#!/usr/bin/python #author: Bryan Bishop #date: 2012-01-02 #url: http://hax.iimarck.us/files/rbheaders.txt import json #parse hex values as base 16 (see calculate_pointer) base = 16 #where to load the rom from rom_filename = "../baserom.gbc" rom = None #load the rom later #map header pointers start at 0x1AE start_map_header_pointers = 0x1AE #bank bytes for each map header start at 0xC23D start_map_header_pointer_banks = 0xC23D #number of maps in this list map_count = 0xF8 #including the 0th the total is is 248 or 0xF8 bad_maps = [0x0b, 0x45, 0x4b, 0x4e, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0xad, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xe7, 0xed, 0xee, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4] maps = { 0x00: "Pallet Town", 0x01: "Viridian City", 0x02: "Pewter City", 0x03: "Cerulean City", 0x04: "Lavender Town", #?? 0x05: "Vermilion City", #correct 0x06: "Celadon City", 0x07: "Fuchsia City", 0x08: "Cinnabar Island", 0x09: "Indigo Plateau", 0x0A: "Saffron City", 0x0B: "FREEZE", 0x0C: "Route 1", 0x0D: "Route 2", 0x0E: "Route 3", 0x0F: "Route 4", 0x10: "Route 5", 0x11: "Route 6", 0x12: "Route 7", 0x13: "Route 8", 0x14: "Route 9", 0x15: "Route 10", 0x16: "Route 11", 0x17: "Route 12", 0x18: "Route 13", 0x19: "Route 14", 0x1A: "Route 15", 0x1B: "Route 16", 0x1C: "Route 17", 0x1D: "Route 18", 0x1E: "Route 19", 0x1F: "Route 20", 0x20: "Route 21", 0x21: "Route 22", 0x22: "Route 23", 0x23: "Route 24", 0x24: "Route 25", 0x25: "Red's House 1F", 0x26: "Red's House 2F", 0x27: "Blue's House", 0x28: "Oak's Lab", 0x29: "Viridian Poke Center", 0x2A: "Viridian Mart", 0x2B: "School", 0x2C: "Viridian House", 0x2D: "Viridian Gym", 0x2E: "Digletts Cave (Route 2)", 0x2F: "Viridian Forest (exit)", 0x30: "Route 2 House", 0x31: "Route 2 Gate", 0x32: "Viridian Forest (Entrance)", 0x33: "Viridian Forest", 0x34: "Museum F1", 0x35: "Museum F2", 0x36: "Pewter Gym", 0x37: "Pewter House (1)", 0x38: "Pewter Mart", 0x39: "Pewter House (2)", 0x3A: "Pewter Pokecenter", 0x3B: "Mt. Moon (1)", 0x3C: "Mt. Moon (2)", 0x3D: "Mt. Moon (3)", 0x3E: "Cerulean House (Trashed)", 0x3F: "Cerulean House (2)", 0x40: "Cerulean Pokecenter", 0x41: "Cerulean Gym", 0x42: "Bike Shop", 0x43: "Cerulean Mart", 0x44: "Mt. Moon Pokecenter", 0x45: "COPY OF: Trashed House", 0x46: "Route 5 Gate", 0x47: "Underground Tunnel Entrance (Route 5)", 0x48: "Day Care M", 0x49: "Route 6 Gate", 0x4A: "Underground Tunnel Entrance (Route 6)", 0x4B: "COPY OF: Underground Tunnel Entrance (Route 6)", 0x4C: "Route 7 Gate", 0x4D: "Underground Path Entrance (Route 7)", 0x4E: "COPY OF: Underground Path Entrance (Route 7)", 0x4F: "Route 8 Gate", 0x50: "Underground Path Entrance (Route 8)", 0x51: "Rock Tunnel Pokecenter", 0x52: "Rock Tunnel (1)", 0x53: "Power Plant", 0x54: "Route 11 Gate", 0x55: "Digletts Cave Entrance (Route 11)", 0x56: "Route 11 Gate (Upstairs)", 0x57: "Route 12 Gate", 0x58: "Bill's House", 0x59: "Vermilion Pokecenter", 0x5A: "Fan Club", 0x5B: "Vermilion Mart", 0x5C: "Vermilion Gym", 0x5D: "Vermilion House (1)", 0x5E: "Vermilion Dock", 0x5F: "S.S. Anne (1)", 0x60: "S.S. Anne (2)", 0x61: "S.S. Anne (3)", 0x62: "S.S. Anne (4)", 0x63: "S.S. Anne (5)", 0x64: "S.S. Anne (6)", 0x65: "S.S. Anne (7)", 0x66: "S.S. Anne (8)", 0x67: "S.S. Anne (9)", 0x68: "S.S. Anne (10)", 0x69: "FREEZE", 0x6A: "FREEZE", 0x6B: "FREEZE", 0x6C: "Victory Road (1)", 0x6D: "FREEZE", 0x6E: "FREEZE", 0x6F: "FREEZE", 0x70: "FREEZE", 0x71: "Lance", 0x72: "FREEZE", 0x73: "FREEZE", 0x74: "FREEZE", 0x75: "FREEZE", 0x76: "Hall of Fame Room", 0x77: "Underground Path (N/S)", 0x78: "Gary", 0x79: "Underground Path (W/E)", 