_RocketHideout3BattleText2: ; 82140 (20:6140) text "Stop meddling in" line "TEAM ROCKET's" cont "affairs!" done _RocketHideout3EndBattleText2: ; 82168 (20:6168) text "Oof!" line "Taken down!" prompt _RocketHideout3AfterBattleTxt2: ; 8217a (20:617a) text "SILPH SCOPE?" line "The machine the" cont "BOSS stole. It's" cont "here somewhere." done _RocketHideout3BattleTxt: ; 821b8 (20:61b8) text "We got word from" line "upstairs that you" cont "were coming!" done _RocketHideout3EndBattleText3: ; 821e9 (20:61e9) text "What?" line "I lost? No!" prompt _RocketHide3AfterBattleText3: ; 821fc (20:61fc) text "Go ahead and go!" line "But, you need the" cont "LIFT KEY to run" cont "the elevator!" done