INCLUDE "constants.asm" flag_array: MACRO ds ((\1) + 7) / 8 ENDM box_struct_length EQU 25 + NUM_MOVES * 2 box_struct: MACRO \1Species:: db \1HP:: dw \1BoxLevel:: db \1Status:: db \1Type:: \1Type1:: db \1Type2:: db \1CatchRate:: db \1Moves:: ds NUM_MOVES \1OTID:: dw \1Exp:: ds 3 \1HPExp:: dw \1AttackExp:: dw \1DefenseExp:: dw \1SpeedExp:: dw \1SpecialExp:: dw \1DVs:: ds 2 \1PP:: ds NUM_MOVES ENDM party_struct: MACRO box_struct \1 \1Level:: db \1Stats:: \1MaxHP:: dw \1Attack:: dw \1Defense:: dw \1Speed:: dw \1Special:: dw ENDM battle_struct: MACRO \1Species:: db \1HP:: dw \1BoxLevel:: db \1Status:: db \1Type:: \1Type1:: db \1Type2:: db \1CatchRate:: db \1Moves:: ds NUM_MOVES \1DVs:: ds 2 \1Level:: db \1Stats:: \1MaxHP:: dw \1Attack:: dw \1Defense:: dw \1Speed:: dw \1Special:: dw \1PP:: ds NUM_MOVES ENDM SECTION "WRAM Bank 0", WRAM0 [$c000] wUnusedC000:: ; c000 ds 1 wSoundID:: ; c001 ds 1 wMuteAudioAndPauseMusic:: ; c002 ; bit 7: whether sound has been muted ; all bits: whether the effective is active ; Store 1 to activate effect (any value in the range [1, 127] works). ; All audio is muted and music is paused. Sfx continues playing until it ; ends normally. ; Store 0 to resume music. ds 1 wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds:: ; c003 ds 1 wStereoPanning:: ; c004 ds 1 wSavedVolume:: ; c005 ds 1 wChannelCommandPointers:: ; c006 ds 16 wChannelReturnAddresses:: ; c016 ds 16 wChannelSoundIDs:: ; c026 ds 8 wChannelFlags1:: ; c02e ds 8 wChannelFlags2:: ; c036 ds 8 wChannelDuties:: ; c03e ds 8 wChannelDutyCycles:: ; c046 ds 8 wChannelVibratoDelayCounters:: ; c04e ; reloaded at the beginning of a note. counts down until the vibrato begins. ds 8 wChannelVibratoExtents:: ; c056 ds 8 wChannelVibratoRates:: ; c05e ; high nybble is rate (counter reload value) and low nybble is counter. ; time between applications of vibrato. ds 8 wChannelFrequencyLowBytes:: ; c066 ds 8 wChannelVibratoDelayCounterReloadValues:: ; c06e ; delay of the beginning of the vibrato from the start of the note ds 8 wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers:: ; c076 ds 8 wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps:: ; c07e ds 8 wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart:: ; c086 ds 8 wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart:: ; c08e ds 8 wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes:: ; c096 ds 8 wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes:: ; c09e ds 8 wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes:: ; c0a6 ds 8 wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes:: ; c0ae ds 8 wChannelNoteDelayCounters:: ; c0b6 ; Note delays are stored as 16-bit fixed-point numbers where the integer part ; is 8 bits and the fractional part is 8 bits. ds 8 wChannelLoopCounters:: ; c0be ds 8 wChannelNoteSpeeds:: ; c0c6 ds 8 wChannelNoteDelayCountersFractionalPart:: ; c0ce ds 8 wChannelOctaves:: ; c0d6 ds 8 wChannelVolumes:: ; c0de ; also includes fade for hardware channels that support it ds 8 wMusicWaveInstrument:: ds 1 wSfxWaveInstrument:: ds 1 wMusicTempo:: ; c0e8 ds 2 wSfxTempo:: ; c0ea ds 2 wSfxHeaderPointer:: ; c0ec ds 2 wNewSoundID:: ; c0ee ds 1 wAudioROMBank:: ; c0ef ds 1 wAudioSavedROMBank:: ; c0f0 ds 1 wFrequencyModifier:: ; c0f1 ds 1 wTempoModifier:: ; c0f2 ds 1 ds 13 SECTION "Sprite State Data", WRAM0[$c100] wSpriteDataStart:: wSpriteStateData1:: ; c100 ; data for all sprites on the current map ; holds info for 16 sprites with $10 bytes each ; player sprite is always sprite 0 ; C1x0: picture ID (fixed, loaded at map init) ; C1x1: movement status (0: uninitialized, 1: ready, 2: delayed, 3: moving) ; C1x2: sprite image index (changed on update, $ff if off screen, includes facing direction, progress in walking animation and a sprite-specific offset) ; C1x3: Y screen position delta (-1,0 or 1; added to c1x4 on each walking animation update) ; C1x4: Y screen position (in pixels, always 4 pixels above grid which makes sprites appear to be in the center of a tile) ; C1x5: X screen position delta (-1,0 or 1; added to c1x6 on each walking animation update) ; C1x6: X screen position (in pixels, snaps to grid if not currently walking) ; C1x7: intra-animation-frame counter (counting upwards to 4 until c1x8 is incremented) ; C1x8: animation frame counter (increased every 4 updates, hold four states (totalling to 16 walking frames) ; C1x9: facing direction (0: down, 4: up, 8: left, $c: right) ; C1xA ; C1xB ; C1xC ; C1xD ; C1xE ; C1xF spritestatedata1: MACRO \1SpriteStateData1:: \1PictureID:: db \1MovementStatus:: db \1SpriteImageIdx:: db \1YStepVector:: db \1YPixels:: db \1XStepVector:: db \1XPixels:: db \1IntraAnimFrameCounter:: db \1AnimFrameCounter:: db \1FacingDirection:: db ds 6 \1SpriteStateData1End:: endm spritestatedata1 Player spritestatedata1 Sprite01 spritestatedata1 Sprite02 spritestatedata1 Sprite03 spritestatedata1 Sprite04 spritestatedata1 Sprite05 spritestatedata1 Sprite06 spritestatedata1 Sprite07 spritestatedata1 Sprite08 spritestatedata1 Sprite09 spritestatedata1 Sprite10 spritestatedata1 Sprite11 spritestatedata1 Sprite12 spritestatedata1 Sprite13 spritestatedata1 Sprite14 spritestatedata1 Sprite15 ; ds $10 * $10 ;SECTION "Sprite State Data 2", WRAM0[$c200] wSpriteStateData2:: ; c200 ; more data for all sprites on the current map ; holds info for 16 sprites with $10 bytes each ; player sprite is always sprite 0 ; C2x0: walk animation counter (counting from $10 backwards when moving) ; C2x1: ; C2x2: Y displacement (initialized at 8, supposed to keep moving sprites from moving too far, but bugged) ; C2x3: X displacement (initialized at 8, supposed to keep moving sprites from moving too far, but bugged) ; C2x4: Y position (in 2x2 tile grid steps, topmost 2x2 tile has value 4) ; C2x5: X position (in 2x2 tile grid steps, leftmost 2x2 tile has value 4) ; C2x6: movement byte 1 (determines whether a sprite can move, $ff:not moving, $fe:random movements, others unknown) ; C2x7: (?) (set to $80 when in grass, else $0; may be used to draw grass above the sprite) ; C2x8: delay until next movement (counted downwards, status (c1x1) is set to ready if reached 0) ; C2x9 ; C2xA ; C2xB ; C2xC ; C2xD ; C2xE: sprite image base offset (in video ram, player always has value 1, used to compute c1x2) ; C2xF spritestatedata2: MACRO \1SpriteStateData2:: \1WalkAnimationCounter:: db ds 1 \1YDisplacement:: db \1XDisplacement:: db \1MapY:: db \1MapX:: db \1MovementByte1:: db \1GrassPriority:: db \1MovementDelay:: db ds 5 \1SpriteImageBaseOffset:: db ds 1 \1SpriteStateData2End:: endm spritestatedata2 Player spritestatedata2 Sprite01 spritestatedata2 Sprite02 spritestatedata2 Sprite03 spritestatedata2 Sprite04 spritestatedata2 Sprite05 spritestatedata2 Sprite06 spritestatedata2 Sprite07 spritestatedata2 Sprite08 spritestatedata2 Sprite09 spritestatedata2 Sprite10 spritestatedata2 Sprite11 spritestatedata2 Sprite12 spritestatedata2 Sprite13 spritestatedata2 Sprite14 spritestatedata2 Sprite15 ; ds $10 * $10 wSpriteDataEnd:: SECTION "OAM Buffer", WRAM0[$c300] wOAMBuffer:: ; c300 ; buffer for OAM data. Copied to OAM by DMA ds 4 * 40 wTileMap:: ; c3a0 ; buffer for tiles that are visible on screen (20 columns by 18 rows) ds 20 * 18 wSerialPartyMonsPatchList:: ; c508 ; list of indexes to patch with SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE after transfer wTileMapBackup:: ; c508 ; buffer for temporarily saving and restoring current screen's tiles ; (e.g. if menus are drawn on top) ; ds 20 * 18 ds 200 wSerialEnemyMonsPatchList:: ; c5d0 ; list of indexes to patch with SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE after transfer ds 200 ds 80 wTempPic:: wOverworldMap:: ; c6e8 ds 1300 wRedrawRowOrColumnSrcTiles:: ; cbfc ; the tiles of the row or column to be redrawn by RedrawRowOrColumn ds SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 ; coordinates of the position of the cursor for the top menu item (id 0) wTopMenuItemY:: ; cc24 ds 1 wTopMenuItemX:: ; cc25 ds 1 wCurrentMenuItem:: ; cc26 ; the id of the currently selected menu item ; the top item has id 0, the one below that has id 1, etc. ; note that the "top item" means the top item currently visible on the screen ; add this value to [wListScrollOffset] to get the item's position within the list ds 1 wTileBehindCursor:: ; cc27 ; the tile that was behind the menu cursor's current