; calculates the level a mon should be based on its current exp CalcLevelFromExperience: ; 58f43 (16:4f43) ld a, [wLoadedMonSpecies] ld [wd0b5], a call GetMonHeader ld d, $1 ; init level to 1 .loop inc d ; increment level call CalcExperience push hl ld hl, wLoadedMonExp + 2 ; current exp ; compare exp needed for level d with current exp ld a, [hExperience + 2] ld c, a ld a, [hld] sub c ld a, [hExperience + 1] ld c, a ld a, [hld] sbc c ld a, [hExperience] ld c, a ld a, [hl] sbc c pop hl jr nc, .loop ; if exp needed for level d is not greater than exp, try the next level dec d ; since the exp was too high on the last loop iteration, go back to the previous value and return ret ; calculates the amount of experience needed for level d CalcExperience: ; 58f6a (16:4f6a) ld a, [W_MONHGROWTHRATE] add a add a ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, GrowthRateTable add hl, bc call CalcDSquared ld a, d ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a call Multiply ld a, [hl] and $f0 swap a ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a call Multiply ld a, [hli] and $f ld [H_DIVISOR], a ld b, $4 call Divide ld a, [H_QUOTIENT + 1] push af ld a, [H_QUOTIENT + 2] push af ld a, [H_QUOTIENT + 3] push af call CalcDSquared ld a, [hl] and $7f ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a call Multiply ld a, [H_PRODUCT + 1] push af ld a, [H_PRODUCT + 2] push af ld a, [H_PRODUCT + 3] push af ld a, [hli] push af xor a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND], a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND + 1], a ld a, d ld [H_MULTIPLICAND + 2], a ld a, [hli] ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a call Multiply ld b, [hl] ld a, [H_PRODUCT + 3] sub b ld [H_PRODUCT + 3], a ld b, $0 ld a, [H_PRODUCT + 2] sbc b ld [H_PRODUCT + 2], a ld a, [H_PRODUCT + 1] sbc b ld [H_PRODUCT + 1], a ; The difference of the linear term and the constant term consists of 3 bytes ; starting at H_PRODUCT + 1. Below, hExperience (an alias of that address) will ; be used instead for the further work of adding or subtracting the squared ; term and adding the cubed term. pop af and $80 jr nz, .subtractSquaredTerm ; check sign pop bc ld a, [hExperience + 2] add b ld [hExperience + 2], a pop bc ld a, [hExperience + 1] adc b ld [hExperience + 1], a pop bc ld a, [hExperience] adc b ld [hExperience], a jr .addCubedTerm .subtractSquaredTerm pop bc ld a, [hExperience + 2] sub b ld [hExperience + 2], a pop bc ld a, [hExperience + 1] sbc b ld [hExperience + 1], a pop bc ld a, [hExperience] sbc b ld [hExperience], a .addCubedTerm pop bc ld a, [hExperience + 2] add b ld [hExperience + 2], a pop bc ld a, [hExperience + 1] adc b ld [hExperience + 1], a pop bc ld a, [hExperience] adc b ld [hExperience], a ret ; calculates d*d CalcDSquared: ; 59010 (16:5010) xor a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND], a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND + 1], a ld a, d ld [H_MULTIPLICAND + 2], a ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a jp Multiply ; each entry has the following scheme: ; %AAAABBBB %SCCCCCCC %DDDDDDDD %EEEEEEEE ; resulting in ; (a*n^3)/b + sign*c*n^2 + d*n - e ; where sign = -1 <=> S=1 GrowthRateTable: ; 5901d (16:501d) db $11,$00,$00,$00 ; medium fast n^3 db $34,$0A,$00,$1E ; (unused?) 3/4 n^3 + 10 n^2 - 30 db $34,$14,$00,$46 ; (unused?) 3/4 n^3 + 20 n^2 - 70 db $65,$8F,$64,$8C ; medium slow: 6/5 n^3 - 15 n^2 + 100 n - 140 db $45,$00,$00,$00 ; fast: 4/5 n^3 db $54,$00,$00,$00 ; slow: 5/4 n^3