2014-09-14 11:29:18 -07:00

2404 lines
51 KiB

; Handle the player jumping down
; a ledge in the overworld.
ld b, BANK(_HandleMidJump)
ld hl, _HandleMidJump
jp Bankswitch
; Load a new map.
ld a, $ff
ld [wJoyIgnore], a
call LoadMapData
callba ClearVariablesAfterLoadingMapData
ld hl, wd72c
bit 0, [hl] ; has the player already made 3 steps since the last battle?
jr z, .skipGivingThreeStepsOfNoRandomBattles
ld a, 3 ; minimum number of steps between battles
ld [wNumberOfNoRandomBattleStepsLeft], a
ld hl, wd72e
bit 5, [hl] ; did a battle happen immediately before this?
res 5, [hl] ; unset the "battle just happened" flag
call z, ResetUsingStrengthOutOfBattleBit
call nz, MapEntryAfterBattle
ld hl, wd732
ld a, [hl]
and 1 << 4 | 1 << 3 ; fly warp or dungeon warp
jr z, .didNotEnterUsingFlyWarpOrDungeonWarp
res 3, [hl]
callba EnterMapAnim
call UpdateSprites
callba CheckForceBikeOrSurf ; handle currents in SF islands and forced bike riding in cycling road
ld hl, wd72d
res 5, [hl]
call UpdateSprites
ld hl, wd126
set 5, [hl]
set 6, [hl]
xor a
ld [wJoyIgnore], a
call DelayFrame
call DelayFrame
call LoadGBPal
ld a,[wd736]
bit 6,a ; jumping down a ledge?
call nz, HandleMidJump
ld a,[wWalkCounter]
and a
jp nz,.moveAhead ; if the player sprite has not yet completed the walking animation
call JoypadOverworld ; get joypad state (which is possibly simulated)
callba SafariZoneCheck
ld a,[wSafariZoneGameOver]
and a
jp nz,WarpFound2
ld hl,wd72d
bit 3,[hl]
res 3,[hl]
jp nz,WarpFound2
ld a,[wd732]
and a,1 << 4 | 1 << 3 ; fly warp or dungeon warp
jp nz,HandleFlyWarpOrDungeonWarp
and a
jp nz,.newBattle
ld a,[wd730]
bit 7,a ; are we simulating button presses?
jr z,.notSimulating
ld a,[hJoyHeld]
jr .checkIfStartIsPressed
ld a,[hJoyPressed]
bit 3,a ; start button
jr z,.startButtonNotPressed
; if START is pressed
xor a
ld [hSpriteIndexOrTextID],a ; start menu text ID
jp .displayDialogue
bit 0,a ; A button
jp z,.checkIfDownButtonIsPressed
; if A is pressed
ld a,[wd730]
bit 2,a
jp nz,.noDirectionButtonsPressed
call IsPlayerCharacterBeingControlledByGame
jr nz,.checkForOpponent
call CheckForHiddenObjectOrBookshelfOrCardKeyDoor
ld a,[$ffeb]
and a
jp z,OverworldLoop ; jump if a hidden object or bookshelf was found, but not if a card key door was found
call IsSpriteOrSignInFrontOfPlayer
ld a,[hSpriteIndexOrTextID]
and a
jp z,OverworldLoop
predef GetTileAndCoordsInFrontOfPlayer
call UpdateSprites
ld a,[wFlags_0xcd60]
bit 2,a
jr nz,.checkForOpponent
bit 0,a
jr nz,.checkForOpponent
aCoord 8, 9
ld [wcf0e],a
call DisplayTextID ; display either the start menu or the NPC/sign text
ld a,[wcc47]
and a
jr z,.checkForOpponent
dec a
ld a,$00
ld [wcc47],a
jr z,.changeMap
predef LoadSAV
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
ld [wDestinationMap],a
call SpecialWarpIn
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
call SwitchToMapRomBank ; switch to the ROM bank of the current map
set 7,[hl]
jp EnterMap
and a
jp nz,.newBattle
jp OverworldLoop
ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
res 2,[hl]
call UpdateSprites
ld a,$01
ld [wcc4b],a
ld a,[wd528] ; the direction that was pressed last time
and a
jp z,OverworldLoop
; if a direction was pressed last time
ld [wd529],a ; save the last direction
xor a
ld [wd528],a ; zero the direction
jp OverworldLoop
ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state
bit 7,a ; down button
jr z,.checkIfUpButtonIsPressed
ld a,$01
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 3],a
ld a,$04
jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
bit 6,a ; up button
jr z,.checkIfLeftButtonIsPressed
ld a,$ff
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 3],a
ld a,$08
jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
bit 5,a ; left button
jr z,.checkIfRightButtonIsPressed
ld a,$ff
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 5],a
ld a,$02
jr .handleDirectionButtonPress
bit 4,a ; right button
jr z,.noDirectionButtonsPressed
ld a,$01
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 5],a
ld [wd52a],a ; new direction
ld a,[wd730]
bit 7,a ; are we simulating button presses?
jr nz,.noDirectionChange ; ignore direction changes if we are
ld a,[wcc4b]
and a
jr z,.noDirectionChange
ld a,[wd52a] ; new direction
ld b,a
ld a,[wd529] ; old direction
cp b
jr z,.noDirectionChange
; the code below is strange
; it computes whether or not the player did a 180 degree turn, but then overwrites the result
; also, it does a seemingly pointless loop afterwards
swap a ; put old direction in upper half
or b ; put new direction in lower half
cp a,$48 ; change dir from down to up
jr nz,.notDownToUp
ld a,$02
ld [wd528],a
jr .oddLoop
cp a,$84 ; change dir from up to down
jr nz,.notUpToDown
ld a,$01
ld [wd528],a
jr .oddLoop
cp a,$12 ; change dir from right to left
jr nz,.notRightToLeft
ld a,$04
ld [wd528],a
jr .oddLoop
cp a,$21 ; change dir from left to right
jr nz,.oddLoop
ld a,$08
ld [wd528],a
ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
set 2,[hl]
ld hl,wcc4b
dec [hl]
jr nz,.oddLoop
ld a,[wd52a]
ld [wd528],a
call NewBattle
jp c,.battleOccurred
jp OverworldLoop
ld a,[wd52a] ; current direction
ld [wd528],a ; save direction
call UpdateSprites
ld a,[wWalkBikeSurfState]
cp a,$02 ; surfing
jr z,.surfing
; not surfing
call CollisionCheckOnLand
jr nc,.noCollision
; collision occurred
push hl
ld hl,wd736
bit 2,[hl] ; standing on warp flag
pop hl
jp z,OverworldLoop
; collision occurred while standing on a warp
push hl
call ExtraWarpCheck ; sets carry if there is a potential to warp
pop hl
jp c,CheckWarpsCollision
jp OverworldLoop
call CollisionCheckOnWater
jp c,OverworldLoop
ld a,$08
ld [wWalkCounter],a
jr .moveAhead2
ld a,[wd736]
bit 7,a
jr z,.noSpinning
callba LoadSpinnerArrowTiles ; spin while moving
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60
res 2,[hl]
ld a,[wWalkBikeSurfState]
dec a ; riding a bike?
