VendingMachineMenu: ; 74ee0 (1d:4ee0) ld hl, VendingMachineText1 call PrintText ld a, MONEY_BOX ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID xor a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ld [wLastMenuItem], a ld a, A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ld a, 3 ld [wMaxMenuItem], a ld a, 5 ld [wTopMenuItemY], a ld a, 1 ld [wTopMenuItemX], a ld hl, wd730 set 6, [hl] coord hl, 0, 3 ld b, 8 ld c, 12 call TextBoxBorder call UpdateSprites coord hl, 2, 5 ld de, DrinkText call PlaceString coord hl, 9, 6 ld de, DrinkPriceText call PlaceString ld hl, wd730 res 6, [hl] call HandleMenuInput bit 1, a ; pressed B? jr nz, .notThirsty ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] cp 3 ; chose Cancel? jr z, .notThirsty xor a ld [hMoney], a ld [hMoney + 2], a ld a, $2 ld [hMoney + 1], a call HasEnoughMoney jr nc, .enoughMoney ld hl, VendingMachineText4 jp PrintText .enoughMoney call LoadVendingMachineItem ld a, [hVendingMachineItem] ld b, a ld c, 1 call GiveItem jr nc, .BagFull ld b, 60 ; number of times to play the "brrrrr" sound .playDeliverySound ld c, 2 call DelayFrames push bc ld a, (SFX_02_53 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 call PlaySound pop bc dec b jr nz, .playDeliverySound ld hl, VendingMachineText5 call PrintText ld hl, hVendingMachinePrice + 2 ld de, wPlayerMoney + 2 ld c, $3 predef SubBCDPredef ld a, MONEY_BOX ld [wTextBoxID], a jp DisplayTextBoxID .BagFull ld hl, VendingMachineText6 jp PrintText .notThirsty ld hl, VendingMachineText7 jp PrintText VendingMachineText1: ; 74f99 (1d:4f99) TX_FAR _VendingMachineText1 db "@" DrinkText: ; 74f9e (1d:4f9e) db "FRESH WATER" next "SODA POP" next "LEMONADE" next "CANCEL@" DrinkPriceText: ; 74fc3 (1d:4fc3) db "¥200" next "¥300" next "¥350",$4E,"@" VendingMachineText4: ; 74fd3 (1d:4fd3) TX_FAR _VendingMachineText4 db "@" VendingMachineText5: ; 74fd8 (1d:4fd8) TX_FAR _VendingMachineText5 db "@" VendingMachineText6: ; 74fdd (1d:4fdd) TX_FAR _VendingMachineText6 db "@" VendingMachineText7: ; 74fe2 (1d:4fe2) TX_FAR _VendingMachineText7 db "@" LoadVendingMachineItem: ; 74fe7 (1d:4fe7) ld hl, VendingPrices ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] add a add a ld d, 0 ld e, a add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld [hVendingMachineItem], a ld a, [hli] ld [hVendingMachinePrice], a ld a, [hli] ld [hVendingMachinePrice + 1], a ld a, [hl] ld [hVendingMachinePrice + 2], a ret VendingPrices: ; 75000 (1d:5000) db FRESH_WATER,$00,$02,$00 db SODA_POP, $00,$03,$00 db LEMONADE, $00,$03,$50