeOutScreenAndMusic
call ClearScreen
ld c, 100
call DelayFrames
call LoadFontTilePatterns
call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
call DisableLCD
ld hl,vBGMap0
ld bc, $800
ld a, " "
call FillMemory
call EnableLCD
ld hl, rLCDC
set 3, [hl]
xor a
ld hl, wHallOfFame
ld bc, HOF_TEAM
call FillMemory
xor a
ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a
ld [hTilesetType], a
ld [wLetterPrintingDelayFlags], a ; no delay
ld [wHoFMonOrPlayer], a ; mon
inc a
ld hl, wNumHoFTeams
ld a, [hl]
inc a
jr z, .skipInc ; don't wrap around to 0
inc [hl]
ld a, $90
ld [hWY], a
ld c, BANK(Music_HallOfFame)
call PlayMusic
ld hl, wPartySpecies
ld c, $ff
ld a, [hli]
cp $ff
jr z, .doneShowingParty
inc c
push hl
push bc
ld [wHoFMonSpecies], a
ld a, c
ld [wHoFPartyMonIndex], a
ld hl, wPartyMon1Level
ld bc, wPartyMon2 - wPartyMon1
call AddNTimes
ld a, [hl]
ld [wHoFMonLevel], a
call HoFShowMonOrPlayer
call HoFDisplayAndRecordMonInfo
ld c, 80
call DelayFrames
coord hl, 2, 13
ld b, $3
ld c, $e
call TextBoxBorder
coord hl, 4, 15
ld de, HallOfFameText
call PlaceString
ld c, 180
call DelayFrames
call GBFadeOutToWhite
pop bc
pop hl
jr .partyMonLoop
ld a, c
inc a
ld hl, wHallOfFame
ld bc, HOF_MON
call AddNTimes
ld [hl], $ff
call SaveHallOfFameTeams
xor a
ld [wHoFMonSpecies], a
inc a
ld [wHoFMonOrPlayer], a ; player
call HoFShowMonOrPlayer
call HoFDisplayPlayerStats
call HoFFadeOutScreenAndMusic
xor a
ld [hWY], a
ld hl, rLCDC
res 3, [hl]
HallOfFameText: ; 7026b (1c:426b)
HoFShowMonOrPlayer: ; 70278 (1c:4278)
call ClearScreen
ld a, $d0
ld [hSCY], a
ld a, $c0
ld [hSCX], a
ld a, [wHoFMonSpecies]
ld [wcf91], a
ld [wd0b5], a
ld [wBattleMonSpecies2], a
ld [wcf1d], a
ld a, [wHoFMonOrPlayer]
and a
jr z, .showMon
; show player
call HoFLoadPlayerPics
jr .next1
coord hl, 12, 5
call GetMonHeader
call LoadFrontSpriteByMonIndex
predef LoadMonBackPic
ld b, $b
ld c, $0
call GoPAL_SET
ld a, %11100100
ld [rBGP], a
ld c, $31 ; back pic
call HoFLoadMonPlayerPicTileIDs
ld d, $a0
ld e, 4
ld a, [wOnSGB]
and a
jr z, .next2
sla e ; scroll more slowly on SGB
call .ScrollPic ; scroll back pic left
xor a
ld [hSCY], a
ld c, a ; front pic
call HoFLoadMonPlayerPicTileIDs
ld d, 0
ld e, -4
; scroll front pic right
call DelayFrame
ld a, [hSCX]
add e
ld [hSCX], a
cp d
jr nz, .ScrollPic
HoFDisplayAndRecordMonInfo: ; 702e1 (1c:42e1)
ld a, [wHoFPartyMonIndex]
ld hl, wPartyMonNicks
call GetPartyMonName
call HoFDisplayMonInfo
jp HoFRecordMonInfo
HoFDisplayMonInfo: ; 702f0 (1c:42f0)
coord hl, 0, 2
ld b, 9
ld c, 10
call TextBoxBorder
coord hl, 2, 6
ld de, HoFMonInfoText
call PlaceString
coord hl, 1, 4
ld de, wcd6d
call PlaceString
ld a, [wHoFMonLevel]
coord hl, 8, 7
call PrintLevelCommon
ld a, [wHoFMonSpecies]
ld [wd0b5], a
coord hl, 3, 9
predef PrintMonType
ld a, [wHoFMonSpecies]
jp PlayCry
HoFMonInfoText: ; 70329 (1c:4329)
db "LEVEL/"
next "TYPE1/"
next "TYPE2/@"
HoFLoadPlayerPics: ; 7033e (1c:433e)
ld de, RedPicFront
ld a, BANK(RedPicFront)
call UncompressSpriteFromDE
ld bc, $310
call CopyData
ld de, vFrontPic
call InterlaceMergeSpriteBuffers
ld de, RedPicBack
ld a, BANK(RedPicBack)
call UncompressSpriteFromDE
predef ScaleSpriteByTwo
ld de, vBackPic
call InterlaceMergeSpriteBuffers
ld c, $1
HoFLoadMonPlayerPicTileIDs: ; 7036d (1c:436d)
; c = base tile ID
ld b, 0
coord hl, 12, 5
predef_jump CopyTileIDsFromList
HoFDisplayPlayerStats: ; 70377 (1c:4377)
predef DisplayDexRating
coord hl, 0, 4
ld b, $6
ld c, $a
call TextBoxBorder
coord hl, 5, 0
ld b, $2
ld c, $9
call TextBoxBorder
coord hl, 7, 2
ld de, wPlayerName
call PlaceString
coord hl, 1, 6
ld de, HoFPlayTimeText
call PlaceString
coord hl, 5, 7
lb bc, 1, 3
call PrintNumber
ld [hl], $6d
inc hl
lb bc, LEADING_ZEROES | 1, 2
call PrintNumber
coord hl, 1, 9
ld de, HoFMoneyText
call PlaceString
coord hl, 4, 10
ld de, wPlayerMoney
ld c, $a3
call PrintBCDNumber
ld hl, DexSeenOwnedText
call HoFPrintTextAndDelay
ld hl, DexRatingText
call HoFPrintTextAndDelay
ld hl, wcc5d
HoFPrintTextAndDelay: ; 703e2 (1c:43e2)
call PrintText
ld c, 120
jp DelayFrames
HoFPlayTimeText: ; 703ea (1c:43ea)
HoFMoneyText: ; 703f4 (1c:43f4)
db "MONEY@"
DexSeenOwnedText: ; 703fa (1c:43fa)
TX_FAR _DexSeenOwnedText
db "@"
DexRatingText: ; 703ff (1c:43ff)
TX_FAR _DexRatingText
db "@"
HoFRecordMonInfo: ; 70404 (1c:4404)
ld hl, wHallOfFame
ld bc, HOF_MON
ld a, [wHoFPartyMonIndex]
call AddNTimes
ld a, [wHoFMonSpecies]
ld [hli], a
ld a, [wHoFMonLevel]
ld [hli], a
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld hl, wcd6d
ld bc, $b
jp CopyData
HoFFadeOutScreenAndMusic: ; 70423 (1c:4423)
ld a, 10
ld [wAudioFadeOutCounterReloadValue], a
ld [wAudioFadeOutCounter], a
ld a, $ff
ld [wAudioFadeOutControl], a
jp GBFadeOutToWhite