; sprite set ids ; indexes for SpriteSets (see data/maps/sprite_sets.asm) ; values for MapSpriteSets and SplitMapSpriteSets (see data/maps/sprite_sets.asm) const_def 1 const SPRITESET_PALLET_VIRIDIAN ; 01 const SPRITESET_PEWTER_CERULEAN ; 02 const SPRITESET_LAVENDER ; 03 const SPRITESET_VERMILION ; 04 const SPRITESET_CELADON ; 05 const SPRITESET_INDIGO ; 06 const SPRITESET_SAFFRON ; 07 const SPRITESET_SILENCE_BRIDGE ; 08 const SPRITESET_CYCLING_ROAD ; 09 const SPRITESET_FUCHSIA ; 0a DEF NUM_SPRITE_SETS EQU const_value - 1 ; split sprite set ids ; indexes for SplitMapSpriteSets (see data/maps/sprite_sets.asm) ; values for MapSpriteSets (see data/maps/sprite_sets.asm) const_next $f1 DEF FIRST_SPLIT_SET EQU const_value const SPLITSET_ROUTE_2 ; f1 const SPLITSET_ROUTE_10 ; f2 const SPLITSET_ROUTE_11 ; f3 const SPLITSET_ROUTE_12 ; f4 const SPLITSET_ROUTE_15 ; f5 const SPLITSET_ROUTE_16 ; f6 const SPLITSET_ROUTE_18 ; f7 const SPLITSET_ROUTE_20 ; f8 const SPLITSET_ROUTE_5 ; f9 const SPLITSET_ROUTE_6 ; fa const SPLITSET_ROUTE_7 ; fb const SPLITSET_ROUTE_8 ; fc DEF NUM_SPLIT_SETS EQU const_value - FIRST_SPLIT_SET ; split directions DEF EAST_WEST EQU 1 DEF NORTH_SOUTH EQU 2 ; each sprite set has 9 walking sprites and 2 still sprites DEF SPRITE_SET_LENGTH EQU 9 + 2