SilphCoElevatorScript: ; 457c0 (11:57c0) ld hl, wd126 bit 5, [hl] res 5, [hl] push hl call nz, SilphCoElevatorScript_457dc pop hl bit 7, [hl] res 7, [hl] call nz, SilphCoElevatorScript_45827 xor a ld [wAutoTextBoxDrawingControl], a inc a ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a ret SilphCoElevatorScript_457dc: ; 457dc (11:57dc) ld hl, wWarpEntries ld a, [wd73b] ld b, a ld a, [wd73c] ld c, a call SilphCoElevatorScript_457ea SilphCoElevatorScript_457ea: ; 457ea (11:57ea) inc hl inc hl ld a, b ld [hli], a ld a, c ld [hli], a ret SilphCoElevatorScript_457f1: ; 457f1 (11:57f1) ld hl, SilphCoElavatorFloors call LoadItemList ld hl, SilphCoElevatorWarpMaps ld de, wcc5b ld bc, $16 call CopyData ret SilphCoElavatorFloors: ; 45804 (11:45804) db $0B ; num elements in list db $56, $57, $58, $59, $5A, $5B, $5C, $5D, $5E, $5F, $60 ; "1F", "2F", "3F", "4F", ... , "11F" db $FF ; terminator SilphCoElevatorWarpMaps: ; 45811 (11:45811) ; first byte is warp number ; second byte is map number ; These specify where the player goes after getting out of the elevator. db $03, SILPH_CO_1F db $02, SILPH_CO_2F db $02, SILPH_CO_3F db $02, SILPH_CO_4F db $02, SILPH_CO_5F db $02, SILPH_CO_6F db $02, SILPH_CO_7F db $02, SILPH_CO_8F db $02, SILPH_CO_9F db $02, SILPH_CO_10F db $01, SILPH_CO_11F SilphCoElevatorScript_45827: ; 45827 (11:5827) call Delay3 callba ShakeElevator ret SilphCoElevatorTextPointers: ; 45833 (11:5833) dw SilphCoElevatorText1 SilphCoElevatorText1: ; 45835 (11:5835) TX_ASM call SilphCoElevatorScript_457f1 ld hl, SilphCoElevatorWarpMaps predef Func_1c9c6 jp TextScriptEnd