FightingDojoScript: ; 5cd5d (17:4d5d) call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing ld hl, FightingDojoTrainerHeaders ld de, FightingDojoScriptPointers ld a, [W_FIGHTINGDOJOCURSCRIPT] call ExecuteCurMapScriptInTable ld [W_FIGHTINGDOJOCURSCRIPT], a ret FightingDojoScript_5cd70: ; 5cd70 (17:4d70) xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld [W_FIGHTINGDOJOCURSCRIPT], a ld [W_CURMAPSCRIPT], a ret FightingDojoScriptPointers: ; 5cd7b (17:4d7b) dw FightingDojoScript1 dw DisplayEnemyTrainerTextAndStartBattle dw EndTrainerBattle dw FightingDojoScript3 FightingDojoScript1: ; 5cd83 (17:4d83) ld a, [wd7b1] bit 0, a ret nz call CheckFightingMapTrainers ld a, [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit] and a ret nz ld a, [wd7b1] bit 1, a ret nz xor a ld [hJoyHeld], a ld [wcf0d], a ld a, [W_YCOORD] cp $3 ret nz ld a, [W_XCOORD] cp $4 ret nz ld a, $1 ld [wcf0d], a ld a, $1 ld [wd528], a ld a, $1 ld [$ff8c], a ld a, $8 ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay ld a, $1 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID ret FightingDojoScript3: ; 5cdc6 (17:4dc6) ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE] cp $ff jp z, FightingDojoScript_5cd70 ld a, [wcf0d] and a jr z, .asm_5cde4 ld a, $1 ld [wd528], a ld a, $1 ld [$ff8c], a ld a, $8 ld [$ff8d], a call SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay .asm_5cde4 ld a, $f0 ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, [wd7b1] or $3e ld [wd7b1], a ld a, $8 ld [$ff8c], a call DisplayTextID xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld [W_FIGHTINGDOJOCURSCRIPT], a ld [W_CURMAPSCRIPT], a ret FightingDojoTextPointers: ; 5ce03 (17:4e03) dw FightingDojoText1 dw FightingDojoText2 dw FightingDojoText3 dw FightingDojoText4 dw FightingDojoText5 dw FightingDojoText6 dw FightingDojoText7 dw FightingDojoText8 FightingDojoTrainerHeaders: ; 5ce13 (17:4e13) FightingDojoTrainerHeader0: ; 5ce13 (17:4e13) db $2 ; flag's bit db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range dw wd7b1 ; flag's byte dw FightingDojoBattleText1 ; TextBeforeBattle dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText1 ; TextAfterBattle dw FightingDojoEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle dw FightingDojoEndBattleText1 ; TextEndBattle FightingDojoTrainerHeader1: ; 5ce1f (17:4e1f) db $3 ; flag's bit db ($4 << 4) ; trainer's view range dw wd7b1 ; flag's byte dw FightingDojoBattleText2 ; TextBeforeBattle dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText2 ; TextAfterBattle dw FightingDojoEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle dw FightingDojoEndBattleText2 ; TextEndBattle FightingDojoTrainerHeader2: ; 5ce2b (17:4e2b) db $4 ; flag's bit db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range dw wd7b1 ; flag's byte dw FightingDojoBattleText3 ; TextBeforeBattle dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText3 ; TextAfterBattle dw FightingDojoEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle dw FightingDojoEndBattleText3 ; TextEndBattle FightingDojoTrainerHeader3: ; 5ce37 (17:4e37) db $5 ; flag's bit db ($3 << 4) ; trainer's view range dw wd7b1 ; flag's byte dw FightingDojoBattleText4 ; TextBeforeBattle dw FightingDojoAfterBattleText4 ; TextAfterBattle dw FightingDojoEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle dw FightingDojoEndBattleText4 ; TextEndBattle db $ff FightingDojoText1: ; 5ce44 (17:4e44) TX_ASM ld a, [wd7b1] bit 0, a jp nz, .continue1 bit 1, a jp nz, .continue2 ld hl, FightingDojoText_5ce8e call PrintText ld hl, wd72d set 6, [hl] set 