OaksLabScript: ; 1cb0e (7:4b0e) ld a, [wd74b] bit 6, a call nz, OaksLabScript_1d076 ld a, $1 ld [wAutoTextBoxDrawingControl], a xor a ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a ld hl, OaksLabScriptPointers ld a, [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT] jp CallFunctionInTable OaksLabScriptPointers: ; 1cb28 (7:4b28) dw OaksLabScript0 dw OaksLabScript1 dw OaksLabScript2 dw OaksLabScript3 dw OaksLabScript4 dw OaksLabScript5 dw OaksLabScript6 dw OaksLabScript7 dw OaksLabScript8 dw OaksLabScript9 dw OaksLabScript10 dw OaksLabScript11 dw OaksLabScript12 dw OaksLabScript13 dw OaksLabScript14 dw OaksLabScript15 dw OaksLabScript16 dw OaksLabScript17 dw OaksLabScript18 OaksLabScript0: ; 1cb4e (7:4b4e) ld a, [wd74b] bit 7, a ret z ld a, [wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum] and a ret nz ld a, HS_OAKS_LAB_OAK_2 ld [wcc4d], a predef ShowObject ld hl, wd72e res 4, [hl] ld a, $1 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript1: ; 1cb6e (7:4b6e) ld a, $8 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld de, OakEntryMovement call MoveSprite ld a, $2 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OakEntryMovement: ; 1cb7e (7:4b7e) db $40,$40,$40,$FF OaksLabScript2: ; 1cb82 (7:4b82) ld a, [wd730] bit 0, a ret nz ld a, HS_OAKS_LAB_OAK_2 ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject ld a, HS_OAKS_LAB_OAK_1 ld [wcc4d], a predef ShowObject ld a, $3 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript3: ; 1cba2 (7:4ba2) call Delay3 ld hl, wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd ld de, PlayerEntryMovementRLE call DecodeRLEList dec a ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a call StartSimulatingJoypadStates ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a xor a ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay ld a, $5 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a xor a ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay ld a, $4 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret PlayerEntryMovementRLE: ; 1cbcf (7:4bcf) db $40, $8, $ff OaksLabScript4: ; 1cbd2 (7:4bd2) ld a, [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex] and a ret nz ld hl, wd747 set 0, [hl] ld hl, wd74b set 0, [hl] ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld a, $4 ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay call UpdateSprites ld hl, W_FLAGS_D733 res 1, [hl] call PlayDefaultMusic ld a, $5 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript5: ; 1cbfd (7:4bfd) ld a, $fc ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, $11 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID call Delay3 ld a, $12 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID call Delay3 ld a, $13 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID call Delay3 ld a, $14 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID ld hl, wd74b set 1, [hl] xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, $6 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript6: ; 1cc36 (7:4c36) ld a, [W_YCOORD] cp $6 ret nz ld a, $5 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a xor a ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a xor a ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay call UpdateSprites ld a, $c ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID ld a, $1 ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a ld a, $40 ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a call StartSimulatingJoypadStates ld a, $8 ld [wd528], a ld a, $7 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript7: ; 1cc72 (7:4c72) ld a, [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex] and a ret nz call Delay3 ld a, $6 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript8: ; 1cc80 (7:4c80) ld a, [W_PLAYERSTARTER] cp STARTER1 jr z, .Charmander cp STARTER2 jr z, .Squirtle jr .Bulbasaur .Charmander ld