_ScrollTrainerPicAfterBattle: ; Load the enemy trainer's pic and scrolls it into ; the screen from the right. xor a ld [wEnemyMonSpecies2], a ld b, SET_PAL_BATTLE call RunPaletteCommand callab _LoadTrainerPic coord hl, 19, 0 ld c, $0 .scrollLoop inc c ld a, c cp 7 ret z ld d, $0 push bc push hl .drawTrainerPicLoop call DrawTrainerPicColumn inc hl ld a, 7 add d ld d, a dec c jr nz, .drawTrainerPicLoop ld c, 4 call DelayFrames pop hl pop bc dec hl jr .scrollLoop ; write one 7-tile column of the trainer pic to the tilemap DrawTrainerPicColumn: push hl push de push bc ld e, 7 .loop ld [hl], d ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH add hl, bc inc d dec e jr nz, .loop pop bc pop de pop hl ret