EndOfBattle: ; 137aa (4:77aa) ld a, [W_ISLINKBATTLE] cp $4 jr nz, .notLinkBattle ; link battle ld a, [wEnemyMonPartyPos] ld hl, wEnemyMon1Status ld bc, wEnemyMon2 - wEnemyMon1 call AddNTimes ld a, [wEnemyMonStatus] ld [hl], a call ClearScreen callab DisplayLinkBattleVersusTextBox ld a, [wBattleResult] cp $1 ld de, YouWinText jr c, .placeWinOrLoseString ld de, YouLoseText jr z, .placeWinOrLoseString ld de, DrawText .placeWinOrLoseString hlCoord 6, 8 call PlaceString ld c, $c8 call DelayFrames jr .evolution .notLinkBattle ld a, [wBattleResult] and a jr nz, .resetVariables ld hl, wTotalPayDayMoney ld a, [hli] or [hl] inc hl or [hl] jr z, .evolution ; if pay day money is 0, jump ld de, wPlayerMoney + 2 ld c, $3 predef AddBCDPredef ld hl, PickUpPayDayMoneyText call PrintText .evolution xor a ld [wccd4], a predef EvolutionAfterBattle .resetVariables xor a ld [wd083], a ld [wc02a], a ld [W_ISINBATTLE], a ld [W_BATTLETYPE], a ld [W_MOVEMISSED], a ld [W_CUROPPONENT], a ld [wd11f], a ld [wNumRunAttempts], a ld [wEscapedFromBattle], a ld hl, wcc2b ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld [wListScrollOffset], a ld hl, wd060 ld b, $18 .loop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .loop ld hl, wd72c set 0, [hl] call WaitForSoundToFinish call GBPalWhiteOut ld a, $ff ld [wd42f], a ret YouWinText: ; 13853 (4:7853) db "YOU WIN@" YouLoseText: ; 1385b (4:785b) db "YOU LOSE@" DrawText: ; 13864 (4:7864) db " DRAW@" PickUpPayDayMoneyText: ; 1386b (4:786b) TX_FAR _PickUpPayDayMoneyText db "@" Func_13870: ; 13870 (4:7870) ld a, [wcc57] and a ret nz ld a, [wd736] and a ret nz callab Func_c49d jr nc, .asm_13888 .asm_13884 ld a, $1 and a ret .asm_13888 callab Func_128d8 jr z, .asm_13884 ld a, [wd0db] and a jr z, .asm_1389e dec a jr z, .asm_13905 ld [wd0db], a .asm_1389e hlCoord 9, 9 ld c, [hl] ld a, [W_GRASSTILE] cp c ld a, [W_GRASSRATE] ; W_GRASSRATE jr z, .asm_138c4 ld a, $14 cp c ld a, [W_WATERRATE] ; wEnemyMon1Species jr z, .asm_138c4 ld a, [W_CURMAP] ; W_CURMAP cp REDS_HOUSE_1F jr c, .asm_13912 ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] ; W_CURMAPTILESET cp FOREST ; Viridian Forest/Safari Zone jr z, .asm_13912 ld a, [W_GRASSRATE] ; W_GRASSRATE .asm_138c4 ld b, a ld a, [hRandomAdd] cp b jr nc, .asm_13912 ld a, [hRandomSub] ld b, a ld hl, WildMonEncounterSlotChances ; $7918 .asm_138d0 ld a, [hli] cp b jr nc, .asm_138d7 inc hl jr .asm_138d0 .asm_138d7 ld c, [hl] ld hl, W_GRASSMONS ; wd888 aCoord 8, 9 cp $14 jr nz, .asm_138e5 ld hl, W_WATERMONS ; wd8a5 (aliases: wEnemyMon1HP) .asm_138e5 ld b, $0 add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld [W_CURENEMYLVL], a ; W_CURENEMYLVL ld a, [hl] ld [wcf91], a ld [wEnemyMonSpecies2], a ld a, [wd0db] and a jr z, .asm_13916 ld a, [wPartyMon1Level] ; wPartyMon1Level ld b, a ld a, [W_CURENEMYLVL] ; W_CURENEMYLVL cp b jr c, .asm_13912 jr .asm_13916 .asm_13905 ld [wd0db], a ld a, $d2 ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing call DisplayTextID .asm_13912 ld a, $1 and a ret .asm_13916 xor a ret WildMonEncounterSlotChances: ; 13918 (4:7918) ; There are 10 slots for wild pokemon, and this is the table that defines how common each of ; those 10 slots is. A random number is generated and then the first byte of each pair in this ; table is compared against that random number. If the random number is less than or equal ; to the first byte, then that slot is chosen. The second byte is double the slot number. db $32, $00 ; 51/256 = 19.9% chance of slot 0 db $65, $02 ; 51/256 = 19.9% chance of slot 1 db $8C, $04 ; 39/256 = 15.2% chance of slot 2 db $A5, $06 ; 25/256 = 9.8% chance