_CeruleanTrashedText_1d6ab:: ; 9875c (26:475c) text "Those miserable" line "ROCKETs!" para "Look what they" line "did here!" para "They stole a TM" line "for teaching" cont "#MON how to" cont "DIG holes!" para "That cost me a" line "bundle, it did!" done _CeruleanTrashedText_1d6b0:: ; 987e2 (26:47e2) text "I figure what's" line "lost is lost!" para "I decided to teach" line "DIGLETT how to" cont "DIG without a TM!" done _CeruleanHouseTrashedText2:: ; 98834 (26:4834) text "TEAM ROCKET must" line "be trying to DIG" cont "their way into no" cont "good!" done _CeruleanHouseTrashedText3:: ; 9886f (26:486f) text "TEAM ROCKET left" line "a way out!" done