location ds 1 wMaxMenuItem:: ; cc28 ; id of the bottom menu item ds 1 wMenuWatchedKeys:: ; cc29 ; bit mask of keys that the menu will respond to ds 1 wLastMenuItem:: ; cc2a ; id of previously selected menu item ds 1 wPartyAndBillsPCSavedMenuItem:: ; cc2b ; It is mainly used by the party menu to remember the cursor position while the ; menu isn't active. ; It is also used to remember the cursor position of mon lists (for the ; withdraw/deposit/release actions) in Bill's PC so that it doesn't get lost ; when you choose a mon from the list and a sub-menu is shown. It's reset when ; you return to the main Bill's PC menu. ds 1 wBagSavedMenuItem:: ; cc2c ; It is used by the bag list to remember the cursor position while the menu ; isn't active. ds 1 wBattleAndStartSavedMenuItem:: ; cc2d ; It is used by the start menu to remember the cursor position while the menu ; isn't active. ; The battle menu uses it so that the cursor position doesn't get lost when ; a sub-menu is shown. It's reset at the start of each battle. ds 1 wPlayerMoveListIndex:: ; cc2e ds 1 wPlayerMonNumber:: ; cc2f ; index in party of currently battling mon ds 1 wMenuCursorLocation:: ; cc30 ; the address of the menu cursor's current location within wTileMap ds 2 ds 2 wMenuJoypadPollCount:: ; cc34 ; how many times should HandleMenuInput poll the joypad state before it returns? ds 1 wMenuItemToSwap:: ; cc35 ; id of menu item selected for swapping (counts from 1) (0 means that no menu item has been selected for swapping) ds 1 wListScrollOffset:: ; cc36 ; offset of the current top menu item from the beginning of the list ; keeps track of what section of the list is on screen ds 1 wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds:: ; cc37 ; If non-zero, then when wrapping is disabled and the player tries to go past ; the top or bottom of the menu, return from HandleMenuInput. This is useful for ; menus that have too many items to display at once on the screen because it ; allows the caller to scroll the entire menu up or down when this happens. ds 1 wTradeCenterPointerTableIndex:: ; cc38 ds 1 ds 1 wTextDest:: ; cc3a ; destination pointer for text output ; this variable is written to, but is never read from ds 2 wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText:: ; cc3c ; if non-zero, skip waiting for a button press after displaying text in DisplayTextID ds 1 wSerialSyncAndExchangeNybbleReceiveData:: ; cc3d ; the final received nybble is stored here by Serial_SyncAndExchangeNybble wSerialExchangeNybbleTempReceiveData:: ; cc3d ; temporary nybble used by Serial_ExchangeNybble wLinkMenuSelectionReceiveBuffer:: ; cc3d ; two byte buffer ; the received menu selection is stored twice ds 1 wSerialExchangeNybbleReceiveData:: ; cc3e ; the final received nybble is stored here by Serial_ExchangeNybble ds 1 ds 3 wSerialExchangeNybbleSendData:: ; cc42 ; this nybble is sent when using Serial_SyncAndExchangeNybble or Serial_ExchangeNybble wLinkMenuSelectionSendBuffer:: ; cc42 ; two byte buffer ; the menu selection byte is stored twice before sending ds 5 wLinkTimeoutCounter:: ; cc47 ; 1 byte wUnknownSerialCounter:: ; cc47 ; 2 bytes wEnteringCableClub:: ; cc47 ds 1 ds 1 wWhichTradeMonSelectionMenu:: ; cc49 ; $00 = player mons ; $01 = enemy mons wMonDataLocation:: ; cc49 ; 0 = player's party ; 1 = enemy party ; 2 = current box ; 3 = daycare ; 4 = in-battle mon ; ; AddPartyMon uses it slightly differently. ; If the lower nybble is 0, the mon is added to the player's party, else the enemy's. ; If the entire value is 0, then the player is allowed to name the mon. ds 1 wMenuWrappingEnabled:: ; cc4a ; set to 1 if you can go from the bottom to the top or top to bottom of a menu ; set to 0 if you can't go past the top or bottom of the menu ds 1 wCheckFor180DegreeTurn:: ; cc4b ; whether to check for 180-degree turn (0 = don't, 1 = do) ds 1 ds 1 wMissableObjectIndex:: ; cc4d ds 1 wPredefID:: ; cc4e ds 1 wPredefRegisters:: ; cc4f ds 6 wTrainerHeaderFlagBit:: ; cc55 ds 1 ds 1 wNPCMovementScriptPointerTableNum:: ; cc57 ; which NPC movement script pointer is being used ; 0 if an NPC movement script is not running ds 1 wNPCMovementScriptBank:: ; cc58 ; ROM bank of current NPC movement script ds 1 ds 2 wUnusedCC5B:: ; cc5b wVermilionDockTileMapBuffer:: ; cc5b ; 180 bytes wOaksAideRewardItemName:: ; cc5b wDexRatingNumMonsSeen:: ; cc5b wFilteredBagItems:: ; cc5b ; List of bag items that has been filtered to a certain type of items, ; such as drinks or fossils. wElevatorWarpMaps:: ; cc5b wMonPartySpritesSavedOAM:: ; cc5b ; Saved copy of OAM for the first frame of the animation to make it easy to ; flip back from the second frame. ; $60 bytes wTrainerCardBlkPacket:: ; cc5b ; $40 bytes wSlotMachineSevenAndBarModeChance:: ; cc5b ; If a random number greater than this value is generated, then the player is ; allowed to have three 7 symbols or bar symbols line up. ; So, this value is actually the chance of NOT entering that mode. ; If the slot is lucky, it equals 250, giving a 5/256 (~2%) chance. ; Otherwise, it equals 253, giving a 2/256 (~0.8%) chance. wHallOfFame:: ; cc5b wBoostExpByExpAll:: ; cc5b wAnimationType:: ; cc5b ; values between 0-6. Shake screen horizontally, shake screen vertically, blink Pokemon... wNPCMovementDirections:: ; cc5b ds 1 wDexRatingNumMonsOwned:: ; cc5c ds 1 wDexRatingText:: ; cc5d ds 1 wSlotMachineSavedROMBank:: ; cc5e ; ROM back to return to when the player is done with the slot machine ds 1 ds 26 wAnimPalette:: ; cc79 ds 1 ds 29 wNPCMovementDirections2:: ; cc97 wSwitchPartyMonTempBuffer:: ; cc97 ; temporary buffer when swapping party mon data ds 10 wNumStepsToTake:: ; cca1 ; used in Pallet Town scripted movement ds 49 wRLEByteCount:: ; ccd2 ds 1 wAddedToParty:: ; ccd3 ; 0 = not added ; 1 = added wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd:: ; ccd3 ; this is the end of the joypad states ; the list starts above this address and extends downwards in memory until here ; overloaded with below labels wParentMenuItem:: ; ccd3 wCanEvolveFlags:: ; ccd3 ; 1 flag for each party member indicating whether it can evolve ; The purpose of these flags is to track which mons levelled up during the ; current battle at the end of the battle when evolution occurs. ; Other methods of evolution simply set it by calling TryEvolvingMon. ds 1 wForceEvolution:: ; ccd4 ds 1 ; if [ccd5] != 1, the second AI layer is not applied wAILayer2Encouragement:: ; ccd5 ds 1 ds 1 ; current HP of player and enemy substitutes wPlayerSubstituteHP:: ; ccd7 ds 1 wEnemySubstituteHP:: ; ccd8 ds 1 wTestBattlePlayerSelectedMove:: ; ccd9 ; The player's selected move during a test battle. ; InitBattleVariables sets it to the move Pound. ds 1 ds 1 wMoveMenuType:: ; ccdb ; 0=regular, 1=mimic, 2=above message box (relearn, heal pp..) ds 1 wPlayerSelectedMove:: ; ccdc ds 1 wEnemySelectedMove:: ; ccdd ds 1 wLinkBattleRandomNumberListIndex:: ; ccde ds 1 wAICount:: ; ccdf ; number of times remaining that AI action can occur ds 1 ds 2 wEnemyMoveListIndex:: ; cce2 ds 1 wLastSwitchInEnemyMonHP:: ; cce3 ; The enemy mon's HP when it was switched in or when the current player mon ; was switched in, which was more recent. ; It's used to determine the message to print when switching out the player mon. ds 2 wTotalPayDayMoney:: ; cce5 ; total amount of money made using Pay Day during the current battle ds 3 wSafariEscapeFactor:: ; cce8 ds 1 wSafariBaitFactor:: ; cce9 ds 1; ds 1 wTransformedEnemyMonOriginalDVs:: ; cceb ds 2 wMonIsDisobedient:: ds 1 ; cced wPlayerDisabledMoveNumber:: ds 1 ; ccee wEnemyDisabledMoveNumber:: ds 1 ; ccef wInHandlePlayerMonFainted:: ; ccf0 ; When running in the scope of HandlePlayerMonFainted, it equals 1. ; When running in the scope of HandleEnemyMonFainted, it equals 0. ds 1 wPlayerUsedMove:: ds 1 ; ccf1 wEnemyUsedMove:: ds 1 ; ccf2 wEnemyMonMinimized:: ds 1 ; ccf3 wMoveDidntMiss:: ds 1 ; ccf4 wPartyFoughtCurrentEnemyFlags:: ; ccf5 ; flags that indicate which party members have fought the current enemy mon flag_array 6 wLowHealthAlarmDisabled:: ; ccf6 ; Whether the low health alarm has been disabled due to the player winning the ; battle. ds 1 wPlayerMonMinimized:: ; ccf7 ds 1 ds 13 wLuckySlotHiddenObjectIndex:: ; cd05 wEnemyNumHits:: ; cd05 ; number of hits by enemy in attacks like Double Slap, etc. wEnemyBideAccumulatedDamage:: ; cd05 ; the amount of