LeechSeedEffect_: callfar MoveHitTest ld a, [wMoveMissed] and a jr nz, .moveMissed ld hl, wEnemyBattleStatus2 ld de, wEnemyMonType1 ldh a, [hWhoseTurn] and a jr z, .leechSeedEffect ld hl, wPlayerBattleStatus2 ld de, wBattleMonType1 .leechSeedEffect ; miss if the target is grass-type or already seeded ld a, [de] cp GRASS jr z, .moveMissed inc de ld a, [de] cp GRASS jr z, .moveMissed bit SEEDED, [hl] jr nz, .moveMissed set SEEDED, [hl] callfar PlayCurrentMoveAnimation ld hl, WasSeededText jp PrintText .moveMissed ld c, 50 call DelayFrames ld hl, EvadedAttackText jp PrintText WasSeededText: text_far _WasSeededText text_end EvadedAttackText: text_far _EvadedAttackText text_end