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; try to initiate a wild pokemon encounter
; returns success in Z
TryDoWildEncounter: ; 13870 (4:7870)
ld a, [wNPCMovementScriptPointerTableNum]
and a
ret nz
ld a, [wd736]
and a
ret nz
callab IsPlayerStandingOnDoorTileOrWarpTile
jr nc, .notStandingOnDoorOrWarpTile
ld a, $1
and a
callab IsPlayerJustOutsideMap
jr z, .CantEncounter
ld a, [wRepelRemainingSteps]
and a
jr z, .asm_1389e
dec a
jr z, .lastRepelStep
ld [wRepelRemainingSteps], a
; determine if wild pokémon can appear in the half-block were standing in
; is the bottom right tile (9,9) of the half-block we're standing in a grass/water tile?
hlCoord 9, 9
ld c, [hl]
cp c
jr z, .CanEncounter
ld a, $14 ; in all tilesets with a water tile, this is its id
cp c
jr z, .CanEncounter
; even if not in grass/water, standing anywhere we can encounter pokémon
; so long as the map is “indoor” and has wild pokémon defined.
; …as long as its not Viridian Forest or Safari Zone.
ld a, [W_CURMAP]
cp REDS_HOUSE_1F ; is this an indoor map?
jr c, .CantEncounter2
cp FOREST ; Viridian Forest/Safari Zone
jr z, .CantEncounter2
; compare encounter chance with a random number to determine if there will be an encounter
ld b, a
ld a, [hRandomAdd]
cp b
jr nc, .CantEncounter2
ld a, [hRandomSub]
ld b, a
ld hl, WildMonEncounterSlotChances
ld a, [hli]
cp b
jr nc, .gotEncounterSlot
inc hl
jr .determineEncounterSlot
; determine which wild pokémon (grass or water) can appear in the half-block were standing in
ld c, [hl]
aCoord 8, 9
cp $14 ; is the bottom left tile (8,9) of the half-block we're standing in a water tile?
jr nz, .gotWildEncounterType ; else, it's treated as a grass tile by default
; since the bottom right tile of a "left shore" half-block is $14 but the bottom left tile is not,
; "left shore" half-blocks (such as the one in the east coast of Cinnabar) load grass encounters.
ld b, $0
add hl, bc
ld a, [hli]
ld a, [hl]
ld [wcf91], a
ld [wEnemyMonSpecies2], a
ld a, [wRepelRemainingSteps]
and a
jr z, .willEncounter
ld a, [wPartyMon1Level]
ld b, a
cp b
jr c, .CantEncounter2 ; repel prevents encounters if the leading party mon's level is higher than the wild mon
jr .willEncounter
ld [wRepelRemainingSteps], a
ld a, $d2
call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing
call DisplayTextID
ld a, $1
and a
xor a
WildMonEncounterSlotChances: ; 13918 (4:7918)
; There are 10 slots for wild pokemon, and this is the table that defines how common each of
; those 10 slots is. A random number is generated and then the first byte of each pair in this
; table is compared against that random number. If the random number is less than or equal
; to the first byte, then that slot is chosen. The second byte is double the slot number.
db $32, $00 ; 51/256 = 19.9% chance of slot 0
db $65, $02 ; 51/256 = 19.9% chance of slot 1
db $8C, $04 ; 39/256 = 15.2% chance of slot 2
db $A5, $06 ; 25/256 = 9.8% chance of slot 3
db $BE, $08 ; 25/256 = 9.8% chance of slot 4
db $D7, $0A ; 25/256 = 9.8% chance of slot 5
db $E4, $0C ; 13/256 = 5.1% chance of slot 6
db $F1, $0E ; 13/256 = 5.1% chance of slot 7
db $FC, $10 ; 11/256 = 4.3% chance of slot 8
db $FF, $12 ; 3/256 = 1.2% chance of slot 9