jr nz,.normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement
ld a,[wd736]
bit 6,a ; jumping a ledge?
jr nz,.normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement
call BikeSpeedup ; if riding a bike and not jumping a ledge
call AdvancePlayerSprite
ld a,[wWalkCounter]
and a
jp nz,CheckMapConnections ; it seems like this check will never succeed (the other place where CheckMapConnections is run works)
; walking animation finished
ld a,[wd730]
bit 7,a
jr nz,.doneStepCounting ; if button presses are being simulated, don't count steps
; step counting
ld hl,wStepCounter
dec [hl]
ld a,[wd72c]
bit 0,a
jr z,.doneStepCounting
ld hl,wNumberOfNoRandomBattleStepsLeft
dec [hl]
jr nz,.doneStepCounting
ld hl,wd72c
res 0,[hl] ; indicate that the player has stepped thrice since the last battle
ld a,[wd790]
bit 7,a ; in the safari zone?
jr z,.notSafariZone
callba SafariZoneCheckSteps
ld a,[wSafariZoneGameOver]
and a
jp nz,WarpFound2
and a
jp nz,CheckWarpsNoCollision
predef ApplyOutOfBattlePoisonDamage ; also increment daycare mon exp
ld a,[wd12d]
and a
jp nz,HandleBlackOut ; if all pokemon fainted
call NewBattle
ld hl,wd736
res 2,[hl] ; standing on warp flag
jp nc,CheckWarpsNoCollision ; check for warps if there was no battle
ld hl,wd72d
res 6,[hl]
ld hl,W_FLAGS_D733
res 3,[hl]
ld hl,wd126
set 5,[hl]
set 6,[hl]
xor a
ld [hJoyHeld],a
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
jr nz,.notCinnabarGym
ld hl,wd79b
set 7,[hl]
ld hl,wd72e
set 5,[hl]
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
jp z,.noFaintCheck ; no blacking out if the player lost to the rival in Oak's lab
callab AnyPartyAlive
ld a,d
and a
jr z,.allPokemonFainted
ld c,$0a
call DelayFrames
jp EnterMap
ld a,$ff
call RunMapScript
jp HandleBlackOut
; function to determine if there will be a battle and execute it (either a trainer battle or wild battle)
; sets carry if a battle occurred and unsets carry if not
NewBattle:: ; 0683 (0:0683)
ld a,[wd72d]
bit 4,a
jr nz,.noBattle
call IsPlayerCharacterBeingControlledByGame
jr nz,.noBattle ; no battle if the player character is under the game's control
ld a,[wd72e]
bit 4,a
jr nz,.noBattle
ld b, BANK(InitBattle)
ld hl, InitBattle
jp Bankswitch
and a
; function to make bikes twice as fast as walking
BikeSpeedup:: ; 06a0 (0:06a0)
ld a,[wNPCMovementScriptPointerTableNum]
and a
ret nz
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
cp a,ROUTE_17 ; Cycling Road
jr nz,.goFaster
ld a,[hJoyHeld]
and a,D_UP | D_LEFT | D_RIGHT
ret nz
jp AdvancePlayerSprite
; check if the player has stepped onto a warp after having not collided
CheckWarpsNoCollision:: ; 06b4 (0:06b4)
ld a,[wNumberOfWarps]
and a
jp z,CheckMapConnections
ld a,[wNumberOfWarps]
ld b,0
ld c,a
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
ld d,a
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
ld e,a
ld hl,wWarpEntries
CheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop:: ; 06cc (0:06cc)
ld a,[hli] ; check if the warp's Y position matches
cp d
jr nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry1
ld a,[hli] ; check if the warp's X position matches
cp e
jr nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2
; if a match was found
push hl
push bc
ld hl,wd736
set 2,[hl] ; standing on warp flag
callba IsPlayerStandingOnDoorTileOrWarpTile
pop bc
pop hl
jr c,WarpFound1 ; jump if standing on door or warp
push hl
push bc
call ExtraWarpCheck
pop bc
pop hl
jr nc,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2
; if the extra check passed
ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
bit 2,a
jr nz,WarpFound1
push de
push bc
call Joypad
pop bc
pop de
ld a,[hJoyHeld]
and a,D_DOWN | D_UP | D_LEFT | D_RIGHT
jr z,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2 ; if directional buttons aren't being pressed, do not pass through the warp
jr WarpFound1
; check if the player has stepped onto a warp after having collided
CheckWarpsCollision:: ; 0706 (0:0706)
ld a,[wNumberOfWarps]
ld c,a
ld hl,wWarpEntries
ld a,[hli] ; Y coordinate of warp
ld b,a
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
cp b
jr nz,.retry1
ld a,[hli] ; X coordinate of warp
ld b,a
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
cp b
jr nz,.retry2
ld a,[hli]
ld [wDestinationWarpID],a
ld a,[hl]
ld [$ff8b],a ; save target map
jr WarpFound2
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,.loop
jp OverworldLoop
CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry1:: ; 072f (0:072f)
inc hl
CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2:: ; 0730 (0:0730)
inc hl
inc hl
jp ContinueCheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop
WarpFound1:: ; 0735 (0:0735)
ld a,[hli]
ld [wDestinationWarpID],a
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8b],a ; save target map
WarpFound2:: ; 073c (0:073c)
ld a,[wNumberOfWarps]
sub c
ld [wd73b],a ; save ID of used warp
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
ld [wd73c],a
call CheckIfInOutsideMap
jr nz,.indoorMaps
; this is for handling "outside" maps that can't have the 0xFF destination map
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
ld [wLastMap],a
ld [wd366],a
ld a,[$ff8b] ; destination map number
ld [W_CURMAP],a ; change current map to destination map
jr nz,.notRockTunnel
ld a,$06
ld [wMapPalOffset],a
call GBFadeOutToBlack
call PlayMapChangeSound
jr .done
; for maps that can have the 0xFF destination map, which means to return to the outside map; not all these maps are necessarily indoors, though
ld a,[$ff8b] ; destination map
cp a,$ff
jr z,.goBackOutside
; if not going back to the previous map
ld [W_CURMAP],a ; current map number
callba IsPlayerStandingOnWarpPadOrHole
ld a,[wcd5b]
dec a ; is the player on a warp pad?