de, .MiddleBallMovement1 ld a, [W_YCOORD] cp $4 ; is the player standing below the table? jr z, .asm_1ccf3 ld de, .MiddleBallMovement2 jr .asm_1ccf3 .MiddleBallMovement1 db 0,0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$40,$FF .MiddleBallMovement2 db 0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$FF .Squirtle ld de, .RightBallMovement1 ld a, [W_YCOORD] cp $4 ; is the player standing below the table? jr z, .asm_1ccf3 ld de, .RightBallMovement2 jr .asm_1ccf3 .RightBallMovement1 db 0,0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$40,$FF .RightBallMovement2 db 0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$FF .Bulbasaur ld de, .LeftBallMovement1 ld a, [W_XCOORD] cp $9 ; is the player standing to the right of the table? jr nz, .asm_1ccf3 push hl ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld a, $4 ld [$ff8b], a call GetPointerWithinSpriteStateData1 push hl ld [hl], $4c inc hl inc hl ld [hl], $0 pop hl inc h ld [hl], $8 inc hl ld [hl], $9 ld de, .LeftBallMovement2 ; the rival is not currently onscreen, so account for that pop hl jr .asm_1ccf3 .LeftBallMovement1 db $00,$C0 ; not yet terminated! .LeftBallMovement2 db $C0,$FF .asm_1ccf3 ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a call MoveSprite ld a, $9 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript9: ; 1cd00 (7:4d00) ld a, [wd730] bit 0, a ret nz ld a, $fc ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld a, $4 ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay ld a, $d ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID ld a, [wTrainerEngageDistance] cp $2 jr nz, .asm_1cd28 ld a, HS_STARTER_BALL_1 jr .asm_1cd32 .asm_1cd28 cp $3 jr nz, .asm_1cd30 ld a, HS_STARTER_BALL_2 jr .asm_1cd32 .asm_1cd30 ld a, HS_STARTER_BALL_3 .asm_1cd32 ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject call Delay3 ld a, [wWhichTrade] ld [W_RIVALSTARTER], a ld [wcf91], a ld [wd11e], a call GetMonName ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld a, $4 ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay ld a, $e ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID ld hl, wd74b set 2, [hl] xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, $a ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript10: ; 1cd6d (7:4d6d) ld a, [W_YCOORD] cp $6 ret nz ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a xor a ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay ld a, $8 ld [wd528], a ld c, BANK(Music_MeetRival) ld a, MUSIC_MEET_RIVAL call PlayMusic ld a, $f ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID ld a, $1 ld [hNPCPlayerRelativePosPerspective], a ld a, $1 swap a ld [hNPCSpriteOffset], a predef CalcPositionOfPlayerRelativeToNPC ld a, [hNPCPlayerYDistance] dec a ld [hNPCPlayerYDistance], a predef FindPathToPlayer ld de, wNPCMovementDirections2 ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a call MoveSprite ld a, $b ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript11: ; 1cdb9 (7:4db9) ld a, [wd730] bit 0, a ret nz ; define which team rival uses, and fight it ld a, SONY1 + $C8 ld [W_CUROPPONENT], a ld a, [W_RIVALSTARTER] cp STARTER2 jr nz, .NotSquirtle ld a, $1 jr .done .NotSquirtle cp STARTER3 jr nz, .Charmander ld a, $2 jr .done .Charmander ld a, $3 .done ld [W_TRAINERNO], a ld a, $1 ld [wSpriteIndex], a call GetSpritePosition1 ld hl, OaksLabText_1d3be ld de, OaksLabText_1d3c3 call SaveEndBattleTextPointers ld hl, wd72d set 6, [hl] set 7, [hl] xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, $8 ld [wd528], a ld a, $c ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript12: ; 1ce03 (7:4e03) ld a, $f0 ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, $8 ld [wd528], a call UpdateSprites ld a, $1 ld [wSpriteIndex], a call SetSpritePosition1 ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a xor a ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay predef HealParty ld hl, wd74b