; unique moves for gym leaders LoneMoves: ; pokemon index, move to give nth pokemon ; this is not automatic! you have to write the index you want to [wLoneAttackNo] ; first. e.g., erika's script writes 4 to [wLoneAttackNo] to get mega drain, ; the fourth entry in the list. db 1, BIDE db 1, BUBBLEBEAM db 2, THUNDERBOLT db 2, MEGA_DRAIN db 3, TOXIC db 3, PSYWAVE db 3, FIRE_BLAST db 4, FISSURE ; unique moves for elite 4 TeamMoves: ; trainer, move ; all trainers in this class are given this move automatically ; (unrelated to LoneMoves) db LORELEI, BLIZZARD db BRUNO, FISSURE db AGATHA, TOXIC db LANCE, BARRIER db -1 ; end