jr nz,.notWarpPad
; if the player is on a warp pad
ld hl,wd732
set 3,[hl]
call LeaveMapAnim
jr .skipMapChangeSound
call PlayMapChangeSound
ld hl,wd736
res 0,[hl]
res 1,[hl]
jr .done
ld a,[wLastMap]
ld [W_CURMAP],a
call PlayMapChangeSound
xor a
ld [wMapPalOffset],a
ld hl,wd736
set 0,[hl] ; have the player's sprite step out from the door (if there is one)
call IgnoreInputForHalfSecond
jp EnterMap
ContinueCheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop:: ; 07b5 (0:07b5)
inc b ; increment warp number
dec c ; decrement number of warps
jp nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop
; if no matching warp was found
CheckMapConnections:: ; 07ba (0:07ba)
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.checkEastMap
ld [W_CURMAP],a
ld a,[wd38f] ; new X coordinate upon entering west map
ld [W_XCOORD],a
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
ld c,a
ld a,[wd38e] ; Y adjustment upon entering west map
add c
ld c,a
ld [W_YCOORD],a
ld a,[wd390] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for Y position
ld l,a
ld a,[wd391]
ld h,a
srl c
jr z,.savePointer1
ld a,[wd38d] ; width of connected map
add a,$06
ld e,a
ld d,$00
ld b,$00
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.pointerAdjustmentLoop1
ld a,l
ld [wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
ld a,h
ld [wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer + 1],a
jp .loadNewMap
ld b,a
ld a,[wd525] ; map width
cp b
jr nz,.checkNorthMap
ld [W_CURMAP],a
ld a,[wd39a] ; new X coordinate upon entering east map
ld [W_XCOORD],a
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
ld c,a
ld a,[wd399] ; Y adjustment upon entering east map
add c
ld c,a
ld [W_YCOORD],a
ld a,[wd39b] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for Y position
ld l,a
ld a,[wd39c]
ld h,a
srl c
jr z,.savePointer2
ld a,[wd398]
add a,$06
ld e,a
ld d,$00
ld b,$00
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.pointerAdjustmentLoop2
ld a,l
ld [wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
ld a,h
ld [wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer + 1],a
jp .loadNewMap
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.checkSouthMap
ld [W_CURMAP],a
ld a,[wd378] ; new Y coordinate upon entering north map
ld [W_YCOORD],a
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
ld c,a
ld a,[wd379] ; X adjustment upon entering north map
add c
ld c,a
ld [W_XCOORD],a
ld a,[wd37a] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for X position
ld l,a
ld a,[wd37b]
ld h,a
ld b,$00
srl c
add hl,bc
ld a,l
ld [wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
ld a,h
ld [wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer + 1],a
jp .loadNewMap
ld b,a
ld a,[wd524]
cp b
jr nz,.didNotEnterConnectedMap
ld [W_CURMAP],a
ld a,[wd383] ; new Y coordinate upon entering south map
ld [W_YCOORD],a
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
ld c,a
ld a,[wd384] ; X adjustment upon entering south map
add c
ld c,a
ld [W_XCOORD],a
ld a,[wd385] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for X position
ld l,a
ld a,[wd386]
ld h,a
ld b,$00
srl c
add hl,bc
ld a,l
ld [wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section
ld a,h
ld [wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer + 1],a
.loadNewMap ; load the connected map that was entered
call LoadMapHeader
call Func_2312 ; music
ld b,$09
call GoPAL_SET
; Since the sprite set shouldn't change, this will just update VRAM slots at
; $C2XE without loading any tile patterns.
callba InitMapSprites
call LoadTileBlockMap
jp OverworldLoopLessDelay
jp OverworldLoop
; function to play a sound when changing maps
PlayMapChangeSound:: ; 08c9 (0:08c9)
aCoord 8, 8 ; upper left tile of the 4x4 square the player's sprite is standing on
cp a,$0b ; door tile in tileset 0
jr nz,.didNotGoThroughDoor
ld a,(SFX_02_57 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
jr .playSound
ld a,(SFX_02_5c - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound
ld a,[wMapPalOffset]
and a
ret nz
jp GBFadeOutToBlack
CheckIfInOutsideMap:: ; 08e1 (0:08e1)
; If the player is in an outside map (a town or route), set the z flag
and a ; most towns/routes have tileset 0 (OVERWORLD)
ret z
cp PLATEAU ; Route 23 / Indigo Plateau
; this function is an extra check that sometimes has to pass in order to warp, beyond just standing on a warp
; the "sometimes" qualification is necessary because of CheckWarpsNoCollision's behavior
; depending on the map, either "function 1" or "function 2" is used for the check
; "function 1" passes when the player is at the edge of the map and is facing towards the outside of the map
; "function 2" passes when the the tile in front of the player is among a certain set
; sets carry if the check passes, otherwise clears carry
ExtraWarpCheck:: ; 08e9 (0:08e9)
ld a, [W_CURMAP]
cp SS_ANNE_3
jr z, .useFunction1
jr z, .useFunction2
jr z, .useFunction2
jr z, .useFunction2
jr z, .useFunction2
and a ; outside tileset (OVERWORLD)
jr z, .useFunction2
cp SHIP ; S.S. Anne tileset
jr z, .useFunction2
cp SHIP_PORT ; Vermilion Port tileset
jr z, .useFunction2
cp PLATEAU ; Indigo Plateau tileset
jr z, .useFunction2
ld hl, IsPlayerFacingEdgeOfMap
jr .doBankswitch
ld hl, IsWarpTileInFrontOfPlayer
ld b, BANK(IsWarpTileInFrontOfPlayer)
jp Bankswitch
MapEntryAfterBattle:: ; 091f (0:091f)
callba IsPlayerStandingOnWarp ; for enabling warp testing after collisions
ld a,[wMapPalOffset]
and a
jp z,GBFadeInFromWhite
jp LoadGBPal
; For when all the player's pokemon faint.
; Does not print the "blacked out" message.
call GBFadeOutToBlack
ld a, $08
call StopMusic
ld hl, wd72e
res 5, [hl]
ld a, Bank(ResetStatusAndHalveMoneyOnBlackout) ; also Bank(SpecialWarpIn) and Bank(SpecialEnterMap)
ld [MBC1RomBank], a
call ResetStatusAndHalveMoneyOnBlackout
call SpecialWarpIn
call Func_2312
jp SpecialEnterMap
ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a
ld a, $ff
ld [wc0ee], a
call PlaySound
ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer]
and a
jr nz, .wait
jp StopAllSounds
call UpdateSprites
call Delay3
xor a
ld [wBattleResult], a
ld [wWalkBikeSurfState], a
ld [wMapPalOffset], a
ld hl, wd732
set 2, [hl] ; fly warp or dungeon warp
res 5, [hl] ; forced to ride bike
call LeaveMapAnim
ld a, Bank(SpecialWarpIn)
ld [$2000], a
call SpecialWarpIn
jp SpecialEnterMap
ld b, BANK(_LeaveMapAnim)
ld hl, _LeaveMapAnim
jp Bankswitch
; Load sprite graphics based on whether the player is standing, biking, or surfing.
