_ItemUseText001:: text " used@" text_end _ItemUseText002:: text_ram wcf4b text "!" done _GotOnBicycleText1:: text " got on the@" text_end _GotOnBicycleText2:: text_ram wcf4b text "!" prompt _GotOffBicycleText1:: text " got off@" text_end _GotOffBicycleText2:: text "the @" text_ram wcf4b text "." prompt _ThrewAwayItemText:: text "Threw away" line "@" text_ram wcd6d text "." prompt _IsItOKToTossItemText:: text "Is it OK to toss" line "@" text_ram wcf4b text "?" prompt _TooImportantToTossText:: text "That's too impor-" line "tant to toss!" prompt _AlreadyKnowsText:: text_ram wcd6d text " knows" line "@" text_ram wcf4b text "!" prompt _ConnectCableText:: text "Okay, connect the" line "cable like so!" prompt _TradedForText:: text " traded" line "@" text_ram wInGameTradeGiveMonName text " for" cont "@" text_ram wInGameTradeReceiveMonName text "!@" text_end _WannaTrade1Text:: text "I'm looking for" line "@" text_ram wInGameTradeGiveMonName text "! Wanna" para "trade one for" line "@" text_ram wInGameTradeReceiveMonName text "? " done _NoTrade1Text:: text "Awww!" line "Oh well..." done _WrongMon1Text:: text "What? That's not" line "@" text_ram wInGameTradeGiveMonName text "!" para "If you get one," line "come back here!" done _Thanks1Text:: text "Hey thanks!" done _AfterTrade1Text:: text "Isn't my old" line "@" text_ram wInGameTradeReceiveMonName text " great?" done _WannaTrade2Text:: text "Hello there! Do" line "you want to trade" para "your @" text_ram wInGameTradeGiveMonName text_start line "for @" text_ram wInGameTradeReceiveMonName text "?" done _NoTrade2Text:: text "Well, if you" line "don't want to..." done _WrongMon2Text:: text "Hmmm? This isn't" line "@" text_ram wInGameTradeGiveMonName text "." para "Think of me when" line "you get one." done _Thanks2Text:: text "Thanks!" done _AfterTrade2Text:: text "The @" text_ram wInGameTradeGiveMonName text " you" line "traded to me" para "went and evolved!" done _WannaTrade3Text:: text "Hi! Do you have" line "@" text_ram wInGameTradeGiveMonName text "?" para "Want to trade it" line "for @" text_ram wInGameTradeReceiveMonName text "?" done _NoTrade3Text:: text "That's too bad." done _WrongMon3Text:: text "...This is no" line "@" text_ram wInGameTradeGiveMonName text "." para "If you get one," line "trade it with me!" done _Thanks3Text:: text "Thanks pal!" done _AfterTrade3Text:: text "How is my old" line "@" text_ram wInGameTradeReceiveMonName text "?" para "My @" text_ram wInGameTradeGiveMonName text " is" line "doing great!" done _NothingToCutText:: text "There isn't" line "anything to CUT!" prompt _UsedCutText:: text_ram wcd6d text " hacked" line "away with CUT!" prompt