TitleScroll_WaitBall: ; 37244 (d:7244) ; Wait around for the TitleBall animation to play out. ; hi: speed ; lo: duration db $05, $05, 0 TitleScroll_In: ; 37247 (d:7247) ; Scroll a TitleMon in from the right. ; hi: speed ; lo: duration db $a2, $94, $84, $63, $52, $31, $11, 0 TitleScroll_Out: ; 3724f (d:724f) ; Scroll a TitleMon out to the left. ; hi: speed ; lo: duration db $12, $22, $32, $42, $52, $62, $83, $93, 0 TitleScroll: ; 37258 (d:7258) ld a, d ld bc, TitleScroll_In ld d, $88 ld e, 0 ; don't animate titleball and a jr nz, .ok ld bc, TitleScroll_Out ld d, $00 ld e, 0 ; don't animate titleball .ok _TitleScroll: ; 3726a (d:726a) ld a, [bc] and a ret z inc bc push bc ld b, a and $f ld c, a ld a, b and $f0 swap a ld b, a .loop ld h, d ld l, $48 call .ScrollBetween ld h, $00 ld l, $88 call .ScrollBetween ld a, d add b ld d, a call GetTitleBallY dec c jr nz, .loop pop bc jr _TitleScroll .ScrollBetween ; 37292 (d:7292) .wait ld a, [$ff44] ; rLY cp l jr nz, .wait ld a, h ld [rSCX], a ; $ff43 .wait2 ld a, [$ff44] ; rLY cp h jr z, .wait2 ret TitleBallYTable: ; 372a0 (d:72a0) ; OBJ y-positions for the Poke Ball held by Red in the title screen. ; This is really two 0-terminated lists. Initiated with an index of 1. db 0, $71, $6f, $6e, $6d, $6c, $6d, $6e, $6f, $71, $74, 0 Func_372ac: ; 372ac (d:72ac) ; Animate the TitleBall if a starter just got scrolled out. ld a, [wWhichTrade] ; wWhichTrade cp STARTER1 jr z, .ok cp STARTER2 jr z, .ok cp STARTER3 ret nz .ok ld e, 1 ; animate titleball ld bc, TitleScroll_WaitBall ld d, 0 jp _TitleScroll GetTitleBallY: ; 372c4 (d:72c4) ; Get position e from TitleBallYTable push de push hl xor a ld d, a ld hl, TitleBallYTable add hl, de ld a, [hl] pop hl pop de and a ret z ld [wOAMBuffer + $28], a inc e ret