GymStatues: ; 62419 (18:6419) ; if in a gym and have the corresponding badge, a = $D and jp PrintPredefTextID ; if in a gym and don’t have the corresponding badge, a = $C and jp PrintPredefTextID ; else ret call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 9] cp $4 ret nz ld hl, .BadgeFlags ld a, [W_CURMAP] ld b, a .asm_62429 ld a, [hli] cp $ff ret z cp b jr z, .asm_62433 ; 0x6242e $3 inc hl jr .asm_62429 ; 0x62431 $f6 .asm_62433 ld b, [hl] ld a, [wd72a] and b cp b ld a, $d jr z, .asm_6243f ; 0x6243b $2 ld a, $c .asm_6243f jp PrintPredefTextID .BadgeFlags: ; 62442 (18:6442) db PEWTER_GYM, %00000001 db CERULEAN_GYM, %00000010 db VERMILION_GYM,%00000100 db CELADON_GYM, %00001000 db FUCHSIA_GYM, %00010000 db SAFFRON_GYM, %00100000 db CINNABAR_GYM, %01000000 db VIRIDIAN_GYM, %10000000 db $ff GymStatueText1: ; 62453 (18:6453) TX_FAR _GymStatueText1 db "@" GymStatueText2: ; 62458 (18:6458) TX_FAR _GymStatueText2 db "@" PrintBenchGuyText: ; 6245d (18:645d) call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing ld hl, PokeCenterMapIDList ld a, [W_CURMAP] ld b, a .asm_62467 ld a, [hli] cp $ff ret z cp b jr z, .asm_62472 inc hl inc hl jr .asm_62467 .asm_62472 ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 9] cp b jr nz, .asm_62467 ld a, [hl] jp PrintPredefTextID ; format: db map id, 08, text id of PredefTextIDPointerTable PokeCenterMapIDList: ; 6247e (18:647e) db VIRIDIAN_POKECENTER,$08,$0F db PEWTER_POKECENTER,$08,$10 db CERULEAN_POKECENTER,$08,$11 db LAVENDER_POKECENTER,$08,$12 db VERMILION_POKECENTER,$08,$13 db CELADON_POKECENTER,$08,$14 db CELADON_HOTEL,$08,$15 db FUCHSIA_POKECENTER,$08,$16 db CINNABAR_POKECENTER,$08,$17 db SAFFRON_POKECENTER,$08,$18 db MT_MOON_POKECENTER,$08,$19 db ROCK_TUNNEL_POKECENTER,$08,$1A db $FF ViridianCityPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 624a3 (18:64a3) TX_FAR _ViridianCityPokecenterGuyText db "@" PewterCityPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 624a8 (18:64a8) TX_FAR _PewterCityPokecenterGuyText db "@" CeruleanCityPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 624ad (18:64ad) TX_FAR _CeruleanPokecenterGuyText db "@" LavenderCityPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 624b2 (18:64b2) TX_FAR _LavenderPokecenterGuyText db "@" MtMoonPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 624b7 (18:64b7) TX_FAR _MtMoonPokecenterBenchGuyText db "@" RockTunnelPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 624bc (18:64bc) TX_FAR _RockTunnelPokecenterGuyText db "@" UnusedBenchGuyText1: ; 624c1 (18:64c1) TX_FAR _UnusedBenchGuyText1 db "@" UnusedBenchGuyText2: ; 624c6 (18:64c6) TX_FAR _UnusedBenchGuyText2 db "@" UnusedBenchGuyText3: ; 624cb (18:64cb) TX_FAR _UnusedBenchGuyText3 db "@" VermilionCityPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 624d0 (18:64d0) TX_FAR _VermilionPokecenterGuyText db "@" CeladonCityPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 624d5 (18:64d5) TX_FAR _CeladonCityPokecenterGuyText db "@" FuchsiaCityPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 624da (18:64da) TX_FAR _FuchsiaCityPokecenterGuyText db "@" CinnabarIslandPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 624df (18:64df) TX_FAR _CinnabarPokecenterGuyText db "@" SaffronCityPokecenterBenchGuyText: ; 624e4 (18:64e4) db $8 ; asm ld a, [wd838] bit 7, a ld hl, SaffronCityPokecenterBenchGuyText2 jr nz, .asm_624f2 ; 0x624ed $3 ld hl, SaffronCityPokecenterBenchGuyText1 .asm_624f2 call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd SaffronCityPokecenterBenchGuyText1: ; 624f8 (18:64f8) TX_FAR _SaffronCityPokecenterGuyText1 db "@" SaffronCityPokecenterBenchGuyText2: ; 624fd (18:64fd) TX_FAR _SaffronCityPokecenterGuyText2 db "@" CeladonCityHotelText: ; 62502 (18:6502) TX_FAR _CeladonCityHotelText db "@" ret TerminatorText_62508: ; 62508 (18:6508) db "@" PrintBookcaseText: ; 6509 (18:6509) call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing ld a, $e ; BookcaseText jp PrintPredefTextID BookcaseText: ; 62511 (18:6511) TX_FAR _BookcaseText db "@" OpenPokemonCenterPC: ; 62516 (18:6516) ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 9] cp $4 ; check to see if player is facing up ret nz call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing ld a, $1 ld [wAutoTextBoxDrawingControl], a ld a, $1f ; PredefText1f jp PrintPredefTextID PredefText1f: ; 62529 (18:6529) db $F9 ; FuncTX_PokemonCenterPC