; text macros text EQUS "db $00," ; Start writing text. next EQUS "db $4e," ; Move a line down. line EQUS "db $4f," ; Start writing at the bottom line. para EQUS "db $51," ; Start a new paragraph. cont EQUS "db $55," ; Scroll to the next line. done EQUS "db $57" ; End a text box. prompt EQUS "db $58" ; Prompt the player to end a text box (initiating some other event). page EQUS "db $49," ; Start a new Pokedex page. dex EQUS "db $5f, $50" ; End a Pokedex entry. TX_RAM: MACRO ; prints text to screen ; \1: RAM address to read from db $1 dw \1 ENDM TX_BCD: MACRO ; \1: RAM address to read from ; \2: number of bytes + print flags db $2 dw \1 db \2 ENDM TX_LINE EQUS "db $05" TX_BLINK EQUS "db $06" ;TX_SCROLL EQUS "db $07" TX_ASM EQUS "db $08" TX_NUM: MACRO ; print a big-endian decimal number. ; \1: address to read from ; \2: number of bytes to read ; \3: number of digits to display db $09 dw \1 db \2 << 4 | \3 ENDM TX_DELAY EQUS "db $0a" TX_SFX_ITEM_1 EQUS "db $0b" TX_SFX_LEVEL_UP EQUS "db $0b" ;TX_ELLIPSES EQUS "db $0c" TX_WAIT EQUS "db $0d" ;TX_SFX_DEX_RATING EQUS "db $0e" TX_SFX_ITEM_2 EQUS "db $10" TX_SFX_KEY_ITEM EQUS "db $11" TX_SFX_CAUGHT_MON EQUS "db $12" TX_SFX_DEX_PAGE_ADDED EQUS "db $13" TX_CRY_NIDORINA EQUS "db $14" TX_CRY_PIDGEOT EQUS "db $15" ;TX_CRY_DEWGONG EQUS "db $16" TX_FAR: MACRO db $17 dw \1 db BANK(\1) ENDM TX_VENDING_MACHINE EQUS "db $f5" TX_CABLE_CLUB_RECEPTIONIST EQUS "db $f6" TX_PRIZE_VENDOR EQUS "db $f7" TX_POKECENTER_PC EQUS "db $f9" TX_PLAYERS_PC EQUS "db $fc" TX_BILLS_PC EQUS "db $fd" TX_MART: MACRO db $FE, _NARG REPT _NARG db \1 SHIFT ENDR db $FF ENDM TX_POKECENTER_NURSE EQUS "db $ff"