text EQUS "db $00," ; Start writing text. next EQUS "db $4e," ; Move a line down. line EQUS "db $4f," ; Start writing at the bottom line. para EQUS "db $51," ; Start a new paragraph. cont EQUS "db $55," ; Scroll to the next line. done EQUS "db $57" ; End a text box. prompt EQUS "db $58" ; Prompt the player to end a text box (initiating some other event). page EQUS "db $49," ; Start a new Pokedex page. dex EQUS "db $5f, $50" ; End a Pokedex entry. callba: MACRO ld b, BANK(\1) ld hl, \1 call Bankswitch ENDM callab: MACRO ld hl, \1 ld b, BANK(\1) call Bankswitch ENDM ;\1 = X ;\2 = Y FuncCoord: MACRO Coord = $C3A0 + 20 * \2 + \1 ENDM ;\1 = Map Width ;\2 = Rows above (Y-blocks) ;\3 = X movement (X-blocks) EVENT_DISP: MACRO dw ($C6EF + (\1) + ((\1) + 6) * ((\2) >> 1) + ((\3) >> 1)) ; Ev.Disp db \2,\3 ;Y,X ENDM FLYWARP_DATA: MACRO EVENT_DISP \1,\2,\3 db ((\2) & $01) ;sub-block Y db ((\3) & $01) ;sub-block X ENDM ; external map entry macro EMAP: MACRO ; emap x-coordinate,y-coordinate,textpointer ; the appearance of towns and routes in the town map, indexed by map id ; nybble: y-coordinate ; nybble: x-coordinate ; word : pointer to map name db (\1 + (\2 << 4)) dw \3 ENDM ; internal map entry macro IMAP: MACRO ; imap mapid_less_than,x-coordinate,y-coordinate,textpointer ; the appearance of buildings and dungeons in the town map ; byte : maximum map id subject to this rule ; nybble: y-coordinate ; nybble: x-coordinate ; word : pointer to map name db \1 db \2 + \3 << 4 dw \4 ENDM ; tilesets' headers macro tileset: MACRO db BANK(\2) ; BANK(GFX) dw \1, \2, \3 ; Block, GFX, Coll db \4, \5, \6 ; counter tiles db \7 ; grass tile db \8 ; permission (indoor, cave, outdoor) ENDM INDOOR EQU 0 CAVE EQU 1 OUTDOOR EQU 2 ; macro for two nibbles dn: MACRO db (\1 << 4 | \2) ENDM ; macro for putting a byte then a word dbw: MACRO db \1 dw \2 ENDM ; data format macros RGB: MACRO dw (\3 << 10 | \2 << 5 | \1) ENDM ; text macros TX_NUM: MACRO ; print a big-endian decimal number. ; \1: address to read from ; \2: number of bytes to read ; \3: number of digits to display db $09 dw \1 db \2 << 4 | \3 ENDM TX_FAR: MACRO db $17 dw \1 db BANK(\1) ENDM ; text engine command $1 TX_RAM: MACRO ; prints text to screen ; \1: RAM address to read from db $1 dw \1 ENDM ; Predef macro. PREDEF: MACRO ld a, (\1 - PredefPointers) / 3 call Predef ENDM PREDEF_JUMP: MACRO ld a, (\1 - PredefPointers) / 3 jp Predef ENDM ;1_channel EQU $00 ;2_channels EQU $40 ;3_channels EQU $80 ;4_channels EQU $C0 CH0 EQU 0 CH1 EQU 1 CH2 EQU 2 CH3 EQU 3 CH4 EQU 4 CH5 EQU 5 CH6 EQU 6 CH7 EQU 7 ;Note Pitch C_ EQU $0 C# EQU $1 D_ EQU $2 D# EQU $3 E_ EQU $4 F_ EQU $5 F# EQU $6 G_ EQU $7 G# EQU $8 A_ EQU $9 A# EQU $A B_ EQU $B ;drum instruments snare1 EQU $01 snare2 EQU $02 snare3 EQU $03 snare4 EQU $04 snare5 EQU $05 triangle1 EQU $06 triangle2 EQU $07 snare6 EQU $08 snare7 EQU $09 snare8 EQU $0a snare9 EQU $0b cymbal1 EQU $0c cymbal2 EQU $0d cymbal3 EQU $0e mutedsnare1 EQU $0f triangle3 EQU $10 mutedsnare2 EQU $11 mutedsnare3 EQU $12 mutedsnare4 EQU $13 unknownsfx0x10: MACRO db $10 db \1 ENDM unknownsfx0x20: MACRO db $20 | \1 db \2 db \3 db \4 ENDM unknownnoise0x20: MACRO db $20 | \1 db \2 db \3 ENDM ;format: note pitch, length (in 16ths) note: MACRO db (\1 << 4) | (\2 - 1) ENDM ;format: dnote length (in 16ths), instrument dnote: MACRO db $B0 | (\1 - 1) db \2 ENDM ;format: rest length (in 16ths) rest: MACRO db $C0 | (\1 - 1) ENDM ; format: notetype speed, volume, fade notetype: MACRO db $D0 | \1 db (\2 << 4) | \3 ENDM dspeed: MACRO db $D0 | \1 ENDM octave: MACRO db $E8 - \1 ENDM togglecall: MACRO db $E8 ENDM ;format: vibrato delay, rate, depth vibrato: MACRO db $EA db \1 db (\2 << 4) | \3 ENDM pitchbend: MACRO db $EB db \1 db \2 ENDM duty: MACRO db $EC db \1 ENDM tempo: MACRO db $ED db \1 db \2 ENDM unknownmusic0xee: MACRO db $EE db \1 ENDM stereopanning: MACRO db $F0 db \1 ENDM executemusic: MACRO db $F8 ENDM dutycycle: MACRO db $FC db \1 ENDM ;format: callchannel address ;callchannel: MACRO ; db $FD ; dw \1 ;ENDM ;format: loopchannel count, address ;loopchannel: MACRO ; db $FE ; db \1 ; dw \2 ;ENDM endchannel: MACRO db $FF ENDM ;\1 (byte) = connected map id ;\2 (byte) = connected map width ;\3 (byte) = connected map height ;\4 (byte) = x movement of connection strip ;\5 (byte) = connection strip offset ;\6 (byte) = width of connection strip ;\7 (word) = connected map blocks pointer NORTH_MAP_CONNECTION: MACRO db \1 ; map id dw \7 + (\2 * (\3 - 3)) + \5; "Connection Strip" location dw $C6EB + \4 ; current map position db \6 ; width of connection strip db \2 ; map width db (\3 * 2) - 1 ; y alignment (y coordinate of player when entering map) db (\4 - \5) * -2 ; x alignment (x coordinate of player when entering map) dw $C6E9 + (\3 * (\2 + 6)) ; window (position of the upper left block after entering the map) ENDM ;\1 (byte) = connected map id ;\2 (byte) = connected map width ;\3 (byte) = x movement of connection strip ;\4 (byte) = connection strip offset ;\5 (byte) = width of connection strip ;\6 (word) = connected map blocks pointer ;\7 (byte) = current map width ;\8 (byte) = current map height SOUTH_MAP_CONNECTION: MACRO db \1 ; map id dw \6 + \4 ; "Conection Strip" location dw $C6EB + (\8 + 3) * (\7 + 6) + \3 ; current map positoin db \5 ; width of connection strip db \2 ; map width db 0 ; y alignment (y coordinate of player when entering map) db (\3 - \4) * -2 ; x alignment (x coordinate of player when entering map) dw $C6EF + \2 ; window (position of the upper left block after entering the map) ENDM ;\1 (byte) = connected map id ;\2 (byte) = connected map width ;\3 (byte) = y movement of connection strip ;\4 (byte) = connection strip offset ;\5 (byte) = height of connection strip ;\6 (word) = connected map blocks pointer ;\7 (byte) = current map width EAST_MAP_CONNECTION: MACRO db \1 ; map id dw \6 + (\2 * \4) ; "Connection Strip" location dw $C6E5 + (\7 + 6) * (\3 + 4) ; current map position db \5 ; height of connection strip db \2 ; map width db (\3 - \4) * -2 ; y alignment db 0 ; x alignment dw $C6EF + \2 ; window (position of the upper left block after entering the map) ENDM ;\1 (byte) = connected map id ;\2 (byte) = connected map width ;\3 (byte) = y movement of connection strip ;\4 (byte) = connection strip offset ;\5 (byte) = height of connection strip ;\6 (word) = connected map blocks pointer ;\7 (byte) = current map width WEST_MAP_CONNECTION: MACRO db \1 ; map id dw \6 + (\2 * \4) + \2 - 3 ; "Connection Strip" location dw $C6E8 + (\7 + 6) * (\3 + 3) ; current map position db \5 ; height of connection strip db \2 ; map width db (\3 - \4) * -2 ; y alignment db (\2 * 2) - 1 ; x alignment dw $C6EE + (2 * \2) ; window (position of the upper left block after entring the map) ENDM