MACRO audio_header db (_NARG - 2) << 6 | \2 dw \1_\2 IF _NARG > 2 db \3 dw \1_\3 ENDC IF _NARG > 3 db \4 dw \1_\4 ENDC IF _NARG > 4 db \5 dw \1_\5 ENDC ENDM const_def $10 ; arguments: length [0, 7], pitch change [-7, 7] ; length: length of time between pitch shifts ; sometimes used with a value >7 in which case the MSB is ignored ; pitch change: positive value means increase in pitch, negative value means decrease in pitch ; small magnitude means quick change, large magnitude means slow change ; in signed magnitude representation, so a value of 8 is the same as (negative) 0 const pitch_sweep_cmd ; $10 MACRO pitch_sweep db pitch_sweep_cmd IF \2 < 0 db (\1 << 4) | (%1000 | (\2 * -1)) ELSE db (\1 << 4) | \2 ENDC ENDM const_next $20 const sfx_note_cmd ; $20 ; arguments: length [0, 15], volume [0, 15], fade [-7, 7], frequency ; fade: positive value means decrease in volume, negative value means increase in volume ; small magnitude means quick change, large magnitude means slow change ; in signed magnitude representation, so a value of 8 is the same as (negative) 0 DEF square_note_cmd EQU sfx_note_cmd ; $20 MACRO square_note db square_note_cmd | \1 IF \3 < 0 db (\2 << 4) | (%1000 | (\3 * -1)) ELSE db (\2 << 4) | \3 ENDC dw \4 ENDM ; arguments: length [0, 15], volume [0, 15], fade [-7, 7], frequency ; fade: positive value means decrease in volume, negative value means increase in volume ; small magnitude means quick change, large magnitude means slow change ; in signed magnitude representation, so a value of 8 is the same as (negative) 0 DEF noise_note_cmd EQU sfx_note_cmd ; $20 MACRO noise_note db noise_note_cmd | \1 IF \3 < 0 db (\2 << 4) | (%1000 | (\3 * -1)) ELSE db (\2 << 4) | \3 ENDC db \4 ENDM ; arguments: pitch, length [1, 16] MACRO note db (\1 << 4) | (\2 - 1) ENDM const_next $b0 ; arguments: instrument [1, 19], length [1, 16] const drum_note_cmd ; $b0 MACRO drum_note db drum_note_cmd | (\2 - 1) db \1 ENDM ; arguments: instrument, length [1, 16] ; like drum_note but one 1 byte instead of 2 ; can only be used with instruments 1-10, excluding 2 ; unused MACRO drum_note_short db (\1 << 4) | (\2 - 1) ENDM const_next $c0 ; arguments: length [1, 16] const rest_cmd ; $c0 MACRO rest db rest_cmd | (\1 - 1) ENDM const_next $d0 ; arguments: speed [0, 15], volume [0, 15], fade [-7, 7] ; fade: positive value means decrease in volume, negative value means increase in volume ; small magnitude means quick change, large magnitude means slow change ; in signed magnitude representation, so a value of 8 is the same as (negative) 0 const note_type_cmd ; $d0 MACRO note_type db note_type_cmd | \1 IF \3 < 0 db (\2 << 4) | (%1000 | (\3 * -1)) ELSE db (\2 << 4) | \3 ENDC ENDM ; arguments: speed [0, 15] DEF drum_speed_cmd EQU note_type_cmd ; $d0 MACRO drum_speed db drum_speed_cmd | \1 ENDM const_next $e0 ; arguments: octave [1, 8] const octave_cmd ; $e0 MACRO octave db octave_cmd | (8 - \1) ENDM const_next $e8 ; when enabled, effective frequency used is incremented by 1 const toggle_perfect_pitch_cmd ; $e8 MACRO toggle_perfect_pitch db toggle_perfect_pitch_cmd ENDM const_skip ; $e9 ; arguments: delay [0, 255], depth [0, 15], rate [0, 15] ; delay: time delay until vibrato effect begins ; depth: amplitude of vibrato wave ; rate: frequency of vibrato wave const vibrato_cmd ; $ea MACRO vibrato db vibrato_cmd db \1 db (\2 << 4) | \3 ENDM ; arguments: length [1, 256], octave [1, 8], pitch const pitch_slide_cmd ; $eb MACRO pitch_slide db pitch_slide_cmd db \1 - 1 db ((8 - \2) << 4) | \3 ENDM ; arguments: duty cycle [0, 3] (12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75%) const duty_cycle_cmd ; $ec MACRO duty_cycle db duty_cycle_cmd db \1 ENDM ; arguments: tempo [0, $ffff] ; used to calculate note delay counters ; so a smaller value means music plays faster ; ideally should be set to $100 or less to guarantee no overflow ; if larger than $100, large note speed or note length values might cause overflow ; stored in big endian const tempo_cmd ; $ed MACRO tempo db tempo_cmd db HIGH(\1), LOW(\1) ENDM ; arguments: left output enable mask, right output enable mask const stereo_panning_cmd ; $ee MACRO stereo_panning db stereo_panning_cmd db (\1 << 4) | \2 ENDM const unknownmusic0xef_cmd ; $ef MACRO unknownmusic0xef db unknownmusic0xef_cmd db \1 ENDM ; arguments: left master volume [0, 7], right master volume [0, 7] const volume_cmd ; $f0 MACRO volume db volume_cmd db (\1 << 4) | \2 ENDM const_next $f8 ; when enabled, the sfx data is interpreted as music data const execute_music_cmd ; $f8 MACRO execute_music db execute_music_cmd ENDM const_next $fc ; arguments: duty cycle 1, duty cycle 2, duty cycle 3, duty cycle 4 const duty_cycle_pattern_cmd ; $fc MACRO duty_cycle_pattern db duty_cycle_pattern_cmd db \1 << 6 | \2 << 4 | \3 << 2 | \4 ENDM ; arguments: address const sound_call_cmd ; $fd MACRO sound_call db sound_call_cmd dw \1 ENDM ; arguments: count, address const sound_loop_cmd ; $fe MACRO sound_loop db sound_loop_cmd db \1 dw \2 ENDM const sound_ret_cmd ; $ff MACRO sound_ret db sound_ret_cmd ENDM