MainMenu: ; 5af2 (1:5af2) ; Check save file call Func_5bff xor a ld [wd08a],a inc a ld [wd088],a call Func_609e jr nc,.next0 ; Predef 52 loads the save from SRAM to RAM predef LoadSAV .next0 ld c,20 call DelayFrames xor a ld [W_ISLINKBATTLE],a ld hl,wcc2b ld [hli],a ld [hli],a ld [hli],a ld [hl],a ld [W_ANIMATIONID],a ld hl,wd72e res 6,[hl] call ClearScreen call GoPAL_SET_CF1C call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns call LoadFontTilePatterns ld hl,wd730 set 6,[hl] ld a,[wd088] cp a,1 jr z,.next1 hlCoord 0, 0 ld b,6 ld c,13 call TextBoxBorder hlCoord 2, 2 ld de,ContinueText call PlaceString jr .next2 .next1 hlCoord 0, 0 ld b,4 ld c,13 call TextBoxBorder hlCoord 2, 2 ld de,NewGameText call PlaceString .next2 ld hl,wd730 res 6,[hl] call UpdateSprites ; OAM? xor a ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a ld [wLastMenuItem],a ld [wMenuJoypadPollCount],a inc a ld [wTopMenuItemX],a inc a ld [wTopMenuItemY],a ld a,$B ld [wMenuWatchedKeys],a ld a,[wd088] ld [wMaxMenuItem],a call HandleMenuInput bit 1,a jp nz,LoadTitlescreenGraphics ; load title screen (gfx and arrangement) ld c,20 call DelayFrames ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] ld b,a ld a,[wd088] cp a,2 jp z,.next3 inc b ; adjust MenuArrow_Counter .next3 ld a,b and a jr z,.next4 ; if press_A on Continue cp a,1 jp z,Func_5d52 ; if press_A on NewGame call DisplayOptionMenu ; if press_a on Options ld a,1 ld [wd08a],a jp .next0 .next4 call ContinueGame ld hl,wd126 set 5,[hl] .next6 xor a ld [hJoyPressed],a ld [hJoyReleased],a ld [hJoyHeld],a call Joypad ld a,[hJoyHeld] bit 0,a jr nz,.next5 bit 1,a jp nz,.next0 jr .next6 .next5 call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3 call ClearScreen ld a,4 ld [wd52a],a ld c,10 call DelayFrames ld a,[wd5a2] and a jp z,Func_5d5f ld a,[W_CURMAP] ; map ID cp a,HALL_OF_FAME jp nz,Func_5d5f xor a ld [wd71a],a ld hl,wd732 set 2,[hl] call Func_62ce jp Func_5d5f Func_5bff: ; 5bff (1:5bff) ld a,1 ld [wd358],a ld a,3 ld [W_OPTIONS],a ret LinkMenu: ; 5c0a (1:5c0a) xor a ld [wd358], a ld hl, wd72e set 6, [hl] ld hl, TextTerminator_6b20 ; $6b20 call PrintText call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 ld hl, WhereWouldYouLikeText call PrintText hlCoord 5, 5 ld b, $6 ld c, $d call TextBoxBorder call UpdateSprites hlCoord 7, 7 ld de, TradeCenterText call PlaceString xor a ld [wcd37], a ld [wd72d], a ld hl, wTopMenuItemY ; wTopMenuItemY ld a, $7 ld [hli], a ld a, $6 ld [hli], a xor a ld [hli], a inc hl ld a, $2 ld [hli], a inc a ld [hli], a xor a ld [hl], a .asm_5c52 call HandleMenuInput and $3 add a add a ld b, a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ; wCurrentMenuItem add b add $d0 ld [wcc42], a ld [wcc43], a .asm_5c66 call Func_2247 ld a, [wcc3d] ld b, a and $f0 cp $d0 jr z, .asm_5c7d ld a, [wcc3e] ld b, a and $f0 cp $d0 jr nz, .asm_5c66 .asm_5c7d ld a, b and $c jr nz, .asm_5c8b ld a, [wcc42] and $c jr z, .asm_5c52 jr .asm_5ca1 .asm_5c8b ld a, [wcc42] and $c jr z, .asm_5c98 ld a, [$ffaa] cp $2 jr z, .asm_5ca1 .asm_5c98 ld a, b ld [wcc42], a and $3 ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ; wCurrentMenuItem .asm_5ca1 ld a, [$ffaa] cp $2 jr nz, .asm_5cb1 call DelayFrame call DelayFrame ld a, $81 ld [$ff02], a .asm_5cb1 ld b, $7f ld c, $7f ld d, $ec ld a, [wcc42] and $8 jr nz, .asm_5ccc ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ; wCurrentMenuItem cp $2 jr z, .asm_5ccc ld c, d ld d, b dec a jr z, .asm_5ccc ld b, c ld c, d .asm_5ccc ld a, b Coorda 6, 7 ld a, c Coorda 6, 9 ld a, d Coorda 6, 11 ld c, $28 call DelayFrames call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 ld a, [wcc42] and $8 jr nz, .asm_5d2d ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ; wCurrentMenuItem cp $2 jr z, .asm_5d2d xor a ld [wd700], a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ; wCurrentMenuItem and a ld a, TRADE_CENTER jr nz, .asm_5cfc ld a, BATTLE_CENTER .asm_5cfc ld [wd72d], a ld hl, PleaseWaitText call PrintText ld c, $32 call DelayFrames ld hl, wd732 res 1, [hl] ld a, [W_ANIMATIONID] ; W_ANIMATIONID ld [wd71a], a call Func_62ce ld c, $14 call DelayFrames xor a ld [wMenuJoypadPollCount], a ; wMenuJoypadPollCount ld [wcc42], a inc a ld [W_ISLINKBATTLE], a ; W_ISLINKBATTLE ld [wcc47], a jr Func_5d5f .asm_5d2d xor a ld [wMenuJoypadPollCount], a ; wMenuJoypadPollCount call Delay3 call Func_72d7 ld hl, LinkCanceledText call PrintText ld hl, wd72e res 6, [hl] ret WhereWouldYouLikeText: ; 5d43 (1:5d43) TX_FAR _WhereWouldYouLikeText db "@" PleaseWaitText: ; 5d48 (1:5d48) TX_FAR _PleaseWaitText db "@" LinkCanceledText: ; 5d4d (1:5d4d) TX_FAR _LinkCanceledText db "@" Func_5d52: ; 5d52 (1:5d52) ld hl, wd732 res 1, [hl] call OakSpeech ld c, $14 call DelayFrames Func_5d5f: ; 5d5f (1:5d5f) xor a ld [hJoyPressed], a ld [hJoyHeld], a ld [$ffb5], a ld [wd72d], a ld hl, wd732 set 0, [hl] call ResetPlayerSpriteData ld c, $14 call DelayFrames ld a, [wcc47] and a ret nz jp EnterMap ContinueText: ; 5d7e (1:5d7e) db "CONTINUE", $4e NewGameText: ; 5d87 (1:5d87) db "NEW GAME", $4e db "OPTION@" TradeCenterText: ; 5d97 (1:5d97) db "TRADE CENTER", $4e db "COLOSSEUM", $4e db "CANCEL@" ContinueGame: ; 5db5 (1:5db5) xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; $ffba hlCoord 4, 7 ld b, $8 ld c, $e call TextBoxBorder hlCoord 5, 9 ld de, SaveScreenInfoText call PlaceString hlCoord 12, 9 ld de, wPlayerName ; wd158 call PlaceString hlCoord 17, 11 call Func_5e2f hlCoord 16, 13 call Func_5e42 hlCoord 13, 15 call Func_5e55 ld a, $1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; $ffba ld c, $1e jp DelayFrames PrintSaveScreenText: ; 5def (1:5def) xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ld hl, wTileMap + $4 ld b, $8 ld c, $e call TextBoxBorder call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns call UpdateSprites ld hl, wTileMap + $2d ld de, SaveScreenInfoText call PlaceString ld hl, wTileMap + $34 ld de, wPlayerName call PlaceString ld hl, wTileMap + $61 call Func_5e2f ld hl, wTileMap + $88 call Func_5e42 ld hl, wTileMap + $ad call Func_5e55 ld a, $1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ld c, $1e jp DelayFrames Func_5e2f: ; 5e2f (1:5e2f) push hl ld hl, W_OBTAINEDBADGES ld b, $1 call