of slot 3 db $BE, $08 ; 25/256 = 9.8% chance of slot 4 db $D7, $0A ; 25/256 = 9.8% chance of slot 5 db $E4, $0C ; 13/256 = 5.1% chance of slot 6 db $F1, $0E ; 13/256 = 5.1% chance of slot 7 db $FC, $10 ; 11/256 = 4.3% chance of slot 8 db $FF, $12 ; 3/256 = 1.2% chance of slot 9 RecoilEffect_: ; 1392c (4:792c) ld a, [H_WHOSETURN] ; $fff3 and a ld a, [W_PLAYERMOVENUM] ; wcfd2 ld hl, wBattleMonMaxHP ; wd023 jr z, .asm_1393d ld a, [W_ENEMYMOVENUM] ; W_ENEMYMOVENUM ld hl, wEnemyMonMaxHP ; wEnemyMonMaxHP .asm_1393d ld d, a ld a, [W_DAMAGE] ; W_DAMAGE ld b, a ld a, [W_DAMAGE + 1] ld c, a srl b rr c ld a, d cp STRUGGLE jr z, .asm_13953 srl b rr c .asm_13953 ld a, b or c jr nz, .asm_13958 inc c .asm_13958 ld a, [hli] ld [wHPBarMaxHP+1], a ld a, [hl] ld [wHPBarMaxHP], a push bc ld bc, $fff2 add hl, bc pop bc ld a, [hl] ld [wHPBarOldHP], a sub c ld [hld], a ld [wHPBarNewHP], a ld a, [hl] ld [wHPBarOldHP+1], a sbc b ld [hl], a ld [wHPBarNewHP+1], a jr nc, .asm_13982 xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld hl, wHPBarNewHP ld [hli], a ld [hl], a .asm_13982 hlCoord 10, 9 ld a, [H_WHOSETURN] ; $fff3 and a ld a, $1 jr z, .asm_13990 hlCoord 2, 2 xor a .asm_13990 ld [wListMenuID], a ; wListMenuID predef UpdateHPBar2 ld hl, HitWithRecoilText ; $799e jp PrintText HitWithRecoilText: ; 1399e (4:799e) TX_FAR _HitWithRecoilText db "@" ConversionEffect_: ; 139a3 (4:79a3) ld hl, wEnemyMonType1 ld de, wBattleMonType1 ld a, [H_WHOSETURN] and a ld a, [W_ENEMYBATTSTATUS1] jr z, .asm_139b8 push hl ld h, d ld l, e pop de ld a, [W_PLAYERBATTSTATUS1] .asm_139b8 bit 6, a ; is mon immune to typical attacks (dig/fly) jr nz, PrintButItFailedText ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hl] ld [de], a ld hl, Func_3fba8 call Func_139d5 ld hl, ConvertedTypeText jp PrintText ConvertedTypeText: ; 139cd (4:79cd) TX_FAR _ConvertedTypeText db "@" PrintButItFailedText: ; 139d2 (4:79d2) ld hl, PrintButItFailedText_ Func_139d5: ; 139d5 (4:79d5) ld b, BANK(PrintButItFailedText_) jp Bankswitch HazeEffect_: ; 139da (4:79da) ld a, $7 ld hl, wPlayerMonAttackMod call Func_13a43 ld hl, wEnemyMonAttackMod call Func_13a43 ld hl, wcd12 ld de, wBattleMonAttack call Func_13a4a ld hl, wEnemyMonUnmodifiedAttack ld de, wEnemyMonAttack call Func_13a4a ld hl, wEnemyMonStatus ld de, wEnemySelectedMove ld a, [H_WHOSETURN] and a jr z, .asm_13a09 ld hl, wBattleMonStatus dec de .asm_13a09 ld a, [hl] ld [hl], $0 and $27 jr z, .asm_13a13 ld a, $ff ld [de], a .asm_13a13 xor a ld [W_PLAYERDISABLEDMOVE], a ld [W_ENEMYDISABLEDMOVE], a ld hl, wccee ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld hl, W_PLAYERBATTSTATUS1 call Func_13a37 ld hl, W_ENEMYBATTSTATUS1 call Func_13a37 ld hl, Func_3fba8 call Func_139d5 ld hl, StatusChangesEliminatedText jp PrintText Func_13a37: ; 13a37 (4:7a37) res 7, [hl] inc hl ld a, [hl] and $78 ld [hli], a ld a, [hl] and $f8 ld [hl], a ret Func_13a43: ; 13a43 (4:7a43) ld b, $8 .loop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .loop ret Func_13a4a: ; 13a4a (4:7a4a) ld b, $8 .loop ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec b jr nz, .loop ret StatusChangesEliminatedText: ; 13a53 (4:7a53) TX_FAR _StatusChangesEliminatedText db "@" GetTrainerName_: ; 13a58 (4:7a58) ld hl, W_GRASSRATE ; W_GRASSRATE ld a, [W_ISLINKBATTLE] ; W_ISLINKBATTLE and a jr nz, .rival ld hl, W_RIVALNAME ; wd34a ld a, [W_TRAINERCLASS] ; wd031 cp SONY1 jr z, .rival cp SONY2 jr z, .rival cp SONY3 jr z, .rival ld [wd0b5], a ld a, TRAINER_NAME ld [W_LISTTYPE], a ld a, $e ld [wPredefBank], a call GetName ld hl, wcd6d .rival ld de, W_TRAINERNAME ld bc, $d jp CopyData