WildMonEncounterSlotChances: ; There are 10 slots for wild pokemon, and this is the table that defines how common each of ; those 10 slots is. A random number is generated and then the first byte of each pair in this ; table is compared against that random number. If the random number is less than or equal ; to the first byte, then that slot is chosen. The second byte is double the slot number. db 50, $00 ; 51/256 = 19.9% chance of slot 0 db 101, $02 ; 51/256 = 19.9% chance of slot 1 db 140, $04 ; 39/256 = 15.2% chance of slot 2 db 165, $06 ; 25/256 = 9.8% chance of slot 3 db 190, $08 ; 25/256 = 9.8% chance of slot 4 db 215, $0A ; 25/256 = 9.8% chance of slot 5 db 228, $0C ; 13/256 = 5.1% chance of slot 6 db 241, $0E ; 13/256 = 5.1% chance of slot 7 db 252, $10 ; 11/256 = 4.3% chance of slot 8 db 255, $12 ; 3/256 = 1.2% chance of slot 9