; 0: standing
; 1: biking
; 2: surfing
ld a, [wWalkBikeSurfState]
dec a
jr z, .ridingBike
ld a, [hTilesetType]
and a
jr nz, .determineGraphics
jr .startWalking
; If the bike can't be used,
; start walking instead.
call IsBikeRidingAllowed
jr c, .determineGraphics
xor a
ld [wWalkBikeSurfState], a
ld [wWalkBikeSurfStateCopy], a
jp LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
ld a, [wWalkBikeSurfState]
and a
jp z, LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
dec a
jp z, LoadBikePlayerSpriteGraphics
dec a
jp z, LoadSurfingPlayerSpriteGraphics
jp LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics
; The bike can be used on Route 23 and Indigo Plateau,
; or maps with tilesets in BikeRidingTilesets.
; Return carry if biking is allowed.
ld a, [W_CURMAP]
cp ROUTE_23
jr z, .allowed
jr z, .allowed
ld b, a
ld hl, BikeRidingTilesets
ld a, [hli]
cp b
jr z, .allowed
inc a
jr nz, .loop
and a
INCLUDE "data/bike_riding_tilesets.asm"
; load the tile pattern data of the current tileset into VRAM
LoadTilesetTilePatternData:: ; 09e8 (0:09e8)
ld l,a
ld h,a
ld de,vTileset
ld bc,$600
jp FarCopyData2
; this loads the current maps complete tile map (which references blocks, not individual tiles) to C6E8
; it can also load partial tile maps of connected maps into a border of length 3 around the current map
LoadTileBlockMap:: ; 09fc (0:09fc)
; fill C6E8-CBFB with the background tile
ld hl,wOverworldMap
ld a,[wd3ad] ; background tile number
ld d,a
ld bc,$0514
ld a,d
ld [hli],a
dec bc
ld a,c
or b
jr nz,.backgroundTileLoop
; load tile map of current map (made of tile block IDs)
; a 3-byte border at the edges of the map is kept so that there is space for map connections
ld hl,wOverworldMap
ld [$ff8c],a
add a,$06 ; border (east and west)
ld [$ff8b],a ; map width + border
ld b,$00
ld c,a
; make space for north border (next 3 lines)
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
ld c,$03
add hl,bc ; this puts us past the (west) border
ld a,[W_MAPDATAPTR] ; tile map pointer
ld e,a
ld a,[W_MAPDATAPTR + 1]
ld d,a ; de = tile map pointer
ld b,a
.rowLoop ; copy one row each iteration
push hl
ld a,[$ff8c] ; map width (without border)
ld c,a
ld a,[de]
inc de
ld [hli],a
dec c
jr nz,.rowInnerLoop
; add the map width plus the border to the base address of the current row to get the next row's address
pop hl
ld a,[$ff8b] ; map width + border
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
dec b
jr nz,.rowLoop
cp a,$ff
jr z,.southConnection
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld a,[wd372]
ld l,a
ld a,[wd373]
ld h,a
ld a,[wd374]
ld e,a
ld a,[wd375]
ld d,a
ld a,[wd376]
ld [$ff8b],a
ld a,[wd377]
ld [$ff8c],a
call LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap
cp a,$ff
jr z,.westConnection
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld a,[wd37d]
ld l,a
ld a,[wd37e]
ld h,a
ld a,[wd37f]
ld e,a
ld a,[wd380]
ld d,a
ld a,[wd381]
ld [$ff8b],a
ld a,[wd382]
ld [$ff8c],a
call LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap
cp a,$ff
jr z,.eastConnection
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld a,[wd388]
ld l,a
ld a,[wd389]
ld h,a
ld a,[wd38a]
ld e,a
ld a,[wd38b]
ld d,a
ld a,[wd38c]
ld b,a
ld a,[wd38d]
ld [$ff8b],a
call LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
cp a,$ff
jr z,.done
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld a,[wd393]
ld l,a
ld a,[wd394]
ld h,a
ld a,[wd395]
ld e,a
ld a,[wd396]
ld d,a
ld a,[wd397]
ld b,a
ld a,[wd398]
ld [$ff8b],a
call LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap:: ; 0ade (0:0ade)
ld c,$03
push de
push hl
ld a,[$ff8b] ; width of connection
ld b,a
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec b
jr nz,.innerLoop
pop hl
pop de
ld a,[$ff8c] ; width of connected map
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry1
inc h
add a,$06
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry2
inc d
dec c
jr nz,.loop
LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap:: ; 0b02 (0:0b02)
push hl
push de
ld c,$03
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.innerLoop
pop de
pop hl
ld a,[$ff8b] ; width of connected map
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry1
inc h
add a,$06
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry2
inc d
dec b
jr nz,LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap
; function to check if there is a sign or sprite in front of the player
; if so, it is stored in [hSpriteIndexOrTextID]
; if not, [hSpriteIndexOrTextID] is set to 0
IsSpriteOrSignInFrontOfPlayer:: ; 0b23 (0:0b23)
xor a
ld [hSpriteIndexOrTextID],a
ld a,[wd4b0] ; number of signs in the map
and a
jr z,.extendRangeOverCounter
; if there are signs
predef GetTileAndCoordsInFrontOfPlayer ; get the coordinates in front of the player in de
ld hl,wd4b1 ; start of sign coordinates
ld a,[wd4b0] ; number of signs in the map
ld b,a
ld c,$00
inc c
ld a,[hli] ; sign Y
cp d
jr z,.yCoordMatched
inc hl
jr .retry
ld a,[hli] ; sign X
cp e
jr nz,.retry
; found sign
push hl
push bc
ld hl,wd4d1 ; start of sign text ID's
ld b,$00
dec c
add hl,bc
ld a,[hl]
ld [hSpriteIndexOrTextID],a ; store sign text ID
pop bc
pop hl
dec b
jr nz,.signLoop
; check if the player is front of a counter in a pokemon center, pokemart, etc. and if so, extend the range at which he can talk to the NPC
predef GetTileAndCoordsInFrontOfPlayer ; get the tile in front of the player in c
ld hl,W_TILESETTALKINGOVERTILES ; list of tiles that extend talking range (counter tiles)
ld b,$03
ld d,$20 ; talking range in pixels (long range)
ld a,[hli]
cp c
jr z,IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer2 ; jumps if the tile in front of the player is a counter tile
dec b
jr nz,.counterTilesLoop
; part of the above function, but sometimes its called on its own, when signs are irrelevant
; the caller must zero [hSpriteIndexOrTextID]
IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer:: ; 0b6b (0:0b6b)
ld d,$10 ; talking range in pixels (normal range)
IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer2:: ; 0b6d (0:0b6d)
ld bc,$3c40 ; Y and X position of player sprite
ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 9] ; direction the player is facing
cp a,$04
jr nz,.checkIfPlayerFacingDown
; facing up
ld a,b
sub d
ld b,a
ld a,$08
jr .doneCheckingDirection
cp a,$00
jr nz,.checkIfPlayerFacingRight
; facing down
ld a,b
add d
ld b,a
ld a,$04
jr .doneCheckingDirection
cp a,$0c
jr nz,.playerFacingLeft
; facing right
ld a,c
add d
ld c,a
ld a,$01
jr .doneCheckingDirection
; facing left
ld a,c
sub d
ld c,a
ld a,$02
ld [wd52a],a
ld a,[W_NUMSPRITES] ; number of sprites
and a
ret z
; if there are sprites
ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $10
ld d,a
ld e,$01
push hl
ld a,[hli] ; image (0 if no sprite)
and a
jr z,.nextSprite
inc l
ld a,[hli] ; sprite visibility
inc a
jr z,.nextSprite
inc l
ld a,[hli] ; Y location
cp b
jr nz,.nextSprite
inc l
ld a,[hl] ; X location
cp c
jr z,.foundSpriteInFrontOfPlayer
pop hl
ld a,l
add a,$10
ld l,a
inc e
dec d
jr nz,.spriteLoop
pop hl
ld a,l
and a,$f0
inc a
ld l,a
set 7,[hl]
ld a,e
ld [hSpriteIndexOrTextID],a
; function to check if the player will jump down a ledge and check if the tile ahead is passable (when not surfing)
; sets the carry flag if there is a collision, and unsets it if there isn't a collision
CollisionCheckOnLand:: ; 0bd1 (0:0bd1)
ld a,[wd736]
bit 6,a ; is the player jumping?