damage accumulated by the enemy while biding (2 bytes) ds 10 wInGameTradeGiveMonSpecies:: ; cd0f wPlayerMonUnmodifiedLevel:: ; cd0f ds 1 wInGameTradeTextPointerTablePointer:: ; cd10 wPlayerMonUnmodifiedMaxHP:: ; cd10 ds 2 wInGameTradeTextPointerTableIndex:: ; cd12 wPlayerMonUnmodifiedAttack:: ; cd12 ds 1 wInGameTradeGiveMonName:: ; cd13 ds 1 wPlayerMonUnmodifiedDefense:: ; cd14 ds 2 wPlayerMonUnmodifiedSpeed:: ; cd16 ds 2 wPlayerMonUnmodifiedSpecial:: ; cd18 ds 2 ; stat modifiers for the player's current pokemon ; value can range from 1 - 13 ($1 to $D) ; 7 is normal wPlayerMonStatMods:: wPlayerMonAttackMod:: ; cd1a ds 1 wPlayerMonDefenseMod:: ; cd1b ds 1 wPlayerMonSpeedMod:: ; cd1c ds 1 wPlayerMonSpecialMod:: ; cd1d ds 1 wInGameTradeReceiveMonName:: ; cd1e wPlayerMonAccuracyMod:: ; cd1e ds 1 wPlayerMonEvasionMod:: ; cd1f ds 1 ds 3 wEnemyMonUnmodifiedLevel:: ; cd23 ds 1 wEnemyMonUnmodifiedMaxHP:: ; cd24 ds 2 wEnemyMonUnmodifiedAttack:: ; cd26 ds 2 wEnemyMonUnmodifiedDefense:: ; cd28 ds 1 wInGameTradeMonNick:: ; cd29 ds 1 wEnemyMonUnmodifiedSpeed:: ; cd2a ds 2 wEnemyMonUnmodifiedSpecial:: ; cd2c ds 1 wEngagedTrainerClass:: ; cd2d ds 1 wEngagedTrainerSet:: ; cd2e ; ds 1 ; stat modifiers for the enemy's current pokemon ; value can range from 1 - 13 ($1 to $D) ; 7 is normal wEnemyMonStatMods:: wEnemyMonAttackMod:: ; cd2e ds 1 wEnemyMonDefenseMod:: ; cd2f ds 1 wEnemyMonSpeedMod:: ; cd30 ds 1 wEnemyMonSpecialMod:: ; cd31 ds 1 wEnemyMonAccuracyMod:: ; cd32 ds 1 wEnemyMonEvasionMod:: ; cd33 ds 1 wInGameTradeReceiveMonSpecies:: ds 1 ds 2 wNPCMovementDirections2Index:: ; cd37 wUnusedCD37:: ; cd37 wFilteredBagItemsCount:: ; cd37 ; number of items in wFilteredBagItems list ds 1 wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex:: ; cd38 ; the next simulated joypad state is at wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd plus this value minus 1 ; 0 if the joypad state is not being simulated ds 1 wWastedByteCD39:: ; cd39 ; written to but nothing ever reads it ds 1 wWastedByteCD3A:: ; cd3a ; written to but nothing ever reads it ds 1 wOverrideSimulatedJoypadStatesMask:: ; cd3b ; mask indicating which real button presses can override simulated ones ; XXX is it ever not 0? ds 1 ds 1 wFallingObjectsMovementData:: ; cd3d ; up to 20 bytes (one byte for each falling object) wSavedY:: ; cd3d wTempSCX:: ; cd3d wBattleTransitionCircleScreenQuadrantY:: ; cd3d ; 0 = upper half (Y < 9) ; 1 = lower half (Y >= 9) wBattleTransitionCopyTilesOffset:: ; cd3d ; 2 bytes ; after 1 row/column has been copied, the offset to the next one to copy from wInwardSpiralUpdateScreenCounter:: ; cd3d ; counts down from 7 so that every time 7 more tiles of the spiral have been ; placed, the tile map buffer is copied to VRAM so that progress is visible wHoFTeamIndex:: ; cd3d wSSAnneSmokeDriftAmount:: ; cd3d ; multiplied by 16 to get the number of times to go right by 2 pixels wRivalStarterTemp:: ; cd3d wBoxMonCounts:: ; cd3d ; 12 bytes ; array of the number of mons in each box wDexMaxSeenMon:: ; cd3d wPPRestoreItem:: ; cd3d wWereAnyMonsAsleep:: ; cd3d wCanPlaySlots:: ; cd3d wNumShakes:: ; cd3d wDayCareStartLevel:: ; cd3d ; the level of the mon at the time it entered day care wWhichBadge:: ; cd3d wPriceTemp:: ; cd3d ; 3-byte BCD number wTitleMonSpecies:: ; cd3d wPlayerCharacterOAMTile:: ; cd3d wMoveDownSmallStarsOAMCount:: ; cd3d ; the number of small stars OAM entries to move down wChargeMoveNum:: ; cd3d wCoordIndex:: ; cd3d wOptionsTextSpeedCursorX:: ; cd3d wBoxNumString:: ; cd3d wTrainerInfoTextBoxWidthPlus1:: ; cd3d wSwappedMenuItem:: ; cd3d wHoFMonSpecies:: ; cd3d wFieldMoves:: ; cd3d ; 4 bytes ; the current mon's field moves wBadgeNumberTile:: ; cd3d ; tile ID of the badge number being drawn wRodResponse:: ; cd3d ; 0 = no bite ; 1 = bite ; 2 = no fish on map wWhichTownMapLocation:: ; cd3d wStoppingWhichSlotMachineWheel:: ; cd3d ; which wheel the player is trying to stop ; 0 = none, 1 = wheel 1, 2 = wheel 2, 3 or greater = wheel 3 wTradedPlayerMonSpecies:: ; cd3d wTradingWhichPlayerMon:: ; cd3d wChangeBoxSavedMapTextPointer:: ; cd3d wFlyAnimUsingCoordList:: ; cd3d wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelay:: ; cd3d wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimDeltaY:: ; cd3d wHiddenObjectFunctionArgument:: ; cd3d wWhichTrade:: ; cd3d ; which entry from TradeMons to select wTrainerSpriteOffset:: ; cd3d wUnusedCD3D:: ; cd3d ds 1 wHUDPokeballGfxOffsetX:: ; cd3e ; difference in X between the next ball and the current one wBattleTransitionCircleScreenQuadrantX:: ; cd3e ; 0 = left half (X < 10) ; 1 = right half (X >= 10) wSSAnneSmokeX:: ; cd3e wRivalStarterBallSpriteIndex:: ; cd3e wDayCareNumLevelsGrown:: ; cd3e wOptionsBattleAnimCursorX:: ; cd3e wTrainerInfoTextBoxWidth:: ; cd3e wHoFPartyMonIndex:: ; cd3e wNumCreditsMonsDisplayed:: ; cd3e ; the number of credits mons that have been displayed so far wBadgeNameTile:: ; cd3e ; first tile ID of the name being drawn wFlyLocationsList:: ; cd3e ; 11 bytes plus $ff sentinel values at each end wSlotMachineWheel1Offset:: ; cd3e wTradedEnemyMonSpecies:: ; cd3e wTradingWhichEnemyMon:: ; cd3e wFlyAnimCounter:: ; cd3e wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelayDelta:: ; cd3e wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimMaxY:: ; cd3e wHiddenObjectFunctionRomBank:: ; cd3e wTrainerEngageDistance:: ; cd3e ds 1 wHUDGraphicsTiles:: ; cd3f ; 3 bytes wDayCareTotalCost:: ; cd3f ; 2-byte BCD number wJigglypuffFacingDirections:: ; cd3f wOptionsBattleStyleCursorX:: ; cd3f wTrainerInfoTextBoxNextRowOffset:: ; cd3f wHoFMonLevel:: ; cd3f wBadgeOrFaceTiles:: ; cd3f ; 8 bytes ; a list of the first tile IDs of each badge or face (depending on whether the ; badge is owned) to be drawn on the trainer screen wSlotMachineWheel2Offset:: ; cd3f wNameOfPlayerMonToBeTraded:: ; cd3f wFlyAnimBirdSpriteImageIndex:: ; cd3f wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimFrameDelayEndValue:: ; cd3f wPlayerSpinWhileMovingUpOrDownAnimFrameDelay:: ; cd3f wHiddenObjectIndex:: ; cd3f wTrainerFacingDirection:: ; cd3f ds 1 wHoFMonOrPlayer:: ; cd40 ; show mon or show player? ; 0 = mon ; 1 = player wSlotMachineWheel3Offset:: ; cd40 wPlayerSpinInPlaceAnimSoundID:: ; cd40 wHiddenObjectY:: ; cd40 wTrainerScreenY:: ; cd40 wUnusedCD40:: ; cd40 ds 1 wDayCarePerLevelCost:: ; cd41 ; 2-byte BCD number (always set to $0100) wHoFTeamIndex2:: ; cd41 wHiddenItemOrCoinsIndex:: ; cd41 wTradedPlayerMonOT:: ; cd41 wHiddenObjectX:: ; cd41 wSlotMachineWinningSymbol:: ; cd41 ; the OAM tile number of the upper left corner of the winning symbol minus 2 wNumFieldMoves:: ; cd41 wSlotMachineWheel1BottomTile:: ; cd41 wTrainerScreenX:: ; cd41 ds 1 ; a lot of the uses for these values use more than the said address wHoFTeamNo:: ; cd42 wSlotMachineWheel1MiddleTile:: ; cd42 wFieldMovesLeftmostXCoord:: ; cd42 ds 1 wLastFieldMoveID:: ; cd43 ; unused wSlotMachineWheel1TopTile:: ; cd43 ds 1 wSlotMachineWheel2BottomTile:: ; cd44 ds 1 wSlotMachineWheel2MiddleTile:: ; cd45 ds 1 wTempCoins1:: ; cd46 ; 2 bytes ; temporary variable used to add payout amount to the player's coins wSlotMachineWheel2TopTile:: ; cd46 ds 1 wBattleTransitionSpiralDirection:: ; cd47 ; 0 = outward, 1 = inward wSlotMachineWheel3BottomTile:: ; cd47 ds 1 wSlotMachineWheel3MiddleTile:: ; cd48 wFacingDirectionList:: ; cd48 ; 4 bytes (also, the byte before the start of the list (cd47) is used a temp ; variable when the list is rotated) ; used when spinning the player's sprite ds 1 wSlotMachineWheel3TopTile:: ; cd49 wTempObtainedBadgesBooleans:: ; 8 bytes ; temporary list created when displaying the badges on the trainer screen ; one byte for each badge; 0 = not obtained, 1 = obtained ds 1 wTempCoins2:: ; cd4a ; 2 bytes ; temporary variable used to subtract the bet amount from the player's coins wPayoutCoins:: ; cd4a ; 2 bytes ds 2 wTradedPlayerMonOTID:: ; cd4c wSlotMachineFlags:: ; cd4c ; These flags are set randomly and control when the wheels stop. ; bit 6: allow the player to win in general ; bit 7: allow the player to win with 7 or bar (plus the effect of bit 6) ds 1 wSlotMachineWheel1SlipCounter:: ; cd4d ; wheel 1 can "slip" while this is non-zero wCutTile:: ; cd4d ; $3d = tree tile ; $52 = grass tile ds 1 wSlotMachineWheel2SlipCounter:: ; cd4e ; wheel 2 can "slip" while this is non-zero wTradedEnemyMonOT:: ; cd4e ds 1 wSavedPlayerScreenY:: ; cd4f