7, [hl] ld hl, FightingDojoText_5ce93 ld de, FightingDojoText_5ce93 call SaveEndBattleTextPointers ld a, [H_SPRITEINDEX] ld [wSpriteIndex], a call EngageMapTrainer call InitBattleEnemyParameters ld a, $3 ld [W_FIGHTINGDOJOCURSCRIPT], a ld [W_CURMAPSCRIPT], a jr .asm_9dba4 .continue1 ld hl, FightingDojoText_5ce9d call PrintText jr .asm_9dba4 .continue2 ld hl, FightingDojoText8 call PrintText .asm_9dba4 jp TextScriptEnd FightingDojoText_5ce8e: ; 5ce8e (17:4e8e) TX_FAR _FightingDojoText_5ce8e db "@" FightingDojoText_5ce93: ; 5ce93 (17:4e93) TX_FAR _FightingDojoText_5ce93 db "@" FightingDojoText8: ; 5ce98 (17:4e98) TX_FAR _FightingDojoText_5ce98 db "@" FightingDojoText_5ce9d: ; 5ce9d (17:4e9d) TX_FAR _FightingDojoText_5ce9d db "@" FightingDojoText2: ; 5cea2 (17:4ea2) TX_ASM ld hl, FightingDojoTrainerHeader0 call TalkToTrainer jp TextScriptEnd FightingDojoBattleText1: ; 5ceac (17:4eac) TX_FAR _FightingDojoBattleText1 db "@" FightingDojoEndBattleText1: ; 5ceb1 (17:4eb1) TX_FAR _FightingDojoEndBattleText1 db "@" FightingDojoAfterBattleText1: ; 5ceb6 (17:4eb6) TX_FAR _FightingDojoAfterBattleText1 db "@" FightingDojoText3: ; 5cebb (17:4ebb) TX_ASM ld hl, FightingDojoTrainerHeader1 call TalkToTrainer jp TextScriptEnd FightingDojoBattleText2: ; 5cec5 (17:4ec5) TX_FAR _FightingDojoBattleText2 db "@" FightingDojoEndBattleText2: ; 5ceca (17:4eca) TX_FAR _FightingDojoEndBattleText2 db "@" FightingDojoAfterBattleText2: ; 5cecf (17:4ecf) TX_FAR _FightingDojoAfterBattleText2 db "@" FightingDojoText4: ; 5ced4 (17:4ed4) TX_ASM ld hl, FightingDojoTrainerHeader2 call TalkToTrainer jp TextScriptEnd FightingDojoBattleText3: ; 5cede (17:4ede) TX_FAR _FightingDojoBattleText3 db "@" FightingDojoEndBattleText3: ; 5cee3 (17:4ee3) TX_FAR _FightingDojoEndBattleText3 db "@" FightingDojoAfterBattleText3: ; 5cee8 (17:4ee8) TX_FAR _FightingDojoAfterBattleText3 db "@" FightingDojoText5: ; 5ceed (17:4eed) TX_ASM ld hl, FightingDojoTrainerHeader3 call TalkToTrainer jp TextScriptEnd FightingDojoBattleText4: ; 5cef7 (17:4ef7) TX_FAR _FightingDojoBattleText4 db "@" FightingDojoEndBattleText4: ; 5cefc (17:4efc) TX_FAR _FightingDojoEndBattleText4 db "@" FightingDojoAfterBattleText4: ; 5cf01 (17:4f01) TX_FAR _FightingDojoAfterBattleText4 db "@" FightingDojoText6: ; 5cf06 (17:4f06) ; Hitmonlee Poké Ball TX_ASM ld a, [wd7b1] and %11000000 jr z, .GetMon ld hl, OtherHitmonText call PrintText jr .done .GetMon ld a, HITMONLEE call DisplayPokedex ld hl, WantHitmonleeText call PrintText call YesNoChoice ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] and a jr nz, .done ld a, [wcf91] ld b, a ld c, 30 call GivePokemon jr nc, .done ; once Poké Ball is taken, hide sprite ld a, HS_FIGHTING_DOJO_GIFT_1 ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject ld hl, wd7b1 set 6, [hl] set 0, [hl] .done jp TextScriptEnd WantHitmonleeText: ; 5cf49 (17:4f49) TX_FAR _WantHitmonleeText db "@" FightingDojoText7: ; 5cf4e (17:4f4e) ; Hitmonchan Poké Ball TX_ASM ld a, [wd7b1] and %11000000 jr z, .GetMon ld hl, OtherHitmonText call PrintText jr .done .GetMon ld a, HITMONCHAN call DisplayPokedex ld hl, WantHitmonchanText call PrintText call YesNoChoice ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] and a jr nz, .done ld a, [wcf91] ld b, a ld c,30 call GivePokemon jr nc, .done ld hl, wd7b1 set 7, [hl] set 0, [hl] ; once Poké Ball is taken, hide sprite ld a, HS_FIGHTING_DOJO_GIFT_2 ld [wcc4d], a predef HideObject .done jp TextScriptEnd WantHitmonchanText: ; 5cf91 (17:4f91) TX_FAR _WantHitmonchanText db "@" OtherHitmonText: ; 5cf96 (17:4f96) TX_FAR _OtherHitmonText db "@"