BillsHouseScript: ; 1e76a (7:676a) call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing ld a, [W_BILLSHOUSECURSCRIPT] ld hl, BillsHouseScriptPointers jp CallFunctionInTable BillsHouseScriptPointers: ; 1e776 (7:6776) dw BillsHouseScript0 dw BillsHouseScript1 dw BillsHouseScript2 dw BillsHouseScript3 dw BillsHouseScript4 dw BillsHouseScript5 BillsHouseScript0: ; 1e782 (7:6782) ret BillsHouseScript1: ; 1e783 (7:6783) ld a, [wSpriteStateData1 + 9] and a ld de, MovementData_1e79c jr nz, .asm_1e78f ; 0x1e78a $3 ld de, MovementData_1e7a0 .asm_1e78f ld a, $1 ld [$ff8c], a call MoveSprite ld a, $2 ld [W_BILLSHOUSECURSCRIPT], a ret MovementData_1e79c: ; 1e79c (7:679c) db $40,$40,$40,$FF MovementData_1e7a0: ; 1e7a0 (7:67a0) db $C0,$40,$40,$80,$40,$FF BillsHouseScript2: ; 1e7a6 (7:67a6) ld a, [wd730] bit 0, a ret nz ld a, $61 ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject ld hl, wd7f2 set 6, [hl] xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, $3 ld [W_BILLSHOUSECURSCRIPT], a ret BillsHouseScript3: ; 1e7c5 (7:67c5) ld a, [wd7f2] bit 3, a ret z ld a, $f0 ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, $2 ld [wcf13], a ld a, $c ld [$ffeb], a ld a, $40 ld [$ffec], a ld a, $6 ld [$ffed], a ld a, $5 ld [$ffee], a call SetSpritePosition1 ld a, $62 ld [wcc4d], a predef ShowObject ld c, $8 call DelayFrames ld a, $2 ld [$ff8c], a ld de, MovementData_1e807 call MoveSprite ld a, $4 ld [W_BILLSHOUSECURSCRIPT], a ret MovementData_1e807: ; 1e807 (7:6807) db $00,$C0,$C0,$C0,$00,$FF BillsHouseScript4: ; 1e80d (7:680d) ld a, [wd730] bit 0, a ret nz xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld hl, wd7f2 set 5, [hl] ld hl, wd7f1 set 0, [hl] ld a, $0 ld [W_BILLSHOUSECURSCRIPT], a ret BillsHouseScript5: ; 1e827 (7:6827) ld a, $4 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID ld a, $0 ld [W_BILLSHOUSECURSCRIPT], a ret BillsHouseTextPointers: ; 1e834 (7:6834) dw BillsHouseText1 dw BillsHouseText2 dw BillsHouseText3 dw BillsHouseText4 BillsHouseText4: ; 1e83c (7:683c) db $fd BillsHouseText1: ; 1e83d (7:683d) db $8 ld hl, BillsHouseText_1e865 call PrintText call YesNoChoice ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] and a jr nz, asm_6b196 ; 0x1e84b $d asm_4d03c: ; 1e84d (7:684d) ld hl, BillsHouseText_1e86a call PrintText ld a, $1 ld [W_BILLSHOUSECURSCRIPT], a jr asm_fd4e2 ; 0x1e858 $8 asm_6b196: ; 1e85a (7:685a) ld hl, BillsHouseText_1e86f call PrintText jr asm_4d03c ; 0x1e860 $eb asm_fd4e2 ; 0x1e862 jp TextScriptEnd BillsHouseText_1e865: ; 1e865 (7:6865) TX_FAR _BillsHouseText_1e865 ; 0x8d267 db "@" BillsHouseText_1e86a: ; 1e86a (7:686a) TX_FAR _BillsHouseText_1e86a ; 0x8d345 db "@" BillsHouseText_1e86f: ; 1e86f (7:686f) TX_FAR _BillsHouseText_1e86f ; 0x8d391 db "@" BillsHouseText2: ; 1e874 (7:6874) db $08 ; asm ld a, [wd7f2] bit 4, a jr nz, .asm_5491f ; 0x1e87a ld hl, BillThankYouText call PrintText ld bc, (S_S__TICKET << 8) | 1 call GiveItem jr nc, .BagFull ld hl, SSTicketReceivedText call PrintText ld hl, wd7f2 set 4, [hl] ld a, $7 ld [wcc4d], a predef ShowObject ld a, $9 ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject .asm_5491f ; 0x1e8a9 ld hl, BillsHouseText_1e8cb call PrintText jr .asm_bd408 ; 0x1e8af .BagFull ld hl, SSTicketNoRoomText call PrintText .asm_bd408 ; 0x1e8b7 jp TextScriptEnd BillThankYouText: ; 1e8ba (7:68ba) TX_FAR _BillThankYouText db "@" SSTicketReceivedText: ; 1e8bf (7:68bf) TX_FAR _SSTicketReceivedText db $11, $6, "@" SSTicketNoRoomText: ; 1e8c6 (7:68c6) TX_FAR _SSTicketNoRoomText db "@" BillsHouseText_1e8cb: ; 1e8cb (7:68cb) TX_FAR _BillsHouseText_1e8cb db "@" BillsHouseText3: ; 1e8d0 (7:68d0) db $08 ; asm ld hl, BillsHouseText_1e8da call PrintText jp TextScriptEnd BillsHouseText_1e8da: ; 1e8da (7:68da) TX_FAR _BillsHouseText_1e8da db "@"