jr nz,.noCollision
; if not jumping a ledge
ld a,[wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex]
and a
jr nz,.noCollision ; no collisions when the player's movements are being controlled by the game
ld a,[wd52a] ; the direction that the player is trying to go in
ld d,a
ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 12] ; the player sprite's collision data (bit field) (set in the sprite movement code)
and d ; check if a sprite is in the direction the player is trying to go
jr nz,.collision
xor a
ld [hSpriteIndexOrTextID],a
call IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer ; check for sprite collisions again? when does the above check fail to detect a sprite collision?
ld a,[hSpriteIndexOrTextID]
and a ; was there a sprite collision?
jr nz,.collision
; if no sprite collision
ld hl,TilePairCollisionsLand
call CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions
jr c,.collision
call CheckTilePassable
jr nc,.noCollision
ld a,[wc02a]
cp a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 ; check if collision sound is already playing
jr z,.setCarry
ld a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound ; play collision sound (if it's not already playing)
and a
; function that checks if the tile in front of the player is passable
; clears carry if it is, sets carry if not
CheckTilePassable:: ; 0c10 (0:0c10)
predef GetTileAndCoordsInFrontOfPlayer ; get tile in front of player
ld a,[wTileInFrontOfPlayer] ; tile in front of player
ld c,a
ld hl,W_TILESETCOLLISIONPTR ; pointer to list of passable tiles
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a ; hl now points to passable tiles
ld a,[hli]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.tileNotPassable
cp c
ret z
jr .loop
; check if the player is going to jump down a small ledge
; and check for collisions that only occur between certain pairs of tiles
; Input: hl - address of directional collision data
; sets carry if there is a collision and unsets carry if not
CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions:: ; 0c2a (0:0c2a)
push hl
predef GetTileAndCoordsInFrontOfPlayer ; get the tile in front of the player
push de
push bc
callba HandleLedges ; check if the player is trying to jump a ledge
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
and a
ld a,[wd736]
bit 6,a ; is the player jumping?
ret nz
; if not jumping
CheckForTilePairCollisions2:: ; 0c44 (0:0c44)
aCoord 8, 9 ; tile the player is on
ld [wcf0e],a
CheckForTilePairCollisions:: ; 0c4a (0:0c4a)
ld a,[wTileInFrontOfPlayer]
ld c,a
ld a,[W_CURMAPTILESET] ; tileset number
ld b,a
ld a,[hli]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.noMatch
cp b
jr z,.tilesetMatches
inc hl
inc hl
jr .tilePairCollisionLoop
ld a,[wcf0e] ; tile the player is on
ld b,a
ld a,[hl]
cp b
jr z,.currentTileMatchesFirstInPair
inc hl
ld a,[hl]
cp b
jr z,.currentTileMatchesSecondInPair
jr .retry
inc hl
ld a,[hl]
cp c
jr z,.foundMatch
jr .tilePairCollisionLoop
dec hl
ld a,[hli]
cp c
inc hl
jr nz,.tilePairCollisionLoop
and a
; FORMAT: tileset number, tile 1, tile 2
; terminated by 0xFF
; these entries indicate that the player may not cross between tile 1 and tile 2
; it's mainly used to simulate differences in elevation
TilePairCollisionsLand:: ; 0c7e (0:0c7e)
db CAVERN, $20, $05
db CAVERN, $41, $05
db FOREST, $30, $2E
db CAVERN, $2A, $05
db CAVERN, $05, $21
db FOREST, $52, $2E
db FOREST, $55, $2E
db FOREST, $56, $2E
db FOREST, $20, $2E
db FOREST, $5E, $2E
db FOREST, $5F, $2E
db $FF
TilePairCollisionsWater:: ; 0ca0 (0:0ca0)
db FOREST, $14, $2E
db FOREST, $48, $2E
db CAVERN, $14, $05
db $FF
; this builds a tile map from the tile block map based on the current X/Y coordinates of the player's character
LoadCurrentMapView:: ; 0caa (0:0caa)
push af
ld a,[W_TILESETBANK] ; tile data ROM bank
ld [$2000],a ; switch to ROM bank that contains tile data
ld a,[wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer] ; address of upper left corner of current map view
ld e,a
ld a,[wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer + 1]
ld d,a
ld hl,wTileMapBackup
ld b,$05
.rowLoop ; each loop iteration fills in one row of tile blocks
push hl
push de
ld c,$06
.rowInnerLoop ; loop to draw each tile block of the current row
push bc
push de
push hl
ld a,[de]
ld c,a ; tile block number
call DrawTileBlock
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.rowInnerLoop
; update tile block map pointer to next row's address
pop de
add a,$06
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc d
; update tile map pointer to next row's address
pop hl
ld a,$60
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry2
inc h
dec b
jr nz,.rowLoop
ld hl,wTileMapBackup
ld bc,$0000
and a
jr z,.adjustForXCoordWithinTileBlock
ld bc,$0030
add hl,bc
and a
jr z,.copyToVisibleAreaBuffer
ld bc,$0002
add hl,bc
ld de,wTileMap ; base address for the tiles that are directly transfered to VRAM during V-blank
ld b,$12
ld c,$14
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.rowInnerLoop2
ld a,$04
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry3
inc h
dec b
jr nz,.rowLoop2
pop af
ld [$2000],a ; restore previous ROM bank
AdvancePlayerSprite:: ; 0d27 (0:0d27)
ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 3] ; delta Y
ld b,a
ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 5] ; delta X
ld c,a
ld hl,wWalkCounter ; walking animation counter
dec [hl]
jr nz,.afterUpdateMapCoords
; if it's the end of the animation, update the player's map coordinates
ld a,[W_YCOORD]
add b
ld [W_YCOORD],a
ld a,[W_XCOORD]
add c
ld [W_XCOORD],a
ld a,[wWalkCounter] ; walking animation counter
cp a,$07
jp nz,.scrollBackgroundAndSprites
; if this is the first iteration of the animation
ld a,c
cp a,$01
jr nz,.checkIfMovingWest
; moving east
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer]
ld e,a
and a,$e0
ld d,a
ld a,e
add a,$02
and a,$1f
or d
ld [wMapViewVRAMPointer],a
jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.checkIfMovingSouth
; moving west
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer]
ld e,a
and a,$e0
ld d,a
ld a,e
sub a,$02
and a,$1f
or d
ld [wMapViewVRAMPointer],a
jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
ld a,b
cp a,$01
jr nz,.checkIfMovingNorth
; moving south
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer]
add a,$40
ld [wMapViewVRAMPointer],a
jr nc,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer + 1]
inc a
and a,$03
or a,$98
ld [wMapViewVRAMPointer + 1],a
jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
; moving north
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer]
sub a,$40
ld [wMapViewVRAMPointer],a
jr nc,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer + 1]
dec a
and a,$03
or a,$98
ld [wMapViewVRAMPointer + 1],a
ld a,c
and a
jr z,.pointlessJump ; mistake?