wSlotMachineRerollCounter:: ; cd4f ; The remaining number of times wheel 3 will roll down a symbol until a match is ; found, when winning is enabled. It's initialized to 4 each bet. wEmotionBubbleSpriteIndex:: ; cd4f ; the index of the sprite the emotion bubble is to be displayed above ds 1 wWhichEmotionBubble:: ; cd50 wSlotMachineBet:: ; cd50 ; how many coins the player bet on the slot machine (1 to 3) wSavedPlayerFacingDirection:: ; cd50 wWhichAnimationOffsets:: ; cd50 ; 0 = cut animation, 1 = boulder dust animation ds 9 wTradedEnemyMonOTID:: ; cd59 ds 2 wStandingOnWarpPadOrHole:: ; cd5b ; 0 = neither ; 1 = warp pad ; 2 = hole wOAMBaseTile:: ; cd5b wGymTrashCanIndex:: ; cd5b ds 1 wSymmetricSpriteOAMAttributes:: ; cd5c ds 1 wMonPartySpriteSpecies:: ; cd5d ds 1 wLeftGBMonSpecies:: ; cd5e ; in the trade animation, the mon that leaves the left gameboy ds 1 wRightGBMonSpecies:: ; cd5f ; in the trade animation, the mon that leaves the right gameboy ds 1 wFlags_0xcd60:: ; cd60 ; bit 0: is player engaged by trainer (to avoid being engaged by multiple trainers simultaneously) ; bit 1: boulder dust animation (from using Strength) pending ; bit 3: using generic PC ; bit 5: don't play sound when A or B is pressed in menu ; bit 6: tried pushing against boulder once (you need to push twice before it will move) ds 1 ds 9 wActionResultOrTookBattleTurn:: ; cd6a ; This has overlapping related uses. ; When the player tries to use an item or use certain field moves, 0 is stored ; when the attempt fails and 1 is stored when the attempt succeeds. ; In addition, some items store 2 for certain types of failures, but this ; cannot happen in battle. ; In battle, a non-zero value indicates the player has taken their turn using ; something other than a move (e.g. using an item or switching pokemon). ; So, when an item is successfully used in battle, this value becomes non-zero ; and the player is not allowed to make a move and the two uses are compatible. ds 1 wJoyIgnore:: ; cd6b ; Set buttons are ignored. ds 1 wDownscaledMonSize:: ; cd6c ; size of downscaled mon pic used in pokeball entering/exiting animation ; $00 = 5×5 ; $01 = 3×3 wNumMovesMinusOne:: ; cd6c ; FormatMovesString stores the number of moves minus one here ds 1 wcd6d:: ds 4 ; buffer for various data wStatusScreenCurrentPP:: ; cd71 ; temp variable used to print a move's current PP on the status screen ds 1 ds 6 wNormalMaxPPList:: ; cd78 ; list of normal max PP (without PP up) values ds 9 wSerialOtherGameboyRandomNumberListBlock:: ; cd81 ; buffer for transferring the random number list generated by the other gameboy wTileMapBackup2:: ; cd81 ; second buffer for temporarily saving and restoring current screen's tiles (e.g. if menus are drawn on top) ds 20 * 18 wNamingScreenNameLength:: ; cee9 wEvoOldSpecies:: ; cee9 wBuffer:: ; cee9 ; Temporary storage area of 30 bytes. wTownMapCoords:: ; cee9 ; lower nybble is x, upper nybble is y wLearningMovesFromDayCare:: ; cee9 ; whether WriteMonMoves is being used to make a mon learn moves from day care ; non-zero if so wChangeMonPicEnemyTurnSpecies:: ; cee9 wHPBarMaxHP:: ; cee9 ds 1 wNamingScreenSubmitName:: ; ceea ; non-zero when the player has chosen to submit the name wChangeMonPicPlayerTurnSpecies:: ; ceea wEvoNewSpecies:: ; ceea ds 1 wAlphabetCase:: ; ceeb ; 0 = upper case ; 1 = lower case wEvoMonTileOffset:: ; ceeb wHPBarOldHP:: ; ceeb ds 1 wEvoCancelled:: ; ceec ds 1 wNamingScreenLetter:: ; ceed wHPBarNewHP:: ; ceed ds 2 wHPBarDelta:: ; ceef ds 1 wHPBarTempHP:: ; cef0 ds 2 ds 11 wHPBarHPDifference:: ; cefd ds 1 ds 7 wAIItem:: ; cf05 ; the item that the AI used ds 1 wUsedItemOnWhichPokemon:: ; cf05 ds 1 wAnimSoundID:: ; cf07 ; sound ID during battle animations ds 1 wBankswitchHomeSavedROMBank:: ; cf08 ; used as a storage value for the bank to return to after a BankswitchHome (bankswitch in homebank) ds 1 wBankswitchHomeTemp:: ; cf09 ; used as a temp storage value for the bank to switch to ds 1 wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart:: ; cf0a ; 0 = nothing bought or sold in pokemart ; 1 = bought or sold something in pokemart ; this value is not used for anything ds 1 wBattleResult:: ; cf0b ; $00 - win ; $01 - lose ; $02 - draw ds 1 wAutoTextBoxDrawingControl:: ; cf0c ; bit 0: if set, DisplayTextID automatically draws a text box ds 1 wcf0d:: ds 1 ; used with some overworld scripts (not exactly sure what it's used for) wTilePlayerStandingOn:: ; cf0e ; used in CheckForTilePairCollisions2 to store the tile the player is on ds 1 wNPCNumScriptedSteps:: ds 1 ; cf0f wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum:: ; cf10 ; which script function within the pointer table indicated by ; wNPCMovementScriptPointerTableNum ds 1 wTextPredefFlag:: ; cf11 ; bit 0: set when printing a text predef so that DisplayTextID doesn't switch ; to the current map's bank ds 1 wPredefParentBank:: ; cf12 ds 1 wSpriteIndex:: ds 1 wCurSpriteMovement2:: ; cf14 ; movement byte 2 of current sprite ds 1 ds 2 wNPCMovementScriptSpriteOffset:: ; cf17 ; sprite offset of sprite being controlled by NPC movement script ds 1 wScriptedNPCWalkCounter:: ; cf18 ds 1 ds 1 wGBC:: ; cf1a ds 1 wOnSGB:: ; cf1b ; if running on SGB, it's 1, else it's 0 ds 1 wDefaultPaletteCommand:: ; cf1c ds 1 wPlayerHPBarColor:: ; cf1d wWholeScreenPaletteMonSpecies:: ; cf1d ; species of the mon whose palette is used for the whole screen ds 1 wEnemyHPBarColor:: ; cf1e ds 1 ; 0: green ; 1: yellow ; 2: red wPartyMenuHPBarColors:: ; cf1f ds 6 wStatusScreenHPBarColor:: ; cf25 ds 1 ds 7 wCopyingSGBTileData:: ; c2fd wWhichPartyMenuHPBar:: ; cf2d wPalPacket:: ; cf2d ds 1 wPartyMenuBlkPacket:: ; cf2e ; $30 bytes ds 29 wExpAmountGained:: ; cf4b ; 2-byte big-endian number ; the total amount of exp a mon gained wcf4b:: ds 2 ; storage buffer for various strings wGainBoostedExp:: ; cf4d ds 1 ds 17 wGymCityName:: ; cf5f ds 17 wGymLeaderName:: ; cf70 ds NAME_LENGTH wItemList:: ; cf7b ds 16 wListPointer:: ; cf8b ds 2 wUnusedCF8D:: ; cf8d ; 2 bytes ; used to store pointers, but never read ds 2 wItemPrices:: ; cf8f ds 2 wcf91:: ds 1 ; used with a lot of things (too much to list here) wWhichPokemon:: ; cf92 ; which pokemon you selected ds 1 wPrintItemPrices:: ; cf93 ; if non-zero, then print item prices when displaying lists ds 1 wHPBarType:: ; cf94 ; type of HP bar ; $00 = enemy HUD in battle ; $01 = player HUD in battle / status screen ; $02 = party menu wListMenuID:: ; cf94 ; ID used by DisplayListMenuID ds 1 wRemoveMonFromBox:: ; cf95 ; if non-zero, RemovePokemon will remove the mon from the current box, ; else it will remove the mon from the party wMoveMonType:: ; cf95 ; 0 = move from box to party ; 1 = move from party to box ; 2 = move from daycare to party ; 3 = move from party to daycare ds 1 wItemQuantity:: ; cf96 ds 1 wMaxItemQuantity:: ; cf97 ds 1 ; LoadMonData copies mon data here wLoadedMon:: party_struct wLoadedMon ; cf98 wFontLoaded:: ; cfc4 ; bit 0: The space in VRAM that is used to store walk animation tile patterns ; for the player and NPCs is in use for font tile patterns. ; This means that NPC movement must be disabled. ; The other bits are unused. ds 1 wWalkCounter:: ; cfc5 ; walk animation counter ds 1 wTileInFrontOfPlayer:: ; cfc6 ; background tile number in front of the player (either 1 or 2 steps ahead) ds 1 wAudioFadeOutControl:: ; cfc7 ; The desired fade counter reload value is stored here prior to calling ; PlaySound in order to cause the current music to fade out before the new ; music begins playing. Storing 0 causes no fade out to occur and the new music ; to begin immediately. ; This variable has another use related to fade-out, as well. PlaySound stores ; the sound ID of the music that should be played after the fade-out is finished ; in this variable. FadeOutAudio checks if it's non-zero every V-Blank and ; fades out the current audio if it is. Once it has finished fading out the ; audio, it zeroes this variable and starts playing the sound ID stored in it. ds 1 wAudioFadeOutCounterReloadValue:: ; cfc8 ds 1 wAudioFadeOutCounter:: ; cfc9 ds 1 wLastMusicSoundID:: ; cfca ; This is used to determine whether the default music is already playing when ; attempting to play the default music (in order to avoid restarting the same ; music) and whether the music has already been stopped when attempting to ; fade out the current music (so