; function to add an item (in varying quantities) to the player's bag or PC box ; INPUT: ; hl = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems) ; [wcf91] = item ID ; [wItemQuantity] = item quantity ; sets carry flag if successful, unsets carry flag if unsuccessful AddItemToInventory_: ld a,[wItemQuantity] ; a = item quantity push af push bc push de push hl push hl ld d,PC_ITEM_CAPACITY ; how many items the PC can hold ld a,wNumBagItems & $FF cp l jr nz,.checkIfInventoryFull ld a,wNumBagItems >> 8 cp h jr nz,.checkIfInventoryFull ; if the destination is the bag ld d,BAG_ITEM_CAPACITY ; how many items the bag can hold .checkIfInventoryFull ld a,[hl] sub d ld d,a ld a,[hli] and a jr z,.addNewItem .loop ld a,[hli] ld b,a ; b = ID of current item in table ld a,[wcf91] ; a = ID of item being added cp b ; does the current item in the table match the item being added? jp z,.increaseItemQuantity ; if so, increase the item's quantity inc hl ld a,[hl] cp a,$ff ; is it the end of the table? jr nz,.loop .addNewItem ; add an item not yet in the inventory pop hl ld a,d and a ; is there room for a new item slot? jr z,.done ; if there is room inc [hl] ; increment the number of items in the inventory ld a,[hl] ; the number of items will be the index of the new item add a dec a ld c,a ld b,0 add hl,bc ; hl = address to store the item ld a,[wcf91] ld [hli],a ; store item ID ld a,[wItemQuantity] ld [hli],a ; store item quantity ld [hl],$ff ; store terminator jp .success .increaseItemQuantity ; increase the quantity of an item already in the inventory ld a,[wItemQuantity] ld b,a ; b = quantity to add ld a,[hl] ; a = existing item quantity add b ; a = new item quantity cp a,100 jp c,.storeNewQuantity ; if the new quantity is less than 100, store it ; if the new quantity is greater than or equal to 100, ; try to max out the current slot and add the rest in a new slot sub a,99 ld [wItemQuantity],a ; a = amount left over (to put in the new slot) ld a,d and a ; is there room for a new item slot? jr z,.increaseItemQuantityFailed ; if so, store 99 in the current slot and store the rest in a new slot ld a,99 ld [hli],a jp .loop .increaseItemQuantityFailed pop hl and a jr .done .storeNewQuantity ld [hl],a pop hl .success scf .done pop hl pop de pop bc pop bc ld a,b ld [wItemQuantity],a ; restore the initial value from when the function was called ret ; function to remove an item (in varying quantities) from the player's bag or PC box ; INPUT: ; hl = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems) ; [wWhichPokemon] = index (within the inventory) of the item to remove ; [wItemQuantity] = quantity to remove RemoveItemFromInventory_: push hl inc hl ld a,[wWhichPokemon] ; index (within the inventory) of the item being removed sla a add l ld l,a jr nc,.noCarry inc h .noCarry inc hl ld a,[wItemQuantity] ; quantity being removed ld e,a ld a,[hl] ; a = current quantity sub e ld [hld],a ; store new quantity ld [wMaxItemQuantity],a and a jr nz,.skipMovingUpSlots ; if the remaining quantity is 0, ; remove the emptied item slot and move up all the following item slots .moveSlotsUp ld e,l ld d,h inc de inc de ; de = address of the slot following the emptied one .loop ; loop to move up the following slots ld a,[de] inc de ld [hli],a cp a,$ff jr nz,.loop ; update menu info xor a ld [wListScrollOffset],a ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a ld [wBagSavedMenuItem],a ld [wSavedListScrollOffset],a pop hl ld a,[hl] ; a = number of items in inventory dec a ; decrement the number of items ld [hl],a ; store new number of items ld [wListCount],a cp a,2 jr c,.done ld [wMaxMenuItem],a jr .done .skipMovingUpSlots pop hl .done ret