ld a,[hl]
add c
ld [hl],a
cp a,$02
jr nz,.checkForMoveToWestBlock
; moved into the tile block to the east
xor a
ld [hl],a
ld hl,wXOffsetSinceLastSpecialWarp
inc [hl]
ld de,wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer
call MoveTileBlockMapPointerEast
jr .updateMapView
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.adjustYCoordWithinBlock
; moved into the tile block to the west
ld a,$01
ld [hl],a
ld hl,wXOffsetSinceLastSpecialWarp
dec [hl]
ld de,wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer
call MoveTileBlockMapPointerWest
jr .updateMapView
ld a,[hl]
add b
ld [hl],a
cp a,$02
jr nz,.checkForMoveToNorthBlock
; moved into the tile block to the south
xor a
ld [hl],a
ld hl,wYOffsetSinceLastSpecialWarp
inc [hl]
ld de,wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer
call MoveTileBlockMapPointerSouth
jr .updateMapView
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.updateMapView
; moved into the tile block to the north
ld a,$01
ld [hl],a
ld hl,wYOffsetSinceLastSpecialWarp
dec [hl]
ld de,wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer
call MoveTileBlockMapPointerNorth
call LoadCurrentMapView
ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 3] ; delta Y
cp a,$01
jr nz,.checkIfMovingNorth2
; if moving south
call ScheduleSouthRowRedraw
jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.checkIfMovingEast2
; if moving north
call ScheduleNorthRowRedraw
jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 5] ; delta X
cp a,$01
jr nz,.checkIfMovingWest2
; if moving east
call ScheduleEastColumnRedraw
jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites
cp a,$ff
jr nz,.scrollBackgroundAndSprites
; if moving west
call ScheduleWestColumnRedraw
ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 3] ; delta Y
ld b,a
ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 5] ; delta X
ld c,a
sla b
sla c
ld a,[$ffaf]
add b
ld [$ffaf],a ; update background scroll Y
ld a,[$ffae]
add c
ld [$ffae],a ; update background scroll X
; shift all the sprites in the direction opposite of the player's motion
; so that the player appears to move relative to them
ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $14
ld a,[W_NUMSPRITES] ; number of sprites
and a ; are there any sprites?
jr z,.done
ld e,a
ld a,[hl]
sub b
ld [hli],a
inc l
ld a,[hl]
sub c
ld [hl],a
ld a,$0e
add l
ld l,a
dec e
jr nz,.spriteShiftLoop
; the following four functions are used to move the pointer to the upper left
; corner of the tile block map in the direction of motion
MoveTileBlockMapPointerEast:: ; 0e65 (0:0e65)
ld a,[de]
add a,$01
ld [de],a
ret nc
inc de
ld a,[de]
inc a
ld [de],a
MoveTileBlockMapPointerWest:: ; 0e6f (0:0e6f)
ld a,[de]
sub a,$01
ld [de],a
ret nc
inc de
ld a,[de]
dec a
ld [de],a
MoveTileBlockMapPointerSouth:: ; 0e79 (0:0e79)
add a,$06
ld b,a
ld a,[de]
add b
ld [de],a
ret nc
inc de
ld a,[de]
inc a
ld [de],a
MoveTileBlockMapPointerNorth:: ; 0e85 (0:0e85)
add a,$06
ld b,a
ld a,[de]
sub b
ld [de],a
ret nc
inc de
ld a,[de]
dec a
ld [de],a
; the following 6 functions are used to tell the V-blank handler to redraw
; the portion of the map that was newly exposed due to the player's movement
ScheduleNorthRowRedraw:: ; 0e91 (0:0e91)
hlCoord 0, 0
call CopyToScreenEdgeTiles
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer]
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer + 1]
CopyToScreenEdgeTiles:: ; 0ea6 (0:0ea6)
ld de,wScreenEdgeTiles
ld c,2 * 20
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.loop
ScheduleSouthRowRedraw:: ; 0eb2 (0:0eb2)
hlCoord 0, 16
call CopyToScreenEdgeTiles
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer]
ld l,a
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer + 1]
ld h,a
ld bc,$0200
add hl,bc
ld a,h
and a,$03
or a,$98
ld a,l
ScheduleEastColumnRedraw:: ; 0ed3 (0:0ed3)
hlCoord 18, 0
call ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer]
ld c,a
and a,$e0
ld b,a
ld a,c
add a,18
and a,$1f
or b
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer + 1]
ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper:: ; 0ef2 (0:0ef2)
ld de,wScreenEdgeTiles
ld c,$12
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,[hl]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,19
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
dec c
jr nz,.loop
ScheduleWestColumnRedraw:: ; 0f08 (0:0f08)
hlCoord 0, 0
call ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer]
ld a,[wMapViewVRAMPointer + 1]
; function to write the tiles that make up a tile block to memory
; Input: c = tile block ID, hl = destination address
DrawTileBlock:: ; 0f1d (0:0f1d)
push hl
ld a,[W_TILESETBLOCKSPTR] ; pointer to tiles
ld l,a
ld h,a
ld a,c
swap a
ld b,a
and a,$f0
ld c,a
ld a,b
and a,$0f
ld b,a ; bc = tile block ID * 0x10
add hl,bc
ld d,h
ld e,l ; de = address of the tile block's tiles
pop hl
ld c,$04 ; 4 loop iterations
.loop ; each loop iteration, write 4 tile numbers
push bc
ld a,[de]
ld [hli],a
inc de
ld a,[de]
ld [hli],a
inc de
ld a,[de]
ld [hli],a
inc de
ld a,[de]
ld [hl],a
inc de
ld bc,$0015
add hl,bc
pop bc
dec c
jr nz,.loop
; function to update joypad state and simulate button presses
JoypadOverworld:: ; 0f4d (0:0f4d)
xor a
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 3],a
ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 5],a
call RunMapScript
call Joypad
ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
bit 3,a ; check if a trainer wants a challenge
jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
cp a,ROUTE_17 ; Cycling Road
jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
ld a,[hJoyHeld]
jr nz,.notForcedDownwards
ld a,D_DOWN
ld [hJoyHeld],a ; on the cycling road, if there isn't a trainer and the player isn't pressing buttons, simulate a down press
ld a,[wd730]
bit 7,a
ret z
; if simulating button presses
ld a,[hJoyHeld]
ld b,a
ld a,[wOverrideSimulatedJoypadStatesMask] ; bit mask for button presses that override simulated ones
and b
ret nz ; return if the simulated button presses are overridden
ld hl,wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex
dec [hl]