that the new music can be begin immediately ; instead of waiting). ; It sometimes contains the sound ID of the last music played, but it may also ; contain $ff (if the music has been stopped) or 0 (because some routines zero ; it in order to prevent assumptions from being made about the current state of ; the music). ds 1 wUpdateSpritesEnabled:: ; cfcb ; $00 = causes sprites to be hidden and the value to change to $ff ; $01 = enabled ; $ff = disabled ; other values aren't used ds 1 wEnemyMoveNum:: ; cfcc ds 1 wEnemyMoveEffect:: ; cfcd ds 1 wEnemyMovePower:: ; cfce ds 1 wEnemyMoveType:: ; cfcf ds 1 wEnemyMoveAccuracy:: ; cfd0 ds 1 wEnemyMoveMaxPP:: ; cfd1 ds 1 wPlayerMoveNum:: ; cfd2 ds 1 wPlayerMoveEffect:: ; cfd3 ds 1 wPlayerMovePower:: ; cfd4 ds 1 wPlayerMoveType:: ; cfd5 ds 1 wPlayerMoveAccuracy:: ; cfd6 ds 1 wPlayerMoveMaxPP:: ; cfd7 ds 1 wEnemyMonSpecies2:: ; cfd8 ds 1 wBattleMonSpecies2:: ; cfd9 ds 1 wEnemyMonNick:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; cfda wEnemyMon:: ; cfe5 ; The wEnemyMon struct reaches past 0xcfff, ; the end of wram bank 0 on cgb. ; This has no significance on dmg, where wram ; isn't banked (c000-dfff is contiguous). ; However, recent versions of rgbds have replaced ; dmg-style wram with cgb wram banks. ; Until this is fixed, this struct will have ; to be declared manually. wEnemyMonSpecies:: db wEnemyMonHP:: dw wEnemyMonPartyPos:: wEnemyMonBoxLevel:: db wEnemyMonStatus:: db wEnemyMonType:: wEnemyMonType1:: db wEnemyMonType2:: db wEnemyMonCatchRate_NotReferenced:: db wEnemyMonMoves:: ds NUM_MOVES wEnemyMonDVs:: ds 2 wEnemyMonLevel:: db wEnemyMonMaxHP:: dw wEnemyMonAttack:: dw wEnemyMonDefense:: dw wEnemyMonSpeed:: dw wEnemyMonSpecial:: dw wEnemyMonPP:: ds 2 ; NUM_MOVES - 2 SECTION "WRAM Bank 1", WRAMX[$d000], BANK[1] ds 2 ; NUM_MOVES - 2 wEnemyMonBaseStats:: ds 5 wEnemyMonCatchRate:: ds 1 wEnemyMonBaseExp:: ds 1 wBattleMonNick:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; d009 wBattleMon:: battle_struct wBattleMon ; d014 wTrainerClass:: ; d031 ds 1 ds 1 wTrainerPicPointer:: ; d033 ds 2 ds 1 wTempMoveNameBuffer:: ; d036 wLearnMoveMonName:: ; d036 ; The name of the mon that is learning a move. ds 16 wTrainerBaseMoney:: ; d046 ; 2-byte BCD number ; money received after battle = base money × level of highest-level enemy mon ds 2 wMissableObjectCounter:: ; d048 ds 1 ds 1 wTrainerName:: ; d04a ; 13 bytes for the letters of the opposing trainer ; the name is terminated with $50 with possible ; unused trailing letters ds 13 wIsInBattle:: ; d057 ; lost battle, this is -1 ; no battle, this is 0 ; wild battle, this is 1 ; trainer battle, this is 2 ds 1 wPartyGainExpFlags:: ; d058 ; flags that indicate which party members should be be given exp when GainExperience is called flag_array 6 wCurOpponent:: ; d059 ; in a wild battle, this is the species of pokemon ; in a trainer battle, this is the trainer class + 200 ds 1 wBattleType:: ; d05a ; in normal battle, this is 0 ; in old man battle, this is 1 ; in safari battle, this is 2 ds 1 wDamageMultipliers:: ; d05b ; bits 0-6: Effectiveness ; $0 = immune ; $5 = not very effective ; $a = neutral ; $14 = super-effective ; bit 7: STAB ds 1 wLoneAttackNo:: ; d05c ; which entry in LoneAttacks to use wGymLeaderNo:: ; d05c ; it's actually the same thing as ^ ds 1 wTrainerNo:: ; d05d ; which instance of [youngster, lass, etc] is this? ds 1 wCriticalHitOrOHKO:: ; d05e ; $00 = normal attack ; $01 = critical hit ; $02 = successful OHKO ; $ff = failed OHKO ds 1 wMoveMissed:: ; d05f ds 1 wPlayerStatsToDouble:: ; d060 ; always 0 ds 1 wPlayerStatsToHalve:: ; d061 ; always 0 ds 1 wPlayerBattleStatus1:: ; d062 ; bit 0 - bide ; bit 1 - thrash / petal dance ; bit 2 - attacking multiple times (e.g. double kick) ; bit 3 - flinch ; bit 4 - charging up for attack ; bit 5 - using multi-turn move (e.g. wrap) ; bit 6 - invulnerable to normal attack (using fly/dig) ; bit 7 - confusion ds 1 wPlayerBattleStatus2:: ; d063 ; bit 0 - X Accuracy effect ; bit 1 - protected by "mist" ; bit 2 - focus energy effect ; bit 4 - has a substitute ; bit 5 - need to recharge ; bit 6 - rage ; bit 7 - leech seeded ds 1 wPlayerBattleStatus3:: ; d064 ; bit 0 - toxic ; bit 1 - light screen ; bit 2 - reflect ; bit 3 - tranformed ds 1 wEnemyStatsToDouble:: ; d065 ; always 0 ds 1 wEnemyStatsToHalve:: ; d066 ; always 0 ds 1 wEnemyBattleStatus1:: ; d067 ds 1 wEnemyBattleStatus2:: ; d068 ds 1 wEnemyBattleStatus3:: ; d069 ds 1 wPlayerNumAttacksLeft:: ; when the player is attacking multiple times, the number of attacks left ds 1 wPlayerConfusedCounter:: ; d06b ds 1 wPlayerToxicCounter:: ; d06c ds 1 wPlayerDisabledMove:: ; d06d ; high nibble: which move is disabled (1-4) ; low nibble: disable turns left ds 1 ds 1 wEnemyNumAttacksLeft:: ; d06f ; when the enemy is attacking multiple times, the number of attacks left ds 1 wEnemyConfusedCounter:: ; d070 ds 1 wEnemyToxicCounter:: ; d071 ds 1 wEnemyDisabledMove:: ; d072 ; high nibble: which move is disabled (1-4) ; low nibble: disable turns left ds 1 ds 1 wPlayerNumHits:: ; d074 ; number of hits by player in attacks like Double Slap, etc. wPlayerBideAccumulatedDamage:: ; d074 ; the amount of damage accumulated by the player while biding (2 bytes) wUnknownSerialCounter2:: ; d075 ; 2 bytes ds 4 wEscapedFromBattle:: ; non-zero when an item or move that allows escape from battle was used ds 1 wAmountMoneyWon:: ; d079 ; 3-byte BCD number wObjectToHide:: ; d079 ds 1 wObjectToShow:: ; d07a ds 1 ds 1 wDefaultMap:: ; d07c ; the map you will start at when the debug bit is set wMenuItemOffset:: ; d07c wAnimationID:: ; d07c ; ID number of the current battle animation ds 1 wNamingScreenType:: ; d07d wPartyMenuTypeOrMessageID:: ; d07d wTempTilesetNumTiles:: ; d07d ; temporary storage for the number of tiles in a tileset ds 1 wSavedListScrollOffset:: ; d07e ; used by the pokemart code to save the existing value of wListScrollOffset ; so that it can be restored when the player is done with the pokemart NPC ds 1 ds 2 ; base coordinates of frame block wBaseCoordX:: ; d081 ds 1 wBaseCoordY:: ; d082 ds 1 ; low health alarm counter/enable ; high bit = enable, others = timer to cycle frequencies wLowHealthAlarm:: ds 1 ; d083 wFBTileCounter:: ; d084 ; counts how many tiles of the current frame block have been drawn ds 1 wMovingBGTilesCounter2:: ; d085 ds 1 wSubAnimFrameDelay:: ; d086 ; duration of each frame of the current subanimation in terms of screen refreshes ds 1 wSubAnimCounter:: ; d087 ; counts the number of subentries left in the current subanimation ds 1 wSaveFileStatus:: ; d088 ; 1 = no save file or save file is corrupted ; 2 = save file exists and no corruption has been detected ds 1 wNumFBTiles:: ; d089 ; number of tiles in current battle animation frame block ds 1 wFlashScreenLongCounter:: ; d08a wSpiralBallsBaseY:: ; d08a wFallingObjectMovementByte:: ; d08a ; bits 0-6: index into FallingObjects_DeltaXs array (0 - 8) ; bit 7: direction; 0 = right, 1 = left wNumShootingBalls:: ; d08a wTradedMonMovingRight:: ; d08a ; $01 if mon is moving from left gameboy to right gameboy; $00 if vice versa wOptionsInitialized:: ; d08a wNewSlotMachineBallTile:: ; d08a wCoordAdjustmentAmount:: ; d08a ; how much to add to the X/Y coord wUnusedD08A:: ; d08a ds 1 wSpiralBallsBaseX:: ; d08b wNumFallingObjects:: ; d08b wSlideMonDelay:: ; d08b wAnimCounter:: ; d08b ; generic counter variable for various animations wSubAnimTransform:: ; d08b ; controls what transformations are applied to the subanimation ; 01: flip horizontally and vertically ; 02: flip horizontally and translate downwards 40 pixels ; 03: translate base coordinates of frame blocks, but don't change their internal coordinates or flip their tiles ; 04: reverse the subanimation ds 1 wEndBattleWinTextPointer:: ; d08c ds 2 wEndBattleLoseTextPointer:: ; d08e ds 2 ds 2 wEndBattleTextRomBank:: ; d092 ds 1 ds 1 wSubAnimAddrPtr:: ; d094 ; the address _of the address_ of the current subanimation entry ds 2 wSlotMachineAllowMatchesCounter:: ; d096 ; If non-zero, the allow matches flag is always set. ; There is a 1/256 (~0.4%) chance that this value will be set to 60, which is ; the only way it can increase. Winning certain payout amounts will decrement it ; or zero it. wSubAnimSubEntryAddr:: ; d096 ; the address of the current subentry of the current subanimation ds 2 ds 2 wOutwardSpiralTileMapPointer:: ; d09a