_WardensHouseWardenGibberish1Text:: text "WARDEN: Hif fuff" line "hefifoo!" para "Ha lof ha feef ee" line "hafahi ho. Heff" cont "hee fwee!" done _WardensHouseWardenGibberish2Text:: text "Ah howhee ho hoo!" line "Eef ee hafahi ho!" done _WardensHouseWardenGibberish3Text:: text "Ha? He ohay heh" line "ha hoo ee haheh!" done _WardensHouseWardenGaveTheGoldTeethText:: text " gave the" line "GOLD TEETH to the" cont "WARDEN!@" text_end _WardensHouseWardenTeethPoppedInHisTeethText:: text_start para "The WARDEN popped" line "in his teeth!" prompt _WardensHouseWardenThanksText:: text "WARDEN: Thanks," line "kid! No one could" cont "understand a word" cont "that I said." para "I couldn't work" line "that way." cont "Let me give you" cont "something for" cont "your trouble." prompt _WardensHouseWardenReceivedHM04Text:: text " received" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer text "!@" text_end _WardensHouseWardenHM04ExplanationText:: text "WARDEN: HM04" line "teaches STRENGTH!" para "It lets #MON" line "move boulders" cont "when you're out-" cont "side of battle." para "Oh yes, did you" line "find SECRET HOUSE" cont "in SAFARI ZONE?" para "If you do, you" line "win an HM!" para "I hear it's the" line "rare SURF HM." done _WardensHouseWardenHM04NoRoomText:: text "Your pack is" line "stuffed full!" done _WardensHouseDisplayPhotosAndFossilsText:: text "#MON photos" line "and fossils." done _WardensHouseDisplayMerchandiseText:: text "Old #MON" line "merchandise." done