_UnnamedText_75dc6: ; a10e8 (28:50e8) text "Hiya!" para "I am important" line "doctor!" para "I study here rare" line "#MON fossils!" para "You! Have you a" line "fossil for me?" prompt _UnnamedText_75dcb: ; a1145 (28:5145) text "No! Is too bad!" done _UnnamedText_75dd0: ; a1156 (28:5156) text "I take a little" line "time!" para "You go for walk a" line "little while!" done _UnnamedText_75dd5: ; a118d (28:518d) text "Where were you?" para "Your fossil is" line "back to life!" para "It was @" TX_RAM $cf4b db $0 line "like I think!" prompt _UnnamedText_610ae: ; a11d6 (28:51d6) text "Oh! That is" line "@" TX_RAM $cd6d text "!" para "It is fossil of" line "@" TX_RAM $cf4b text ", a" cont "#MON that is" cont "already extinct!" para "My Resurrection" line "Machine will make" cont "that #MON live" cont "again!" done _UnnamedText_610b3: ; a1259 (28:5259) text "So! You hurry and" line "give me that!" para $52, " handed" line "over @" TX_RAM $cd6d text "!" prompt _UnnamedText_610b8: ; a128f (28:528f) text "I take a little" line "time!" para "You go for walk a" line "little while!" done _UnnamedText_610bd: ; a12c6 (28:52c6) text "Aiyah! You come" line "again!" done