from extract_maps import * spacing = " " load_rom() load_map_pointers() read_all_map_headers() #provided by sawakita constants = { 0x01: ["Hiro", ""], 0x02: ["Rival", ""], 0x03: ["Oak", ""], 0x04: ["blonde boy", ""], 0x05: ["machoke/slowbro OW", "machoke slowbro"], 0x06: ["blonde(horse-tail-hair) girl", "blonde ponytail girl"], 0x07: ["black-hair boy 1", "black hair boy 1"], 0x08: ["little kid (F)", "little girl"], 0x09: ["bird", ""], 0x0A: ["fat bald man", "fat bald guy"], 0x0B: ["monk", ""], 0x0C: ["black-hair boy 2/Brock", "black hair boy 2"], 0x0D: ["girl", ""], 0x0E: ["hiker/angry man", "hiker"], 0x0F: ["foulard woman", "foulard woman"], 0x10: ["rich(black-hat) man", "gentleman"], 0x11: ["sister", ""], 0x12: ["motorbiker", "biker"], 0x13: ["sailor", ""], 0x14: ["cook", ""], 0x15: ["sun-glasses guy (bike seller)", "sunglasses guy"], 0x16: ["mr. fuji", ""], 0x17: ["giovanni", ""], 0x18: ["rocket guy", "rocket grunt"], 0x19: ["medium", ""], 0x1A: ["waiter", ""], 0x1B: ["erika", ""], 0x1C: ["mother (geisha)", "mom geisha"], 0x1D: ["brunette girl", ""], 0x1E: ["lance", ""], 0x1F: ["oak's aide/scientist", "oak scientist aide"], 0x20: ["oak's aide", "oak aide"], 0x21: ["punk", ""], 0x22: ["swimmer", ""], 0x23: ["white player", ""], 0x24: ["gym helper", ""], 0x25: ["old (wo)man", "old person"], 0x26: ["mart guy", ""], 0x27: ["fisher", ""], 0x28: ["old woman/medium?", "old medium woman"], 0x29: ["nurse", ""], 0x2A: ["cable-club woman", "cable club woman"], 0x2B: ["Mr. Masterball?", "mr masterball"], 0x2C: ["person that gives Lapras", "lapras giver"], 0x2D: ["semi-bald fat guy", "balding fat guy"], 0x2E: ["black hat white beard man ", ""], 0x2F: ["fat man", ""], 0x30: ["dojo guy", ""], 0x31: ["guard (cop?)", "guard cop"], 0x32: ["cop (guard)", "cop guard"], 0x33: ["mom", ""], 0x34: ["semi-bald man", "balding guy"], 0x35: ["young girl", ""], 0x36: ["gameboy kid", ""], 0x37: ["gameboy kid copy", ""], 0x38: ["clefairy-like", "clefairylike"], 0x39: ["Agatha", ""], 0x3A: ["Bruno", ""], 0x3B: ["Lorelei", ""], 0x3C: ["seel", ""], 0x3D: ["ball", ""], 0x3E: ["omanyte", ""], 0x3F: ["boulder", ""], 0x40: ["paper sheet", ""], 0x41: ["book/map/dex", ""], 0x42: ["clipboard", ""], 0x43: ["snorlax", ""], 0x44: ["old amber copy", ""], 0x45: ["old amber", ""], 0x46: ["lying old man unused 1", ""], 0x47: ["lying old man unused 2", ""], 0x48: ["lying old man", ""], } icons = {} unique_icons = set() todo_sprites = {} sprites = {} def load_icons(): for map_id in map_headers: if map_id in [0x0b, 0x45, 0x4b, 0x4e, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0xad, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xe7, 0xed, 0xee, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4]: continue #skip map = map_headers[map_id] for thing_id in map["object_data"]["things"]: thing = map["object_data"]["things"][thing_id] pic = thing["picture_number"] unique_icons.add(pic) if not icons.has_key(pic): icons[pic] = [] alerter = None if int(thing["y"])-4 > int(map["y"], 16)*2: alerter = True if int(thing["x"])-4 > int(map["x"], 16)*2: alerter = True icons[pic].append((map["name"] + " (id=" + str(map["id"]) + ")", thing["y"], thing["x"], alerter)) def print_appearances(): """print appearances of each icon see: """ output = "" for icon_id in icons: icon = icons[icon_id] possible_name = "" if icon_id in constants.keys(): possible_name = " (sawakita suggests: " + constants[icon_id][0] + ")" output += "sprite " + hex(icon_id) + possible_name + ":\n" for appearance in icon: if appearance[3] != None: outside_alert = " !! OUTSIDE BOUNDS" else: outside_alert = "" output += spacing + ".. in " + appearance[0] + " at (" + str(appearance[1]) + ", " + str(appearance[2]) + ")" + outside_alert + "\n" output += "\n" print output def insert_todo_sprites(): load_icons() counter = 1 for icon in unique_icons: if icon not in constants: todo_sprites[icon] = counter constants[icon] = None counter += 1 def sprite_name_cleaner(badname): output = "SPRITE_" + badname output = output.replace(" ", "_") output = output.replace("/", "_") output = output.replace(".", "") output = output.upper() while output[-1] == "_": output = output[:-1] return output def sprite_namer(): "makes up better constant names for each sprite" insert_todo_sprites() for sprite_id in constants: suggestions = constants[sprite_id] if suggestions == None: sprites[sprite_id] = "SPRITE_TODO_" + str(todo_sprites[sprite_id]) continue #next please original = suggestions[0] if suggestions[1] != "": original = suggestions[1] result = sprite_name_cleaner(original) sprites[sprite_id] = result def sprite_printer(): for key in sprites: line_length = len(sprites[key]) + len(" EQU $") + 2 if line_length < 40: extra = (40 - line_length) * " " else: extra = "" value = hex(key)[2:] if len(value) == 1: value = "0" + value print sprites[key] + extra + " EQU $" + value sprite_namer() if __name__ == "__main__": #load_icons() #print_appearances() sprite_printer()