H_SPRITEWIDTH EQU $FF8B ; in bytes H_SPRITEINTERLACECOUNTER EQU $FF8B H_SPRITEHEIGHT EQU $FF8C ; in bytes H_SPRITEOFFSET EQU $FF8D H_SOFTRESETCOUNTER EQU $FF8A ; initialized to 16, decremented each input iteration if the user presses the reset sequence (A+B+S+s). Soft reset when 0 is reached. ; counters for blinking down arrow H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1 EQU $FF8B H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2 EQU $FF8C ; Note: the following multiplication and division addresses are used for multiple purposes ; and so they overlap with each other H_MULTIPLICAND EQU $FF96 ; 3 bytes, big endian order H_MULTIPLIER EQU $FF99 ; 1 byte H_PRODUCT EQU $FF95 ; 4 bytes, big endian order H_DIVIDEND EQU $FF95 ; 4 bytes, big endian order H_DIVISOR EQU $FF99 ; 1 byte H_QUOTIENT EQU $FF95 ; 4 bytes, big endian order H_REMAINDER EQU $FF99 ; 1 byte ; used to convert numbers to decimal H_PASTLEADINGZEROES EQU $FF95 ; flag to indicate that a nonzero digit has been printed H_NUMTOPRINT EQU $FF96 ; 3 bytes, big endian order H_POWEROFTEN EQU $FF99 ; 3 bytes, big endian order H_SAVEDNUMTOPRINT EQU $FF9C ; 3 bytes, big endian order (to back out of a subtraction) H_OLDPRESSEDBUTTONS EQU $FFB1 H_NEWLYRELEASEDBUTTONS EQU $FFB2 H_NEWLYPRESSEDBUTTONS EQU $FFB3 H_CURRENTPRESSEDBUTTONS EQU $FFB4 H_LOADEDROMBANK EQU $FFB8 ; is automatic background transfer during V-blank enabled? ; if nonzero, yes ; if zero, no H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED EQU $FFBA TRANSFERTOP EQU 0 TRANSFERMIDDLE EQU 1 TRANSFERBOTTOM EQU 2 ; 00 = top third of background ; 01 = middle third of background ; 02 = bottom third of background H_AUTOBGTRANSFERPORTION EQU $FFBB ; the destination address of the automatic background transfer H_AUTOBGTRANSFERDEST EQU $FFBC ; 2 bytes ; temporary storage for stack pointer during memory transfers that use pop ; to increase speed H_SPTEMP EQU $FFBF ; 2 bytes ; source address for VBlankCopyBgMap function ; the first byte doubles as the byte that enabled the transfer. ; if it is 0, the transfer is disabled ; if it is not 0, the transfer is enabled ; this means that XX00 is not a valid source address H_VBCOPYBGSRC EQU $FFC1 ; 2 bytes ; destination address for VBlankCopyBgMap function H_VBCOPYBGDEST EQU $FFC3 ; 2 bytes ; number of rows for VBlankCopyBgMap to copy H_VBCOPYBGNUMROWS EQU $FFC5 ; size of VBlankCopy transfer in 16-byte units H_VBCOPYSIZE EQU $FFC6 ; source address for VBlankCopy function H_VBCOPYSRC EQU $FFC7 ; destination address for VBlankCopy function H_VBCOPYDEST EQU $FFC9 ; size of source data for VBlankCopyDouble in 8-byte units H_VBCOPYDOUBLESIZE EQU $FFCB ; source address for VBlankCopyDouble function H_VBCOPYDOUBLESRC EQU $FFCC ; destination address for VBlankCopyDouble function H_VBCOPYDOUBLEDEST EQU $FFCE ; controls whether a row or column of 2x2 tile blocks is redrawn in V-blank ; 00 = no redraw ; 01 = redraw column ; 02 = redraw row H_SCREENEDGEREDRAW EQU $FFD0 REDRAWCOL EQU 1 REDRAWROW EQU 2 H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR EQU $FFD1 H_RAND1 EQU $FFD3 H_RAND2 EQU $FFD4 H_FRAMECOUNTER EQU $FFD5 ; decremented every V-blank (used for delays) ; V-blank sets this to 0 each time it runs. ; So, by setting it to a nonzero value and waiting for it to become 0 again, ; you can detect that the V-blank handler has run since then. H_VBLANKOCCURRED EQU $FFD6 H_CURRENTSPRITEOFFSET EQU $FFDA ; multiple of $10 H_WHOSETURN EQU $FFF3 ; 0 on player’s turn, 1 on enemy’s turn H_JOYPADSTATE EQU $FFF8