PlayerStepOutFromDoor: ld hl, wd730 res 1, [hl] call IsPlayerStandingOnDoorTile jr nc, .notStandingOnDoor ld a, $fc ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld hl, wd736 set 1, [hl] ld a, $1 ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a ld a, D_DOWN ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a xor a ld [wSpriteStateData1 + 2], a call StartSimulatingJoypadStates ret .notStandingOnDoor xor a ld [wWastedByteCD3A], a ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a ld hl, wd736 res 0, [hl] res 1, [hl] ld hl, wd730 res 7, [hl] ret _EndNPCMovementScript: ld hl, wd730 res 7, [hl] ld hl, wd72e res 7, [hl] ld hl, wd736 res 0, [hl] res 1, [hl] xor a ld [wNPCMovementScriptSpriteOffset], a ld [wNPCMovementScriptPointerTableNum], a ld [wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum], a ld [wWastedByteCD3A], a ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a ret PalletMovementScriptPointerTable: dw PalletMovementScript_OakMoveLeft dw PalletMovementScript_PlayerMoveLeft dw PalletMovementScript_WaitAndWalkToLab dw PalletMovementScript_WalkToLab dw PalletMovementScript_Done PalletMovementScript_OakMoveLeft: ld a, [wXCoord] sub $a ld [wNumStepsToTake], a jr z, .playerOnLeftTile ; The player is on the right tile of the northern path out of Pallet Town and ; Prof. Oak is below. ; Make Prof. Oak step to the left. ld b, 0 ld c, a ld hl, wNPCMovementDirections2 ld a, NPC_MOVEMENT_LEFT call FillMemory ld [hl], $ff ld a, [wSpriteIndex] ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a ld de, wNPCMovementDirections2 call MoveSprite ld a, $1 ld [wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum], a jr .done ; The player is on the left tile of the northern path out of Pallet Town and ; Prof. Oak is below. ; Prof. Oak is already where he needs to be. .playerOnLeftTile ld a, $3 ld [wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum], a .done ld hl, wFlags_D733 set 1, [hl] ld a, $fc ld [wJoyIgnore], a ret PalletMovementScript_PlayerMoveLeft: ld a, [wd730] bit 0, a ; is an NPC being moved by a script? ret nz ; return if Oak is still moving ld a, [wNumStepsToTake] ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a ld [hNPCMovementDirections2Index], a predef ConvertNPCMovementDirectionsToJoypadMasks call StartSimulatingJoypadStates ld a, $2 ld [wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum], a ret PalletMovementScript_WaitAndWalkToLab: ld a, [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex] and a ; is the player done moving left yet? ret nz PalletMovementScript_WalkToLab: xor a ld [wOverrideSimulatedJoypadStatesMask], a ld a, [wSpriteIndex] swap a ld [wNPCMovementScriptSpriteOffset], a xor a ld [wSpriteStateData2 + $06], a ld hl, wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd ld de, RLEList_PlayerWalkToLab call DecodeRLEList dec a ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a ld hl, wNPCMovementDirections2 ld de, RLEList_ProfOakWalkToLab call DecodeRLEList ld hl, wd72e res 7, [hl] ld hl, wd730 set 7, [hl] ld a, $4 ld [wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum], a ret RLEList_ProfOakWalkToLab: db NPC_MOVEMENT_DOWN, $05 db NPC_MOVEMENT_LEFT, $01 db NPC_MOVEMENT_DOWN, $05 db NPC_MOVEMENT_RIGHT, $03 db NPC_MOVEMENT_UP, $01 db $E0, $01 ; stand still db $FF RLEList_PlayerWalkToLab: db D_UP, $02 db D_RIGHT, $03 db D_DOWN, $05 db D_LEFT, $01 db D_DOWN, $06 db $FF PalletMovementScript_Done: ld a, [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex] and a ret nz ld a, $0 ld [wMissableObjectIndex], a predef HideObject ld hl, wd730 res 7, [hl] ld hl, wd72e res 7, [hl] jp EndNPCMovementScript PewterMuseumGuyMovementScriptPointerTable: dw PewterMovementScript_WalkToMuseum dw PewterMovementScript_Done PewterMovementScript_WalkToMuseum: ld a, BANK(Music_MuseumGuy) ld [wAudioROMBank], a ld [wAudioSavedROMBank], a ld a, MUSIC_MUSEUM_GUY ld [wNewSoundID], a call PlaySound ld a, [wSpriteIndex] swap a ld [wNPCMovementScriptSpriteOffset], a call StartSimulatingJoypadStates ld hl, wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd ld de, RLEList_PewterMuseumPlayer call DecodeRLEList dec a ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a xor a ld [wWhichPewterGuy], a predef PewterGuys ld hl, wNPCMovementDirections2 ld de, RLEList_PewterMuseumGuy call DecodeRLEList ld hl, wd72e res 7, [hl] ld a, $1 ld [wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum], a ret RLEList_PewterMuseumPlayer: db 0, $01 db D_UP, $03 db D_LEFT, $0D db D_UP, $06 db $FF RLEList_PewterMuseumGuy: db NPC_MOVEMENT_UP, $06 db NPC_MOVEMENT_LEFT, $0D db NPC_MOVEMENT_UP, $03 db NPC_MOVEMENT_LEFT, $01 db $FF PewterMovementScript_Done: ld a, [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex] and a ret nz ld hl, wd730 res 7, [hl] ld hl, wd72e res 7, [hl] jp EndNPCMovementScript PewterGymGuyMovementScriptPointerTable: dw PewterMovementScript_WalkToGym dw PewterMovementScript_Done PewterMovementScript_WalkToGym: ld a, BANK(Music_MuseumGuy) ld [wAudioROMBank], a ld [wAudioSavedROMBank], a ld a, MUSIC_MUSEUM_GUY ld [wNewSoundID], a call PlaySound ld a, [wSpriteIndex] swap a ld [wNPCMovementScriptSpriteOffset], a xor a ld [wSpriteStateData2 + $06], a ld hl, wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd ld de, RLEList_PewterGymPlayer call DecodeRLEList dec a ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a ld a, 1 ld [wWhichPewterGuy], a predef PewterGuys ld hl, wNPCMovementDirections2 ld de, RLEList_PewterGymGuy call DecodeRLEList ld hl, wd72e res 7, [hl] ld hl, wd730 set 7, [hl] ld a, $1 ld [wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum], a ret RLEList_PewterGymPlayer: db 0, $01 db D_RIGHT, $02 db D_DOWN, $05 db D_LEFT, $0B db D_UP, $05 db D_LEFT, $0F db $FF RLEList_PewterGymGuy: db NPC_MOVEMENT_DOWN, $02 db NPC_MOVEMENT_LEFT, $0F db NPC_MOVEMENT_UP, $05 db NPC_MOVEMENT_LEFT, $0B db NPC_MOVEMENT_DOWN, $05 db NPC_MOVEMENT_RIGHT, $03 db $FF FreezeEnemyTrainerSprite: ld a, [wCurMap] cp POKEMONTOWER_7 ret z ; the Rockets on Pokemon Tower 7F leave after battling, so don't freeze them ld hl, RivalIDs ld a, [wEngagedTrainerClass] ld b, a .loop ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .notRival cp b ret z ; the rival leaves after battling, so don't freeze him jr .loop .notRival ld a, [wSpriteIndex] ld [H_SPRITEINDEX], a jp SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF RivalIDs: db OPP_SONY1 db OPP_SONY2 db OPP_SONY3 db $ff