set 3, [hl] ld a, $d ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript13: ; 1ce32 (7:4e32) ld c, 20 call DelayFrames ld a, $10 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID callba Music_RivalAlternateStart ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld de, .RivalExitMovement call MoveSprite ld a, [W_XCOORD] cp $4 ; move left or right depending on where the player is standing jr nz, .asm_1ce5b ld a, $c0 jr .asm_1ce5d .asm_1ce5b ld a, $80 .asm_1ce5d ld [wcc5b], a ld a, $e ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret .RivalExitMovement db $E0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF OaksLabScript14: ; 1ce6d (7:4e6d) ld a, [wd730] bit 0, a jr nz, .asm_1ce8c ld a, HS_OAKS_LAB_RIVAL ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a call PlayDefaultMusic ; reset to map music ld a, $12 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a jr .done ; make the player keep facing the rival as he walks away .asm_1ce8c ld a, [wcf0f] cp $5 jr nz, .asm_1cea8 ld a, [W_XCOORD] cp $4 jr nz, .asm_1cea1 ld a, SPRITE_FACING_RIGHT ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 9], a jr .done .asm_1cea1 ld a, SPRITE_FACING_LEFT ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 9], a jr .done .asm_1cea8 cp $4 ret nz xor a ; ld a, SPRITE_FACING_DOWN ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 9], a .done ret OaksLabScript15: ; 1ceb0 (7:4eb0) xor a ld [hJoyHeld], a call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing ld a, $ff ld [wc0ee], a call PlaySound callba Music_RivalAlternateStart ld a, $15 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID call OaksLabScript_1d02b ld a, HS_OAKS_LAB_RIVAL ld [wcc4d], a predef ShowObject ld a, [wNPCMovementDirections2Index] ld [wd157], a ld b, $0 ld c, a ld hl, wNPCMovementDirections2 ld a, $40 call FillMemory ld [hl], $ff ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld de, wNPCMovementDirections2 call MoveSprite ld a, $10 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript_1cefd: ; 1cefd (7:4efd) ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld a, $4 ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay ld a, $8 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a xor a ld [$ff8d], a jp SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay OaksLabScript16: ; 1cf12 (7:4f12) ld a, [wd730] bit 0, a ret nz call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing call PlayDefaultMusic ld a, $fc ld [wJoyIgnore], a call OaksLabScript_1cefd ld a, $16 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID call DelayFrame call OaksLabScript_1cefd ld a, $17 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID call DelayFrame call OaksLabScript_1cefd ld a, $18 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID call DelayFrame ld a, $19 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID call Delay3 ld a, HS_POKEDEX_1 ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject ld a, HS_POKEDEX_2 ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject call OaksLabScript_1cefd ld a, $1a ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld a, $c ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay call Delay3 ld a, $1b ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID ld hl, wd74b set 5, [hl] ld hl, wd74e set 0, [hl] ld a, HS_LYING_OLD_MAN ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject ld a, HS_OLD_MAN ld [wcc4d], a predef ShowObject ld a, [wd157] ld b, $0 ld c, a ld hl, wNPCMovementDirections2 xor a call FillMemory ld [hl], $ff ld a, $ff ld [wc0ee], a call PlaySound callba Music_RivalAlternateStart ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld de, wNPCMovementDirections2 call MoveSprite ld a, $11 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript17: ; 1cfd4 (7:4fd4) ld a, [wd730] bit 0, a ret nz call PlayDefaultMusic ld a, HS_OAKS_LAB_RIVAL ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject ld hl, wd7eb set 0, [hl] res 1, [hl] set 7, [hl] ld a, HS_ROUTE_22_RIVAL_1 ld [wcc4d], a predef ShowObject ld a, $5 ld [W_PALLETTOWNCURSCRIPT], a xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, $12 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a ret OaksLabScript18: ; 1d009 (7:5009) ret OaksLabScript_1d00a: ; 1d00a (7:500a) ld hl, wBagItems ld bc, $0000 .asm_1d010 ld a, [hli] cp $ff ret z cp OAKS_PARCEL jr z, .GotParcel inc hl inc c jr .asm_1d010 .GotParcel ld hl, wNumBagItems ld a, c ld [wWhichPokemon], a ld a, $1 ld [wItemQuantity], a jp RemoveItemFromInventory OaksLabScript_1d02b: ; 1d02b (7:502b) ld a, $7c ld [$ffeb], a ld a, $8 ld [$ffee], a ld a, [W_YCOORD] cp $3 jr nz, .asm_1d045 ld a, $4 ld [wNPCMovementDirections2Index], a ld a, $30 ld b, $b jr .asm_1d068 .asm_1d045 cp $1 jr nz, .asm_1d054 ld a, $2 ld [wNPCMovementDirections2Index], a ld a, $30 ld b, $9 jr .asm_1d068 .asm_1d054 ld a, $3 ld [wNPCMovementDirections2Index], a ld b, $a ld a, [W_XCOORD] cp $4 jr nz, .asm_1d066 ld a, $40 jr .asm_1d068 .asm_1d066 ld a, $20 .asm_1d068 ld [$ffec], a ld a, b ld [$ffed], a ld a, $1 ld [wSpriteIndex], a call SetSpritePosition1 ret OaksLabScript_1d076: ; 1d076 (7:5076) ld hl, OaksLabTextPointers + $36 ; starts at OaksLabText28 ld a, l ld [W_MAPTEXTPTR], a ld a, h ld [W_MAPTEXTPTR+1], a ret OaksLabTextPointers: ; 1d082 (7:5082) dw OaksLabText1 dw OaksLabText2 dw OaksLabText3 dw OaksLabText4 dw OaksLabText5 dw OaksLabText6 dw OaksLabText7 dw OaksLabText8 dw OaksLabText9 dw OaksLabText10 dw OaksLabText11 dw OaksLabText12 dw OaksLabText13 dw OaksLabText14 dw OaksLabText15 dw OaksLabText16 dw OaksLabText17 dw OaksLabText18 dw OaksLabText19 dw OaksLabText20 dw OaksLabText21 dw OaksLabText22 dw OaksLabText23 dw OaksLabText24 dw OaksLabText25 dw OaksLabText26 dw OaksLabText27 dw OaksLabText28 dw OaksLabText29 dw OaksLabText30 dw OaksLabText31 dw OaksLabText32 dw OaksLabText33 dw OaksLabText34 dw OaksLabText35 dw OaksLabText36 dw OaksLabText37 dw OaksLabText38 OaksLabText28: ; 1d0ce (7:50ce) OaksLabText1: ; 1d0ce (7:50ce) TX_ASM ld a, [wd74b] bit 0, a jr nz, .asm_1d0de ld hl, OaksLabGaryText1 call PrintText jr .asm_1d0f0 .asm_1d0de bit 2, a jr nz, .asm_1d0ea ld hl, OaksLabText40 call PrintText jr .asm_1d0f0 .asm_1d0ea ld hl, OaksLabText41 call PrintText .asm_1d0f0 jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabGaryText1: ; 1d0f3 (7:50f3) TX_FAR _OaksLabGaryText1 db "@" OaksLabText40: ; 1d0f8 (7:50f8) TX_FAR _OaksLabText40 db "@" OaksLabText41: ; 1d0fd (7:50fd) TX_FAR _OaksLabText41 db "@" OaksLabText29: ; 1d102 (7:5102) OaksLabText2: ; 1d102 (7:5102) TX_ASM ld a, STARTER2 ld [wWhichTrade], a ld a, $3 ld [wTrainerEngageDistance], a ld a, STARTER1 ld b, $2 jr OaksLabScript_1d133 OaksLabText30: ; 1d113 (7:5113) OaksLabText3: ; 1d113 (7:5113) TX_ASM ld a, STARTER3 ld [wWhichTrade], a ld a, $4 ld [wTrainerEngageDistance], a ld a, STARTER2 ld b, $3 jr OaksLabScript_1d133 OaksLabText31: ; 1d124 (7:5124) OaksLabText4: ; 1d124 (7:5124) TX_ASM ld a, STARTER1 ld [wWhichTrade], a ld a, $2 ld [wTrainerEngageDistance], a ld a, STARTER3 ld b, $4 OaksLabScript_1d133: ; 1d133 (7:5133) ld [wcf91], a ld [wd11e], a ld a, b ld [wSpriteIndex], a ld a, [wd74b] bit 2, a jp nz, OaksLabScript_1d22d bit 1, a jr nz, OaksLabScript_1d157 ld hl, OaksLabText39 call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabText39: ; 1d152 (7:5152) TX_FAR _OaksLabText39 db "@" OaksLabScript_1d157: ; 1d157 (7:5157) ld a, $5 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld a, $9 ld [$ff8b], a call GetPointerWithinSpriteStateData1 ld [hl], $0 ld a, $1 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld a, $9 ld [$ff8b], a call GetPointerWithinSpriteStateData1 ld [hl], $c ld hl, wd730 set 6, [hl] predef StarterDex ; StarterDex ld hl, wd730 res 6, [hl] call ReloadMapData ld c, 10 call DelayFrames ld a, [wSpriteIndex] cp $2 