_ItemUseBallText00:: text "It dodged the" line "thrown BALL!" para "This #MON" line "can't be caught!" prompt _ItemUseBallText01:: text "You missed the" line "#MON!" prompt _ItemUseBallText02:: text "Darn! The #MON" line "broke free!" prompt _ItemUseBallText03:: text "Aww! It appeared" line "to be caught! " prompt _ItemUseBallText04:: text "Shoot! It was so" line "close too!" prompt _ItemUseBallText05:: text "All right!" line "@" TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick text " was" cont "caught!@@" _ItemUseBallText07:: TX_RAM wBoxMonNicks text " was" line "transferred to" cont "BILL's PC!" prompt _ItemUseBallText08:: TX_RAM wBoxMonNicks text " was" line "transferred to" cont "someone's PC!" prompt _ItemUseBallText06:: text "New #DEX data" line "will be added for" cont "@" TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick text "!@@" _SurfingGotOnText:: text " got on" line "@" TX_RAM wcd6d text "!" prompt _SurfingNoPlaceToGetOffText:: text "There's no place" line "to get off!" prompt _VitaminStatRoseText:: TX_RAM wcd6d text "'s" line "@" TX_RAM wcf4b text " rose." prompt _VitaminNoEffectText:: text "It won't have any" line "effect." prompt _ThrewBaitText:: text " threw" line "some BAIT." done _ThrewRockText:: text " threw a" line "ROCK." done _PlayedFluteNoEffectText:: text "Played the #" line "FLUTE." para "Now, that's a" line "catchy tune!" prompt _FluteWokeUpText:: text "All sleeping" line "#MON woke up." prompt _PlayedFluteHadEffectText:: text " played the" line "# FLUTE.@@" _CoinCaseNumCoinsText:: text "Coins" line "@" TX_BCD wPlayerCoins, 2 | LEADING_ZEROES | LEFT_ALIGN text " " prompt _ItemfinderFoundItemText:: text "Yes! ITEMFINDER" line "indicates there's" cont "an item nearby." prompt _ItemfinderFoundNothingText:: text "Nope! ITEMFINDER" line "isn't responding." prompt _RaisePPWhichTechniqueText:: text "Raise PP of which" line "technique?" done _RestorePPWhichTechniqueText:: text "Restore PP of" line "which technique?" done _PPMaxedOutText:: TX_RAM wcf4b text "'s PP" line "is maxed out." prompt _PPIncreasedText:: TX_RAM wcf4b text "'s PP" line "increased." prompt _PPRestoredText:: text "PP was restored." prompt _BootedUpTMText:: text "Booted up a TM!" prompt _BootedUpHMText:: text "Booted up an HM!" prompt _TeachMachineMoveText:: text "It contained" line "@" TX_RAM wcf4b text "!" para "Teach @" TX_RAM wcf4b text "" line "to a #MON?" done _MonCannotLearnMachineMoveText:: TX_RAM wcd6d text " is not" line "compatible with" cont "@" TX_RAM wcf4b text "." para "It can't learn" line "@" TX_RAM wcf4b text "." prompt _ItemUseNotTimeText:: text "OAK: !" line "This isn't the" cont "time to use that! " prompt _ItemUseNotYoursToUseText:: text "This isn't yours" line "to use!" prompt _ItemUseNoEffectText:: text "It won't have any" line "effect." prompt _ThrowBallAtTrainerMonText1:: text "The trainer" line "blocked the BALL!" prompt _ThrowBallAtTrainerMonText2:: text "Don't be a thief!" prompt _NoCyclingAllowedHereText:: text "No cycling" next "allowed here." prompt _NoSurfingHereText:: text "No SURFing on" line "@" TX_RAM wcd6d text " here!" prompt _BoxFullCannotThrowBallText:: text "The #MON BOX" line "is full! Can't" cont "use that item!" prompt