DisplayPokemartDialogue_: ; 6c20 (1:6c20) ld a,[wListScrollOffset] ld [wSavedListScrollOffset],a call UpdateSprites xor a ld [wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart],a .loop xor a ld [wListScrollOffset],a ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a ld [wPlayerMonNumber],a inc a ld [wPrintItemPrices],a ld a,MONEY_BOX ld [wTextBoxID],a call DisplayTextBoxID ld a,BUY_SELL_QUIT_MENU ld [wTextBoxID],a call DisplayTextBoxID ; This code is useless. It copies the address of the pokemart's inventory to hl, ; but the address is never used. ld hl,wItemListPointer ld a,[hli] ld l,[hl] ld h,a ld a,[wMenuExitMethod] cp a,CANCELLED_MENU jp z,.done ld a,[wChosenMenuItem] and a ; buying? jp z,.buyMenu dec a ; selling? jp z,.sellMenu dec a ; quitting? jp z,.done .sellMenu ; the same variables are set again below, so this code has no effect xor a ld [wPrintItemPrices],a ld a,INIT_BAG_ITEM_LIST ld [wInitListType],a callab InitList ld a,[wNumBagItems] and a jp z,.bagEmpty ld hl,PokemonSellingGreetingText call PrintText call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 ; save screen .sellMenuLoop call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 ; restore saved screen ld a,MONEY_BOX ld [wTextBoxID],a call DisplayTextBoxID ; draw money text box ld hl,wNumBagItems ld a,l ld [wListPointer],a ld a,h ld [wListPointer + 1],a xor a ld [wPrintItemPrices],a ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a ld a,ITEMLISTMENU ld [wListMenuID],a call DisplayListMenuID jp c,.returnToMainPokemartMenu ; if the player closed the menu .confirmItemSale ; if the player is trying to sell a specific item call IsKeyItem ld a,[wIsKeyItem] and a jr nz,.unsellableItem ld a,[wcf91] call IsItemHM jr c,.unsellableItem ld a,PRICEDITEMLISTMENU ld [wListMenuID],a ld [hHalveItemPrices],a ; halve prices when selling call DisplayChooseQuantityMenu inc a jr z,.sellMenuLoop ; if the player closed the choose quantity menu with the B button ld hl,PokemartTellSellPriceText ld bc,$0e01 call PrintText hlCoord 14, 7 ld bc,$080f ld a,TWO_OPTION_MENU ld [wTextBoxID],a call DisplayTextBoxID ; yes/no menu ld a,[wMenuExitMethod] cp a,CHOSE_SECOND_ITEM jr z,.sellMenuLoop ; if the player chose No or pressed the B button ; The following code is supposed to check if the player chose No, but the above ; check already catches it. ld a,[wChosenMenuItem] dec a jr z,.sellMenuLoop .sellItem ld a,[wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart] and a jr nz,.skipSettingFlag1 inc a ld [wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart],a .skipSettingFlag1 call AddAmountSoldToMoney ld hl,wNumBagItems call RemoveItemFromInventory jp .sellMenuLoop .unsellableItem ld hl,PokemartUnsellableItemText call PrintText jp .returnToMainPokemartMenu .bagEmpty ld hl,PokemartItemBagEmptyText call PrintText call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 jp .returnToMainPokemartMenu .buyMenu ; the same variables are set again below, so this code has no effect ld a,1 ld [wPrintItemPrices],a ld a,INIT_OTHER_ITEM_LIST ld [wInitListType],a callab InitList ld hl,PokemartBuyingGreetingText call PrintText call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 .buyMenuLoop call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 ld a,MONEY_BOX ld [wTextBoxID],a call DisplayTextBoxID ld hl,wItemList ld a,l ld [wListPointer],a ld a,h ld [wListPointer + 1],a xor a ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a inc a ld [wPrintItemPrices],a inc a ; a = 2 (PRICEDITEMLISTMENU) ld [wListMenuID],a call DisplayListMenuID jr c,.returnToMainPokemartMenu ; if the player closed the menu ld a,99 ld [wMaxItemQuantity],a xor a ld [hHalveItemPrices],a ; don't halve item prices when buying call DisplayChooseQuantityMenu inc a jr z,.buyMenuLoop ; if the player closed the choose quantity menu with the B button ld a,[wcf91] ; item ID ld [wd11e],a ; store item ID for GetItemName call GetItemName call CopyStringToCF4B ; copy name to wcf4b ld hl,PokemartTellBuyPriceText call PrintText hlCoord 14, 7 ld bc,$080f ld a,TWO_OPTION_MENU ld [wTextBoxID],a call DisplayTextBoxID ; yes/no menu ld a,[wMenuExitMethod] cp a,CHOSE_SECOND_ITEM jp z,.buyMenuLoop ; if the player chose No or pressed the B button ; The following code is supposed to check if the player chose No, but the above ; check already catches it. ld a,[wChosenMenuItem] dec a jr z,.buyMenuLoop .buyItem call .isThereEnoughMoney jr c,.notEnoughMoney ld hl,wNumBagItems call AddItemToInventory jr nc,.bagFull call SubtractAmountPaidFromMoney ld a,[wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart] and a jr nz,.skipSettingFlag2 ld a,1 ld [wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart],a .skipSettingFlag2 ld a,(SFX_02_5a - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 call PlaySoundWaitForCurrent call WaitForSoundToFinish ld hl,PokemartBoughtItemText call PrintText jp .buyMenuLoop .returnToMainPokemartMenu call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 ld a,MONEY_BOX ld [wTextBoxID],a call DisplayTextBoxID ld hl,PokemartAnythingElseText call PrintText jp .loop .isThereEnoughMoney ld de,wPlayerMoney ld hl,hMoney ld c,3 ; length of money in bytes jp StringCmp .notEnoughMoney ld hl,PokemartNotEnoughMoneyText call PrintText jr .returnToMainPokemartMenu .bagFull ld hl,PokemartItemBagFullText call PrintText jr .returnToMainPokemartMenu .done ld hl,PokemartThankYouText call PrintText ld a,1 ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled],a call UpdateSprites ld a,[wSavedListScrollOffset] ld [wListScrollOffset],a ret PokemartBuyingGreetingText: ; 6e0c (1:6e0c) TX_FAR _PokemartBuyingGreetingText db "@" PokemartTellBuyPriceText: ; 6e11 (1:6e11) TX_FAR _PokemartTellBuyPriceText db "@" PokemartBoughtItemText: ; 6e16 (1:6e16) TX_FAR _PokemartBoughtItemText db "@" PokemartNotEnoughMoneyText: ; 6e1b (1:6e1b) TX_FAR _PokemartNotEnoughMoneyText db "@" PokemartItemBagFullText: ; 6e20 (1:6e20) TX_FAR _PokemartItemBagFullText db "@" PokemonSellingGreetingText: ; 6e25 (1:6e25) TX_FAR _PokemonSellingGreetingText db "@" PokemartTellSellPriceText: ; 6e2a (1:6e2a) TX_FAR _PokemartTellSellPriceText db "@" PokemartItemBagEmptyText: ; 6e2f (1:6e2f) TX_FAR _PokemartItemBagEmptyText db "@" PokemartUnsellableItemText: ; 6e34 (1:6e34) TX_FAR _PokemartUnsellableItemText db "@" PokemartThankYouText: ; 6e39 (1:6e39) TX_FAR _PokemartThankYouText db "@" PokemartAnythingElseText: ; 6e3e (1:6e3e) TX_FAR _PokemartAnythingElseText db "@"