jr z, OaksLabLookAtCharmander cp $3 jr z, OaksLabLookAtSquirtle jr OaksLabLookAtBulbasaur OaksLabLookAtCharmander: ; 1d195 (7:5195) ld hl, OaksLabCharmanderText jr OaksLabMonChoiceMenu OaksLabCharmanderText: ; 1d19a (7:519a) TX_FAR _OaksLabCharmanderText db "@" OaksLabLookAtSquirtle: ; 1d19f (7:519f) ld hl, OaksLabSquirtleText jr OaksLabMonChoiceMenu OaksLabSquirtleText: ; 1d1a4 (7:51a4) TX_FAR _OaksLabSquirtleText db "@" OaksLabLookAtBulbasaur: ; 1d1a9 (7:51a9) ld hl, OaksLabBulbasaurText jr OaksLabMonChoiceMenu OaksLabBulbasaurText: ; 1d1ae (7:51ae) TX_FAR _OaksLabBulbasaurText db "@" OaksLabMonChoiceMenu: ; 1d1b3 (7:51b3) call PrintText ld a, $1 ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a call YesNoChoice ; yes/no menu ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] and a jr nz, OaksLabMonChoiceEnd ld a, [wcf91] ld [W_PLAYERSTARTER], a ld [wd11e], a call GetMonName ld a, [wSpriteIndex] cp $2 jr nz, .asm_1d1db ld a, HS_STARTER_BALL_1 jr .asm_1d1e5 .asm_1d1db cp $3 jr nz, .asm_1d1e3 ld a, HS_STARTER_BALL_2 jr .asm_1d1e5 .asm_1d1e3 ld a, HS_STARTER_BALL_3 .asm_1d1e5 ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject ld a, $1 ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a ld hl, OaksLabMonEnergeticText call PrintText ld hl, OaksLabReceivedMonText call PrintText xor a ld [wcc49], a ld a, $5 ld [W_CURENEMYLVL], a ld a, [wcf91] ld [wd11e], a call AddPartyMon ld hl, wd72e set 3, [hl] ld a, $fc ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, $8 ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a OaksLabMonChoiceEnd: ; 1d21f (7:521f) jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabMonEnergeticText: ; 1d222 (7:5222) TX_FAR _OaksLabMonEnergeticText db "@" OaksLabReceivedMonText: ; 1d227 (7:5227) TX_FAR _OaksLabReceivedMonText db $11, "@" OaksLabScript_1d22d: ; 1d22d (7:522d) ld a, $5 ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld a, $9 ld [$ff8b], a call GetPointerWithinSpriteStateData1 ld [hl], $0 ld hl, OaksLabLastMonText call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabLastMonText: ; 1d243 (7:5243) TX_FAR _OaksLabLastMonText db "@" OaksLabText32: ; 1d248 (7:5248) OaksLabText5: ; 1d248 (7:5248) TX_ASM ld a, [wd747] bit 6, a jr nz, .asm_1d266 ld hl, wPokedexOwned ld b, wPokedexOwnedEnd - wPokedexOwned call CountSetBits ld a, [wd11e] cp $2 jr c, .asm_1d279 ld a, [wd74b] bit 5, a jr z, .asm_1d279 .asm_1d266 ld hl, OaksLabText_1d31d call PrintText ld a, $1 ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a predef DisplayDexRating jp .asm_1d2ed .asm_1d279 ld b,POKE_BALL call IsItemInBag jr nz, .asm_1d2e7 ld a, [wd7eb] bit 5, a jr nz, .asm_1d2d0 ld a, [wd74b] bit 5, a jr nz, .asm_1d2c8 bit 3, a jr nz, .asm_1d2a9 ld a, [wd72e] bit 3, a jr nz, .asm_1d2a1 ld hl, OaksLabText_1d2f0 call PrintText jr .asm_1d2ed .asm_1d2a1 ld hl, OaksLabText_1d2f5 call PrintText jr .asm_1d2ed .asm_1d2a9 ld b, OAKS_PARCEL call IsItemInBag jr nz, .asm_1d2b8 ld hl, OaksLabText_1d2fa call PrintText jr .asm_1d2ed .asm_1d2b8 ld hl, OaksLabDeliverParcelText call PrintText call OaksLabScript_1d00a ld a, $f ld [W_OAKSLABCURSCRIPT], a jr .asm_1d2ed .asm_1d2c8 ld hl, OaksLabAroundWorldText call PrintText jr .asm_1d2ed .asm_1d2d0 ld hl, wd74b bit 4, [hl] set 4, [hl] jr nz, .asm_1d2e7 ld bc, (POKE_BALL << 8) | 5 call GiveItem ld hl, OaksLabGivePokeballsText call PrintText jr .asm_1d2ed .asm_1d2e7 ld hl, OaksLabPleaseVisitText call PrintText .asm_1d2ed jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabText_1d2f0: ; 1d2f0 (7:52f0) TX_FAR _OaksLabText_1d2f0 db "@" OaksLabText_1d2f5: ; 1d2f5 (7:52f5) TX_FAR _OaksLabText_1d2f5 db "@" OaksLabText_1d2fa: ; 1d2fa (7:52fa) TX_FAR _OaksLabText_1d2fa db "@" OaksLabDeliverParcelText: ; 1d2ff (7:52ff) TX_FAR _OaksLabDeliverParcelText1 db $11 TX_FAR _OaksLabDeliverParcelText2 db "@" OaksLabAroundWorldText: ; 1d309 (7:5309) TX_FAR _OaksLabAroundWorldText db "@" OaksLabGivePokeballsText: ; 1d30e (7:530e) TX_FAR _OaksLabGivePokeballsText1 db $11 TX_FAR _OaksLabGivePokeballsText2 db "@" OaksLabPleaseVisitText: ; 1d318 (7:5318) TX_FAR _OaksLabPleaseVisitText db "@" OaksLabText_1d31d: ; 1d31d (7:531d) TX_FAR _OaksLabText_1d31d db "@" OaksLabText34: ; 1d322 (7:5322) OaksLabText33: ; 1d322 (7:5322) OaksLabText7: ; 1d322 (7:5322) OaksLabText6: ; 1d322 (7:5322) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabText_1d32c call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabText_1d32c: ; 1d32c (7:532c) TX_FAR _OaksLabText_1d32c db "@" OaksLabText35: ; 1d331 (7:5331) OaksLabText8: ; 1d331 (7:5331) TX_FAR _OaksLabText8 db "@" OaksLabText36: ; 1d336 (7:5336) OaksLabText9: ; 1d336 (7:5336) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabText_1d340 call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabText_1d340: ; 1d340 (7:5340) TX_FAR _OaksLabText_1d340 db "@" OaksLabText17: ; 1d345 (7:5345) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabRivalWaitingText call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabRivalWaitingText: ; 1d34f (7:534f) TX_FAR _OaksLabRivalWaitingText db "@" OaksLabText18: ; 1d354 (7:5354) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabChooseMonText call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabChooseMonText: ; 1d35e (7:535e) TX_FAR _OaksLabChooseMonText db "@" OaksLabText19: ; 1d363 (7:5363) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabRivalInterjectionText call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabRivalInterjectionText: ; 1d36d (7:536d) TX_FAR _OaksLabRivalInterjectionText db "@" OaksLabText20: ; 1d372 (7:5372) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabBePatientText call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabBePatientText: ; 1d37c (7:537c) TX_FAR _OaksLabBePatientText db "@" OaksLabText12: ; 1d381 (7:5381) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabLeavingText call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabLeavingText: ; 1d38b (7:538b) TX_FAR _OaksLabLeavingText db "@" OaksLabText13: ; 1d390 (7:5390) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabRivalPickingMonText call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabRivalPickingMonText: ; 1d39a (7:539a) TX_FAR _OaksLabRivalPickingMonText db "@" OaksLabText14: ; 1d39f (7:539f) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabRivalReceivedMonText call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabRivalReceivedMonText: ; 1d3a9 (7:53a9) TX_FAR _OaksLabRivalReceivedMonText db $11, "@" OaksLabText15: ; 1d3af (7:53af) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabRivalChallengeText call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabRivalChallengeText: ; 1d3b9 (7:53b9) TX_FAR _OaksLabRivalChallengeText db "@" OaksLabText_1d3be: ; 1d3be (7:53be) TX_FAR _OaksLabText_1d3be db "@" OaksLabText_1d3c3: ; 1d3c3 (7:53c3) TX_FAR _OaksLabText_1d3c3 db "@" OaksLabText16: ; 1d3c8 (7:53c8) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabRivalToughenUpText call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabRivalToughenUpText: ; 1d3d2 (7:53d2) TX_FAR _OaksLabRivalToughenUpText db "@" OaksLabText21: ; 1d3d7 (7:53d7) TX_FAR _OaksLabText21 db "@" OaksLabText22: ; 1d3dc (7:53dc) TX_FAR _OaksLabText22 db "@" OaksLabText23: ; 1d3e1 (7:53e1) TX_FAR _OaksLabText23 db "@" OaksLabText24: ; 1d3e6 (7:53e6) TX_FAR _OaksLabText24 db "@" OaksLabText25: ; 1d3eb (7:53eb) TX_FAR _OaksLabText25 db $11, "@" OaksLabText26: ; 1d3f1 (7:53f1) TX_FAR _OaksLabText26 db "@" OaksLabText27: ; 1d3f6 (7:53f6) TX_FAR _OaksLabText27 db "@" OaksLabText38: ; 1d3fb (7:53fb) OaksLabText37: ; 1d3fb (7:53fb) OaksLabText11: ; 1d3fb (7:53fb) OaksLabText10: ; 1d3fb (7:53fb) TX_ASM ld hl, OaksLabText_1d405 call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd OaksLabText_1d405: ; 1d405 (7:5405) TX_FAR _OaksLabText_1d405 db "@"