0x7A: "Celadon Mart (1)", 0x7B: "Celadon Mart (2)", 0x7C: "Celadon Mart (3)", 0x7D: "Celadon Mart (4)", 0x7E: "Celadon Mart Roof", 0x7F: "Celadon Mart Elevator", 0x80: "Celadon Mansion (1)", 0x81: "Celadon Mansion (2)", 0x82: "Celadon Mansion (3)", 0x83: "Celadon Mansion (4)", 0x84: "Celadon Mansion (5)", 0x85: "Celadon Pokecenter", 0x86: "Celadon Gym", 0x87: "Celadon Game Corner", 0x88: "Celadon Mart 5", 0x89: "Celadon Prize Room", 0x8A: "Celadon Diner", 0x8B: "Celadon House", 0x8C: "Celadon Hotel", 0x8D: "Lavender Pokecenter", 0x8E: "Pokemon Tower (1)", 0x8F: "Pokemon Tower (2)", 0x90: "Pokemon Tower (3)", 0x91: "Pokemon Tower (4)", 0x92: "Pokemon Tower (5)", 0x93: "Pokemon Tower (6) ", 0x94: "Pokemon Tower (7)", 0x95: "Lavender House (1)", 0x96: "Lavender Mart", 0x97: "Lavender House (2)", 0x98: "Fuchsia Mart", 0x99: "Fuchsia House (1)", 0x9A: "Fuchsia Pokecenter", 0x9B: "Fuchsia House (2)", 0x9C: "Safari Zone Entrance", 0x9D: "Fuchsia Gym", 0x9E: "Fuchsia Meeting Room", 0x9F: "Seafoam Islands (2)", 0xA0: "Seafoam Islands (3)", 0xA1: "Seafoam Islands (4)", 0xA2: "Seafoam Islands (5)", 0xA3: "Vermilion House (2)", 0xA4: "Fuchsia House (3)", 0xA5: "Mansion (1)", 0xA6: "Cinnabar Gym", 0xA7: "Lab (1)", 0xA8: "Lab (2)", 0xA9: "Lab (3)", 0xAA: "Lab (4)", 0xAB: "Cinnabar Pokecenter", 0xAC: "Cinnabar Mart", 0xAD: "COPY: Cinnabar Mart", 0xAE: "Indigo Plateau Lobby", 0xAF: "Copycat's House F1", 0xB0: "Copycat's House F2", 0xB1: "Fighting Dojo", 0xB2: "Saffron Gym", 0xB3: "Saffron House (1)", 0xB4: "Saffron Mart", 0xB5: "Silph Co (1)", 0xB6: "Saffron Pokecenter", 0xB7: "Saffron House (2)", 0xB8: "Route 15 Gate", 0xBA: "Route 16 Gate Map", 0xBB: "Route 16 Gate Upstairs", 0xBC: "Route 16 House", 0xBD: "Route 12 House", 0xBE: "Route 18 Gate", 0xBF: "Route 18 Gate Header", 0xC0: "Seafoam Islands (1)", 0xC1: "Route 22 Gate", 0xC2: "Victory Road (2)", 0xC3: "Route 12 Gate Upstairs", 0xC4: "Vermilion House (3)", 0xC5: "Diglett's Cave", 0xC6: "Victory Road (3)", 0xC7: "Rocket Hideout (1)", 0xC8: "Rocket Hideout (2)", 0xC9: "Rocket Hideout (3)", 0xCA: "Rocket Hideout (4) ", 0xCB: "Rocket Hideout (Elevator)", 0xCC: "FREEZE", 0xCD: "FREEZE", 0xCE: "FREEZE", 0xCF: "Silph Co (2)", 0xD0: "Silph Co (3)", 0xD1: "Silph Co (4)", 0xD2: "Silph Co (5)", 0xD3: "Silph Co (6)", 0xD4: "Silph Co (7)", 0xD5: "Silph Co (8)", 0xD6: "Mansion (2)", 0xD7: "Mansion (3)", 0xD8: "Mansion (4)", 0xD9: "Safari Zone East", 0xDA: "Safari Zone North", 0xDB: "Safari Zone West", 0xDC: "Safari Zone Center", 0xDD: "Safari Zone Rest House (1)", 0xDE: "Safari Zone Secret House", 0xDF: "Safari Zone Rest House (2)", 0xE0: "Safari Zone Rest House (3)", 0xE1: "Safari Zone Rest House (4)", 0xE2: "Unknown Dungeon (2)", 0xE3: "Unknown Dungeon (3)", 0xE4: "Unknown Dungeon (1)", 0xE5: "Name Rater", 0xE6: "Cerulean House (3)", 0xE7: "FREEZE", 0xE8: "Rock Tunnel (2)", 0xE9: "Silph Co (9)", 0xEA: "Silph Co (10)", 0xEB: "Silph Co (11)", 0xEC: "Silph Co (Elevator)", 0xED: "FREEZE", 0xEE: "FREEZE", 0xEF: "Battle Center M", 0xF0: "Trade Center M", 0xF1: "FREEZE", 0xF2: "FREEZE", 0xF3: "FREEZE", 0xF4: "FREEZE", 0xF5: "Lorelei", 0xF6: "Bruno", 0xF7: "Agatha" } map_pointers = { #0x00: { # "name": "Pallet Town", # "address": 0x182a1 # }, } map_headers = { #0x00: { # "name": "Pallet Town", # "address": 0x182a1, # "tileset" # "y" # "x" # "map_pointer" # "texts_pointer" # "script_pointer" # "connection_byte" # "num_connections" # "connections": # { "0": # { map_id, connected_map_tile_pointer, current_map_tile_pointer, bigness, width, y, x, window_pointer } # }, # "object_data_pointer" # }, } #haters gonna hate def