DoGhostMarowakRevelationAnimation: ; 708ca (1c:48ca) ld a, $e4 ld [rOBP1], a call CopyMonPicFromBGToSpriteVRAM ; cover the BG ghost pic with a sprite ghost pic that looks the same ; now that the ghost pic is being displayed using sprites, clear the ghost pic from the BG tilemap hlCoord 12, 0 ld bc, $707 call ClearScreenArea call Delay3 xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; disable BG transfer so we don't see the Marowak too soon ; replace ghost pic with Marowak in BG ld a, MAROWAK ld [wHPBarMaxHP], a ld a, $1 ld [H_WHOSETURN], a callab Func_79793 ; alternate between black and light grey 8 times. ; this makes the ghost's body appear to flash ld d, $80 call FlashSprite8Times .fadeOutGhostLoop ld c, 10 call DelayFrames ld a, [rOBP1] sla a sla a ld [rOBP1], a jr nz, .fadeOutGhostLoop call ClearSprites call CopyMonPicFromBGToSpriteVRAM ; copy Marowak pic from BG to sprite VRAM ld b, $e4 .fadeInMarowakLoop ld c, 10 call DelayFrames ld a, [rOBP1] srl b rra srl b rra ld [rOBP1], a ld a, b and a jr nz, .fadeInMarowakLoop ld a, $1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; enable BG transfer so the BG Marowak pic will be visible after the sprite one is cleared call Delay3 jp ClearSprites ; copies a mon pic's from background VRAM to sprite VRAM and sets up OAM CopyMonPicFromBGToSpriteVRAM: ; 7092a (1c:492a) ld de, vFrontPic ld hl, vSprites ld bc, 7 * 7 call CopyVideoData ld a, $10 ld [W_BASECOORDY], a ld a, $70 ld [W_BASECOORDX], a ld hl, wOAMBuffer ld bc, $606 ld d, $8 .oamLoop push bc ld a, [W_BASECOORDY] ld e, a .oamInnerLoop ld a, e add $8 ld e, a ld [hli], a ld a, [W_BASECOORDX] ld [hli], a ld a, d ld [hli], a ld a, $10 ; use OBP1 ld [hli], a inc d dec c jr nz, .oamInnerLoop inc d ld a, [W_BASECOORDX] add $8 ld [W_BASECOORDX], a pop bc dec b jr nz, .oamLoop ret BattleTransition: ; 7096d (1c:496d) ld a, $1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a call Delay3 xor a ld [hWY], a dec a ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a call DelayFrame ld hl, wSpriteStateData1 + 2 ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ld c, a ld b, $0 ld de, $10 .loop1 ld a, [hl] cp $ff jr z, .skip1 inc b .skip1 add hl, de dec c jr nz, .loop1 ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $10 ld c, $9 .loop2 ld a, b swap a cp l jr z, .skip2 push hl push bc ld bc, $10 xor a call FillMemory pop bc pop hl .skip2 ld de, $10 add hl, de dec c jr nz, .loop2 call Delay3 call LoadBattleTransitionTile ld bc, $0 ld a, [wLinkState] cp LINK_STATE_BATTLING jr z, .linkBattle call GetBattleTransitionID_WildOrTrainer call GetBattleTransitionID_CompareLevels call GetBattleTransitionID_IsDungeonMap .linkBattle ld hl, BattleTransitions add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp [hl] ; the three GetBattleTransitionID functions set the first ; three bits of c, which determines what transition animation ; to play at the beginning of a battle ; bit 0: set if trainer battle ; bit 1: set if enemy is at least 3 levels higher than player ; bit 2: set if dungeon map BattleTransitions: ; 709d2 (1c:49d2) dw BattleTransition_DoubleCircle ; %000 dw BattleTransition_Spiral ; %001 dw BattleTransition_Circle ; %010 dw BattleTransition_Spiral ; %011 dw BattleTransition_HorizontalStripes ; %100 dw BattleTransition_Shrink ; %101 dw BattleTransition_VerticalStripes ; %110 dw BattleTransition_Split ; %111 GetBattleTransitionID_WildOrTrainer: ; 709e2 (1c:49e2) ld a, [W_CUROPPONENT] cp $c8 jr nc, .trainer res 0, c ret .trainer set 0, c ret GetBattleTransitionID_CompareLevels: ; 709ef (1c:49ef) ld hl, wPartyMon1HP .faintedLoop ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr nz, .notFainted ld de, wPartyMon2 - (wPartyMon1 + 1) add hl, de jr .faintedLoop .notFainted ld de, wPartyMon1Level - (wPartyMon1HP + 1) add hl, de ld a, [hl] add $3 ld e, a ld a, [W_CURENEMYLVL] sub e jr nc, .highLevelEnemy res 1, c ld a, $1 ld [wcd47], a ret .highLevelEnemy set 1, c xor a ld [wcd47], a ret ; fails to recognize VICTORY_ROAD_2, VICTORY_ROAD_3, all ROCKET_HIDEOUT maps, ; MANSION_1, SEAFOAM_ISLANDS_[2-5], POWER_PLANT, DIGLETTS_CAVE ; and SILPH_CO_[9-11]F as dungeon maps GetBattleTransitionID_IsDungeonMap: ; 70a19 (1c:4a19) ld a, [W_CURMAP] ld e, a ld hl, DungeonMaps1 .loop1 ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .noMatch1 cp e jr nz, .loop1 .match set 2, c ret .noMatch1 ld hl, DungeonMaps2 .loop2 ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .noMatch2 ld d, a ld a, [hli] cp e jr c, .loop2 ld a, e cp d jr nc, .match .noMatch2 res 2, c ret ; GetBattleTransitionID_IsDungeonMap checks if W_CURMAP ; is equal to one of these maps DungeonMaps1: ; 70a3f (1c:4a3f) db VIRIDIAN_FOREST db ROCK_TUNNEL_1 db SEAFOAM_ISLANDS_1 db ROCK_TUNNEL_2 db $FF ; GetBattleTransitionID_IsDungeonMap checks if W_CURMAP ; is in between or equal to each pair of maps DungeonMaps2: ; 70a44 (1c:4a44) ; all MT_MOON maps db MT_MOON_1 db MT_MOON_3 ; all SS_ANNE maps, VICTORY_ROAD_1, LANCES_ROOM, and HALL_OF_FAME db SS_ANNE_1 db HALL_OF_FAME ; all POKEMONTOWER maps and Lavender Town buildings db LAVENDER_POKECENTER db LAVENDER_HOUSE_2 ; SILPH_CO_[2-8]F, MANSION[2-4], SAFARI_ZONE, and UNKNOWN_DUNGEON maps, ; except for SILPH_CO_1F db SILPH_CO_2F db UNKNOWN_DUNGEON_1 db $FF LoadBattleTransitionTile: ; 70a4d (1c:4a4d) ld hl, vChars1 + $7f0 ld de, BattleTransitionTile ld bc, (BANK(BattleTransitionTile) << 8) + $01 jp CopyVideoData BattleTransitionTile: ; 70a59 (1c:4a59) INCBIN "gfx/battle_transition.2bpp" BattleTransition_BlackScreen: ; 70a69 (1c:4a69) ld a, $ff ld [rBGP], a ld [rOBP0], a ld [rOBP1], a ret ; for non-dungeon trainer battles ; called regardless of mon levels, but does an ; outward spiral if enemy is at least 3 levels ; higher than player and does an inward spiral otherwise BattleTransition_Spiral: ; 70a72 (1c:4a72) ld a, [wcd47] and a jr z, .outwardSpiral call BattleTransition_InwardSpiral jr .done .outwardSpiral hlCoord 10, 10 ld a, $3 ld [wd09f], a ld a, l ld [wd09b], a ld a, h ld [wd09a], a ld b, $78 .loop1 ld c, $3 .loop2 push bc call BattleTransition_OutwardSpiral_ pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop2 call DelayFrame dec b jr nz, .loop1 .done call BattleTransition_BlackScreen xor a ld [wd09b], a