ds 1 wPartyMenuAnimMonEnabled:: ; d09b wTownMapSpriteBlinkingEnabled:: ; d09b ; non-zero when enabled. causes nest locations to blink on and off. ; the town selection cursor will blink regardless of what this value is wUnusedD09B:: ; d09b ds 1 wFBDestAddr:: ; d09c ; current destination address in OAM for frame blocks (big endian) ds 2 wFBMode:: ; d09e ; controls how the frame blocks are put together to form frames ; specifically, after finishing drawing the frame block, the frame block's mode determines what happens ; 00: clean OAM buffer and delay ; 02: move onto the next frame block with no delay and no cleaning OAM buffer ; 03: delay, but don't clean OAM buffer ; 04: delay, without cleaning OAM buffer, and do not advance [wFBDestAddr], so that the next frame block will overwrite this one ds 1 wLinkCableAnimBulgeToggle:: ; d09f ; 0 = small ; 1 = big wIntroNidorinoBaseTile:: ; d09f wOutwardSpiralCurrentDirection:: ; d09f wDropletTile:: ; d09f wNewTileBlockID:: ; d09f wWhichBattleAnimTileset:: ; d09f wSquishMonCurrentDirection:: ; d09f ; 0 = left ; 1 = right wSlideMonUpBottomRowLeftTile:: ; d09f ; the tile ID of the leftmost tile in the bottom row in AnimationSlideMonUp_ ds 1 wDisableVBlankWYUpdate:: ds 1 ; if non-zero, don't update WY during V-blank wSpriteCurPosX:: ; d0a1 ds 1 wSpriteCurPosY:: ; d0a2 ds 1 wSpriteWidth:: ; d0a3 ds 1 wSpriteHeight:: ; d0a4 ds 1 wSpriteInputCurByte:: ; d0a5 ; current input byte ds 1 wSpriteInputBitCounter:: ; d0a6 ; bit offset of last read input bit ds 1 wSpriteOutputBitOffset:: ; d0a7; determines where in the output byte the two bits are placed. Each byte contains four columns (2bpp data) ; 3 -> XX000000 1st column ; 2 -> 00XX0000 2nd column ; 1 -> 0000XX00 3rd column ; 0 -> 000000XX 4th column ds 1 wSpriteLoadFlags:: ; d0a8 ; bit 0 determines used buffer (0 -> $a188, 1 -> $a310) ; bit 1 loading last sprite chunk? (there are at most 2 chunks per load operation) ds 1 wSpriteUnpackMode:: ; d0a9 ds 1 wSpriteFlipped:: ; d0aa ds 1 wSpriteInputPtr:: ; d0ab ; pointer to next input byte ds 2 wSpriteOutputPtr:: ; d0ad ; pointer to current output byte ds 2 wSpriteOutputPtrCached:: ; d0af ; used to revert pointer for different bit offsets ds 2 wSpriteDecodeTable0Ptr:: ; d0b1 ; pointer to differential decoding table (assuming initial value 0) ds 2 wSpriteDecodeTable1Ptr:: ; d0b3 ; pointer to differential decoding table (assuming initial value 1) ds 2 wd0b5:: ds 1 ; used as a temp storage area for Pokemon Species, and other Pokemon/Battle related things wNameListType:: ; d0b6 ds 1 wPredefBank:: ; d0b7 ds 1 wMonHeader:: ; d0b8 wMonHIndex:: ; d0b8 ; In the ROM base stats data stucture, this is the dex number, but it is ; overwritten with the internal index number after the header is copied to WRAM. ds 1 wMonHBaseStats:: ; d0b9 wMonHBaseHP:: ; d0b9 ds 1 wMonHBaseAttack:: ; d0ba ds 1 wMonHBaseDefense:: ; d0bb ds 1 wMonHBaseSpeed:: ; d0bc ds 1 wMonHBaseSpecial:: ; d0bd ds 1 wMonHTypes:: ; d0be wMonHType1:: ; d0be ds 1 wMonHType2:: ; d0bf ds 1 wMonHCatchRate:: ; d0c0 ds 1 wMonHBaseEXP:: ; d0c1 ds 1 wMonHSpriteDim:: ; d0c2 ds 1 wMonHFrontSprite:: ; d0c3 ds 2 wMonHBackSprite:: ; d0c5 ds 2 wMonHMoves:: ; d0c7 ds NUM_MOVES wMonHGrowthRate:: ; d0cb ds 1 wMonHLearnset:: ; d0cc ; bit field flag_array 50 + 5 ds 1 wSavedTilesetType:: ; d0d4 ; saved at the start of a battle and then written back at the end of the battle ds 1 ds 2 wDamage:: ; d0d7 ds 2 ds 2 wRepelRemainingSteps:: ; d0db ds 1 wMoves:: ; d0dc ; list of moves for FormatMovesString ds 4 wMoveNum:: ; d0e0 ds 1 wMovesString:: ; d0e1 ds 56 wUnusedD119:: ; d119 ds 1 wWalkBikeSurfStateCopy:: ; d11a ; wWalkBikeSurfState is sometimes copied here, but it doesn't seem to be used for anything ds 1 wInitListType:: ; d11b ; the type of list for InitList to init ds 1 wCapturedMonSpecies:: ; d11c ; 0 if no mon was captured ds 1 wFirstMonsNotOutYet:: ; d11d ; Non-zero when the first player mon and enemy mon haven't been sent out yet. ; It prevents the game from asking if the player wants to choose another mon ; when the enemy sends out their first mon and suppresses the "no will to fight" ; message when the game searches for the first non-fainted mon in the party, ; which will be the first mon sent out. ds 1 wPokeBallCaptureCalcTemp:: ; d11e ; lower nybble: number of shakes ; upper nybble: number of animations to play wPokeBallAnimData:: ; d11e wUsingPPUp:: ; d11e wMaxPP:: ; d11e ; 0 for player, non-zero for enemy wCalculateWhoseStats:: ; d11e wTypeEffectiveness:: ; d11e wMoveType:: ; d11e wNumSetBits:: ; d11e wd11e:: ds 1 ; used as a Pokemon and Item storage value. Also used as an output value for CountSetBits wForcePlayerToChooseMon:: ; d11f ; When this value is non-zero, the player isn't allowed to exit the party menu ; by pressing B and not choosing a mon. ds 1 wNumRunAttempts:: ; number of times the player has tried to run from battle ds 1 wEvolutionOccurred:: ; d121 ds 1 wVBlankSavedROMBank:: ; d122 ds 1 ds 1 wIsKeyItem:: ; d124 ds 1 wTextBoxID:: ; d125 ds 1 wCurrentMapScriptFlags:: ds 1 ; not exactly sure what this is used for, but it seems to be used as a multipurpose temp flag value wCurEnemyLVL:: ; d127 ds 1 wItemListPointer:: ; d128 ; pointer to list of items terminated by $FF ds 2 wListCount:: ; number of entries in a list ds 1 wLinkState:: ; d12b ds 1 wTwoOptionMenuID:: ; d12c ds 1 wChosenMenuItem:: ; d12d ; the id of the menu item the player ultimately chose wOutOfBattleBlackout:: ; d12d ; non-zero when the whole party has fainted due to out-of-battle poison damage ds 1 wMenuExitMethod:: ; d12e ; the way the user exited a menu ; for list menus and the buy/sell/quit menu: ; $01 = the user pressed A to choose a menu item ; $02 = the user pressed B to cancel ; for two-option menus: ; $01 = the user pressed A with the first menu item selected ; $02 = the user pressed B or pressed A with the second menu item selected ds 1 wDungeonWarpDataEntrySize:: ; d12f ; the size is always 6, so they didn't need a variable in RAM for this wWhichPewterGuy:: ; d12f ; 0 = museum guy ; 1 = gym guy wWhichPrizeWindow:: ; d12f ; there are 3 windows, from 0 to 2 wGymGateTileBlock:: ; d12f ; a horizontal or vertical gate block ds 1 wSavedSpriteScreenY:: ; d130 ds 1 wSavedSpriteScreenX:: ; d131 ds 1 wSavedSpriteMapY:: ; d132 ds 1 wSavedSpriteMapX:: ; d133 ds 1 ds 5 wWhichPrize:: ; d139 ds 1 wIgnoreInputCounter:: ; d13a ; counts downward each frame ; when it hits 0, bit 5 (ignore input bit) of wd730 is reset ds 1 wStepCounter:: ; d13b ; counts down once every step ds 1 wNumberOfNoRandomBattleStepsLeft:: ; d13c ; after a battle, you have at least 3 steps before a random battle can occur ds 1 wPrize1:: ; d13d ds 1 wPrize2:: ; d13e ds 1 wPrize3:: ; d13f ds 1 ds 1 wSerialRandomNumberListBlock:: ; d141 ; the first 7 bytes are the preamble wPrize1Price:: ; d141 ds 2 wPrize2Price:: ; d143 ds 2 wPrize3Price:: ; d145 ds 2 ds 1 wLinkBattleRandomNumberList:: ; d148 ; shared list of 9 random numbers, indexed by wLinkBattleRandomNumberListIndex ds 10 wSerialPlayerDataBlock:: ; d152 ; the first 6 bytes are the preamble wPseudoItemID:: ; d152 ; When a real item is being used, this is 0. ; When a move is acting as an item, this is the ID of the item it's acting as. ; For example, out-of-battle Dig is executed using a fake Escape Rope item. In ; that case, this would be ESCAPE_ROPE. ds 1 wUnusedD153:: ; d153 ds 1 ds 2 wEvoStoneItemID:: ; d156 ds 1 wSavedNPCMovementDirections2Index:: ; d157 ds 1 wPlayerName:: ; d158 ds NAME_LENGTH wPartyDataStart:: wPartyCount:: ds 1 ; d163 wPartySpecies:: ds PARTY_LENGTH ; d164 wPartyEnd:: ds 1 ; d16a wPartyMons:: wPartyMon1:: party_struct wPartyMon1 ; d16b wPartyMon2:: party_struct wPartyMon2 ; d197 wPartyMon3:: party_struct wPartyMon3 ; d1c3 wPartyMon4:: party_struct wPartyMon4 ; d1ef wPartyMon5:: party_struct wPartyMon5 ; d21b wPartyMon6:: party_struct wPartyMon6 ; d247 wPartyMonOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; d273 wPartyMonNicks:: ds NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; d2b5 wPartyDataEnd:: wMainDataStart:: wPokedexOwned:: ; d2f7 flag_array NUM_POKEMON wPokedexOwnedEnd:: wPokedexSeen:: ; d30a flag_array NUM_POKEMON wPokedexSeenEnd:: wNumBagItems:: ; d31d ds 1 wBagItems:: ; d31e ; item, quantity ds BAG_ITEM_CAPACITY * 2 ds 1 ; end wPlayerMoney:: ; d347 ds 3 ; BCD wRivalName:: ; d34a