ld a,[hl]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.doneSimulating ; if the end of the simulated button presses has been reached
ld hl,wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc h
ld a,[hl]
ld [hJoyHeld],a ; store simulated button press in joypad state
and a
ret nz
ld [hJoyPressed],a
ld [hJoyReleased],a
; if done simulating button presses
xor a
ld [wWastedByteCD3A],a
ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex],a
ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd],a
ld [wJoyIgnore],a
ld [hJoyHeld],a
ld hl,wd736
ld a,[hl]
and a,$f8
ld [hl],a
ld hl,wd730
res 7,[hl]
; function to check the tile ahead to determine if the character should get on land or keep surfing
; sets carry if there is a collision and clears carry otherwise
; It seems that this function has a bug in it, but due to luck, it doesn't
; show up. After detecting a sprite collision, it jumps to the code that
; checks if the next tile is passable instead of just directly jumping to the
; "collision detected" code. However, it doesn't store the next tile in c,
; so the old value of c is used. 2429 is always called before this function,
; and 2429 always sets c to 0xF0. There is no 0xF0 background tile, so it
; is considered impassable and it is detected as a collision.
CollisionCheckOnWater:: ; 0fb7 (0:0fb7)
ld a,[wd730]
bit 7,a
jp nz,.noCollision ; return and clear carry if button presses are being simulated
ld a,[wd52a] ; the direction that the player is trying to go in
ld d,a
ld a,[wSpriteStateData1 + 12] ; the player sprite's collision data (bit field) (set in the sprite movement code)
and d ; check if a sprite is in the direction the player is trying to go
jr nz,.checkIfNextTileIsPassable ; bug?
ld hl,TilePairCollisionsWater
call CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions
jr c,.collision
predef GetTileAndCoordsInFrontOfPlayer ; get tile in front of player (puts it in c and [wTileInFrontOfPlayer])
ld a,[wTileInFrontOfPlayer] ; tile in front of player
cp a,$14 ; water tile
jr z,.noCollision ; keep surfing if it's a water tile
cp a,$32 ; either the left tile of the S.S. Anne boarding platform or the tile on eastern coastlines (depending on the current tileset)
jr z,.checkIfVermilionDockTileset
cp a,$48 ; tile on right on coast lines in Safari Zone
jr z,.noCollision ; keep surfing
; check if the [land] tile in front of the player is passable
ld hl,W_TILESETCOLLISIONPTR ; pointer to list of passable tiles
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
ld a,[hli]
cp a,$ff
jr z,.collision
cp c
jr z,.stopSurfing ; stop surfing if the tile is passable
jr .loop
ld a,[wc02a]
cp a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 ; check if collision sound is already playing
jr z,.setCarry
ld a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
call PlaySound ; play collision sound (if it's not already playing)
jr .done
and a
xor a
ld [wWalkBikeSurfState],a
call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
call PlayDefaultMusic
jr .noCollision
ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] ; tileset
cp SHIP_PORT ; Vermilion Dock tileset
jr nz, .noCollision ; keep surfing if it's not the boarding platform tile
jr .stopSurfing ; if it is the boarding platform tile, stop surfing
; function to run the current map's script
RunMapScript:: ; 101b (0:101b)
push hl
push de
push bc
callba TryPushingBoulder
ld a,[wFlags_0xcd60]
bit 1,a ; play boulder dust animation
jr z,.afterBoulderEffect
callba DoBoulderDustAnimation
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
call RunNPCMovementScript
ld a,[W_CURMAP] ; current map number
call SwitchToMapRomBank ; change to the ROM bank the map's data is in
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
ld de,.return
push de
jp [hl] ; jump to script
LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 104d (0:104d)
ld de,RedSprite ; $4180
ld hl,vNPCSprites
jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon
LoadSurfingPlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 1055 (0:1055)
ld de,SeelSprite
ld hl,vNPCSprites
jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon
LoadBikePlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 105d (0:105d)
ld de,RedCyclingSprite
ld hl,vNPCSprites
LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon:: ; 1063 (0:1063)
push de
push hl
ld bc,(BANK(RedSprite) << 8) + $0c
call CopyVideoData
pop hl
pop de
ld a,$c0
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc d
set 3,h
ld bc,$050c
jp CopyVideoData
; function to load data from the map header
LoadMapHeader:: ; 107c (0:107c)
callba MarkTownVisitedAndLoadMissableObjects
ld [wd119],a
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
call SwitchToMapRomBank
ld b,a
res 7,a
ld [$ff8b],a
bit 7,b
ret nz
ld hl,MapHeaderPointers
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
sla a
jr nc,.noCarry1
inc h
add l
ld l,a
jr nc,.noCarry2
inc h
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a ; hl = base of map header
; copy the first 10 bytes (the fixed area) of the map data to D367-D370
ld c,$0a
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.copyFixedHeaderLoop
; initialize all the connected maps to disabled at first, before loading the actual values
ld a,$ff
; copy connection data (if any) to WRAM
ld b,a
bit 3,b
jr z,.checkSouth
call CopyMapConnectionHeader
bit 2,b
jr z,.checkWest
call CopyMapConnectionHeader
bit 1,b
jr z,.checkEast
call CopyMapConnectionHeader
bit 0,b
jr z,.getObjectDataPointer
call CopyMapConnectionHeader
ld a,[hli]
ld [wd3a9],a
ld a,[hli]
ld [wd3aa],a
push hl
ld a,[wd3a9]
ld l,a
ld a,[wd3aa]
ld h,a ; hl = base of object data
ld de,wd3ad ; background tile ID
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a ; save background tile ID
ld a,[hli]
ld [wNumberOfWarps],a
and a
jr z,.loadSignData
ld c,a
ld de,wWarpEntries
.warpLoop ; one warp per loop iteration
ld b,$04
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec b
jr nz,.warpInnerLoop
dec c
jr nz,.warpLoop
ld a,[hli] ; number of signs
ld [wd4b0],a ; save the number of signs
and a ; are there any signs?