ld [wd09a], a ret BattleTransition_InwardSpiral: ; 70aaa (1c:4aaa) ld a, $7 ld [wWhichTrade], a ld hl, wTileMap ld c, $11 ld de, $14 call BattleTransition_InwardSpiral_ inc c jr .skip .loop ld de, $14 call BattleTransition_InwardSpiral_ .skip inc c ld de, $1 call BattleTransition_InwardSpiral_ dec c dec c ld de, $ffec call BattleTransition_InwardSpiral_ inc c ld de, rIE call BattleTransition_InwardSpiral_ dec c dec c ld a, c and a jr nz, .loop ret BattleTransition_InwardSpiral_: ; 70ae0 (1c:4ae0) push bc .loop ld [hl], $ff add hl, de push bc ld a, [wWhichTrade] dec a jr nz, .skip call BattleTransition_TransferDelay3 ld a, $7 .skip ld [wWhichTrade], a pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop pop bc ret BattleTransition_OutwardSpiral_: ; 70af9 (1c:4af9) ld bc, $ffec ld de, $14 ld a, [wd09b] ld l, a ld a, [wd09a] ld h, a ld a, [wd09f] cp $0 jr z, .zero cp $1 jr z, .one cp $2 jr z, .two cp $3 jr z, .three .done1 ld [hl], $ff .done2_ ld a, l ld [wd09b], a ld a, h ld [wd09a], a ret .zero dec hl ld a, [hl] cp $ff jr nz, .done2 inc hl add hl, bc jr .done1 .one add hl, de ld a, [hl] cp $ff jr nz, .done2 add hl, bc dec hl jr .done1 .two inc hl ld a, [hl] cp $ff jr nz, .done2 dec hl add hl, de jr .done1 .three add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp $ff jr nz, .done2 add hl, de inc hl jr .done1 .done2 ld [hl], $ff ld a, [wd09f] inc a cp $4 jr nz, .skip xor a .skip ld [wd09f], a jr .done2_ FlashScreen: BattleTransition_FlashScreen_: ; 70b5d (1c:4b5d) ld hl, BattleTransition_FlashScreenPalettes .loop ld a, [hli] cp $1 jr z, .done ld [rBGP], a ld c, $2 call DelayFrames jr .loop .done dec b jr nz, BattleTransition_FlashScreen_ ret BattleTransition_FlashScreenPalettes: ; 70b72 (1c:4b72) db $F9,$FE,$FF,$FE,$F9,$E4,$90,$40,$00,$40,$90,$E4 db $01 ; terminator ; used for low level trainer dungeon battles BattleTransition_Shrink: ; 70b7f (1c:4b7f) ld c, $9 .loop push bc xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a hlCoord 0, 7 deCoord 0, 8 ld bc, $ffd8 call BattleTransition_CopyTiles1 hlCoord 0, 10 deCoord 0, 9 ld bc, $28 call BattleTransition_CopyTiles1 hlCoord 8, 0 deCoord 9, 0 ld bc, $fffe call BattleTransition_CopyTiles2 hlCoord 11, 0 deCoord 10, 0 ld bc, $2 call BattleTransition_CopyTiles2 ld a, $1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ld c, $6 call DelayFrames pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop call BattleTransition_BlackScreen ld c, $a jp DelayFrames ; used for high level trainer dungeon battles BattleTransition_Split: ; 70bca (1c:4bca) ld c, $9 xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a .loop push bc hlCoord 0, 16 deCoord 0, 17 ld bc, $ffd8 call BattleTransition_CopyTiles1 hlCoord 0, 1 ld de, wTileMap ld bc, $28 call BattleTransition_CopyTiles1 hlCoord 18, 0 deCoord 19, 0 ld bc, $fffe call BattleTransition_CopyTiles2 hlCoord 1, 0 ld de, wTileMap ld bc, $2 call BattleTransition_CopyTiles2 call BattleTransition_TransferDelay3 call Delay3 pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop call BattleTransition_BlackScreen ld c, $a jp DelayFrames BattleTransition_CopyTiles1: ; 