SilphCo9Script: ; 5d7bb (17:57bb) call SilphCo9Script_5d7d1 call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing ld hl, SilphCo9TrainerHeaders ld de, SilphCo9ScriptPointers ld a, [W_SILPHCO9CURSCRIPT] call ExecuteCurMapScriptInTable ld [W_SILPHCO9CURSCRIPT], a ret SilphCo9Script_5d7d1: ; 5d7d1 (17:57d1) ld hl, $d126 bit 5, [hl] res 5, [hl] ret z ld hl, DataTable_5d82e ; $582e call SilphCo9Script_5d837 call SilphCo9Script_5d863 ld a, [$d834] bit 0, a jr nz, .asm_5d7f8 push af ld a, $5f ld [$d09f], a ld bc, $401 ld a, $17 call Predef ; indirect jump to Func_ee9e (ee9e (3:6e9e)) pop af .asm_5d7f8 bit 1, a jr nz, .asm_5d80b push af ld a, $54 ld [$d09f], a ld bc, $209 ld a, $17 call Predef ; indirect jump to Func_ee9e (ee9e (3:6e9e)) pop af .asm_5d80b bit 2, a jr nz, .asm_5d81e push af ld a, $54 ld [$d09f], a ld bc, $509 ld a, $17 call Predef ; indirect jump to Func_ee9e (ee9e (3:6e9e)) pop af .asm_5d81e bit 3, a ret nz ld a, $5f ld [$d09f], a ld bc, $605 ld a, $17 jp Predef ; indirect jump to Func_ee9e (ee9e (3:6e9e)) DataTable_5d82e: ; 5d82e (17:582e) db $04,$01,$02,$09,$05,$09,$06,$05,$FF SilphCo9Script_5d837: ; 5d837 (17:5837) push hl ld hl, $d73f ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld a, [hl] ld c, a xor a ld [$ffe0], a pop hl .asm_5d843 ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .asm_5d85f push hl ld hl, $ffe0 inc [hl] pop hl cp b jr z, .asm_5d854 inc hl jr .asm_5d843 .asm_5d854 ld a, [hli] cp c jr nz, .asm_5d843 ld hl, $d73f xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ret .asm_5d85f xor a ld [$ffe0], a ret SilphCo9Script_5d863: ; 5d863 (17:5863) ld hl, $d834 ld a, [$ffe0] and a ret z cp $1 jr nz, .asm_5d871 set 0, [hl] ret .asm_5d871 cp $2 jr nz, .asm_5d878 set 1, [hl] ret .asm_5d878 cp $3 jr nz, .asm_5d87f set 2, [hl] ret .asm_5d87f cp $4 ret nz set 3, [hl] ret SilphCo9ScriptPointers: ; 5d885 (17:5885) dw CheckFightingMapTrainers dw Func_324c dw EndTrainerBattle SilphCo9TextPointers: ; 5d88b (17:588b) dw SilphCo9Text1 dw SilphCo9Text2 dw SilphCo9Text3 dw SilphCo9Text4 SilphCo9TrainerHeaders: ; 5d893 (17:5893) SilphCo9TrainerHeader0: ; 5d893 (17:5893) db $2 ; flag's bit db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range dw $d833 ; flag's byte dw SilphCo9BattleText1 ; 0x5912 TextBeforeBattle dw SilphCo9AfterBattleText1 ; 0x591c TextAfterBattle dw SilphCo9EndBattleText1 ; 0x5917 TextEndBattle dw SilphCo9EndBattleText1 ; 0x5917 TextEndBattle SilphCo9TrainerHeader1: ; 5d89f (17:589f) db $3 ; flag's bit db ($2 << 4) ; trainer's view range dw $d833 ; flag's byte dw SilphCo9BattleText2 ; 0x5921 TextBeforeBattle dw SilphCo9AfterBattleText2 ; 0x592b TextAfterBattle dw SilphCo9EndBattleText2 ; 0x5926 TextEndBattle dw SilphCo9EndBattleText2 ; 0x5926 TextEndBattle SilphCo9TrainerHeader2: ; 5d8ab (17:58ab) db $4 ; flag's bit db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range dw $d833 ; flag's byte dw SilphCo9BattleText3 ; 0x5930 TextBeforeBattle dw SilphCo9AfterBattleText3 ; 0x593a TextAfterBattle dw SilphCo9EndBattleText3 ; 0x5935 TextEndBattle dw SilphCo9EndBattleText3 ; 0x5935 TextEndBattle db $ff SilphCo9Text1: ; 5d8b8 (17:58b8) db $08 ; asm ld a, [$d838] bit 7, a jr nz, .asm_a14c3 ; 0x5d8be ld hl, SilphCo9Text_5d8e5 call PrintText ld a, $7 call Predef call GBFadeOut2 call Delay3 call GBFadeIn2 ld hl, SilphCo9Text_5d8ea call PrintText jr .asm_b6e28 ; 0x5d8da .asm_a14c3 ; 0x5d8dc ld hl, SilphCo9Text_5d8ef call PrintText .asm_b6e28 ; 0x5d8e2 jp TextScriptEnd SilphCo9Text_5d8e5: ; 5d8e5 (17:58e5) TX_FAR _SilphCo9Text_5d8e5 db "@" SilphCo9Text_5d8ea: ; 5d8ea (17:58ea) TX_FAR _SilphCo9Text_5d8ea db "@" SilphCo9Text_5d8ef: ; 5d8ef (17:58ef) TX_FAR _SilphCo9Text_5d8ef db "@" SilphCo9Text2: ; 5d8f4 (17:58f4) db $08 ; asm ld hl, SilphCo9TrainerHeader0 call TalkToTrainer jp TextScriptEnd SilphCo9Text3: ; 5d8fe (17:58fe) db $08 ; asm ld hl, SilphCo9TrainerHeader1 call TalkToTrainer jp TextScriptEnd SilphCo9Text4: ; 5d908 (17:5908) db $08 ; asm ld hl, SilphCo9TrainerHeader2 call TalkToTrainer jp TextScriptEnd SilphCo9BattleText1: ; 5d912 (17:5912) TX_FAR _SilphCo9BattleText1 db "@" SilphCo9EndBattleText1: ; 5d917 (17:5917) TX_FAR _SilphCo9EndBattleText1 db "@" SilphCo9AfterBattleText1: ; 5d91c (17:591c) TX_FAR _SilphCo9AfterBattleText1 db "@" SilphCo9BattleText2: ; 5d921 (17:5921) TX_FAR _SilphCo9BattleText2 db "@" SilphCo9EndBattleText2: ; 5d926 (17:5926) TX_FAR _SilphCo9EndBattleText2 db "@" SilphCo9AfterBattleText2: ; 5d92b (17:592b) TX_FAR _SilphCo9AfterBattleText2 db "@" SilphCo9BattleText3: ; 5d930 (17:5930) TX_FAR _SilphCo9BattleText3 db "@" SilphCo9EndBattleText3: ; 5d935 (17:5935) TX_FAR _SilphCo9EndBattleText3 db "@" SilphCo9AfterBattleText3: ; 5d93a (17:593a) TX_FAR _SilphCo9AfterBattleText3 db "@"