jr z,.loadSpriteData ; if not, skip this
ld c,a
ld de,wd4d1 ; base address of sign text IDs
ld a,d
ld [$ff95],a
ld a,e
ld [$ff96],a
ld de,wd4b1 ; base address of sign coordinates
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
push de
ld a,[$ff95]
ld d,a
ld a,[$ff96]
ld e,a
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
ld a,d
ld [$ff95],a
ld a,e
ld [$ff96],a
pop de
dec c
jr nz,.signLoop
ld a,[wd72e]
bit 5,a ; did a battle happen immediately before this?
jp nz,.finishUp ; if so, skip this because battles don't destroy this data
ld a,[hli]
ld [W_NUMSPRITES],a ; save the number of sprites
push hl
; zero C110-C1FF and C210-C2FF
ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $10
ld de,wSpriteStateData2 + $10
xor a
ld b,$f0
ld [hli],a
ld [de],a
inc e
dec b
jr nz,.zeroSpriteDataLoop
; initialize all C100-C1FF sprite entries to disabled (other than player's)
ld hl,wSpriteStateData1 + $12
ld de,$0010
ld c,$0f
ld [hl],$ff
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.disableSpriteEntriesLoop
pop hl
ld de,wSpriteStateData1 + $10
ld a,[W_NUMSPRITES] ; number of sprites
and a ; are there any sprites?
jp z,.finishUp ; if there are no sprites, skip the rest
ld b,a
ld c,$00
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a ; store picture ID at C1X0
inc d
ld a,$04
add e
ld e,a
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a ; store Y position at C2X4
inc e
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a ; store X position at C2X5
inc e
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a ; store movement byte 1 at C2X6
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8d],a ; save movement byte 2
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8e],a ; save text ID and flags byte
push bc
push hl
ld b,$00
add hl,bc
ld a,[$ff8d]
ld [hli],a ; store movement byte 2 in byte 0 of sprite entry
ld a,[$ff8e]
ld [hl],a ; this appears pointless, since the value is overwritten immediately after
ld a,[$ff8e]
ld [$ff8d],a
and a,$3f
ld [hl],a ; store text ID in byte 1 of sprite entry
pop hl
ld a,[$ff8d]
bit 6,a
jr nz,.trainerSprite
bit 7,a
jr nz,.itemBallSprite
jr .regularSprite
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8d],a ; save trainer class
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8e],a ; save trainer number (within class)
push hl
add hl,bc
ld a,[$ff8d]
ld [hli],a ; store trainer class in byte 0 of the entry
ld a,[$ff8e]
ld [hl],a ; store trainer number in byte 1 of the entry
pop hl
jr .nextSprite
ld a,[hli]
ld [$ff8d],a ; save item number
push hl
add hl,bc
ld a,[$ff8d]
ld [hli],a ; store item number in byte 0 of the entry
xor a
ld [hl],a ; zero byte 1, since it is not used
pop hl
jr .nextSprite
push hl
add hl,bc
; zero both bytes, since regular sprites don't use this extra space
xor a
ld [hli],a
ld [hl],a
pop hl
pop bc
dec d
ld a,$0a
add e
ld e,a
inc c
inc c
dec b
jp nz,.loadSpriteLoop
predef LoadTilesetHeader
callab LoadWildData
pop hl ; restore hl from before going to the warp/sign/sprite data (this value was saved for seemingly no purpose)
ld a,[W_CURMAPHEIGHT] ; map height in 4x4 tile blocks
add a ; double it
ld [wd524],a ; store map height in 2x2 tile blocks
ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] ; map width in 4x4 tile blocks
add a ; double it
ld [wd525],a ; map width in 2x2 tile blocks
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
ld c,a
ld b,$00
push af
ld a, BANK(MapSongBanks)
ld [$2000],a
ld hl, MapSongBanks
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
ld a,[hli]
ld [wd35b],a ; music 1
ld a,[hl]
ld [wd35c],a ; music 2
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; function to copy map connection data from ROM to WRAM
; Input: hl = source, de = destination
CopyMapConnectionHeader:: ; 1238 (0:1238)
ld c,$0b
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc de
dec c
jr nz,.loop
; function to load map data
LoadMapData:: ; 1241 (0:1241)
push af
call DisableLCD
ld a,$98
ld [wMapViewVRAMPointer + 1],a
xor a
ld [wMapViewVRAMPointer],a
ld [$ffaf],a
ld [$ffae],a
ld [wWalkCounter],a
ld [wd119],a
ld [wWalkBikeSurfStateCopy],a
call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
call LoadMapHeader
callba InitMapSprites ; load tile pattern data for sprites
call LoadTileBlockMap
call LoadTilesetTilePatternData
call LoadCurrentMapView
; copy current map view to VRAM
ld hl,wTileMap
ld de,vBGMap0
ld b,18
ld c,20
ld a,[hli]
ld [de],a
inc e
dec c
jr nz,.vramCopyInnerLoop
ld a,32 - 20
add e
ld e,a
jr nc,.noCarry
inc d
dec b
jr nz,.vramCopyLoop
ld a,$01
ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled],a
call EnableLCD
ld b,$09
call GoPAL_SET
call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
ld a,[wd732]
and a,1 << 4 | 1 << 3 ; fly warp or dungeon warp
jr nz,.restoreRomBank
ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733]
bit 1,a
jr nz,.restoreRomBank
call Func_235f ; music related
call Func_2312 ; music related
pop af
ld [$2000],a
; function to switch to the ROM bank that a map is stored in
; Input: a = map number
SwitchToMapRomBank:: ; 12bc (0:12bc)
push hl
push bc
ld c,a
ld b,$00
ld a,Bank(MapHeaderBanks)
call BankswitchHome ; switch to ROM bank 3
ld hl,MapHeaderBanks
add hl,bc
ld a,[hl]
ld [$ffe8],a ; save map ROM bank
call BankswitchBack
ld a,[$ffe8]
ld [$2000],a ; switch to map ROM bank
pop bc
pop hl
IgnoreInputForHalfSecond: ; 12da (0:12da)
ld a, 30
ld [wIgnoreInputCounter], a
ld hl, wd730
ld a, [hl]
or $26
ld [hl], a ; set ignore input bit
ResetUsingStrengthOutOfBattleBit: ; 12e7 (0:12e7)
ld hl, wd728
res 0, [hl]
ForceBikeOrSurf:: ; 12ed (0:12ed)
ld b, BANK(RedSprite)
ld hl, LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
call Bankswitch
jp PlayDefaultMusic ; update map/player state?