ds NAME_LENGTH wOptions:: ; d355 ; bit 7 = battle animation ; 0: On ; 1: Off ; bit 6 = battle style ; 0: Shift ; 1: Set ; bits 0-3 = text speed (number of frames to delay after printing a letter) ; 1: Fast ; 3: Medium ; 5: Slow ds 1 wObtainedBadges:: ; d356 flag_array 8 ds 1 wLetterPrintingDelayFlags:: ; d358 ; bit 0: If 0, limit the delay to 1 frame. Note that this has no effect if ; the delay has been disabled entirely through bit 1 of this variable ; or bit 6 of wd730. ; bit 1: If 0, no delay. ds 1 wPlayerID:: ; d359 ds 2 wMapMusicSoundID:: ; d35b ds 1 wMapMusicROMBank:: ; d35c ds 1 wMapPalOffset:: ; d35d ; offset subtracted from FadePal4 to get the background and object palettes for the current map ; normally, it is 0. it is 6 when Flash is needed, causing FadePal2 to be used instead of FadePal4 ds 1 wCurMap:: ; d35e ds 1 wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer:: ; d35f ; pointer to the upper left corner of the current view in the tile block map ds 2 wYCoord:: ; d361 ; player’s position on the current map ds 1 wXCoord:: ; d362 ds 1 wYBlockCoord:: ; d363 ; player's y position (by block) ds 1 wXBlockCoord:: ; d364 ds 1 wLastMap:: ; d365 ds 1 wUnusedD366:: ; d366 ds 1 wCurMapTileset:: ; d367 ds 1 wCurMapHeight:: ; d368 ; blocks ds 1 wCurMapWidth:: ; d369 ; blocks ds 1 wMapDataPtr:: ; d36a ds 2 wMapTextPtr:: ; d36c ds 2 wMapScriptPtr:: ; d36e ds 2 wMapConnections:: ; d370 ; connection byte ds 1 wMapConn1Ptr:: ; d371 ds 1 wNorthConnectionStripSrc:: ; d372 ds 2 wNorthConnectionStripDest:: ; d374 ds 2 wNorthConnectionStripWidth:: ; d376 ds 1 wNorthConnectedMapWidth:: ; d377 ds 1 wNorthConnectedMapYAlignment:: ; d378 ds 1 wNorthConnectedMapXAlignment:: ; d379 ds 1 wNorthConnectedMapViewPointer:: ; d37a ds 2 wMapConn2Ptr:: ; d37c ds 1 wSouthConnectionStripSrc:: ; d37d ds 2 wSouthConnectionStripDest:: ; d37f: ds 2 wSouthConnectionStripWidth:: ; d381 ds 1 wSouthConnectedMapWidth:: ; d382 ds 1 wSouthConnectedMapYAlignment:: ; d383 ds 1 wSouthConnectedMapXAlignment:: ; d384 ds 1 wSouthConnectedMapViewPointer:: ; d385 ds 2 wMapConn3Ptr:: ; d387 ds 1 wWestConnectionStripSrc:: ; d388 ds 2 wWestConnectionStripDest:: ; d38a ds 2 wWestConnectionStripHeight:: ; d38c ds 1 wWestConnectedMapWidth:: ; d38d ds 1 wWestConnectedMapYAlignment:: ; d38e ds 1 wWestConnectedMapXAlignment:: ; d38f ds 1 wWestConnectedMapViewPointer:: ; d390 ds 2 wMapConn4Ptr:: ; d392 ds 1 wEastConnectionStripSrc:: ; d393 ds 2 wEastConnectionStripDest:: ; d395 ds 2 wEastConnectionStripHeight:: ; d397 ds 1 wEastConnectedMapWidth:: ; d398 ds 1 wEastConnectedMapYAlignment:: ; d399 ds 1 wEastConnectedMapXAlignment:: ; d39a ds 1 wEastConnectedMapViewPointer:: ; d39b ds 2 wSpriteSet:: ; d39d ; sprite set for the current map (11 sprite picture ID's) ds 11 wSpriteSetID:: ; d3a8 ; sprite set ID for the current map ds 1 wObjectDataPointerTemp:: ; d3a9 ds 2 ds 2 wMapBackgroundTile:: ; d3ad ; the tile shown outside the boundaries of the map ds 1 wNumberOfWarps:: ; d3ae ; number of warps in current map ds 1 wWarpEntries:: ; d3af ; current map warp entries ds 128 wDestinationWarpID:: ; d42f ; if $ff, the player's coordinates are not updated when entering the map ds 1 ds 128 wNumSigns:: ; d4b0 ; number of signs in the current map (up to 16) ds 1 wSignCoords:: ; d4b1 ; 2 bytes each ; Y, X ds 32 wSignTextIDs:: ; d4d1 ds 16 wNumSprites:: ; d4e1 ; number of sprites on the current map ds 1 ; these two variables track the X and Y offset in blocks from the last special warp used ; they don't seem to be used for anything wYOffsetSinceLastSpecialWarp:: ; d4e2 ds 1 wXOffsetSinceLastSpecialWarp:: ; d4e3 ds 1 wMapSpriteData:: ; d4e4 ; two bytes per sprite (movement byte 2, text ID) ds 32 wMapSpriteExtraData:: ; d504 ; two bytes per sprite (trainer class/item ID, trainer set ID) ds 32 wCurrentMapHeight2:: ; d524 ; map height in 2x2 meta-tiles ds 1 wCurrentMapWidth2:: ; d525 ; map width in 2x2 meta-tiles ds 1 wMapViewVRAMPointer:: ; d526 ; the address of the upper left corner of the visible portion of the BG tile map in VRAM ds 2 ; In the comments for the player direction variables below, "moving" refers to ; both walking and changing facing direction without taking a step. wPlayerMovingDirection:: ; d528 ; if the player is moving, the current direction ; if the player is not moving, zero ; map scripts write to this in order to change the player's facing direction ds 1 wPlayerLastStopDirection:: ; d529 ; the direction in which the player was moving before the player last stopped ds 1 wPlayerDirection:: ; d52a ; if the player is moving, the current direction ; if the player is not moving, the last the direction in which the player moved ds 1 wTilesetBank:: ; d52b ds 1 wTilesetBlocksPtr:: ; d52c ; maps blocks (4x4 tiles) to tiles ds 2 wTilesetGfxPtr:: ; d52e ds 2 wTilesetCollisionPtr:: ; d530 ; list of all walkable tiles ds 2 wTilesetTalkingOverTiles:: ; d532 ds 3 wGrassTile:: ; d535 ds 1 ds 4 wNumBoxItems:: ; d53a ds 1 wBoxItems:: ; d53b ; item, quantity ds PC_ITEM_CAPACITY * 2 ds 1 ; end wCurrentBoxNum:: ; d5a0 ; bits 0-6: box number ; bit 7: whether the player has changed boxes before ds 2 wNumHoFTeams:: ; d5a2 ; number of HOF teams ds 1 wUnusedD5A3:: ; d5a3 ds 1 wPlayerCoins:: ; d5a4 ds 2 ; BCD wMissableObjectFlags:: ; d5a6 ; bit array of missable objects. set = removed ds 32 wMissableObjectFlagsEnd:: ds 7 wd5cd:: ds 1 ; temp copy of c1x2 (sprite facing/anim) wMissableObjectList:: ; d5ce ; each entry consists of 2 bytes ; * the sprite ID (depending on the current map) ; * the missable object index (global, used for wMissableObjectFlags) ; terminated with $FF ds 17 * 2 wGameProgressFlags:: ; d5f0 ; $c8 bytes ds 0 wOaksLabCurScript:: ; d5f0 ds 1 wPalletTownCurScript:: ; d5f1 ds 1 ds 1 wBluesHouseCurScript:: ; d5f3 ds 1 wViridianCityCurScript:: ; d5f4 ds 1 ds 2 wPewterCityCurScript:: ; d5f7 ds 1 wRoute3CurScript:: ; d5f8 ds 1 wRoute4CurScript:: ; d5f9 ds 1 ds 1 wViridianGymCurScript:: ; d5fb ds 1 wPewterGymCurScript:: ; d5fc ds 1 wCeruleanGymCurScript:: ; d5fd ds 1 wVermilionGymCurScript:: ; d5fe ds 1 wCeladonGymCurScript:: ; d5ff ds 1 wRoute6CurScript:: ; d600 ds 1 wRoute8CurScript:: ; d601 ds 1 wRoute24CurScript:: ; d602 ds 1 wRoute25CurScript:: ; d603 ds 1 wRoute9CurScript:: ; d604 ds 1 wRoute10CurScript:: ; d605 ds 1 wMtMoon1CurScript:: ; d606 ds 1 wMtMoon3CurScript:: ; d607 ds 1 wSSAnne8CurScript:: ; d608 ds 1 wSSAnne9CurScript:: ; d609 ds 1 wRoute22CurScript:: ; d60a ds 1 ds 1 wRedsHouse2CurScript:: ; d60c ds 1 wViridianMarketCurScript:: ; d60d ds 1 wRoute22GateCurScript:: ; d60e ds 1 wCeruleanCityCurScript:: ; d60f ds 1 ds 7 wSSAnne5CurScript:: ; d617 ds 1 wViridianForestCurScript:: ; d618 ds 1 wMuseum1fCurScript:: ; d619 ds 1 wRoute13CurScript:: ; d61a ds 1 wRoute14CurScript:: ; d61b ds 1 wRoute17CurScript:: ; d61c ds 1 wRoute19CurScript:: ; d61d ds 1 wRoute21CurScript:: ; d61e ds 1 wSafariZoneEntranceCurScript:: ; d61f ds 1 wRockTunnel2CurScript:: ; d620 ds 1 wRockTunnel1CurScript:: ; d621 ds 1 ds 1 wRoute11CurScript:: ; d623 ds 1 wRoute12CurScript:: ; d624 ds 1 wRoute15CurScript:: ; d625 ds 1 wRoute16CurScript:: ; d626 ds 1 wRoute18CurScript:: ; d627 ds 1 wRoute20CurScript:: ; d628 ds 1 wSSAnne10CurScript:: ; d629 ds 1 wVermilionCityCurScript:: ; d62a ds 1 wPokemonTower2CurScript:: ; d62b ds 1 wPokemonTower3CurScript:: ; d62c ds 1 wPokemonTower4CurScript:: ; d62d ds 1 wPokemonTower5CurScript:: ; d62e ds 1 wPokemonTower6CurScript:: ; d62f ds 1 wPokemonTower7CurScript:: ; d630 ds 1 wRocketHideout1CurScript:: ; d631 ds 1 wRocketHideout2CurScript:: ; d632 ds 1 wRocketHideout3CurScript:: ; d633 ds 1 wRocketHideout4CurScript:: ; d634 ds 2 wRoute6GateCurScript:: ; d636 ds 1 wRoute8GateCurScript:: ; d637 ds 2 wCinnabarIslandCurScript:: ; d639 ds 1 wMansion1CurScript:: ; d63a ds 2 wMansion2CurScript:: ; d63c ds 1 wMansion3CurScript:: ; d63d ds 1 wMansion4CurScript:: ; d63e ds 1 wVictoryRoad2CurScript:: ; d63f ds 1 wVictoryRoad3CurScript:: ; d640 ds 2 wFightingDojoCurScript:: ; d642 ds 1 wSilphCo2CurScript:: ; d643 ds 1 wSilphCo3CurScript:: ; d644 ds 1 wSilphCo4CurScript:: ; d645 ds 1 wSilphCo5CurScript:: ; d646 ds 1 wSilphCo6CurScript:: ; d647 ds 1 wSilphCo7CurScript:: ; d648 ds 1 wSilphCo8CurScript:: ; d649 ds 1 wSilphCo9CurScript:: ; d64a ds 1 wHallOfFameRoomCurScript:: ; d64b ds 1 wGaryCurScript:: ; d64c ds 1 wLoreleiCurScript:: ; d64d ds 1 