_GivePokemon: ; returns success in carry ; and whether the mon was added to the party in [wAddedToParty] call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing xor a ld [wAddedToParty], a ld a, [wPartyCount] cp PARTY_LENGTH jr c, .addToParty ld a, [wNumInBox] cp MONS_PER_BOX jr nc, .boxFull ; add to box xor a ld [wEnemyBattleStatus3], a ld a, [wcf91] ld [wEnemyMonSpecies2], a callab LoadEnemyMonData call SetPokedexOwnedFlag callab SendNewMonToBox ld hl, wcf4b ld a, [wCurrentBoxNum] and $7f cp 9 jr c, .singleDigitBoxNum sub 9 ld [hl], "1" inc hl add "0" jr .next .singleDigitBoxNum add "1" .next ld [hli], a ld [hl], "@" ld hl, SetToBoxText call PrintText scf ret .boxFull ld hl, BoxIsFullText call PrintText and a ret .addToParty call SetPokedexOwnedFlag call AddPartyMon ld a, 1 ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a ld [wAddedToParty], a scf ret SetPokedexOwnedFlag: ld a, [wcf91] push af ld [wd11e], a predef IndexToPokedex ld a, [wd11e] dec a ld c, a ld hl, wPokedexOwned ld b, FLAG_SET predef FlagActionPredef pop af ld [wd11e], a call GetMonName ld hl, GotMonText jp PrintText GotMonText: TX_FAR _GotMonText TX_SFX_ITEM_1 db "@" SetToBoxText: TX_FAR _SetToBoxText db "@" BoxIsFullText: TX_FAR _BoxIsFullText db "@"