CountSetBits pop hl ld de, wd11e ld bc, $102 jp PrintNumber Func_5e42: ; 5e42 (1:5e42) push hl ld hl, wPokedexOwned ; wPokedexOwned ld b, wPokedexOwnedEnd - wPokedexOwned call CountSetBits pop hl ld de, wd11e ld bc, $103 jp PrintNumber Func_5e55: ; 5e55 (1:5e55) ld de, W_PLAYTIMEHOURS + 1 ld bc, $103 call PrintNumber ld [hl], $6d inc hl ld de, W_PLAYTIMEMINUTES + 1 ld bc, $8102 jp PrintNumber SaveScreenInfoText: ; 5e6a (1:5e6a) db "PLAYER" next "BADGES " next "#DEX " next "TIME@" DisplayOptionMenu: ; 5e8a (1:5e8a) hlCoord 0, 0 ld b,3 ld c,18 call TextBoxBorder hlCoord 0, 5 ld b,3 ld c,18 call TextBoxBorder hlCoord 0, 10 ld b,3 ld c,18 call TextBoxBorder hlCoord 1, 1 ld de,TextSpeedOptionText call PlaceString hlCoord 1, 6 ld de,BattleAnimationOptionText call PlaceString hlCoord 1, 11 ld de,BattleStyleOptionText call PlaceString hlCoord 2, 16 ld de,OptionMenuCancelText call PlaceString xor a ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a ld [wLastMenuItem],a inc a ld [wd358],a ld [wTrainerScreenY],a ld a,3 ; text speed cursor Y coordinate ld [wTopMenuItemY],a call SetCursorPositionsFromOptions ld a,[wWhichTrade] ; text speed cursor X coordinate ld [wTopMenuItemX],a ld a,$01 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; enable auto background transfer call Delay3 .loop call PlaceMenuCursor call SetOptionsFromCursorPositions .getJoypadStateLoop call JoypadLowSensitivity ld a,[$ffb5] ld b,a and a,%11111011 ; any key besides select pressed? jr z,.getJoypadStateLoop bit 1,b ; B button pressed? jr nz,.exitMenu bit 3,b ; Start button pressed? jr nz,.exitMenu bit 0,b ; A button pressed? jr z,.checkDirectionKeys ld a,[wTopMenuItemY] cp a,16 ; is the cursor on Cancel? jr nz,.loop .exitMenu ld a,(SFX_02_40 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 call PlaySound ; play sound ret .eraseOldMenuCursor ld [wTopMenuItemX],a call EraseMenuCursor jp .loop .checkDirectionKeys ld a,[wTopMenuItemY] bit 7,b ; Down pressed? jr nz,.downPressed bit 6,b ; Up pressed? jr nz,.upPressed cp a,8 ; cursor in Battle Animation section? jr z,.cursorInBattleAnimation cp a,13 ; cursor in Battle Style section? jr z,.cursorInBattleStyle cp a,16 ; cursor on Cancel? jr z,.loop .cursorInTextSpeed bit 5,b ; Left pressed? jp nz,.pressedLeftInTextSpeed jp .pressedRightInTextSpeed .downPressed cp a,16 ld b,-13 ld hl,wWhichTrade jr z,.updateMenuVariables ld b,5 cp a,3 inc hl jr z,.updateMenuVariables cp a,8 inc hl jr z,.updateMenuVariables ld b,3 inc hl jr .updateMenuVariables .upPressed cp a,8 ld b,-5 ld hl,wWhichTrade jr z,.updateMenuVariables cp a,13 inc hl jr z,.updateMenuVariables cp a,16 ld b,-3 inc hl jr z,.updateMenuVariables ld b,13 inc hl .updateMenuVariables add b ld [wTopMenuItemY],a ld a,[hl] ld [wTopMenuItemX],a call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor jp .loop .cursorInBattleAnimation ld a,[wTrainerEngageDistance] ; battle animation cursor X coordinate xor a,$0b ; toggle between 1 and 10 ld [wTrainerEngageDistance],a jp .eraseOldMenuCursor .cursorInBattleStyle ld a,[wTrainerFacingDirection] ; battle style cursor X coordinate xor a,$0b ; toggle between 1 and 10 ld [wTrainerFacingDirection],a jp .eraseOldMenuCursor .pressedLeftInTextSpeed ld a,[wWhichTrade] ; text speed cursor X coordinate cp a,1 jr z,.updateTextSpeedXCoord cp a,7 jr nz,.fromSlowToMedium sub a,6 jr .updateTextSpeedXCoord .fromSlowToMedium sub a,7 jr .updateTextSpeedXCoord .pressedRightInTextSpeed ld a,[wWhichTrade] ; text speed cursor X coordinate cp a,14 jr z,.updateTextSpeedXCoord cp a,7 jr nz,.fromFastToMedium add a,7 jr .updateTextSpeedXCoord .fromFastToMedium add a,6 .updateTextSpeedXCoord ld [wWhichTrade],a ; text speed cursor X coordinate jp .eraseOldMenuCursor TextSpeedOptionText: ; 5fc0 (1:5fc0) db "TEXT SPEED" next " FAST MEDIUM SLOW@" BattleAnimationOptionText: ; 5fde (1:5fde) db "BATTLE ANIMATION" next " ON OFF@" BattleStyleOptionText: ; 5ffd (1:5ffd) db "BATTLE STYLE" next " SHIFT SET@" OptionMenuCancelText: ; 6018 (1:6018) db "CANCEL@" ; sets the options variable according to the current placement of the menu cursors in the options menu SetOptionsFromCursorPositions: ; 601f (1:601f) ld hl,TextSpeedOptionData ld a,[wWhichTrade] ; text speed cursor X coordinate ld c,a .loop ld a,[hli] cp c jr z,.textSpeedMatchFound inc hl jr .loop .textSpeedMatchFound ld a,[hl] ld d,a ld a,[wTrainerEngageDistance] ; battle animation cursor X coordinate dec a jr z,.battleAnimationOn .battleAnimationOff set 7,d jr .checkBattleStyle .battleAnimationOn res 7,d .checkBattleStyle ld a,[wTrainerFacingDirection] ; battle style cursor X coordinate dec a jr z,.battleStyleShift .battleStyleSet set 6,d jr .storeOptions .battleStyleShift res 6,d .storeOptions ld a,d ld [W_OPTIONS],a ret ; reads the options variable and places menu cursors in the correct positions within the options menu SetCursorPositionsFromOptions: ; 604c (1:604c) ld hl,TextSpeedOptionData + 1 ld a,[W_OPTIONS] ld c,a and a,$3f push bc ld de,2 call IsInArray pop bc dec hl ld a,[hl] ld [wWhichTrade],a ; text speed cursor X coordinate hlCoord 0, 3 call .placeUnfilledRightArrow sla c ld a,1 ; On jr nc,.storeBattleAnimationCursorX ld a,10 ; Off .storeBattleAnimationCursorX ld [wTrainerEngageDistance],a ; battle animation cursor X coordinate hlCoord 0, 8 call .placeUnfilledRightArrow sla c ld a,1 jr nc,.storeBattleStyleCursorX ld a,10 .storeBattleStyleCursorX ld [wTrainerFacingDirection],a ; battle style cursor X coordinate hlCoord 0, 13 call .placeUnfilledRightArrow ; cursor in front of Cancel hlCoord 0, 16 ld a,1 .placeUnfilledRightArrow ld e,a ld d,0 add hl,de ld [hl],$ec ; unfilled right arrow menu cursor ret ; table that indicates how the 3 text speed options affect frame delays ; Format: ; 00: X coordinate of menu cursor ; 01: delay after printing a letter (in frames) TextSpeedOptionData: ; 6096 (1:6096) db 14,5 ; Slow db 7,3 ; Medium db 1,1 ; Fast db 7 ; default X coordinate (Medium) db $ff ; terminator Func_609e: ; 609e (1:609e) ld a, $a ld [$0], a ld a, $1 ld [$6000], a ld [$4000], a ld b, $b ld hl, $a598 .asm_60b0 ld a, [hli] cp $50 jr z, .asm_60c1 dec b jr nz, .asm_60b0 xor a ld [$0], a ld [$6000], a and a ret .asm_60c1 xor a ld [$0], a ld [$6000], a scf ret