wBrunoCurScript:: ; d64e ds 1 wAgathaCurScript:: ; d64f ds 1 wUnknownDungeon3CurScript:: ; d650 ds 1 wVictoryRoad1CurScript:: ; d651 ds 1 ds 1 wLanceCurScript:: ; d653 ds 1 ds 4 wSilphCo10CurScript:: ; d658 ds 1 wSilphCo11CurScript:: ; d659 ds 1 ds 1 wFuchsiaGymCurScript:: ; d65b ds 1 wSaffronGymCurScript:: ; d65c ds 1 ds 1 wCinnabarGymCurScript:: ; d65e ds 1 wCeladonGameCornerCurScript:: ; d65f ds 1 wRoute16GateCurScript:: ; d660 ds 1 wBillsHouseCurScript:: ; d661 ds 1 wRoute5GateCurScript:: ; d662 ds 1 wPowerPlantCurScript:: ; d663 ; overload ds 0 wRoute7GateCurScript:: ; d663 ; overload ds 1 ds 1 wSSAnne2CurScript:: ; d665 ds 1 wSeafoamIslands4CurScript:: ; d666 ds 1 wRoute23CurScript:: ; d667 ds 1 wSeafoamIslands5CurScript:: ; d668 ds 1 wRoute18GateCurScript:: ; d669 ds 1 ds 78 wGameProgressFlagsEnd:: ds 56 wObtainedHiddenItemsFlags:: ds 14 wObtainedHiddenCoinsFlags:: ds 2 wWalkBikeSurfState:: ; d700 ; $00 = walking ; $01 = biking ; $02 = surfing ds 1 ds 10 wTownVisitedFlag:: ; d70b flag_array 13 wSafariSteps:: ; d70d ; starts at 502 ds 2 wFossilItem:: ; d70f ; item given to cinnabar lab ds 1 wFossilMon:: ; d710 ; mon that will result from the item ds 1 ds 2 wEnemyMonOrTrainerClass:: ; d713 ; trainer classes start at 200 ds 1 wPlayerJumpingYScreenCoordsIndex:: ; d714 ds 1 wRivalStarter:: ; d715 ds 1 ds 1 wPlayerStarter:: ; d717 ds 1 wBoulderSpriteIndex:: ; d718 ; sprite index of the boulder the player is trying to push ds 1 wLastBlackoutMap:: ; d719 ds 1 wDestinationMap:: ; d71a ; destination map (for certain types of special warps, not ordinary walking) ds 1 wUnusedD71B:: ; d71b ds 1 wTileInFrontOfBoulderAndBoulderCollisionResult:: ; d71c ; used to store the tile in front of the boulder when trying to push a boulder ; also used to store the result of the collision check ($ff for a collision and $00 for no collision) ds 1 wDungeonWarpDestinationMap:: ; d71d ; destination map for dungeon warps ds 1 wWhichDungeonWarp:: ; d71e ; which dungeon warp within the source map was used ds 1 wUnusedD71F:: ; d71f ds 1 ds 8 wd728:: ; d728 ; bit 0: using Strength outside of battle ; bit 1: set by IsSurfingAllowed when surfing's allowed, but the caller resets it after checking the result ; bit 3: received Old Rod ; bit 4: received Good Rod ; bit 5: received Super Rod ; bit 6: gave one of the Saffron guards a drink ; bit 7: set by ItemUseCardKey, which is leftover code from a previous implementation of the Card Key ds 1 ds 1 wBeatGymFlags:: ; d72a ; redundant because it matches wObtainedBadges ; used to determine whether to show name on statue and in two NPC text scripts ds 1 ds 1 wd72c:: ; d72c ; bit 0: if not set, the 3 minimum steps between random battles have passed ; bit 1: prevent audio fade out ds 1 wd72d:: ; d72d ; This variable is used for temporary flags and as the destination map when ; warping to the Trade Center or Colosseum. ; bit 0: sprite facing directions have been initialised in the Trade Center ; bit 3: do scripted warp (used to warp back to Lavender Town from the top of the pokemon tower) ; bit 4: on a dungeon warp ; bit 5: don't make NPCs face the player when spoken to ; Bits 6 and 7 are set by scripts when starting major battles in the storyline, ; but they do not appear to affect anything. Bit 6 is reset after all battles ; and bit 7 is reset after trainer battles (but it's only set before trainer ; battles anyway). ds 1 wd72e:: ; d72e ; bit 0: the player has received Lapras in the Silph Co. building ; bit 1: set in various places, but doesn't appear to have an effect ; bit 2: the player has healed pokemon at a pokemon center at least once ; bit 3: the player has a received a pokemon from Prof. Oak ; bit 4: disable battles ; bit 5: set when a battle ends and when the player blacks out in the overworld due to poison ; bit 6: using the link feature ; bit 7: set if scripted NPC movement has been initialised ds 1 ds 1 wd730:: ; d730 ; bit 0: NPC sprite being moved by script ; bit 5: ignore joypad input ; bit 6: print text with no delay between each letter ; bit 7: set if joypad states are being simulated in the overworld or an NPC's movement is being scripted ds 1 ds 1 wd732:: ; d732 ; bit 0: play time being counted ; bit 1: remnant of debug mode? not set by the game code. ; if it is set ; 1. skips most of Prof. Oak's speech, and uses NINTEN as the player's name and SONY as the rival's name ; 2. does not have the player start in floor two of the playyer's house (instead sending them to [wLastMap]) ; 3. allows wild battles to be avoided by holding down B ; bit 2: the target warp is a fly warp (bit 3 set or blacked out) or a dungeon warp (bit 4 set) ; bit 3: used warp pad, escape rope, dig, teleport, or fly, so the target warp is a "fly warp" ; bit 4: jumped into hole (Pokemon Mansion, Seafoam Islands, Victory Road) or went down waterfall (Seafoam Islands), so the target warp is a "dungeon warp" ; bit 5: currently being forced to ride bike (cycling road) ; bit 6: map destination is [wLastBlackoutMap] (usually the last used pokemon center, but could be the player's house) ds 1 wFlags_D733:: ; d733 ; bit 0: running a test battle ; bit 1: prevent music from changing when entering new map ; bit 2: skip the joypad check in CheckWarpsNoCollision (used for the forced warp down the waterfall in the Seafoam Islands) ; bit 3: trainer wants to battle ; bit 4: use variable [wCurMapScript] instead of the provided index for next frame's map script (used to start battle when talking to trainers) ; bit 7: used fly out of battle ds 1 wBeatLorelei:: ; d734 ; bit 1: set when you beat Lorelei and reset in Indigo Plateau lobby ; the game uses this to tell when Elite 4 events need to be reset ds 2 wd736:: ; d736 ; bit 0: check if the player is standing on a door and make him walk down a step if so ; bit 1: the player is currently stepping down from a door ; bit 2: standing on a warp ; bit 6: jumping down a ledge / fishing animation ; bit 7: player sprite spinning due to spin tiles (Rocket hidehout / Viridian Gym) ds 1 wCompletedInGameTradeFlags:: ; d737 ds 2 ds 2 wWarpedFromWhichWarp:: ; d73b ds 1 wWarpedFromWhichMap:: ; d73c ds 1 ds 2 wCardKeyDoorY:: ; d73f ds 1 wCardKeyDoorX:: ; d740 ds 1 ds 2 wFirstLockTrashCanIndex:: ; d743 ds 1 wSecondLockTrashCanIndex:: ; d743 ds 1 ds 2 wEventFlags:: ; d747 ds 320 wLinkEnemyTrainerName:: ; d887 ; linked game's trainer name wGrassRate:: ; d887 ds 1 wGrassMons:: ; d888 ;ds 20 ds 11 ; Overload wGrassMons wSerialEnemyDataBlock:: ; d893 ds 9 wEnemyPartyCount:: ds 1 ; d89c wEnemyPartyMons:: ds PARTY_LENGTH + 1 ; d89d ; Overload enemy party data wWaterRate:: db ; d8a4 wWaterMons:: db ; d8a5 ds wWaterRate - @ wEnemyMons:: ; d8a4 wEnemyMon1:: party_struct wEnemyMon1 wEnemyMon2:: party_struct wEnemyMon2 wEnemyMon3:: party_struct wEnemyMon3 wEnemyMon4:: party_struct wEnemyMon4 wEnemyMon5:: party_struct wEnemyMon5 wEnemyMon6:: party_struct wEnemyMon6 wEnemyMonOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; d9ac wEnemyMonNicks:: ds NAME_LENGTH * PARTY_LENGTH ; d9ee wTrainerHeaderPtr:: ; da30 ds 2 ds 6 wOpponentAfterWrongAnswer:: ; da38 ; the trainer the player must face after getting a wrong answer in the Cinnabar ; gym quiz wUnusedDA38:: ; da38 ds 1 wCurMapScript:: ; da39 ; index of current map script, mostly used as index for function pointer array ; mostly copied from map-specific map script pointer and wirtten back later ds 1 ds 7 wPlayTimeHours:: ; da41 ds 1 wPlayTimeMaxed:: ; da42 ds 1 wPlayTimeMinutes:: ; da43 ds 1 wPlayTimeSeconds:: ; da44 ds 1 wPlayTimeFrames:: ; da45 ds 1 wSafariZoneGameOver:: ; da46 ds 1 wNumSafariBalls:: ; da47 ds 1 wDayCareInUse:: ; da48 ; 0 if no pokemon is in the daycare ; 1 if pokemon is in the daycare ds 1 wDayCareMonName:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; da49 wDayCareMonOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH ; da54 wDayCareMon:: box_struct wDayCareMon ; da5f wMainDataEnd:: wBoxDataStart:: wNumInBox:: ds 1 ; da80 wBoxSpecies:: ds MONS_PER_BOX + 1 wBoxMons:: wBoxMon1:: box_struct wBoxMon1 ; da96 wBoxMon2:: ds box_struct_length * (MONS_PER_BOX + -1) ; dab7 wBoxMonOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH * MONS_PER_BOX ; dd2a wBoxMonNicks:: ds NAME_LENGTH * MONS_PER_BOX ; de06 wBoxMonNicksEnd:: ; dee2 wBoxDataEnd:: SECTION "Stack", WRAMX[$dfff], BANK[1] wStack:: ; dfff ds -$100 INCLUDE "sram.asm"