70c12 (1c:4c12) ld a, c ld [wWhichTrade], a ld a, b ld [wTrainerEngageDistance], a ld c, $8 .loop1 push bc push hl push de ld bc, $14 call CopyData pop hl pop de ld a, [wWhichTrade] ld c, a ld a, [wTrainerEngageDistance] ld b, a add hl, bc pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop1 ld l, e ld h, d ld a, $ff ld c, $14 .loop2 ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .loop2 ret BattleTransition_CopyTiles2: ; 70c3f (1c:4c3f) ld a, c ld [wWhichTrade], a ld a, b ld [wTrainerEngageDistance], a ld c, $9 .loop1 push bc push hl push de ld c, $12 .loop2 ld a, [hl] ld [de], a ld a, e add $14 jr nc, .noCarry1 inc d .noCarry1 ld e, a ld a, l add $14 jr nc, .noCarry2 inc h .noCarry2 ld l, a dec c jr nz, .loop2 pop hl pop de ld a, [wWhichTrade] ld c, a ld a, [wTrainerEngageDistance] ld b, a add hl, bc pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop1 ld l, e ld h, d ld de, $14 ld c, $12 .loop3 ld [hl], $ff add hl, de dec c jr nz, .loop3 ret ; used for high level wild dungeon battles BattleTransition_VerticalStripes: ; 70c7e (1c:4c7e) ld c, $12 ld hl, wTileMap deCoord 1, 17 xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a .loop push bc push hl push de push de call BattleTransition_VerticalStripes_ pop hl call BattleTransition_VerticalStripes_ call BattleTransition_TransferDelay3 pop hl ld bc, $ffec add hl, bc ld e, l ld d, h pop hl ld bc, $14 add hl, bc pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop jp BattleTransition_BlackScreen BattleTransition_VerticalStripes_: ; 70caa (1c:4caa) ld c, $a .loop ld [hl], $ff inc hl inc hl dec c jr nz, .loop ret ; used for low level wild dungeon battles BattleTransition_HorizontalStripes: ; 70cb4 (1c:4cb4) ld c, $14 ld hl, wTileMap deCoord 19, 1 xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a .loop push bc push hl push de push de call BattleTransition_HorizontalStripes_ pop hl call BattleTransition_HorizontalStripes_ call BattleTransition_TransferDelay3 pop de pop hl pop bc inc hl dec de dec c jr nz, .loop jp BattleTransition_BlackScreen BattleTransition_HorizontalStripes_: ; 70cd8 (1c:4cd8) ld c, $9 ld de, $28 .loop ld [hl], $ff add hl, de dec c jr nz, .loop ret ; used for high level wild non-dungeon battles ; makes one full circle around the screen ; by animating each half circle one at a time BattleTransition_Circle: ; 70ce4 (1c:4ce4) call BattleTransition_FlashScreen ld bc, $000a ld hl, BattleTransition_HalfCircle1 call BattleTransition_Circle_Sub1 ld c, $a ld b, $1 ld hl, BattleTransition_HalfCircle2 call BattleTransition_Circle_Sub1 jp BattleTransition_BlackScreen BattleTransition_FlashScreen: ; 70cfd (1c:4cfd) ld b, $3 call BattleTransition_FlashScreen_ xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ret BattleTransition_Circle_Sub1: ; 70d06 (1c:4d06) push bc push hl ld a, b call BattleTransition_Circle_Sub2 pop hl ld bc, $0005 add hl, bc call BattleTransition_TransferDelay3 pop bc dec c jr nz, BattleTransition_Circle_Sub1 ret BattleTransition_TransferDelay3: ; 70d19 (1c:4d19) ld a, $1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a call Delay3 xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ret ; used for low level wild non-dungeon battles ; makes two half circles around the screen ; by animating both half circles at the same time BattleTransition_DoubleCircle: ; 70d24 (1c:4d24) call BattleTransition_FlashScreen ld c, $a ld hl, BattleTransition_HalfCircle1 ld de, BattleTransition_HalfCircle2 .loop push bc push hl push de push de xor a call BattleTransition_Circle_Sub2 pop hl ld a, $1 call BattleTransition_Circle_Sub2 pop hl ld bc, $5 add hl, bc ld e, l ld d, h pop hl add hl, bc call BattleTransition_TransferDelay3 pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop jp BattleTransition_BlackScreen BattleTransition_Circle_Sub2: ; 70d50 (1c:4d50) ld [wWhichTrade], a ld a, [hli] ld [wTrainerEngageDistance], a ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld a, [hli] ld d, a ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp BattleTransition_Circle_Sub3 BattleTransition_HalfCircle1: ; 70d61 (1c:4d61) db $01 dw BattleTransition_CircleData1 dwCoord 18, 6 db $01 dw BattleTransition_CircleData2 dwCoord 19, 3 db $01 dw BattleTransition_CircleData3 dwCoord 18, 0 db $01 dw BattleTransition_CircleData4 dwCoord 14, 0 db $01 dw BattleTransition_CircleData5 dwCoord 10, 0 db $00 dw BattleTransition_CircleData5 dwCoord 9, 0 db $00 dw BattleTransition_CircleData4 dwCoord 5, 0 db $00 dw BattleTransition_CircleData3 dwCoord 1, 0 db $00 dw BattleTransition_CircleData2 dwCoord 0, 3 db $00 dw BattleTransition_CircleData1 dwCoord 1, 6 BattleTransition_HalfCircle2: ; 70d93 (1c:4d93) db $00 dw BattleTransition_CircleData1 dwCoord 1, 11 db $00 dw BattleTransition_CircleData2 dwCoord 0, 14 db $00 dw BattleTransition_CircleData3 dwCoord 1, 17 db $00 dw BattleTransition_CircleData4 dwCoord 5, 17 db $00 dw BattleTransition_CircleData5 dwCoord 9, 17 db $01 dw BattleTransition_CircleData5 dwCoord 10, 17 db $01 dw BattleTransition_CircleData4 dwCoord 14, 17 db $01 dw BattleTransition_CircleData3 dwCoord 18, 17 db $01 dw BattleTransition_CircleData2 dwCoord 19, 14 db $01 dw BattleTransition_CircleData1 dwCoord 18, 11 BattleTransition_Circle_Sub3: ; 70dc5 (1c:4dc5) push hl ld a, [de] ld c, a inc de .loop1 ld [hl], $ff ld a, [wTrainerEngageDistance] and a jr z, .skip1 inc hl jr .skip2 .skip1 dec hl .skip2 dec c jr nz, .loop1 pop hl ld a, [wWhichTrade] and a ld bc, $14 jr z, .skip3 ld bc, $ffec .skip3 add hl, bc ld a, [de] inc de cp $ff ret z and a jr z, BattleTransition_Circle_Sub3 ld c, a .loop2 ld a, [wTrainerEngageDistance] and a jr z, .skip4 dec hl jr .skip5 .skip4 inc hl .skip5 dec c jr nz, .loop2 jr BattleTransition_Circle_Sub3 BattleTransition_CircleData1: ; 70dfe (1c:4dfe) db $02,$03,$05,$04,$09,$FF BattleTransition_CircleData2: ; 70e04 (1c:4e04) db $01,$01,$02,$02,$04,$02,$04,$02,$03,$FF BattleTransition_CircleData3: ; 70e0e (1c:4e0e) db $02,$01,$03,$01,$04,$01,$04,$01,$04,$01,$03,$01,$02,$01,$01,$01,$01,$FF BattleTransition_CircleData4: ; 70e20 (1c:4e20) db $04,$01,$04,$00,$03,$01,$03,$00,$02,$01,$02,$00,$01,$FF BattleTransition_CircleData5: ; 70e2e (1c:4e2e) db $04,$00,$03,$00,$03,$00,$02,$00,$02,$00,$01,$00,$01,$00,$01,$FF