_SafariZoneEntranceText1:: text "Welcome to the" line "SAFARI ZONE!" done SafariZoneEntranceText_9e6e4:: text "For just ¥500," line "you can catch all" cont "the #MON you" cont "want in the park!" para "Would you like to" line "join the hunt?@@" SafariZoneEntranceText_9e747:: text "That'll be ¥500" line "please!" para "We only use a" line "special # BALL" cont "here." para " received" line "30 SAFARI BALLs!@@" _SafariZoneEntranceText_75360:: db $0 para "We'll call you on" line "the PA when you" cont "run out of time" cont "or SAFARI BALLs!" done _SafariZoneEntranceText_75365:: text "OK! Please come" line "again!" done _SafariZoneEntranceText_7536a:: text "Oops! Not enough" line "money!" done SafariZoneEntranceText_9e814:: text "Leaving early?@@" _SafariZoneEntranceText_753bb:: text "Please return any" line "SAFARI BALLs you" cont "have left." done _SafariZoneEntranceText_753c0:: text "Good Luck!" done _SafariZoneEntranceText_753c5:: text "Did you get a" line "good haul?" cont "Come again!" done _SafariZoneEntranceText_753e6:: text "Hi! Is it your" line "first time here?" done _SafariZoneEntranceText_753eb:: text "SAFARI ZONE has 4" line "zones in it." para "Each zone has" line "different kinds" cont "of #MON. Use" cont "SAFARI BALLs to" cont "catch them!" para "When you run out" line "of time or SAFARI" cont "BALLs, it's game" cont "over for you!" para "Before you go," line "open an unused" cont "#MON BOX so" cont "there's room for" cont "new #MON!" done _SafariZoneEntranceText_753f0:: text "Sorry, you're a" line "regular here!" done