LanceScript: call LanceShowOrHideEntranceBlocks call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing ld hl, LanceTrainerHeader0 ld de, LanceScriptPointers ld a, [wLanceCurScript] call ExecuteCurMapScriptInTable ld [wLanceCurScript], a ret LanceShowOrHideEntranceBlocks: ld hl, wCurrentMapScriptFlags bit 5, [hl] res 5, [hl] ret z CheckEvent EVENT_LANCES_ROOM_LOCK_DOOR jr nz, .closeEntrance ; open entrance ld a, $31 ld b, $32 jp LanceSetEntranceBlocks .closeEntrance ld a, $72 ld b, $73 LanceSetEntranceBlocks: ; Replaces the tile blocks so the player can't leave. push bc ld [wNewTileBlockID], a lb bc, 6, 2 call LanceSetEntranceBlock pop bc ld a, b ld [wNewTileBlockID], a lb bc, 6, 3 LanceSetEntranceBlock: predef_jump ReplaceTileBlock ResetLanceScript: xor a ld [wLanceCurScript], a ret LanceScriptPointers: dw LanceScript0 dw DisplayEnemyTrainerTextAndStartBattle dw LanceScript2 dw LanceScript3 dw LanceScript4 LanceScript4: ret LanceScript0: CheckEvent EVENT_BEAT_LANCE ret nz ld hl, LanceTriggerMovementCoords call ArePlayerCoordsInArray jp nc, CheckFightingMapTrainers xor a ld [hJoyHeld], a ld a, [wCoordIndex] cp $3 ; Is player standing next to Lance's sprite? jr nc, .notStandingNextToLance ld a, $1 ld [hSpriteIndexOrTextID], a jp DisplayTextID .notStandingNextToLance cp $5 ; Is player standing on the entrance staircase? jr z, WalkToLance CheckAndSetEvent EVENT_LANCES_ROOM_LOCK_DOOR ret nz ld hl, wCurrentMapScriptFlags set 5, [hl] ld a, SFX_GO_INSIDE call PlaySound jp LanceShowOrHideEntranceBlocks LanceTriggerMovementCoords: db $01,$05 db $02,$06 db $0B,$05 db $0B,$06 db $10,$18 db $FF LanceScript2: call EndTrainerBattle ld a, [wIsInBattle] cp $ff jp z, ResetLanceScript ld a, $1 ld [hSpriteIndexOrTextID], a jp DisplayTextID WalkToLance: ; Moves the player down the hallway to Lance's room. ld a, $ff ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld hl, wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd ld de, WalkToLance_RLEList call DecodeRLEList dec a ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a call StartSimulatingJoypadStates ld a, $3 ld [wLanceCurScript], a ld [wCurMapScript], a ret WalkToLance_RLEList: db D_UP, $0C db D_LEFT, $0C db D_DOWN, $07 db D_LEFT, $06 db $FF LanceScript3: ld a, [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex] and a ret nz call Delay3 xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld [wLanceCurScript], a ld [wCurMapScript], a ret LanceTextPointers: dw LanceText1 LanceTrainerHeader0: dbEventFlagBit EVENT_BEAT_LANCES_ROOM_TRAINER_0 db ($0 << 4) ; trainer's view range dwEventFlagAddress EVENT_BEAT_LANCES_ROOM_TRAINER_0 dw LanceBeforeBattleText ; TextBeforeBattle dw LanceAfterBattleText ; TextAfterBattle dw LanceEndBattleText ; TextEndBattle dw LanceEndBattleText ; TextEndBattle db $ff LanceText1: TX_ASM ld hl, LanceTrainerHeader0 call TalkToTrainer jp TextScriptEnd LanceBeforeBattleText: TX_FAR _LanceBeforeBattleText db "@" LanceEndBattleText: TX_FAR _LanceEndBattleText db "@" LanceAfterBattleText: TX_FAR _LanceAfterBattleText TX_ASM SetEvent EVENT_BEAT_LANCE jp TextScriptEnd