load_rom(filename=None): "load the rom into a global (returns True/False)" global rom if not filename: filename = rom_filename try: rom = open(filename, "rb").read() return True except Exception, exception: print "error loading rom" return False def assert_rom(): global rom assert rom, "rom must be loaded, see load_rom()" def calculate_pointer(short_pointer, bank): short_pointer = int(short_pointer) bank = int(bank) pointer = short_pointer - 0x4000 + (bank * 0x4000) #result will be an integer return pointer def get_nth_map_header_pointer_bank_byte_address(map_id): "returns the address to the bank byte associated with this map pointer" address = start_map_header_pointer_banks + map_id return address def get_nth_map_header_pointer_bank_byte(map_id): "returns the bank number for this map header" assert_rom() address = get_nth_map_header_pointer_bank_byte_address(map_id) bank_byte = ord(rom[address]) return bank_byte def get_nth_map_header_pointer(map_id): "returns the full pointer to the map header struct for this map" assert_rom() #figure out where the bytes for this pointer are located byte1_address = start_map_header_pointers + (map_id * 2) byte2_address = start_map_header_pointers + (map_id * 2) + 1 #grab the two bytes making up the partial pointer byte1 = ord(rom[byte1_address]) byte2 = ord(rom[byte2_address]) #swap the bytes (16-bit pointers for z80 are little endian) temp = byte1 byte1 = byte2 byte2 = temp del temp #combine these into a single pointer (0x byte1 byte2) partial_pointer = (byte2 + (byte1 << 8)) #print hex(partial_pointer) #get the bank id bank = get_nth_map_header_pointer_bank_byte(map_id) #calculate the full pointer pointer = calculate_pointer(partial_pointer, bank) #return it as an integer return pointer def load_map_pointers(): global maps global map_pointers for map in maps.keys(): pointer = get_nth_map_header_pointer(map) #print maps[map] + "\t\t\t" + hex(pointer) entry = { "name": maps[map], "address": hex(pointer), "bank": hex(get_nth_map_header_pointer_bank_byte(map)) } map_pointers[map] = entry #print json.dumps(map_pointers) def read_connection_bytes(connection_bytes, bank): map_id = ord(connection_bytes[0]) #connection strip connected_map_tile_pointer_byte1 = ord(connection_bytes[1]) connected_map_tile_pointer_byte2 = ord(connection_bytes[2]) connected_map_tile_pointer = (connected_map_tile_pointer_byte1 + (connected_map_tile_pointer_byte2 << 8)) #connection strip current_map_tile_pointer_byte1 = ord(connection_bytes[3]) current_map_tile_pointer_byte2 = ord(connection_bytes[4]) current_map_tile_pointer = (current_map_tile_pointer_byte1 + (current_map_tile_pointer_byte2 << 8)) bigness_byte = ord(connection_bytes[5]) width_byte = ord(connection_bytes[6]) y = ord(connection_bytes[7]) x = ord(connection_bytes[8]) #window window_pointer_byte1 = ord(connection_bytes[9]) window_pointer_byte2 = ord(connection_bytes[10]) window_pointer = (window_pointer_byte1 + (window_pointer_byte2 << 8)) connection_data = { "map_id": map_id, "connected_map_tile_pointer": hex(connected_map_tile_pointer), "current_map_tile_pointer": hex(current_map_tile_pointer), "bigness": hex(bigness_byte), "width": hex(width_byte), "y": y, "x": x, "window_pointer": hex(window_pointer), } return connection_data def read_warp_data(address, warp_count): warps = {} for warp_id in range(0, warp_count): offset = address + (warp_id*4) #4 bytes per warp warp = {} warp["y"] = ord(rom[offset]) warp["x"] = ord(rom[offset+1]) warp["warp_to_point"] = ord(rom[offset+2]) warp["warp_to_map_id"] = ord(rom[offset+3]) warps[warp_id] = warp return warps def read_sign_data(address, sign_count): signs = {} for sign_id in range(0, sign_count): offset = address + (sign_id * 3) sign = {} sign["y"] = ord(rom[offset]) sign["x"] = ord(rom[offset+1]) sign["text_id"] = ord(rom[offset+2]) signs[sign_id] = sign return signs def read_warp_tos(address, warp_count): warp_tos = {} for warp_to_id in range(0, warp_count): offset = address + (warp_to_id * 4) warp_to = {} warp_to["event_displacement"] = [ord(rom[offset]),ord(rom[offset+1])] warp_to["y"] = ord(rom[offset+2]) warp_to["x"] = ord(rom[offset+3]) warp_tos[warp_to_id] = warp_to return warp_tos def get_object_data(address): if type(address) == str: address = int(address, base) output = {} maps_border_tile = ord(rom[address]) number_of_warps = ord(rom[address+1]) if number_of_warps == 0: warps = {} else: warps = read_warp_data(address+2, number_of_warps) offset = number_of_warps * 4 address = address + 2 + offset number_of_signs = ord(rom[address]) if number_of_signs == 0: signs = {} else: signs = read_sign_data(address+1, number_of_signs) offset = number_of_signs * 3 address = address + 1 + offset number_of_things = ord(rom[address]) address = address + 1 things = {} for thing_id in range(0, number_of_things): thing = {} picture_number = ord(rom[address]) y = ord(rom[address+1]) x = ord(rom[address+2]) movement1 = ord(rom[address+3]) movement2 = ord(rom[address+4]) text_string_number = ord(rom[address+5]) address += 5 + 1 if text_string_number & (1 << 6) != 0: #trainer thing["type"] = "trainer" thing["trainer_type"] = ord(rom[address]) thing["pokemon_set"] = ord(rom[address+1]) address += 2 elif text_string_number & (1 << 7) != 0: #item thing["type"] = "item" thing["item_number"] = ord(rom[address]) address += 1 else: #normal person thing["type"] = "person" thing["picture_number"] = picture_number thing["y"] = y thing["x"] = x thing["movement1"] = movement1 thing["movement2"] = movement2 thing["original_text_string_number"] = text_string_number thing["text_string_number"] = text_string_number & 0xF things[thing_id] = thing warp_tos = read_warp_tos(address, number_of_warps) output["maps_border_tile"] = maps_border_tile output["number_of_warps"] = number_of_warps output["warps"] = warps output["number_of_signs"] = number_of_signs output["signs"] = signs output["number_of_things"] = number_of_things output["things"] = things output["warp_tos"] = warp_tos return output def compute_object_data_size(object): size = 4 size += 6 * (int(object["number_of_things"])) trainer_count = 0 item_count = 0 for thing in object["things"]: thing = object["things"][thing] if thing["type"] == "trainer": trainer_count += 1 elif thing["type"] == "item": item_count += 1 size += 2 * trainer_count size += item_count size += 8 * object["number_of_warps"] size += 3 * object["number_of_signs"] return size def read_map_header(address, bank): address = int(address, base) bank = int(bank, base) tileset = ord(rom[address]) y = ord(rom[address+1]) x = ord(rom[address+2]) map_pointer_byte1 = ord(rom[address+3]) map_pointer_byte2 = ord(rom[address+4]) partial_map_pointer = (map_pointer_byte1 + (map_pointer_byte2 << 8)) map_pointer = calculate_pointer(partial_map_pointer, bank) texts_pointer_byte1 = ord(rom[address+5]) texts_pointer_byte2 = ord(rom[address+6]) partial_texts_pointer = (texts_pointer_byte1 + (texts_pointer_byte2 << 8)) texts_pointer = calculate_pointer(partial_texts_pointer, bank) script_pointer_byte1 = ord(rom[address+7]) script_pointer_byte2 = ord(rom[address+8]) partial_script_pointer = (script_pointer_byte1 + ( script_pointer_byte2 << 8)) script_pointer = calculate_pointer(partial_script_pointer, bank) connection_byte = ord(rom[address+9]) #0xc = NORTH | SOUTH # <&IIMarckus> the connection byte is a bitmask allowing 0-4 connections # <&IIMarckus> each connection is 11 bytes # <&IIMarckus> or'd # <&IIMarckus> east = 1, west = 2, south = 4, north = 8 # <&IIMarckus> so a connection byte of 0xc means north/south # <&IIMarckus> which means there are 22 more bytes, 11 for each connection # < kanzure> 4 | 8 = c? # <&IIMarckus> yes # <&IIMarckus> easier to see if you convert to binary # <&IIMarckus> 0100 | 1000 = 1100 num_connections = 0 connection_value = bin(connection_byte)[2:] if connection_value[0] == "1": #NORTH num_connections += 1 if len(connection_value) > 1 and connection_value[1] == "1": #SOUTH num_connections += 1 if len(connection_value) > 2 and connection_value[2] == "1": #WEST num_connections += 1 if len(connection_value) > 3 and connection_value[3] == "1": #EAST num_connections += 1 #quick test for connection data #connection0_stuff = rom[(address + 10):(address + 10 + 11)] #print "Route: " + hex(ord(connection0_stuff[0])) #setup connections = {} #go straight to object data if there are no connections if num_connections > 0: for connection in range(0, num_connections): base_connection_address = address + 10 + (11 * connection) connection_bytes = rom[base_connection_address : base_connection_address + 11] connection_data = read_connection_bytes(connection_bytes, bank) connections[connection] = connection_data #we might have to jump around a bit offset = address + 10 + (11 * num_connections) #object data object_data_pointer_byte1 = ord(rom[offset]) object_data_pointer_byte2 = ord(rom[offset+1]) partial_object_data_pointer = (object_data_pointer_byte1 + (object_data_pointer_byte2 << 8)) object_data_pointer = calculate_pointer(partial_object_data_pointer, bank) object_data = get_object_data(object_data_pointer) texts = set() for thing_id in object_data["things"].keys(): thing = object_data["things"][thing_id] texts.add(thing["text_string_number"]) for sign_id in object_data["signs"].keys(): sign = object_data["signs"][sign_id] texts.add(sign["text_id"]) texts = list(texts) number_of_referenced_texts = len(texts) map_header = { "tileset": hex(tileset), "y": hex(y), "x": hex(x), "map_pointer": hex(map_pointer), "texts_pointer": hex(texts_pointer), "number_of_referenced_texts": number_of_referenced_texts, "referenced_texts": texts, "script_pointer": hex(script_pointer), "connection_byte": hex(connection_byte), "num_connections": str(num_connections), "connections": connections, #NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST order matters "object_data_pointer": hex(object_data_pointer), "object_data": object_data, } return map_header def read_all_map_headers(): if rom == None: load_rom() assert_rom() if len(map_pointers) == 0: load_map_pointers() for map_id in map_pointers.keys(): map2 = map_pointers[map_id] map_header = read_map_header(map2["address"], map2["bank"]) map_header["id"] = map_id map_header["name"] = map2["name"] map_header["address"] = map2["address"] map_header["bank"] = map2["bank"] map_headers[map_id] = map_header return map_headers if __name__ == "__main__": #read binary data from file load_rom() #where are the map structs? load_map_pointers() #print json.dumps(map_pointers) #experimental... #print json.dumps(read_map_header(map_pointers[0]["address"], map_pointers[0]["bank"])) read_all_map_headers() #print json.dumps(map_headers) #print map_headers[37] for header in map_headers: if header in bad_maps: continue print "map " + str(header) + " has " + str(map_headers[header]["number_of_referenced_texts"]) + " referenced texts"